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Annexure ‘CD – 01’

Course Title: Interpretation of Statutes S W CREDIT
Course Code: LAW 411 UNITS
Credit Units: 3
3 0 0 0 3
Level: UG

Course Objectives:
 The goals of this course are to provide students with an introduction to the techniques to construe Statutes.
 To understand and appreciate the law and perform critical appraisal of the same.

Pre-requisites: Basic knowledge of concept of law, codified statutes and principles of Constitution.

Course Contents/Syllabus:
Weightage (%)
Module I : Introduction to Interpretation of Statutes 20

Meaning, Purpose and Scope of Interpretation of Statutes

Nature of Statutes and their Classification
Difference between Interpretation and Construction
Commencement, repeal and revival of a statute
 Law Making: Legislature, Executive and the Judiciary
Module II: Principles of Interpretation 20
 Primary Rules

-Literal or Grammatical Rule

-Golden Rule
-Mischief Rule (Rule in the Heydon’s case)
-Purposive Rule

 Secondary Rules or Subsidiary Rules of Interpretation

-Noscitur a Sociis
-Ejusdem Generis
-Reddando Singula Singulis
-Other important rules of interpretation

 Analysis of General Clauses Act.

Module III: Internal Aids to Interpretation 20

Short Title
 Long Title
 Preamble
 Marginal Notes
 Headings
 Definition or Interpretation clauses
 Provisos
 Illustrations
 Exceptions and Saving Clauses
 Explanations
 Schedules and Punctuation
Module IV : External Aids to Interpretation 20
 Dictionaries
 Foreign Decisions
 Textbooks
 Historical Background
 Legislative History
 Administrative Conveyancing and Commercial Practice
 Prospective and Retrospective operation of statutes
Module V: Rules of Interpretation for Specific Statutory Domains and Emerging Trends in Interpretation 20
 Construction of Penal Statutes
 Mens rea in statutory offences
 Principles to be applied in interpreting the Constitution
 Construction of taxing statutes
 Construction of Beneficial Legislation
 Use of interpretation principles in landmark cases such as Ayodhya judgment or abolition of S.377 and other
recent developments

Course Learning Outcomes:

The outcomes for the course are that at the end the students will be able to:

 Locate, identify and be able to critically analyze relevant statutes, statutory provisions and legislative instruments, as well as pertinent judicial authority.
 Demonstrate an understanding of tools for analyzing a statute.
 Analyze and apply the key approaches, rules, principles, definitions to construe a Statute.
 Reflect on their abilities to apply statutory provisions to fact scenarios and communicate the interpretation, nature and effect of statutory provisions to
relevant stakeholders, such as their clients and courts.
 Undertake legal research and create self-directed research project in the course of Interpretation of Statutes.

Pedagogy for Course Delivery: The course will be delivered through a combination of theoretical and case study approach. All the leading cases as well as
current cases shall be discussed to clear queries & doubts and to make concepts more clear.

Lab/ Practicals details, if applicable: N/A

List of Experiments:

Assessment/ Examination Scheme:

Theory L/T (%) Lab/Practical/Studio (%) End Term Examination

100% NA 70%
Theory Assessment (L&T):

Continuous Assessment/Internal Assessment End Term Examination

Components (Drop down) Project Class Test Attendance Viva

Weightage (%)
10% 10% 5% 5% 70%

Lab/ Practical/ Studio Assessment:N/A

Continuous Assessment/Internal Assessment End Term Examination

(____ %) (____ %)

Components (Drop down

Weightage (%)
Mapping Continuous Evaluation components/PSDA with CLOs

Bloom’s Level > Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating

Course Learning Locate, Demonstrate Apply the Analyze the Reflect on their Undertake legal
Outcomes identify and an key rules key abilities to research and
be able to understanding and approaches, apply statutory create self-
critically of tools for principles rules, provisions to directed
Assessment type/PSDA analyze analyzing a for principles, fact scenarios research project
relevant statute. interpreting definitions and in the course of
statutes, a Statute. to construe communicate Interpretation of
statutory a Statute. the Statutes.
provisions interpretation,
and legislative nature and
instruments, effect of
as well as statutory
pertinent provisions to
judicial relevant
authority. stakeholders,
such as their
clients and
Class Test     
Project    
Viva    

 Text Reading:

G. P. Singh “Principles of Statutory Interpretation, (9th Edition) 2008, Wadhwa, Nagpur.

St. Langan (Ed.) Maxwell on The Interpretation of Statutes (1976), Lexis Nexis Butterworths, New Delhi.
S. Bindras’s Interpretation of Statutes, 11th edition 2014, LexisNexis, New Delhi.
Bakshi, P.M. Interpretation of Statutes. (2008) Orient Publishing, New Delhi.
Avatar Singh, & Kaur, Harpeet – Introduction to Interpretation of Statutes, 3rd edition, 2013 (reprint), LexisNexis.

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