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Classification system for malformations of cortical development:

Update 2001
A. J. Barkovich, R. I. Kuzniecky, G. D. Jackson, et al.
Neurology 2001;57;2168-2178
DOI 10.1212/WNL.57.12.2168

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Classification system for malformations of

cortical development
Update 2001
A.J. Barkovich, MD; R.I. Kuzniecky, MD; G.D. Jackson, MD; R. Guerrini, MD; and W.B. Dobyns, MD

Article abstract—The many recent discoveries concerning the molecular biologic bases of malformations of cortical
development and the discovery of new such malformations have rendered previous classifications out of date. A revised
classification of malformations of cortical development is proposed, based on the stage of development (cell proliferation,
neuronal migration, cortical organization) at which cortical development was first affected. The categories have been
created based on known developmental steps, known pathologic features, known genetics (when possible), and, when
necessary, neuroimaging features. In many cases, the precise developmental and genetic features are uncertain, so
classification was made based on known relationships among the genetics, pathologic features, and neuroimaging fea-
tures. A major change since the prior classification has been the elimination of the separation between diffuse and
focal/multifocal malformations, based on the recognition that the processes involved in these processes are not fundamen-
tally different; the difference may merely reflect mosaicism, X inactivation, the influence of modifying genes, or subopti-
mal imaging. Another change is the listing of fewer specific disorders to reduce the need for revisions; more detail is added
in other smaller tables that list specific malformations and malformation syndromes. This classification is useful to the
practicing physician in that its framework allows a better conceptual understanding of the disorders, while the component
of neuroimaging characteristics allows it to be applied to all patients without necessitating brain biopsy, as in pathology-
based classifications.
NEUROLOGY 2001;57:2168 –2178

Although cerebral cortical development is an ex- been mapped or cloned (table 1). The imaging fea-
tremely complex process, it can be divided into three tures of all have been described2,8-12 or are known to
broad and overlapping steps: cell proliferation, neu- the authors. One heterotopia gene has been identi-
ronal migration, and cortical organization. In 1996, a fied (see table 113) and the imaging features de-
classification scheme for malformations of cortical scribed.14 In addition, many other malformations and
development, based on the developmental step at malformation syndromes have been recognized,
which the developmental process was disturbed, was based primarily on imaging criteria with some data
proposed.1 At that time, the authors noted that the on genetics and other clinical aspects. This recogni-
classification was not final, but that it provided a tion was made possible by both advances in imaging
framework for classification of both known and unde- techniques that allow better morphologic analysis of
scribed malformations and that it would continue to dysplastic cortex15 and additional experience result-
be modified as our knowledge advanced. This classi- ing from collaborative efforts among developmental
fication has proved useful in helping those physi- neurogenetics, epileptology, and neuroimaging. For
cians who diagnose and treat patients with example, several distinct forms of primary micro-
malformations of cortical development and has been cephaly,16,17 lissencephaly,8 and polymicrogyria18-21
adopted by many individuals in the field. Since then, have been delineated, and still more have been rec-
substantial new information has accumulated con- ognized but not yet reported.
cerning both normal and abnormal cortical develop- Recent observations have revealed a wide range of
ment, particularly regarding the genetic basis and malformation phenotypes, from diffuse to multifocal
imaging features of many malformations of cortical to bilateral/symmetric to focal, among patients with
development. For example, three lissencephaly the same underlying cause of malformation.22-27 It
genes2-5 and two cobblestone complex genes6,7 have seems that a useful system of classification must

From the Departments of Radiology (Neuroradiology), Neurology, Pediatrics, and Neurosurgery (Dr. Barkovich), University of California, San Francisco;
UAB Epilepsy Center, Department of Neurology (Dr. Kuzniecky), University of Alabama–Birmingham; Departments of Human Genetics, Neurology, and
Pediatrics (Dr. Dobyns), University of Chicago, IL; Brain Research Institute and Austin and Repatriation Medical Centre (Dr. Jackson), University of
Melbourne, Australia; and Neuroscience Unit (Dr. Guerrini), Institute of Child Health and Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, London, UK.
Received April 18, 2001. Accepted in final form September 17, 2001.
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. A.J. Barkovich, 505 Parnassus Ave., L-371, San Francisco, CA 94143-0628; e-mail:

2168 Copyright © 2001 by AAN Enterprises, Inc.

Table 1 Genetic basis of malformations of cortical development

Syndrome Locus Gene Protein References

ILSDCX Xq22.3-q23 DCX ⫽ XLIS DCX or doublecortin 3, 4, 46

SBHDCX Xq22.3-q23 DCX ⫽ XLIS DCX or doublecortin 24, 26, 47
MDS 17p13.3 Several contiguous PAFAH1B1 and others 112
ILSLIS1 17p13.3 LIS1 PAFAH1B1 5, 44, 46, 113
SBHLIS1 17p13.3 LIS1 PAFAH1B1 45
LCHRELN 7q22 RELN reelin 2
FCMDFCMD 9q31 FCMD FCMD or fukutin 6, 114
MEB 1p32 Unknown Unknown 7, 28
BPNH Xq28 FLM1 Filamin-1 13
TSC1 9q32 TSC1 hamartin 115, 116
TSC2 16p13.3 TSC2 tuberin 117, 118

ILS ⫽ isolated lissencephaly sequence; SBH ⫽ subcortical band heterotopia; MDS ⫽ Miller–Dieker syndrome; LCH ⫽ lissencephaly
with cerebellar hypoplasia; FCMD ⫽ Fukuyama congenital muscular dystrophy; MEB ⫽ muscle– eye– brain disease; BPNH ⫽ bilateral
periventricular nodular heterotopia.

place all malformations with the same known cause brain size secondary to abnormal proliferation from
together. In addition, increasing experience has that secondary to abnormal apoptosis or, indeed,
shown that malformations with nearly identical mor- from a combination of both processes. Indeed, several
phology and pathophysiology may have different ge- recent papers have shown remarkable changes in
netic bases.28-33 A useful system must also segregate brain development that result from perturbations of
these genetically different malformations. apoptosis.34,35
Finally, as our understanding of normal and ab- The most significant change in this revised classi-
normal cortical development progresses, the previous fication is in the subdivision of the three major cate-
classification runs the risk of becoming inconsistent gories. In the first classification, each of the three
with current understanding of those developmental major categories was divided into (A) Diffuse Malfor-
processes on which it is based. Under these circum- mations and (B) Focal or Multifocal Malformations.
stances, the classification can lose its value or be- This division has been eliminated in the revision.
come confusing if it is at odds with current This change was based on several factors. First, we
literature. As a result of all of these factors, the believe that the assessment of extent of disease is
authors undertook the task of updating the classifi- generally underestimated by imaging techniques.
cation so that it might retain both its clinical and This is related both to the technique that is used and
conceptual utility. to the time taken to analyze the images.38 Images
acquired with thin contiguous sections, small inter-
Updated classification. Changes in framework. slice gaps, and increased signal-to-noise ratio will
The previous classification divided malformations of result in detection of subtle abnormalities that are
cortical development into three major groups: those otherwise missed.15,38-40 These missed lesions may
resulting from abnormalities of cell proliferation, partly explain why the authors found separation of
those resulting from abnormalities of neuronal mi- diffuse from focal/multifocal anomalies to be unhelp-
gration, and those resulting from abnormal cortical ful in the clinical environment.
organization.1 These three fundamental groups have More fundamentally, diffuse and localized brain
been retained with minor changes in our revised malformations may result from the same underlying
classification (table 2). It is important to remember processes, specifically from mutations of the same
that these three major steps are not temporally sepa- causative genes. The differences in phenotype may
rate; proliferation continues after migration begins, be explained by 1) different mutations of the same
and migration continues as organization commences. gene that affect protein function differently, 2) differ-
Nonetheless, these steps are useful in both conceptual ent dosage of the same mutation in the same gene,
and mechanistic understandings of the disorders. and 3) different effects of the same mutation and
Although the revised classification has retained dosage (variable expressivity) caused by unidentified
these three fundamental groups, the terminology for modifying factors. Recent examples of each of these
Group 1 has been modified slightly. Group 1 is now mechanisms have been reported.
referred to as Disorders of Cell Proliferation or Apo- First, mutation genes that abolish protein func-
ptosis. This change stems from our realization that tion, such as large deletions and truncations of the
apoptosis plays a critical role in the formation of the LIS1 and DCX, usually cause more severe lissen-
cerebral cortex.34-37 At our current stage of knowl- cephaly than missense mutations (base pair substi-
edge, it is not possible to differentiate abnormal tutions) that only reduce protein function, and
December (2 of 2) 2001 NEUROLOGY 57 2169
Table 2 Classification scheme terior pachygyria only, or posterior-predominant
I. Malformations due to abnormal neuronal and glial
subcortical band heterotopia. Patients with DCX mu-
proliferation or apoptosis tations have an even wider range of phenotypes,
from diffuse lissencephaly to partial subcortical band
A. Decreased Proliferation/Increased Apoptosis: Microcephalies
1. Microcephaly with normal to thin cortex Second, mosaic mutations are usually less severe
2. Microlissencephaly (extreme microcephaly with thick than germ line mutations. In this context, mosaicism
cortex) indicates that the mutation is present in some cells
3. Microcephaly with polymicrogyria/cortical dysplasia of the brain but not others (in contrast, germ line
B. Increased Proliferation/Decreased Apoptosis (normal cell mutations are present in all cells of the organism).
types): Megalencephalies Depending on protein expression, this could mean
C. Abnormal Proliferation (abnormal cell types) that protein function is only partly reduced (i.e.,
from 100 to 80% rather than 100 to 50%) in regions
1. Non-neoplastic
where it is expressed or that protein function is
a. Cortical hamartomas of Tuberous sclerosis greatly reduced but in only some cells in the region
b. Cortical dysplasia with balloon cells of expression. This mechanism applies to both so-
c. Hemimegalencephaly (HMEG) matic mosaicism, in which the mutation is present in
2. Neoplastic (associated with disordered cortex)
some cells but not others, and to X inactivation, in
which the mutation is present in all cells with two
a. DNET (dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor)
(or more) X chromosomes but is active in some cells
b. Ganglioglioma and not in others. The latter results in functional
c. Gangliocytoma mosaicism such that affected females with DCX mu-
II. Malformations due to abnormal neuronal migration tations are always less severely affected than their
affected male relatives. Both somatic and functional
A. Lissencephaly/Subcortical Band Heterotopia Spectrum
(X inactivation related) mosaicism appear to be
B. Cobblestone complex causes of phenotypic heterogeneity among patients
1. Congenital muscular dystrophy syndromes with malformations due to mutations of the DCX
2. Syndromes with no involvement of muscle gene41,43,47,48 (also W.B. Dobyns, unpublished data).
C. Heterotopia Finally, large deletions of the DiGeorge critical
region in chromosome 22q11.2 have been reported in
1. Subependymal (periventricular)
at least six patients with polymicrogyria.22,23,49-51 Un-
2. Subcortical (other than Band Heterotopia) expectedly, the polymicrogyria has been asymmetric
3. Marginal glioneuronal in four of six patients, including in three patients
III. Malformations due to abnormal cortical organization more severe on the right, one more severe on the left,
(including late neuronal migration) and two symmetric, despite having the same molecu-
A. Polymicrogyria and schizencephaly lar abnormality. At least two of their parents carried
the same 22q11.2 deletion. Together, these observa-
1. Bilateral polymicrogyria syndromes
tions support both incomplete penetrance and vari-
2. Schizencephaly (polymicrogyria with clefts) able expressivity with the same molecular lesion.
3. Polymicrogyria with other brain malformations or Such striking differences in phenotype despite the
abnormalities presence of the same mutation imply that other
4. Polymicrogyria or schizencephaly as part of Multiple “modifying” factors must be at work.
Congenital Anomaly/Mental Retardation syndromes Further, the recognition of such mechanisms is of
B. Cortical dysplasia without balloon cells great importance in genetic counseling. Patients
C. Microdysgenesis with severe germ line mutations such as deletions
and truncations typically have severe phenotypes
IV. Malformations of cortical development, not otherwise
that preclude reproduction, resulting in a low recur-
rence risk. Somatic mosaic mutations often have a
A. Malformations secondary to inborn errors of metabolism
mild phenotype but have a postzygotic origin and are
1. Mitochondrial and pyruvate metabolic disorders thus not inherited from parents. This again results
2. Peroxisomal disorders in a low recurrence risk. Thus, the highest recur-
B. Other unclassified malformations rence risks are usually found in patients and fami-
lies with germ line missense mutations. This is
1. Sublobar dysplasia
certainly true for patients with mutations of the
2. Others DCX lissencephaly gene. This classification has the
flexibility to allow these components of genetics to be
integrated as they are discovered. For the present,
similarly nonconservative (i.e., acidic to basic) amino we believe that the classification in its current form
acid substitutions are more severe than conservative is optimal.
changes.24,26,41-46 Specifically, patients with different We have further changed our approach to the clas-
LIS1 mutations may have diffuse lissencephaly, pos- sification by listing fewer specific disorders in the
2170 NEUROLOGY 57 December (2 of 2) 2001
Table 3 Classification of the congenital microcephalies* and Table 4 Malformations due to abnormal proliferation with
megalencephaly abnormal cell types

I. Malformations due to abnormal neuronal and glial I. Malformations due to abnormal neuronal and glial
proliferation or apoptosis proliferation or apoptosis
A. Decreased proliferation C. Abnormal proliferation (abnormal cell types)
1. Microcephaly with normal to thin cortex 1. Non-neoplastic
a. Primary microcephaly (microcephaly vera), NOC a. Cortical hamartomas (tubers) of tuberous sclerosis
b. Extreme microcephaly with simplified gyral pattern i. Chromosome 9-linked (TSC1 mutations)
(MSG) ii. Chromosome 16-linked (TSC2 mutations)
2. Microlissencephaly (extreme microcephaly with thick b. Cortical dysplasia with balloon cells
c. Hemimegalencephaly (HMEG)
a. MLIS with thick cortex (Norman–Roberts syndrome)
i. Isolated hemimegalencephaly
b. MLIS with thick cortex, severe brainstem and
cerebellar hypoplasia (Barth MLIS syndrome) ii. HMEG in neurocutaneous disorders

c. MLIS with intermediate cortex, abrupt AP gradient 2. Neoplastic (associated with disordered cortex)

d. MLIS with mildly to moderately thick (6 – 8 mm) cortex a. DNET (dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor)

3. Microcephaly with polymicrogyria or other cortical b. Ganglioglioma

dysplasias c. Gangliocytoma
a. Extreme microcephaly with diffuse or asymmetric
b. Extreme microcephaly with ACC and cortical dysplasia matched norm, Group I.A; see tables 2 and 3). In our
B. Increased proliferation previous classification, all children with generalized
decreased proliferation were classified as having mi-
1. Megalencephaly (anatomic)
crolissencephaly. Since then, a number of groups of
2. Megalencephaly-polymicrogyria-hydrocephalus syndrome patients with extreme congenital microcephaly, cur-
* Extreme microcephaly defined as ⫺3 SD or smaller at birth. rently defined as occipitofrontal circumference of 3 or
more SD below the mean at birth, have been identi-
ACC ⫽ agenesis of the corpus callosum. fied.16,17 This extreme microcephaly, in the absence of
evidence of in utero injury, is presumably secondary
to decreased proliferation or increased apoptosis of
main classification (see table 2). This should make cells. The best defined groups at present include Micro-
future revisions less frequent. More detail is added cephaly with Simplified Gyral Pattern16,17 and Microli-
in other smaller tables that list specific malforma- ssencephaly,17 although other primary microcephalies
tions and malformation syndromes. These small ta- that are not otherwise classified are also included. We
bles allow updating of the classification without place neonates with microcephaly between 2 and 3 SD
unnecessarily modifying the framework of the classi- below the mean in the Microcephaly Not Otherwise
fication system. Classified group because the other groups were defined
Revised classification. Group I: Malformations as being 3 or more SD below mean; we recognize, how-
due to abnormal proliferation/apoptosis. The mech- ever, that this distinction is rather arbitrary and that
anisms by which these malformations occur are com- some overlap is likely. Each of these groups is rather
plex and poorly understood. Cell proliferation is the complex and contains what are likely to be many differ-
process that takes place in the germinal zones of the ent genetic malformations (see table 3).
developing prosencephalon. Prior to neurogenesis, In our prior classification, we included no exam-
the pool of progenitor cells is expanded through a ples of disorders with increased proliferation of nor-
series of cell divisions in which both daughter cells mal cell types. One possible malformation in this
re-enter the cell cycle as progenitors. Eventually, un- group has recently come to our attention. It consists
der the influence of signals that are not yet known, of congenital megalencephaly, polymicrogyria, and
the fraction of postmitotic cells that exits the cell hydrocephalus. Although no pathology data are cur-
cycle to become neurons or glia gradually increases rently available, the abnormal MRI signal typically
until the proliferative potential of the germinal zone seen in patients with disorders due to abnormal cell
is exhausted. Glial precursors that arise in the ger- proliferation was not seen.
minal zone may continue to proliferate in the overly- Note that all non-neoplastic malformations sec-
ing cerebral wall over much of the life of the ondary to abnormal proliferation (Group I.C.1) (table
organism. Certain proteins that have a role in this 4) are characterized histologically by the presence of
differentiation have been identified in Drosophila.52 balloon cells, large cells containing large volumes of
The major organizational change in this group, other cytoplasm that may stain for neuronal markers, glial
than the general changes already discussed, is a re- markers, both, or neither. The origin of balloon cells
organization of patients with microcephaly (defined is uncertain. Most studies have interpreted them as
as head circumference 2 SD or more below the age- cells that failed to differentiate at a very early (stem
December (2 of 2) 2001 NEUROLOGY 57 2171
cell) stage.53 As a consequence, they seem to be excel- Table 5 Classification of the lissencephalies
lent markers for malformations secondary to stem II. Malformations due to abnormal neuronal migration
cell maldifferentiation. The cortical hamartomas of
A. Lissencephalies/Subcortical Band Heterotopia Spectrum
tuberous sclerosis are included in this category
(I.C.1.a), despite the occurrence of giant cell tumors 1. Classical lissencephaly (agyria-pachygyria) and
in 5 to 10% of affected individuals and the known subcortical band heterotopia (SBH)
occurrence of extra CNS neoplasia in this syndrome. a. Miller–Dieker syndrome (MDS) with deletions of LIS1
We justify this classification on the grounds that the and telomeric genes
giant cell tumors develop from the subependymal b. Lissencephaly or SBH with LIS1 mutations
nodules, which have a very heterogeneous popula- c. Lissencephaly or SBH with DCX (XLIS) mutations
tion of cells and are not considered cortical malfor-
d. Baraitser–Winter syndrome (BWS)
mations. Tumors are not known to develop from the
e. Other lissencephaly and SBH loci
cortical hamartomas, also called tubers, which have
features very similar, if not identical, to those of 2. Lissencephaly with agenesis of the corpus callosum
cortical dysplasia.54 –58 The classification clearly (LACC)
states that it applies only to the cortical hamartomas a. LACC with neonatal death
to obviate confusion on this point. b. LACC
In the previous version of our classification, we c. X-linked LACC with abnormal genitalia (XLAG)
listed hemimegalencephaly associated with epi-
3. Lissencephaly with cerebellar hypoplasia (LCH)
dermal nevus syndrome, hypomelanosis of Ito, and
Klippel–Trenaunay syndrome as specific entities a. LCH identical to classical LIS except moderate vermis
that were distinct from isolated hemimeganen- hypoplasia
cephaly and from hemimeganencephaly associated b. LCH with AP gradient, malformed hippocampus, and
with neurocutaneous syndromes. We have become globular cerebellum
aware, since then, that the boundaries of these con- i. LCH with RELN mutations
ditions are not well defined. Indeed, epidermal nevus ii. Other loci
syndrome comprises several phenotypes associated c. LCH with severe brainstem and cerebellar hypoplasia,
or not with systemic anomalies, whereas hypomelano- and neonatal death
sis of Ito may merely represent a nonspecific manifes-
d. LCH with brainstem and cerebellar hypoplasia
tation (i.e., a phenotype) of chromosomal mosaicism.
Moreover, there is current evidence that the Klippel– e. LCH with abrupt AP gradient
Trenaunay syndrome is part of a spectrum of vascular f. LCH with agenesis of the corpus callosum, brainstem
disorders that may be explained by mosaicism.59-61 In and cerebellar hypoplasia
addition, several reports have demonstrated the associ- 4. Lissencephaly, NOC
ation of hemimeganencephaly with proteus syn- a. Lissencephaly with T cell deficiency
drome62,63 and focal alopecia64 and the presence of
b. Winter–Tsukahara syndrome (WTS)
hemimeganencephaly in some cases of neurofibromato-
sis type 165 and tuberous sclerosis.66 As a result, we
have chosen to modify the classification of hemimega-
nencephaly to include only two subtypes, Isolated DCX (or XLIS) and LIS1 genes produce proteins
Hemimeganencephaly (I.C.1.c.i) and Hemimeganen- known as doublecortin and PAFAH1B1 (platelet-
cephaly Associated with Neurocutaneous Disorders activating factor acetylhydrolase ␤ subunit). Both
(I.C.1.c.ii). are postulated to regulate microtubule organization
Group II: Malformations due to abnormal migra- and function, which appears to be critical for neuro-
tion. Our knowledge of mechanisms by which mal- nal migration to occur. Different mutations of these
formations may occur has advanced more for this genes may result in agyria, pachygyria, or band het-
group than for any other. Neuronal migration re- erotopia.45,46 The topography of the malformation dif-
quires the migrating neuron to attach to radial glial fers depending on the affected gene,8 suggesting that
cells that span the developing hemisphere, migrate the gene products differ in function, location, or both.
along the radial glial cells, and detach when they Other proteins, including neureglin and astrotactin,
reach the proper layer of the developing cerebral cor- have been shown to regulate interactions between
tex. Nonradial or tangential migration also occurs, migrating neurons and radial glial cells69-71 in animal
but probably involves mainly GABAergic interneu- models, although the effects of mutations in humans
rons.67,68 Several proteins have been identified that are not known. Termination of neuronal migration
play important roles in these steps. The Filamin-1 has been linked to the extracellular protein reelin72
gene encodes an actin-cross-linking phosphoprotein, and the cytoplasmic protein mDab1,73 which is be-
which transduces ligand–receptor interactions at the lieved to transduce signals generated by putative
cell surface to actin reorganization in the cytoskele- reelin receptors Apoer2 and Vldlr.74-76
ton. Without actin cross-linking, the migrating neu- With the elimination of the diffuse versus focal/
rons cannot extend their growth cones along radial multifocal separation, Group II has also been simpli-
glia cells and neuronal migration cannot begin.13 The fied significantly. It is now divided into three main
2172 NEUROLOGY 57 December (2 of 2) 2001
Table 6 Classification of the cobblestone complex syndromes terms “type 1” and “type 2” lissencephaly, instead
II. Malformations due to abnormal neuronal migration
favoring the more descriptive terms of classic lissen-
cephaly (or agyria–pachygyria–SBH; Group II.A) and
B. Cobblestone complex
cobblestone complex (Group II.B). As more and more
1. Congenital muscular dystrophy syndromes types of lissencephaly have been found and de-
a. Walker–Warburg syndrome (WWS) scribed, identification by numbers became confusing,
b. Muscle– eye– brain disease (MEB) and some published reports used them incorrectly.
Indeed, it was concluded that cobblestone complex
c. Fukuyama congenital muscular dystrophy (FCMD)
should not be classified as one of the lissencephalies
2. Syndromes with no involvement of muscle at all. While the brain surface is smooth in Walker–
a. Cobblestone complex MEB pattern with normal eyes Warburg syndrome, it is not smooth in the other
and muscle cobblestone complex syndromes such as muscle– eye–
b. Cobblestone complex diffuse with normal eyes and brain disease and Fukuyama congenital muscular
muscle dystrophy. In addition, the mechanism by which the
cortical malformation develops is entirely different.
In the true lissencephalies, many neurons fail to
categories, including the Lissencephalies, Cobble- reach the cortical plate, whereas in the cobblestone
stone Complex, and Other Heterotopia (tables 2 and cortex, many neurons move too far, migrating
5 through 7). The discovery that subcortical band through a defective glial limiting membrane into the
heterotopia (SBH) comprises part of the classic lis- subpial space.29-32,80 These differences in both anat-
sencephaly spectrum and can result from less severe omy and mechanism justify classification of the cob-
mutations of the DCX or LIS1 genes resulted in mov- blestone complex separately from the lissencephalies
ing SBH from the Other Heterotopia to the Lissenceph- (see tables 2 and 6).
alies category, which is now called the Lissencephaly/ With the reclassification of SBH to the Lissen-
Subcortical Band Heterotopia Spectrum (see tables 1 cephaly category, heterotopia are divided into three
and 3).3,45,47,48 Another consideration was to list classic major groups, including Subependymal, Subcortical,
lissencephaly (agyria–pachygyria–SBH) and possibly and Marginal Glioneuronal Heterotopia (see table 7).
all of the lissencephalies as heterotopia syndromes, as Two groups of subependymal (also called periventricu-
the deep cellular layer of neurons arrested during mi- lar) heterotopia require comment. Recent publica-
gration to the cortex technically comprises a heteroto- tions81,82 have shown that one type of subependymal
pia. However, the pure heterotopia syndromes are very heterotopia, specifically multiple bilateral periventricu-
distinct from the lissencephaly syndromes by both clin- lar nodular heterotopia, may be familial, usually with
ical and imaging criteria. Ultimately, classifying SBH an X-linked pattern of inheritance. It appears that
as part of the lissencephaly syndrome seemed more unilateral subependymal heterotopia and sparsely
appropriate than classifying classic lissencephaly as a scattered subependymal heterotopia (even if bilat-
heterotopia syndrome. We have also added some newly eral) are almost always sporadic14; no familial cases
identified disorders such as lissencephaly with cerebel- have as yet been reported. The second comment re-
lar hypoplasia and lissencephaly with agenesis of the gards a series of patients observed by the authors
corpus callosum, which seem to be distinct enough to with subependymal heterotopia that appear as linear
separate from the classic lissencephaly spectrum.77-79 or sinusoidal ribbons of heterotopic gray matter in
We have intentionally avoided the use of the old contrast to the usual nodular morphology. It is not
yet clear how these differ clinically or genetically
Table 7 Classification of heterotopia
from the more typical nodular form, but their imag-
ing appearance is distinct enough to warrant placing
II. Malformations due to abnormal neuronal migration them in a separate category.
C. Heterotopia Group III: Malformations due to abnormal late
1. Subependymal (periventricular) heterotopia
neuronal migration and cortical organization.
The molecular mechanisms involved in cortical organi-
a. Periventricular nodular heterotopia (PNH)
zation are those of neurite extension, synaptogenesis,
i. Bilateral PNH with FLN1 mutations and neuronal maturation. The molecular mechanisms
ii. Other PNH of these steps are slowly being elucidated.83,84
iii. PNH with abnormal overlying cortex This revision again classifies polymicrogyria and
schizencephaly together, under the Polymicrogyria/
b. Periventricular laminar/ribbon heterotopia
Schizencephaly Complex (Group III.A), as they are
2. Subcortical heterotopia (other than band heterotopia) so often observed together in patients (table 8). In-
a. Large subcortical heterotopia with abnormal cortex, deed, we are aware of no cases of schizencephaly
hypogenetic corpus callosum without accompanying polymicrogyria (although the
b. Single subcortical heterotopic nodule converse is clearly not true). In addition, both
c. Excessive single neurons in white matter polymicrogyria and schizencephaly have been reported
in the same family.85 Moreover, recent laboratory work
3. Marginal glioneuronal heterotopia
has reinforced our belief that polymicrogyria results
December (2 of 2) 2001 NEUROLOGY 57 2173
Table 8 Classification of the polymicrogyrias and Adams–Oliver, Arima, Galoway–Mowat, and Delleman
schizencephalies syndromes. Polymicrogyria and schizencephaly thus
III. Malformations due to abnormal cortical organization appear to be common malformations, which may be
(including later neuronal migration) caused by many different genetic and environmental
A. Polymicrogyria and schizencephaly
causes, including in utero events.90
As they cannot be differentiated by imaging, we do
1. Bilateral polymicrogyria syndromes
not separate unlayered from “four-layered” polymi-
a. Bilateral diffuse polymicrogyria (BDP) crogyria in our classification. Some authors suggest
b. Bilateral frontal polymicrogyria (BFP) that this is an important distinction, postulating
c. Bilateral perisylvian polymicrogyria (BPP) that the unlayered form is the expression of im-
paired genetic programming whereas the four-
i. Autosomal dominant (22q11.2 and others)
layered form has characteristics more suggestive of a
ii. Autosomal recessive
late disruption of cortical organization.91 Others
iii. X-linked point out, however, that the four-layered type of
d. Bilateral parieto-occipital polymicrogyria polymicrogyria is heterogeneous, with sometimes
e. Bilateral mesial occipital polymicrogyria four cortical layers, sometimes three, and sometimes
two peripheral to the cell-sparse layer,92-94 speculat-
2. Schizencephaly (polymicrogyria with clefts)
ing on a possible continuum with the unlayered
a. Isolated schizencephaly form. Laboratory models of polymicrogyria87,95 will, it
b. Septooptic dysplasia—schizencephaly syndrome is hoped, help to better clarify these issues.
c. Other rare schizencephaly syndromes Also, since our first classification was published, a
3. Polymicrogyria with other brain malformations or
study has been published suggesting that some cases
abnormalities of schizencephaly are caused by mutation of the
EMX2 gene.96 However, this result has not been con-
a. Polymicrogyria with abnormal white matter
firmed in follow-up studies by other authors. More-
4. Polymicrogyria or schizencephaly as part of Multiple over, a search for EMX2 mutations in 15 patients
Congenital Anomaly/Mental Retardation syndromes
with schizencephaly by one of the authors revealed
a. Adams–Oliver syndrome no abnormalities (W.B. Dobyns, unpublished obser-
b. Aicardi syndrome vations). Therefore, we have chosen not to include
c. Arima syndrome schizencephaly in table 1, preferring to wait until the
d. Delleman syndrome (oculocerebrocutaneous syndrome)
association with EMX2 mutations is confirmed.
The other listings under the heading of Malforma-
e. Galloway–Mowat syndrome
tions Secondary to Abnormal Cortical Organization
f. Micro syndrome are Cortical Dysplasia Without Balloon Cells (Group
III.B) and Microdysgenesis (Group III.C). The au-
thors all have experience with the former, which has
from a developmental disorder or injury that occurs a different imaging appearance from cortical dyspla-
toward the end of the period of neuronal migration and sia with balloon cells.97-99 Indeed, in our experience,
the early phase of cortical organization.86-88 these cortical dysplasias have the appearance of a
Since the first classification was published, sev- localized prenatal cortical injury, suggesting that
eral bilateral polymicrogyria syndromes (Group prenatal infarction or infection after neuronal migra-
III.A.119-21) have been described in addition to the tion might alter the local effects on cell maturation
well-known bilateral perisylvian form.89 Also, many and result in the development of giant, dysplastic-
families have now been described in which multiple appearing cells. As mentioned earlier, the absence of
members have bilateral perisylvian polymicro- balloon cells suggests that the divergence from nor-
gyria.25,27 Many of these pedigrees, and others re- mal development occurs after the period of cell prolif-
viewed by the authors, are consistent with X-linked eration. The absence of heterotopia puts the timing
inheritance, although some are compatible with au- after the period of neuronal migration, as well. As for
tosomal dominant or autosomal recessive inheri- microdysgenesis, some authors believe that it is an
tance. Recent data also show a significant skewing of important developmental anomaly in many patients
the sex ratio toward boys for bilateral perisylvian with epilepsy,100,101 whereas others dispute this.102
polymicrogyria (W.B. Dobyns, unpublished data). We merely include the entity and leave it to others to
Perisylvian polymicrogyria (both unilateral and bi- determine its importance.
lateral) has been found in several chromosomal an- Group IV: Malformations of cortical development,
euploidy syndromes, most prominently with deletion not otherwise classified. The major malformations
of the chromosome 22q11.2 DiGeorge syndrome critical in this class are those associated with metabolic, es-
region.22,49,50 Both polymicrogyria and schizencephaly pecially peroxisomal disorders, such as Zellweger
may occur with prenatal cytomegalovirus infection and syndrome. The cortex in Zellweger syndrome has
with vascular problems related to twinning. They have been studied in detail.103,104 The cortical malforma-
also been described in several multiple congen- tion is composed of gyri that are excessively numer-
ital anomaly–mental retardation syndromes including ous but still excessively broad with a shallow
2174 NEUROLOGY 57 December (2 of 2) 2001
amplitude, a condition that does not fit into any of listed separately may have to be combined, whereas
the known categories of malformations. The term others that are listed as a single disorder may have
“pachymicrogyria” has been applied,105 but we choose to be divided into multiple groups. New disorders
not to use this term, which seems to us an oxymoron. will need to be added. Indeed, even the framework of
As the mechanism of the cortical malformation is the classification will likely need modification as new
unknown, we prefer to list it as unclassified. Other features of cortical development are discovered. The
unclassified malformations such as sublobar dyspla- strength of this classification system is that it has
sia106 should be listed here as well until their nature the flexibility to allow these changes in both its
is better understood. framework and its listings with periodic updates as
new discoveries necessitate change.
Discussion. This classification system has been Other classification schemes have been proposed.109-111
established by physicians who are active in the ev- That of Mischel et al.111 is based entirely on pathol-
eryday evaluation and care of children and adults ogy, making it impractical and nearly impossible to
with malformations of cortical development. Its pur- apply to the vast majority of patients with malforma-
pose is to provide a useful and logical framework by tions of cortical development who never undergo bi-
which other physicians, involved in both clinical and opsy or resection. The suggested classification of
research activities in this field, can classify their pa- Raymond et al.110 is based entirely on an epilepsy
tients. It might be argued that this classification is series and, as a result, omits the vast quantity of
too heavily weighted toward imaging and not enough cortical malformations that are seen in children pre-
toward pathology or genetics. We would respond that senting with developmental delay, neonatal enceph-
imaging data are available for essentially all pa- alopathy, or congenital motor dysfunction. The
tients, whereas pathologic material is available for proposed classification of Sarnat109 is based entirely
very few. In addition, the imaging characteristics of on molecular genetics. The author argues that this
many malformations have been well established, type of classification avoids “lumping complex disor-
whereas the genetics and molecular biology are ders with multiple etiologies . . . as if they were a
known for only a few of them. The classification uses single malformation.”109 We do not argue with the
genetic data to classify patients whenever they are concept that the ideal classification separates mal-
available. For example, we have separated Tuberous formations of different etiologies, even if they have
Sclerosis into two categories (I.C.1.a.i and I.C.1.a.ii) similar appearances. We have also used genetic in-
because two separate genes have been identified that formation whenever possible in our classification.
cause the disorder when mutated, despite the lack of However, molecular genetic data are not available
any demonstrated pathologic or molecular biologic for most of the malformations listed in our classifica-
difference in the cortical tubers between the two tion and likely will not be for some years. Therefore,
groups and the absence of significant differences in both classifications will need periodic revisions. We
imaging phenotype (TSC2 seems to have a more se- would argue that the major difference between our
vere clinical phenotype).54,107,108 When genetic infor- classification and that of Sarnat is that we have cho-
mation is not available, however, imaging data seem sen to list malformations based on their most likely
the logical objective criteria to use for the classifica- biologic cause when the precise biologic cause is not
tion at this time. known.
This classification might also be criticized for Close examination reveals that Sarnat’s classifica-
some of the assumptions that have been made in tion has many similarities to ours.1 His Category V,
assigning malformations to certain categories. For Aberrations in Cell Lineages by Genetic Mutation, is
example, one might question whether it is justifiable very similar to our Category I. His Categories VI.A.1
to classify Cortical Dysplasia Without Balloon Cells and VI.A.2, Disorders of Secretory Molecules and
into Group III based on the fact that histopathology Genes That Mediate Migrations, closely resemble
and imaging have the appearance of localized prena- our Category II, and his Category VI.A.3, Late
tal injury. Similarly, one might question whether Course of Neuroblast Migration/Architecture of Cor-
Taylor-type cortical dysplasia, cortical tubers, and tical Plate, closely resembles our Category III. How-
gangliocytoma, which are varied and strictly local- ever, by using clinical, pathologic, and radiologic
ized disorders, should all be grouped under the com- information as well as molecular genetic informa-
mon denominator of Abnormal Cell Proliferation tion, our classification, with its more extensive list-
without proof from biologic models. To these poten- ing of cortical malformations, is perhaps currently
tial criticisms, one must respond that any useful more useful to the clinician whose patient is diag-
model is based on some assumptions. Indeed, Sar- nosed with one of these disorders.
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2178 NEUROLOGY 57 December (2 of 2) 2001

Classification system for malformations of cortical development: Update 2001
A. J. Barkovich, R. I. Kuzniecky, G. D. Jackson, et al.
Neurology 2001;57;2168-2178
DOI 10.1212/WNL.57.12.2168

This information is current as of December 26, 2001

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