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Perereenr * And He feels no fatigue in guarding and : | preserving them for He is the Most High, the pp Supreme (in glory). (Surah Bagara: 255) otnes Nex [sh5 EES AS @) 4 But Allah is the best to ‘aie care ie him), and & 8} He is the Most Merciful of those who show } mercy! (Surah Yusuf: 64) [ gon Ui gE JS Skis Gy } And for guard against all obstinate rebellious = 4 evil spirits. (Surah Saffat: 7) + # 2 22 (a ‘Wacaetaieeee hee a J of % and (unssfeiad it) with ounnd, Such is the Decree of (Him) the Exalted in Might, Full of % Knowledge. (Surah Fussitat: 12) 2 = alone ce 2. ¥ PDEs. QE And (moreover) We have guarded then from fF every cursed devil. (Surah Hijr: 17) ff = B x s ; B 3 o 2. 4 Ase Anes) yl "ley 2 i % o bsle-Yle J SS ol © 7 There is,no soul but — a protector over it. (Surah Tariq: 4)" oleae CSG 0 LB) sax DI Nay, this is a Glorious Qur’an, (inscribed) in a & Tablet Preserved! (Surah Burooj: 21-22) Ais AG - "late 237 7@ Let He-sets guardian over you.. (Surah Anaam: 61) ip go ase oe "ee eerie im SED ® x © For my Lord on core Bete wna over all things. HERES 505, os s¢3 = G5) Ps Au oe L325 7 ZaeI IS ea SLES G y) For each (such cnanite there are (Angels) in % succession, before and behind him: They guard 8 ¢ him by command of Allah... (Surah Ra‘d: 11) SSN 5S cI 5S A bh ® © a sylaaod We have, without doubt, sent down the 1 Message; and We will assuredly guard it (from f f corruption). (Surah Hijr:9) SZ 9te ed 2IR EE Be oGisad 2S EG @¥ & And it was We Who guarded them. : » (Surah Ambiya: 82) & olbas2’ 6° jae NSE ys . And your Lord does watch over all nas (Surah Saba: 21) Fe (ecits ae. ee - zr @ s oben : Allah does watch over them; and you are not f the disposer of their affairs! (Surah Shoora: 6) & 9s - “sv obs 3 {eos 4 With Usisa woods gneding (the fullaccount). (Sarah Qaaf: 4) ‘ Ghee @ But verily over you (are appointed angels) to } j protect you. (Surah Infitar: 10) 8 B88 BB) BB BD BO BD HP Remedy from Qur’an for redemption from : M grief (Recite once) ; CEs C2 EWN (Surah Anbiya: 87) ° eb AAA AASA ALANA: f| You: I was indeed wrong! 7} Virtues: Oe iy. It is narrated by Sa’d bin Abi Waqqas(R.A.) § Gg that de Prophet (peace be upon him) had just ¥ @ mentiongd about the best of the Du'as 3 ») (Invocations), coincidentally, one Bedouin & 7 came and engaged him into discussion and & | took lot of time. (After some time) the Prophet 9 1] | also followed him. When the Prophet reached [fy +) near the house, I feared that he may enter into 2 the house and | may remain as it, so | started & walking with heavy foot. On noticing the # sound of my foots, the Prophet asked, ‘Who is } % there, Abu Ishaq?’ I said, ‘Yes’. He asked, & 3} ‘What is the matter?’ I said that you had @ j mentioned about the best of the invocations but | 4 then that Bedouin engaged you. The Prophet 3 g said, ‘Oh yes, it was the invocation that Zun- & =} noon (Yunus (A.S) said when he was inside the 3 ) stomach ofthe fish, i.e., } | OSs Cie yer ci 2 SHG WF f Ry Listen, any Muslim who*invokes Allah for | , cploieg by this du’a, Allah will grant his | wish.’ P ¢ 2. It is narrated in the book of Ibn Abi Hatim 2 | that whoever make du’a (Invocation) through fy the du ‘a of Yunus (peace be upon him), his du ‘a ) will surely be granted. k “| 3. Abu Saeed (R.A.) says that after this verse, {4 “— there is a statement of Allah that We help & ~¢ Believers in this way. > | 4. Itis narrated by Ibn Jareer that the Prophet { 2] (peace be upon him) said that the Name of fs Allah through which if He is invoked, He 4) accepts the invocation and grants what is asked 6 ) for. That name is in the du ‘a of Yunus (peace be / * uponhim). . a 5. Sa’d bin Abi Waqqas (R.A.) narrated that I % asked the Prophet (peace be upon him) that ®| whether the invocation of the Yunus (peace be f | upon him) was only for him or it is general for f= all Muslims who recite it. The Prophet (peace {x =) be upon him) said, ‘Did you not read in the @ | Qur’an that We gave him respite from grief and & We give‘respite to the Believers in a similar ® p] way. > ‘Thus, ihiiity ac Allah through fe 31 those words, Allah has promised to grant his P < prayer. -) ae “What is the Isme Azam (the Great P me Name) of Allah through which if He is ; # said, ‘Brother, did you not read the statement of & yi Allah’ and he recited the same two verses and % % said, ‘My cousin, this is the same [sme Azam § y (the Great Name) of Allah threugh which if He & 4 is invoked, He accepts the prayer. And if He is ne asked for something, He grants it. (Tafsir Ibn Kathir 3/395-396) 7. It is narrated in a Hadith that whoever recites & the above mentioned Ayat 40 times during illness 3 # and if he is died in the state of illness, he will be & f rewarded with the status of forty martyrs and if &} he cures of his illness, his all sins will be forgiven. (Hisne Hascen, p. 241)

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