Institut Fiir Mechanik, Technische Universiti T Berlin, Berlin (West), Germany

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Nuclear Engineering and Design 74 (1982) 173-t82 173

North-Holland Publishing Company



A. B E R T R A M
2. Institut fiir Mechanik, Technische Universiti~t Berlin, Berlin (West), Germany

Received 10 January 1983

A class of alloys show 'shape memory effects' which make them applicable for many tasks. For them it is possible to remove
imposed deformations nearly entirely by heating. By coofing the material again under constant loads one nearly obtains the old
deformations again. It will be shown that this effect as well as others can be described in three dimensions by means of an
extended classical theory of plasticity. Two temperature-dependent yield criteria are used which respond under different
conditions. For the one-dimensional case the constitutive equations can be simulated by a rheological model. An algorithm
makes the material functions applicable for engineering purposes. Numerical results are given for spacial bending of bars.

I. Introduction ture (see fig. l). At the beginning the material behaves
like an elastic-plastic one: an elastic leg of the
Certain metal alloys show thermo-mechanical effects stress-tension curve A is followed by one of plastic
which are in contradiction to what we would custom- yield after reaching a more or less distinct flow limit OF.
arily expect for metals [l]. A typical and since long After complete unloading (C) the plastic deformation
w e l l k n o w n representative of this class is the ( pl remains.
nickel-titan-alloy 55/45 'Nitinol' (see [2], [3], e.g.). In By drawing the specimen again, a small hysteresis in
order to demonstrate such effects, let us, at first, regard the stress-tension diagram is obtained, which, for most
the uniaxial tensile test isothermally, at a low tempera- cases, can be neglected for practical reasons, such that

G (i'

.... 8 I

IA /
% r,,,-'~ E / I
/ /

-Egr i h
- egr /
-Egr 1I
E ~gr ( / ~gr (
// /I

/ I


Fig. 1, 2 and 3. Typical stress-strain diagrams for three characteristic temperatures.

0029-5493/82/0000-0000/$02.75 © 1982 N o r t h - H o l l a n d
174 A. Bertram / Shape memory effects in alloys

we can assume the existence of an elastic region, as E ¸

being customary within the classical theory of plasticity. s --

After further deformation the trajectory reaches a sec-

ond elastic leg D after fulfilling a certain limit condi-
tion, indicated by the maximal plastic deformation ~gr.
There are still large load increments possible without
remarkable additional plastic yield. According to ex-
perimental results, the behavior in the presssure test can
be assumed as being symmetric to the tensile one in t I

good approximation. If we repeat the tensile test at

elevated temperatures, we observe the following effects
e2 e1
(see fig. 2): Fig. 4. Strain-temperature diagram under constant loads.
Effect 1. The elastic stiffness increases with the temper-
ature 0.
Effect 2. The yield limit aF, increases with the tempera-
ture. The main problem was the deficiency of (three-di-
Effect 3. The maximal plastic deformation ~zr varies mensional) experimental results. This is the reason why
according to temperature changes. In most we have to extrapolate rigorously in the most simple
cases it decreases under heating. way outside the investigated domain. As, in particular,
Effect 4. The yield limit in the pressure part (denoted there are very few thermodynamical results, we could
by --OF2 ) increases, vanishes, and can be not develop a complete set of thermodynamical con-
elevated far into the positive quadrant. As a stitutive relations. The temperature will only be a
limit it can coincide with the other yield limit parameter in our equations.
oF,, and we formaly obtain a (non-linear) elas-
tic behavior in the entire (isothermal test do-
main (fig. 3). 2. Notations
Effect 4 causes, as shown in fig. 2, a division into two
distinct elastic regions, connected by the elastic path A. In general, we use a symbolic tensor-notation for the
According to the tensile-compression symmetry, we physical quantities. If a component representation is
have to take into account two temperature dependent added, this is done with reference to a cartesian vector
flow limits OF,(0 ) and O'F2(0). The so-called shape mem- base. We denote O as the temperature, p as the density,
ory effect can be performed by the following procedure: E as the (linear) Green deformation tensor, D : = E as
At first, we let the specimen undergo a large deforma- the strain rate tensor, and T as the stress tensor. ¢ and a
tion c 0 = %, + eel caused by the stress o0 > ov~ in part D are the strain and stress, respectively, of the one-dimen-
of fig. 1. If we now keep the stress o0 constant and raise sional theory. The composition of two tensors A and B
the temperature, we observe at a certain temperature 01 is denoted by A • B (or a~jbjk ). The scalar product is
that the deformation vanishes up to a small rest (fig. 4). defined as the being trace A - • B : = tr(A • B) (or aubj, ).
By cooling the specimen again, nearly the same form Let A be a symmetric tensor unequal to the zero tensor,
and size will occur at another characteristic temperature we call
0 2 being lower than 01 . This shape memory effect can be
performed arbitrarily often, a property which makes the
IIAII:= ~ / t ~ " A)
material applicable for many technical tasks. We are not
dealing with models on the microscale, as done by
its norm and A-:= A/IIAII its direction.
Miitler [4], but instead, our aim is to describe and
Every tensor A can be decomposed uniquely as
calculate all these effects by constitutive equations in
three dimensions in a manner appropriate for engineer- A =A' + ~tr(A)l
ing purposes. Therefore, we tried to obtain the most
simple theory, valid to describe the above effects in into its (traceless) deviatoric part A ' and a real multiple
order to reduce the calculational effort. For this reason of the identity tensor 1. The identity tensor of degree
we restrict our considerations to small deformations, four is I, the dyadic product of two tensors A and B is
and we will always linearize the functions whenever this A®B.
is possible.
A. Bertram / Shape memory effects in alloys 175

3. Constitutive equations determined by a flow rule, whereas the magnitude tlDpdl

of the plastic flow can be calculated by the consistency
At first, we assume that the initial state is undis- equation in connection with the stress function (4), as
torted and stress free (' virginal'). We choose the defor- will be shown in section 4.
mation process E(t) with its right-hand time derivative As an example we impose a normality rule
D(t) and the temperature process 0(t) with its deriva-
tive 0(t) as being the independent variables. We decom- o,,, =0fl(r, o)/0r (8)
pose the strain rates
D = DeI + Dpl, (1)
DpI=~KOfI(T,O)//OT, XER. (9)
such that these parts can be (locally) integrated up to
the elastic deformations The further behavior will depend on whether or not
strain hardening will occur. We will suggest different
Ee, = f0toe, ( ~')d ~" (2) types of hardening in section 7. In most cases it is
reasonable to neglect hardening effects. If we unload
and the plastic deformations the material, indicated by

"f,(r(t), O(t)) < o, (10)

G, = f0to~ ( ~)d ~. (3)
we will again be in the elastic region C and the plastic
By means of the elastic deformation we can determine deformation will remain constant.
the actual stress-tensor T(t). This is done by means of a On the other hand, if we remain on the yield surface,
differentiable stress function the material will be like an elastic-plastic one until the
exterior elastic part D (figs. 1, 2, 3) is reached. This is
T= F(Eo,, 0) (4) the case if a temperature dependent plastic limit defor-
such that the stiffness tensor 3F/3EeI is everywhere mation cSr is reached. Therefore, we assume a continu-
positive definite. The customary interpretation for the ous function
plastic deformations Epl, as being those that remain g(Epl,O ) =0 (11)
after isothermal unloading, can be given only for low
temperatures. The initial values for both of the deforma- as a limit criterion, such that the material behavior will
tion parts are zero according to the above assumption. again be described solely by the stress function (4) if eq.
As long as the deformations E(t) are small enough (11) is fufilled, and Dpl is zero.
and the state of the material is in the elastic part A (figs. In contrast to traditional theories of plasticity, for
1 , 2, 3), we have memory alloys there exists another yield limit
Op, = 0 , ~ O = O~,. (5) f2(T,O)=O, (12)

This is no longer valid after reaching the elastic limit, again differentiable in parts, whose interior is indicated
modeled by a yield criterion in form of a real valued and by negative values for low temperature and by positive
partwise differentiable function ones for high temperatures, such that in the elastic
region C (figs. 1, 2)
f , ( T , 0) (6)
fl.2(T, 0) < 0 (13)
of stress and temperature. Its kernel is assumed to form
a hyperplane in the stress space. Its values shall be is always valid. The second yield limit is assumed to be
negative in the (elastic) interior, vanish at the yield in the interior of the first. It shall respond only if the
limit, and become positive for larger stress intensities. following response criterion is fulfilled:
Those are admissible for this class of materials within
Ev,..Dr, ' < 0. (14)
part D.
If the yield limit This is due to the fact that the plastic yield at the
f,(r,a)--0 (7) second yield limit generally reduces the plastic deforma-
tion. That is why we call this flow plastic reductional
is reached, the material will yield under further defor- yielding.
mation increments. The direction of yielding shall be We again need a flow rule for the second limit
176 A. Bertram / Shape memory effects in alloys

yielding, e.g., the normality rule (of, oe of, ~,

+ ~ OT. . O ~ + - ~ }o. (21)
XOf2(T'O) X~n. (15)
Dp, 0T '
By assumption, OF/OEel is positive definite, and thus
This yielding reduces the plastic deformations and can the term
be sustained until these are completely eliminated. In of, or of,
analogy to eq. (11), we obtain the final condition 0-T" 0Ee, 0T (22)
Epl = O, (16)
is positive, and we can calculate X explicitly by the
In this state the response criterion is automatically equation
contradicted and the material again enters the elastic leg
A (figs. 1, 2, 3).
of, or (of, oF of, 1
O~" "OEe~I • " D + ~ OT" " ~ + O0 ] ~
x= of, or of, (23)
4. Consistency condition and plastic reductional yielding 0T 0E'~t 0T

Necessary conditions for the response of the yield In connection with the loading condition (19), X is
criteria are--besides the response criterion--the valid- generally positive, if the deformation a n d / o r the tem-
ity of the elastic limit condition perature varies. For i = 2 this leads, in connection with
the response criterion, to
f , ( T , 0) = 0, (17)
0 > Epl. "Dpl = E p l . . X O f 2 / O T , (24)
as well as its overstepping, if the deformation increment
were a pure elastic one: i.e. the response criterion is equivalent to the condition

D=-D~,. (18) gpj- . ~

0f2 < 0, (25)
This leads to the loading condition
which can be proved more easily in practical calcula-
of, ~ of, tions•
= .. +~0
LIo°,.o ~ o°,=o The role of the response criterion becomes more
evident in the one-dimensional case if we plot a over %~
Of, (OF OF.) instead of c, as done in figs. 5 and 6 for two characteris-
=o-~'" -ff~ . . oo, + ~ O o.,.o
tics temperatures. The one-dimensional version of the
Of,, response criterion
+~0>0. (19)
%1 0-o- < 0 (26)
If both conditions (17) and (19) are fulfilled, plastic
yield can occur, and the stresses remain at the flow assures, that the yield can occur at 1, 2, 5, and 6, but not
limit. This is assured by the consistency condition at 3, 4, 7, 8. For f, we do not need such a condition, as
we postulated that the second limit ./'2 = 0 lies in the
^ Of, Of,. interior of the first. Therefore, 9 and 10 cannot be
reached, as the second limit previously prevents an
of, or of, or. increase of the stress intensities at 1, 2, 5, or 6.
=O~' OE e I " " D ~' + -O-T" " O-O0
Of,, 5. Suggestions for the constitutive functions
+ -~o, (20)
which, in connection with eqs. (I) and (9) or eq. (15), The following material functions constitute the
emerges to materials under consideration and these have to be
made more concrete:
of, or { , of, (1) the stress function (4),
°=or oC, ~O-^~-r} (2) the two yield limits (6) and (12),
A. Bertram / Shape memory effects in alloys 177

6 fl>O
r2.o - - r7 = °
...... ®_ --h:o ® ® --re =o

® ® ---r2=o
- ¢9r
~2 ~ 0
® O3 ---~:o
@ f1=o ® ®
........... f2=O
f/,2>0 ~o
---® ...... ~7_-o

Fig. 5 and 6. The sign of the yield functions in a simple stress-plastic strain dependence. Left: low temperature. Right: high

(3) the plastic limit criterion (11). OF~ is the simplest case a linear function of the tempera-
With the remarks from section l in mind we will suggest ture
the most simple forms for them:
Ov,(O)=ylO+81, yl,Sl>0, (32)
5.1. We use the linear isotropic Hookean law The second yield criterion is chosen to be

A(T,O)= --sgn[oF2(O)][Iov(T)l--loF2(O)l], (33)

T - 2 G [ E e ' + l---L--~vtr(Eel)l-1--~ I (27)
(G = shear modulus, a = coefficient of thermal expan-
sion, v = Poissons ratio). This yields ov(T) = ~-IIT'II (34)

OF/OEe,= 2 G [ / + 1 - ~ V 2 v l ® 1], (28)

is, and OF2(0 ) increases with the temperature and oF2 is
I+v negative for low temperatures and positive for high
OF/a0 = - 2G l _ ~ p a l . (29) ones.
In general
5.2. We suggest for the first flow limit
OF2 < OF,, (35)

f,(T, 0) = av(r) - OF,(0), (30) must be valid. As a simple example we take

i.e., the difference between a stress intensity ov and a OF:(0 ) = 720 -- 82 with Y2,82 > 0. (36)
temperature-dependent flow stress OF.
As long as there are no contradictive experimental re- The reader shall not be worried by the fact that f2 is not
sults we choose for o~ according to Huber and v. Mises differentiable at or2 = 0, as the derivation exists every-
where else and we could take the upper limit at this
o~ = ~/~IIT'II . (31) point. We obtain the following relations:
178 A. Bertram / Shape memory effects in alloys

element without strain hardening and thermal expan-

O~=V2 liT]l; sion ( a = 0) a n d assume, for simplicity, that %r does
not depend on the temperature. We impose a large
a~g = -~'1; d e f o r m a t i o n c o at a low temperature for the one dimen-
sional case see fig. 7 - - s u c h that ~gr and the exterior
elastic b r a n c h has already been reached. T h e n we hold
Of2 sgn[oF2(O)
aT lIT'If the reached stress a 0 constant for the rest of the test. If
we heat the element up, b o t h elastic limits increase. If
of2 the first limit reaches %, no yield will occur, as g = 0.
a-O- = +'r2" But if the second limit has reached a 0, the response
criterion (25) is fulfilled, and, according to eq. (19) and
0,,= 0, the plastic reductional yielding will occur (see
5.3. We suggest for g
fig. 8), in our case discontinuous as a d e f o r m a t i o n j u m p
to ~pl = 0. By further heating the state remains at ~p~ = 0.
g(Ep,, O) = ~f~lJEp,lf- ,g,.(6) (38) If we cool the specimen afterwards it will pass the
second elastic limit unaffected, as the response criterion
with is not fulfilled if ( p l = 0. However, if the first elastic
limit is at %, %1 j u m p s back from zero to ~gr and
, g r ( 0 ) = ~30 + t~3, (39) remains there. If we plot the total strain ~ over the
t e m p e r a t u r e O we o b t a i n fig. 9.
such that the n o r m of the plastic d e f o r m a t i o n is re-
Notice that the strain can be discontinuous in
stricted in a t e m p e r a t u r e d e p e n d e n t way.
f o r c e / t e m p e r a t u r e controlled tests, whereas the stress is
By the above function we constitute an isotropic (in
always continuous in s t r a i n / t e m p e r a t u r e controlled
the sense of [6]) a n d r a t e - i n d e p e n d e n t material (in the
tests. We are familiar to this fact from traditional plas-
sense of [5]).
ticity. Of course, the two d e f o r m a t i o n discontinuities in
fig. 9 can be avoided if we assume strain hardening. In
fig. 10 we plotted the diagram for a linear, and in fig. 11
6. The shape memory effect for a non-linear h a r d e n i n g law. If, moreover, we assume
a n appropriate temperature dependence of ~gr a n d / o r a
In order to show that our material model can per- thermal expansion (or > O) we can describe the behavior
form the shape m e m o r y effect, we consider a material of fig. 4.


. . . . . . . . . . . . . .


l I

/~ gr % -- 91=0o
/ II //
/ /
i/ / /
11 / /
/- ..... r /
/ I
/ I / L

i E ~gr C

Fig. 7 and 8. The shape memory effect. The stress-strain diagram at a low (left) and at an elevated temperature (fight).
A. Bertram / Shape memory effects in alloys 179

E ~



00 82 e1 0


Fig. 9-11. The shape memory effect for different types of strain hardening. Fig. 9 (top): no hardening. Fig. 10 (middle): linear
hardening. Fig. 11 (bottom): non-linear hardening.

7. Strain-hardening models 7.1. Kinematic hardening

Usually the experimental plots in the region B (figs. It is described by a function that maps every plastic
l, 2, 3) show many peaks and unregularities, so that we deformation process into a symmetric tensor V in a
have to smooth them rigorously for calculational purpo- rate-independent way, such that the elastic limits are
ses. Although the non-hardening theory as described
above has emerged as being practical and satisfactory in L(r- v, 0) = 0. (40)
most cases, it is possible to add hardening mechanisms.
The following concepts are available. In the Huber-v. Mises-version V is deviatoric, and the
180 A. Bertram / Shape memory effects in alloys

stress intensity is given by located springs are weak and prestrained, one under
r~- pressure and the other under tension. Their stiffnesses
Ov = f~ JIr'- vii. (41) are temperature dependent too. If their forces are as-
sumed to be independent of their length differences, we
V can, e.g., depend on the plastic deformation llEpl[I or have no strain hardening.
on the dissipative work We evaluate for the first elastic limit

Wpl = t ' T . • Dpld~-. (42) oF, = K(O) + # ( 0 ) (44)

and for the second
7.2. lsotropic hardening ov2=K(O)--~(e)

The elastic limits depend, apart from the tempera- (see fig. 13). K and/~ increase and decrease, respectively,
ture, on a scalar hardening-parameter A, which is a with the temperature. The two temperature extremes
rate-independent function of IlEplfl or Wpl, e.g. We set are:

OF, (0, A). (43) (1) very low temperature: K = 0 =, OF, = --OF2,
(2) very high temperature: ~ = 0 ~ OF, = OF.
7.3. Combined hardening
In the absence of strain hardening, energy is stored in
It can be useful to use both concepts simultaneously. the central spring with the amount of ½Cc~l and in one
However, for this generalization we have to pay a re- of the prestrained springs with Kept, whereas the dis-
markable extend of the calculational effort. sipation occurs in one of the de St.-Venant elements.

8. A rheological model 9. An algorithm

As the material was entirely idealised by elastic and Let E(t) and 8 ( 0 be piecewise continuously dif-
plastic parts, we can model it by elastic springs (Hookean ferentiable deformation and temperature processes, re-
elements) and dry friction elements (de St.-Venant ele- spectively. Then we can calculate the responding stress
ments), as done in fig. 12. The two de St.-Venant process, if all constitutive functions are identified. For
elements at the ends of the model have the same tem- this calculation we can apply the given algorithm, which
perature dependent friction coefficients ~(0), i.e., they turns out to work with rather small numerical effort. In
are in equilibrium for forces less than/~, and they can it the time t advances, until the response to one request
move on a length of ~gr between two limit stops if the changes.
force equals ~t. They represent the plastic strain Cp~, in a A discretization in time and an incremental procedure
way, that one of the elements is generally at a limit stop. seem to be appropriate. We use quotients of differences
The spring in the middle with a temperature dependent instead of differential quotients and work out the in-
stiffness C(O) is activated on the central and exterior tegrations as pure sums. This algorithm was applied for
elastic legs of figs. 1 and 2. The other two symmetrically the numerical results in the next section.

1' Egr i'


:: IU....T.t I >. iU i
Fig. 12. Rheolo~cal model.
A. Bertram / Shape memory effects in alloys 181

initial values
r E=O
E~, = 0
Epl = 0

- gf £
Epl =/Dpldt

Eel = E - Epl
T ~ r(Ee~, O)

l f~ = 0 "
Dpl = ~Ofl/aT I
and)'llo. ~ ' > 0 X by (23)
and g = 0

Fig. 13. Characteristic values in the stress-strain diagram.

10. Applications

By means of these constitutive equations, we simu-

/ A~O \
lated three dimensional tests on the computer, as well as DpI~XOA/OT |
one dimensional applications, especially, the spacial and]2[o, oo, > 0 ?xby (23)
bending of bars. Fig. 13 shows the one dimensional and Epl..Of2/OT <
form of the stress tension behavior, by which we imple-
mented a finite element program and calculated the
bending moments isothermally in dependence of the
curvature for three characteristic temperatures, as

i i i i i


i w I

Fig. 14. Bending of a bar at three temperatures.
182 A. Bertram / Shape memory effects in alloys

i i i i i ,



16 2b 3b e
Fig. 15. The shape memory effect for bending.

plotted in fig. 14. Fig. 15 shows the shape memory [3] D. Goldstein, A Source Manual for Information on Nitinol
effect of bar bending as a solution of incremental itera- and NiTi, Naval Surface Weapons Center. Dahlgren. Silver
tions. We do not present three dimensioinal results, as Spring ( 1978).
there are no comparable experimental results. [4] I. M@iler, A model for a body with shape-memory. Arch.
Rat. Mec. Anal. 70 (1979) 61-77.
[5] W. Noll, On the continuity of the solid and fluid states, J.
References Rat. Mech. Anal. 4 (1955) 35.
[6] A. Bertram, Material systems--a framework for the de-
[1] J. Perkins (Ed.), Shape Memory Effects in Alloys (Plenum scription of material behavior, Arch. Rat. Mec. Anal. 80
Press, New York, London, 1975). (1982)" 99-133.
[2] J.M. Johnson, Thermomechanical Characteristics of Nitinol, [7] R. Hill, The Mathematical Theory of Plasticity (Oxford
National Technical Inf. Serv. US Dept. Commerce, Spring- University Press, Oxford, 1950).
field VA (1975).

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