Class 4 Week 3: A. Write The Meaning of These Phrasal Verbs So Give One Example For Each

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A. Write the meaning of these phrasal verbs so give one example for each.

Give MEANING: something that is Go away MEANING: leave a place

away given free to a customer EXAMPLE: Go away
EXAMPLE: They're going to give away and leave me alone!
our seats at the premiere.
Give MEANING: return something Go back MEANING: fail to keep a promise,
back EXAMPLE: She gave me back on or to change a decision or agreement
the book that she had borrowed EXAMPLE:
last week. The government looks likely to go
on its decision to close the mines.
Give in MEANING: to decide to do what Go by MEANING: move past,
someone else wants in space or time
EXAMPLE: Our kids kept begging us to EXAMPLE: You
take them to the beach, and finally we can't let an opportunity like that go
gave in. by - it's too good to miss
Give off MEANING: to produce something as Go down MEANING: start to suffer from
a result of a natural process with an infectious disease
EXAMPLE: The forest fire gave EXAMPLE: Half of
off thick black smoke. Martha's class has gone down
with flu.
Give out MEANING: last no longer, or Go for MEANING: try to have
to work no longer or achieve something
EXAMPLE: Food supplies will give out EXAMPLE:
by the end of the week. The Russian relay team will again be
going for the gold medal at
the Olympic Games.
Give up MEANING: to stop trying to do Go in for MEANING: do something regularly,
something before you have finished, or to enjoy something
usually because it is too difficult EXAMPLE: I've never really gone in
EXAMPLE: She has for classical music, but I love jazz.
a struggle trying to persuade the board to 
accept her proposal, but
she's determined not to give up.
Go after MEANING: chase or follow someone Go off It has multiple meanings, I’m going
in order to catch them to use the meaning of leaving:
EXAMPLE: The police went after him MEANING: leave a place and
but he got away. go somewhere else
EXAMPLE: She's gone off
on holiday with Tony.
Go MEANING: Go on MEANING: To continue
ahead an occasion when permission is given for EXAMPLE: Please go on with what
someone to start doing something or for you're doing and
an event or activity to happen don't let us interrupt you
The government has given the go-ahead
for a multi-billion pound road-
building project.

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