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Universal Design for Campus Planning:

Access Audit of University of Pune

Prof. Parag Govardhan Narkhede
BKPS College of Architecture, Pune, India

International Journal of Research in Civil Engineering, Architecture & Design

Volume 4, Issue 1, January-March, 2016, pp. 70-73
ISSN Online: 2347-2855, Print: 2347-8284, DOA: 05022016
© IASTER 2016, www.iaster.com

Campuses and the institutions play a major role in personality development. They are responsible for
creating the work force of the nation. Hence these institutions need to be universally accessible to all.
Different type of education has different sets of requirement. Thus architecture of these institutions is
very important. Unfortunately, in reality some barriers still exist- especially physical barriers which
deny access to people with differences such as persons with disabilities, the elderly, children,
pregnant ladies and persons with temporary or permanent difficulties. Barriers hamper the
participation of people in various spheres of life. This ranges from education, economic, social, and
cultural and many other activities. This loss of opportunity is not only a loss for the person concerned
but also society’s loss which misses out on their contribution. Universities are major educational
institutions imparting knowledge. They are important part of our society which witness participation
of many students. Thus, such campus should be inclusive of all and not denying anyone the right of
free movement with dignity and as much independence. University of Pune is one of the major
educational institution providing wide arrays of academic courses. Due to collaboration of
University of Pune is all set to get global. Access audit is a tool to verify accessibility to the built
environment. Paper is an attempt to provide an audit and suggestions thereof for the campus of
University of Pune which may also act as a guideline for other similar cases.

Keywords: Accessibility, Barrier-free, Campus, Education, University.


Education is a basic right and a necessity for everyone and so are the educational institutions. These
institutions play a major role in personality development. They are responsible for creating the work
force of the nation. Hence these institutions should have congenial and motivating environment.

Different type of education has different sets of requirement. Thus architecture of these institutions is
very important. Unfortunately, in reality some barriers still exist- especially physical barriers which
deny access to people with differences such as persons with disabilities, the elderly, children, pregnant
ladies and persons with temporary or permanent difficulties.

Universities are major educational institutions imparting knowledge. They are important part of our
society which witness participation of many students. Thus, such campus should be inclusive of all
and not denying anyone the right of free movement with dignity and as much independence.
University of Pune is one of the major educational institution providing wide arrays of academic
courses. Due to collaboration of University of Pune is all set to get global. Hence it is of utmost
importance to know whether University of Pune campus is inclusive of all and easily accessible and
hence the accessibility audit of University of Pune campus.

International Journal of Research in Civil Engineering, Architecture & Design (O) 2347-2855
Volume-4, Issue-1, January-March, 2016, www.iaster.com (P) 2347-8284


Education is an act or process of imparting or acquiring general knowledge, developing the powers of
reasoning and judgment, and generally of preparing oneself and others intellectually for mature life. It
could be a certain degree, level or kind of schooling. It is training imply a discipline and development
by means of the special and general abilities of the mind or a training by which people learn to
develop and use their mental, moral, and physical power or skill.


Necessity of an access audit:

 To identify necessary adjustments in the service provided to disabled customers to meet the
requirements of current provisions of the Disability Discrimination Act, Building Regulations.
 As the first "reasonable step" to disabled access indicated in legislation, in recognizing the
possible obstacles, and devising solutions, to avoid possible litigation by discriminating by way
or a worse service to a disabled customer.
 To consider existing management and organization of a building and the service from it, to
achieve maximum accessibility.
 As part of a future Disabled Access Action Plan, enabling incorporation of reasonable
adjustments on future refurbishment, regular maintenance and budget planning for substantial
capital costs.
The access audit and its contents:
 The Access Audit Report records the building, and establishes how well that building performs
in terms of access and ease of use by a wide range of potential users.
 It identifies good and bad practice, design and layout in regard to disabled access, identifying
obstacles to people with mobility and sensory impairments.
 In addition, the audit report then seeks to find solutions to access problems, with
recommendations and relative costing.
 Recommended work is prioritized into absolutely essential work so as to remove major
obstacles or comply with legislation.


University of Pune is a feather in the cap of

Pune's education system, placing Pune as a
premier education destination for students
from all over the world. Established in 1948,
the university has since become one of the
leading centers for research and teaching in
the country. It is spread over a 400 acre
campus and is located in the northwestern
part of Pune.
Fig. 4.1 Main Building of SPPU

International Journal of Research in Civil Engineering, Architecture & Design (O) 2347-2855
Volume-4, Issue-1, January-March, 2016, www.iaster.com (P) 2347-8284

Reasons for selecting University of Pune (SPPU)

 It is one of the oldest (estd. 1948) and largest (411acres) institution.

 University of Pune is going global due to collaboration with foreign Universities.
 University of Pune has developed a Master Plan (Vision 2020) to improvise onthe existing
infrastructure, academic policies, etc. for betterment of all.

The Access Audit will be a good source of

information and guide in understanding the
needs of all the users and setting standards.

The following Buildings are selected for the

accessibility audit.

 Jayakar Library
 Chemistry Department building
 Old canteen.
 Refectory

The above buildings were selected so as to

cater to all type of users of the University of
Pune viz., Students, Teaching staff, Non-
teaching Staff and visitors

Fig. 4.2 Map of SPPU Showing Selected


4.1 Access Audit Checklist

The Access Audit checklist is based on the following parameters:
 Approach and car parking
 Routes and external level change including ramps and steps.
 Entrances including reception.
 Horizontal movement and assembly
 Vertical movement and internal level change.
 Doors
 Lavatories
 Fixtures and fittings.
 Information
 Means of escape
The Access Audit Checklist was prepared on basis of the following references:
 Design Manual for barrier free environment.
 National policy for physically disabled, PWD Act 1995.
 National Building Code
 Case Study of Accessibility audit.
 Guidelines for space standards- CPWD.

International Journal of Research in Civil Engineering, Architecture & Design (O) 2347-2855
Volume-4, Issue-1, January-March, 2016, www.iaster.com (P) 2347-8284


All the buildings have been rated for their disabled-friendliness out of 10 and the parameters out of 1
based on the audit done.

Fig 5.1Comparison of Buildings for Disabled Friendliness

The Rating shows that the 4 shortlisted buildings viz.

1. Jayakar Library 2. Chemistry Department 3. Refectory 4. Old Canteen are not physically
accessible by people with physical difficulties easily. Universal design norms are to be implemented.


 People generally do not prefer to move around in University campus individually due to
insufficient lighting, improper signage, and low visual connectivity. Due to these reasons
psychological blocks about accessing a particular space is created rendering the space inaccessible
and its usage to its fullest extent.
 Barriers make an environment unsafe and cause a high level difficulty to the user. But more
importantly, barriers cause spaces to be out of reach, denying people the opportunity of
participation in various spheres of life.
 The buildings are not provided with hearing assistance.
 The lighting installation does not take into account the needs of people with physical difficulties.
 The information is not available in ‘Braille’ for assistance of blind people.
 The tactile plan or diagram of the building is not available.
 All the buildings are not provided with appropriate ramps for wheelchairs at the entrance
 Railings are missing in some of the staircases.

Universal design norms are necessarily required to be implemented at early date for making campus
barrier free for all concerned.

Paper is based on BCUD Grants Project of University of Pune (SPPU)
[1] Ar. PandyaYatin, A+D July ’05. Vol. XXII No.7
[2] Ar. Doshi B.V., et al. Design Manual for Barrier Free Environment UNNATI. Dec. 2004
[3] National Building Code of India(1983)
[4] The Guidelines and Space Standards for a Barrier- Free Built Environment for Disabled and
Elderly Persons (CPWD).
[5] National Policy for the Person with Disabilities (PWD Act 1995)
[6] Jon Lang, Charles brunette, et al. Designing for Human Behavior.


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