Back To BasiX - Issue #07, Dec 2018

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Erol Otus Interview!

#7 — December 2018

A quarterly Fanzine dedicated to the simpler time of RPGs—

covering the Basic and Expert editions of Dungeons & Dragons.
Future Issues — A Note from the Fanzine Creator
With the recent announcement of fits of the storyline and/or charac-
a D&D ESports concept by Has- ters. We know that point-seeking,
bro’s CEO, Brian Goldner, RPG power-leveling character play
gamers of all experience levels changes the way D&D and other
quickly voiced their opinions on classic role-playing games are de-
the matter. Some expressed inter- signed and played. Many classic
est in the idea while others im- versions of our hobby, especially
mediately proclaimed that such an B/X D&D, are ill-suited to such a
option was not for them or their style of gaming.
style of play.
Time will tell if this new concept
Regardless of where one stands will catch on with players. I sus-
on the topic, it does resurface an pect that many grognards will
old point once debated at tables continue playing their games the
years ago. “Is gaming, specifically same way as always, unaffected
D&D, a competitive game or one by a competitive league or new
of cooperative storytelling?” We style of gameplay. Newer players
can probably assume that a com- to the game, used to watching
petitive ESports league takes professional actors playing D&D
something like the Adventurer’s for hours online, or enjoying
league to the masses in a digital other ESports leagues such as
format, via Twitch, YouTube, or Overwatch and League of Leg-
similar channels. Perhaps a real- ends, will likely enjoy the new
time setting, much like a conven- twist on competitive gaming.
tion tournament adventure, broad-
casted to viewers will be worth I might add that this concept may
watching. My issue with ESports be where role-playing moves
or competitive events is that it squarely into roll-playing.
forces players to seek points and
achievements instead of the bene- Thom Wilson

— Issue #7 Details —
Fanzine Sections V. 2 No 4
Content Page
Issue #7 — December 2018
Letter from the Creator 1 Printed December 15th, 2018
Publishing News 2 Created by: Thom Wilson
Interview — Erol Otus 3
Articles by: Thom Wilson
Cover Illustration: Matt Ray
Product Spotlight 6 Back Cover: Thom Wilson
The Magic Shop 8 Logo: Isa de Mendonca Silva
Mythicology 9
Comic: Travis Hanson
Interior Art: Erol Otus, Outland Arts
Quarterly Dungeon Crawls 10, 13 Cartography: MonkeyBlood Design
Spellbound 17 Editor: Michael J. Gross, III
An Ongoing Adventure... 18
Upcoming Issues:
Dungeon Delvers Comic 22 #8 — March, 2019 — print, PDF
#9 — June, 2019 — print, PDF
1 1st printing—100 copies
Publishing News
Not every product this fanzine rows and good spacing. Read-
reviews has to be an officially ability is spot-on here. As is
published, for-sale production. typical with works of this nature,
Sometimes, an interesting project the chapters are organized and
comes along that isn’t out there ordered as the original books,
for sale and is a personal work making it easy to find what you
of love and desire. The Com- need quickly.
panion Supplement by James
Bobb is one such work. I Purists will immediately see some
watched his progress over a additions to these rules that will
year or so more as he slowly test their interest levels. Addi-
worked through the development tional classes have been added
and digital publication of this to give players the option to try
129-page supplement and was something new. Giantkin,
overjoyed when it was finished. Gnomes, Druids, Paladins, and
You could feel his devotion to Rangers have been included in
its completion in his many up- the new book. Level ‚skills‛
dates to B/X fans on the inter- have also been included, giving
net, and when it was done, the existing and new classes more
clamor of fans to obtain copies. crunch. For example, Clerics
have the Theurgy skill at 2nd
There are several other level, allowing them to craft
‚Companion‛ supplements out magical items. This added skill
there, both for free download ability progression is new to B/
and sale. James Bobb has X and offers an interesting look
clearly stated, for obvious rea- into added depth in the class.
sons, why this particular version At first, I wrinkled my nose at
would never be for sale, at several of these skill options but
least in its current design. I as I read further, I found most
won’t dig into those particulars; of them to be well thought out
those of you who have it, know and not overly powerful. Later
what I mean. However, as a in the book, Bobb offers addi-
free supplement for GMs and tional ‚adventuring‛ skills to add
players to use at the table, this even more flavor to the game.
is a great resource by an old-
school B/X enthusiast. It”much Monsters and armor in the book
like other ‚book 3‛ attempts” are represented in both ascend-
gives us the extensions we need ing and descending armor
for higher level characters and class”this is definitely a stretch
campaign options not covered in from B/X but those that like a
the first two rulebooks. little variety in the system (or
are just fans of OSR games) will
So, first the light stuff”James find the double-stat helpful.
uses a retro font reminiscent of
the originals found in the origi- Conditions have been added to
nal TSR publications. It’s not challenge the characters during
exact but it’s pretty darn close. long battles or at times when
You can definitely feel it. Addi- resting is impossible. The added
tionally, the tables are designed conditions really make for
quite well, with alternating color more challenging situations. 2
As with other, higher level sup- I really couldn’t find anything I
plements, this book also touches disliked in this supplement. The
upon mass combat, fortification information was neatly presented,
building, and extra-planar travel. important areas were covered
They are lightly covered but this fully, and added options were
seems acceptable”the book still available throughout the book. I
keeps focus on character devel- only wished that I had the
opment and standard adventuring physical book to read it more
styles. A section near the end often.
of the book offered even more
fighting style options for fighters Companion Supplement, James
Bobb, free PDF by email”
and some demi-humans.

Interview with a Legendary Artist—Erol Otus

As most of us B/X fans know, including ‚The Ankheg‛ which I
the covers of the Moldvay Basic designed and illustrated.
and Marsh/Cook Expert boxed
sets were illustrated by Erol Dave Trampier had left the TSR
Otus. Those covers may have art dept. and they were looking
single-handedly pulled me into for a new staff artist. Out of
the game, long before I knew the blue I got a call from Dave
what D&D was. I’d guess that Sutherland, who asked me if I
many fans of the early game would be interested in joining
were inspired by those wonderful them. He seemed surprised I
covers. I was fortunate enough was all the way in Berkeley,
to be able to interview Mr. Otus CA. I had a theory that because
recently. Additionally, he has at the time the Berkeley area
agreed to publish some early art code was 415, and his was 414
of his for the first time in this he thought I was close by. They
issue of Back to BasiX! flew me out for an interview It
[Thom] What year did you get was quite magical seeing the
hired at TSR? Do you remem- Dungeon Hobby shop and the
ber your first assignment there? rest of the offices. I moved to
Lake Geneva and joined the
[Erol] Our group started playing TSR art department in the sum-
D&D in ’74 and I had been mer of ’79.
reading the ‚ Strategic Re-
view‛. Somewhere in there it [T] After you were hired, do
was announced that a new you recall which of your pieces
magazine, ‚The Dragon‛ was was first published in a TSR
coming. I started sending in un- product?
solicited artwork to them in [E] Whenever I try to think of
early ’76. I had a subscription the first pieces, my memory
and when the 2nd issue arrived I always goes back to my first
was stunned to see my first months. At that time there was
published color illustration inside, just Dave & I in the art dept.
‚The Remorhaz‛. Over the next and he was teaching me how to
couple of years they published make these monochrome color
several more of my pieces cover illustrations. Some of them
were for playing aids, like ‚Non-
Player Character Records‛. These
were painstaking to create, as a
separate black and white illustra-
tion was needed for each tone
of color. These had to be care-
fully aligned with registration
marks. You didn’t really know
what it would look like until it
was printed. It’s interesting,
these days something like that is
trivial to create using layers in a
digital paint program. Similar to
digital illustrations, there was no
physical original that matched The Mad Hermit in B2”Keep on the Borderlands

the final printed version.

[T] Was there any work that
[T] Are there any particular you created during the TSR days
pieces you created for the Basic that was never published?
and/or Expert D&D lines that
you are particularly proud of? [E] There was an idea for the
cover of ‚They’ve Invaded Pleas-
[E] The cover of the Basic Box antville‛ to reproduce Grant
is one of my favorite color Wood’s ‚American Gothic‛ but
paintings and the Mad Hermit change some elements: give the
holds a special place. But the wife antennae and put a flying
Three Wizards Dividing Treasure sa ucer in the ba ckground
makes me happy whenever I sky. When I finished the paint-
look at it. It captures the some- ing, TSR management decided
times not so glorious aftermath not to use it because they
of the adventure with, I think, thought I copied the original
Vancian humor. I am still painting too closely and there
pleased by the three very differ- could be legal issues. This was
ent expressions on three very nonsense, of course, but the
different faces. Anyone who heads of the company were still
plays a lot of D&D will see smarting from their blunders with
some truths there. ‚Deities & Demigods‛ and so
were overreacting. It was frus-
[T] Do you remember whose trating because the concept was-
idea it was to put a portion of n’t my idea but I really applied
the Basic boxed set illustration myself to the task.
into the Expert box set illustra-
tion? Fantasy Arts Enterprises pro-
duced "The Necromican," a book
[E] I actually don’t remember, of magic-user spells before
othe r tha n it wa sn’ t my "Booty & the Beasts". Other
idea. We ended up photograph- products included "Magic and
ing the first painting, I glued the Technological Item Cards" and
photo to the illustration board, "Geomorphic Dungeon Modules".
then painted around it. I did the illustrations and
graphics for all of them. The [E] Given unlimited resources, I’d
business was formed from mem- like to create an online com-
bers of our D&D gaming puter role playing game. Maybe
group”including Paul Reiche III, not massively, but
who went on to create some of ‘somethingely’. It would be fun
the greatest computer games of to bring my aesthetics to that
all time. genre.

[T] What sort of things do you [T] Did you always want to pub-
do to "recharge the batteries" or lish your own adventures, or did
to spark artistic inspiration after that come later in your career
a lengthy project or heavy work- (e.g. North Texas RPG Con)?
[E] Before joining TSR, as part
[E] If I’m having trouble coming of F.A.E. (Fantasy Art Enter-
up with inspiration/concepts prises), we did publish books of
sometimes you just have to drop spells, monsters, and treasure but
it for a while, don’t actively not complete adventures. I still
think about it and let the part haven’t really, I did create mod-
of your mind that keeps your ules for the North Texas RPG
heart beating help you Con, but I only printed a hand-
out. Before making art it’s often ful of playtest copies and the
good to get some exercise, Con produced a limited run
really helps the brain. I like ten- ‚digest‛ edition. I’m not sure
nis because it combines fun that qualifies as being published.
gaming competition with exer-
cise. [T] What are you working on
these days?
[T] Are there any personal pro-
jects you'd love to work on if [E] Right now, I’m in the early
you had the time? stages of working on a cover
for Greg Gillespie’s latest project

The Kuklapi, by Erol Otus, found in both the New Monster section and Dungeon Crawl of this issue.
The Indulger, by Erol Otus, found in both the New Monster section and Dungeon Crawl of this issue.

going over possible con- Product Spotlight

cepts. Also thinking about the
next adventure for my AD&D Although this fanzine focuses
1st edition campaign. primarily on B/X material,
there’s no reason not to review
[T] Are you very selective when BECMI rulebooks”in fact, I’ve
taking on work from firms or is been trying to get a review of
it a matter of timing? the mighty Rules Cyclopedia
into Back to BasiX for some
[E] I think I'm fairly selective time.
about projects. One of the
main things is having creative First published in 1991, the
freedom. I want to respect and Rules Cyclopedia was compiled
follow the needs of the product, and developed by Aaron Allston.
stay true to the content, but at The 304-page tome was printed
the same time come up with in a triple-column format using a
the concepts myself. tiny font to likely maximize word
count per page. Some of the
Note that the illustrations found text bleeds into the bottom bor-
on these pages were to end up der and the print coloring is
in the sequel of ‚Booty and the unusual but this hardcover book
Beasts‛, a book that unfortu- is overflowing with information.
nately never materialized. The With an original cover price of
illustration on the back cover $24.95, this book had great
was work that was submitted to value for its cost. Although com-
TSR but was never used. piled into a single tome from
previous BECMI books authored
Erol has allowed us to print by Mentzer and others, owning
these three ‚new‛ illustrations the Rules Cyclopedia was a ne-
for the first time! Thank you,
cessity for GMs.
Mr. Otus! 6
A section for special GM proce-
dures”including character condi-
tions and resolution to complex
situations”is found in Chapter
13. Topics like character aging,
spell effects, and damage to
magical items are found here
and are extremely useful.

Chapters on the Planes of Exis-

tence and intelligent foes (e.g.
spellcasting monsters) are worth
the re a d. Appe ndice s for
Mystara, AD&D game conver-
sions, and character and adven-
ture sheets are great add-ons.
The Mystara maps are in full
The original printing of the Rules Cyclopedia color! The great part about this
book is that it’s a central re-
First, it was a great resource to source to use when playing Ba-
find details about the two op- sic through Immortals D&D. The
tional classes, the Druid and compilation brings all the infor-
Mystic. Spells just for the Druid mation into a single book and
class are included as well. To uses the space to fully detail
further enhance fighters, the both simple and complex topics.
Weapon Mastery rules found on For example, the Wish spell
page 75 and their special effects detail nearly takes up one full
on pages 78 and 79 are ex- page! The Rules Cyclopedia is
tremely interesting. Those want- an essential book for any D&D
ing to add a little crunch to player or collector.
their fighting mechanics will en-
joy this section. General skills 1071—Rules Cyclopedia, 1991
start on page 81, giving charac- edition, ISBN: 1-56076-085-0,
ters many extra abilities”these list price $24.95.
feel very much like the early reprint (print on demand) avail-
2nd edition AD&D skills do. able, $29.99, identifier:
Combat information begins on
page 102 and highlights a lot
of information and expansions to
the early game. Armor classes
from 19 to “20 are shown and
THACO, touched upon in an
earlier section, reappears. Special
combat (e.g. striking, unarmed),
mass combat, and rules for ae-
rial and naval battles appear in
this section. These twenty-five
pages cover a lot of fighting
rules. At right”The print-on-
demand version of the
Rules Cyclopedia, a slightly
7 larger book in size.
The Magic Shop
Finding new and exciting magical The wearer cannot select which
items is often what drives char- hostile spell to negate”each
acters to explore and take risks spell that targets the wearer has
in dangerous locales. a 25% chance of being ab-
sorbed. Note that area of effect
Bracers of Distortion spells cannot be absorbed.
As soon as these brass and ruby
-studded bracers are placed on The necklace is found with 1d6
the wrists, the wearer’s image usable stones.
appears to distort and move as Value: 10,000 GP.
if there were several versions of
them all slightly out of phase Staff of the High Priest
with one another. Those close One of the most powerful staves
to the wearer are less impacted known to clerics is the Staff of
by the strange distortion but the High Priest. This highly cov-
attackers from afar will find it eted staff is difficult to identify
hard to pinpoint their foe’s ac- due to its simple and unadorned
tual location. The wearer’s armor design.
class (AC) is four points lower
(vs. missiles only) when wearing The staff has three main abili-
the bracers. ties: it can store one spell per
spell level each day, can fully
Note that the Bracers of Distor- heal one injured or sick individ-
tion cannot be worn over heav- ual once per day, and can boost
ier armors (e.g. plate and chain- the morale of friends while de-
mail). moralizing enemies.
Value: 7,500 GP.
When the cleric prays for spells,
one ‚extra‛ spell per spell level
also gets stored within the staff
(may replace an existing spell,
chosen by the cleric).

The staff heals an injured indi-

vidual fully and cures them of
any diseases or sickness. The
staff cannot remove curses or
other unnatural afflictions.

Necklace of Spell Negation All friends of the

Six black stones hang from a cleric are Blessed
silver chain designed to be worn within sight of the
around the neck. These magical staff, and all foes suf-
stones are artifacts of the Nega- fer Bane in the same
tive Plane and will absorb most manner (as the re-
any hostile spell cast at the verse of the Bless
wearer. Each stone can absorb spell).
one spell”once it has been
used, it no longer works to ab- Value: 40,000 to
sorb spells cast at the wearer. 50,000 GP. 8
Erol Otus’s two new creatures Indulger
are this issue’s Mythicology sec-
tion (and appearing the two No one is quite sure where the
Quarterly Dungeon Crawls too). Indulger originates, but to cross
paths with one is to face certain
Kuklapi death. The horrific creature has
a large head that sits upon a
The Kuklapi (pron. "kook-lah- mass of tentacles, air tubes, and
pee") is often the horrific result nodules. It uses the tentacles to
of a failed reincarnation. When move about slowly, or projects
the deceased target has either itself forward quickly with short
drowned or died near water, a yet powerful bursts of air from
failed reincarnation spell may its rear air tubes. Foes making
instead produce this semi-aquatic eye contact with the Indulger's
creature. Small populations of mesmerizing gaze will be held
Kuklapi have been found in like the Hold Person spell. Dur-
shallow fresh water. Sages be- ing the time the victim is held,
lieve that these creatures can the Indulger will probe its mind
produce Kuklapi offspring, some- to steal memories and knowl-
times mating with other aquatic edge, often leaving them only
species. with their basic functions and
nightmares of the mental inva-
They are strong swimmers and sion. For each round the Indul-
use their ability to hold their ger probes a victim's mind, the
breath underwater for long peri- victim must make a saving throw
ods of time to drag victims to versus Spells or permanently lose
the bottoms of lakes and ponds. one point of Wisdom or Intelli-
Two consecutive successful at- gence. While charmed, victims
tacks indicates that the Kuklapi will often sing in loud, high-
will attempt to drown their vic- pitched voices.
tim. They enjoy eating cold
flesh, preferring that of humans Foes of the Indulger subtract 4
and elves most of all. from their attack rolls to avoid
looking at the creature. Addition-
Armor Class: 7
ally, the Indulger gains a +4 on
Hit Dice: 3*
all saving throws. The Indulger
Move: 40’ (40’ swim)
often has one or more charmed
Attacks: 1 Bite/2 Claws
minions to protect their lairs.
Damage: Bite 1-6
Claws 1-4/1-4
Special: Drown (see
No. Appearing: 1-2
Save As: Fighter: 2
Morale: 10
Treasure Type: C
Alignment: Neutral

The air tube propulsion can be Armor Class: 0
used as a ram attack doing 2- Hit Dice: 10**
12 points of damage to a single Move: 30’ (60’ Ram)
man sized or two smaller then Attacks: 1 Gaze or
man sized adjacent targets and Ram (3x/day)
can be used 3 times per Damage: Gaze *charm*
day. This attack is unerring Ram 2-12
with no saving throw. Special: Spells

Spells, each cast twice per No. Appearing: 1

day: Charm Person, Sleep, Save As: Cleric: 8
Phantasmal Force, Invisibility, Morale: 10
Dispel Magic. Treasure Type: G
Alignment: Chaotic

Quarterly Dungeon Crawl #1

Giant Oak Retreat together. Her husband slipped
by Thom Wilson. An adventure into the pool and now lives
for 2-4 characters of 2nd to 3rd within its icy depths and the
level. water cave beyond.

Background: Two druids (Elilly After many years, the druid's

and Ronndal) once lived within a wife has become angry with her
secluded forest, choosing a great situation. Instead of helping visi-
oak for their home. A small tors and travelers, she preys on
pond of cold, clear water nearby them. She lures adventurers who
made the choice obvious for the hope to find the secret to the
pair. Later, they found that the healing waters of the pond of
water had slight healing proper- the great oak retreat”so her
ties. mutated husband can capture
them and feed upon their
The married couple was content corpses.
with their habitat until one day
when a group of hunters mis- 1. Great Oak Retreat Entry
took the husband”who often Once unlocked, welcoming visi-
wore a hat with large antlers” tors to the druidic retreat, the
for a deer and accidentally killed large wooden door at the base
him with an arrow to the neck. of the great tree now stands
Elilly buried him in his favorite closed and locked. A large rusty
place, by a large rock near the bell hangs from the ancient tree
edge of the pond. near its entry. Ringing the bell
summons the old druid who ini-
The distraught wife was lost tially looks displeased to be
without her partner until she bothered before giving visitors a
found that he had a scroll of large smile. She will offer to let
reincarnation stashed away in his adventurers stay in the retreat
nature books. Using the scroll for 10 gp per night per person.
improperly, the wife brought her A large room in the middle of
husband back from the dead as the tree (between areas 1 and
a twisted, semi-aquatic creature 2) is clean and comfortable and
that retained only a fragment of sleeps up to ten.
his memory of her and their life 10
2. Old Bedroom 4. Converted Storage Room
After Ronndal's death and trans- Elilly has a small cot for a bed
formation, Elilly stopped using and crude box to store her
their bedroom at the top of the meager belongings. A journal
tree. Instead, she sleeps in area and two vials can be found at
4, a converted storage area in the bottom of the box”the
the side of a hill. She now pre- poorly written handwriting of the
fers the dark, cold place instead old druid will reveal her hus-
of the warmth of the outside. band's demise and her plans to
The room still has all the usual feed adventurers to her flesh-
trappings of a bedroom, but craving spouse. The two vials
covered in inches of dust and contain a potent, black liquid
dirt. A search of the room will that, when imbibed, paralyzes
reveal several nature tomes (each the victim for 1 hour per ounce
worth 10-25 gp) and a magical used.
cudgel once used by Ronndal
(treat as a club +1). Elilly (druid): (AC 7, HD 4**,
HP: 16, #AT 1 or spell, D 1-4+1
3. Rustic Bridge (club) or spell, Save C4, ML 9,
Spells: Bless, Cure Light Wounds,
A simple bridge stretches be- Hold Person, XP 175)
tween the great tree and the
rock formation beyond. At the Elilly carries a matching, magi-
far end of the bridge, an open- cal cudgel (as found in area
ing in the rocky hill leads to a 2). It provides her a +1 bonus
roughly hewn chamber, once to attacks and damage. She
used by the druids to store fruits wears a special ring that sum-
and vegetables of the forest. mons and controls forest animals
(see box on next page).

Ring of the Forest: Use as a of the pond, reflecting off the
Ring of Animal Control with the sunlight as it streaks through the
added benefit of summoning 1d6 clear water.
1HD forest creatures three times
per day. Cannot be worn with The pond is only 20' at its
armor, but provides a +2 armor deepest point and is perfectly
class bonus. clear and clean. If the sun
sneaks between the great oak
5. Second Storage Area boles of the forest and shines
upon the pond, its entire con-
After leading visitors and travel-
tents are visible. Ronndal typi-
ers to their deaths at the pool
cally prefers to hide in his lair
below, Elilly takes their gear and
(area 7) and only ventures out
stores it here for later sorting.
when he can "sense" approach-
Clothing, armor, weapons, and
ing victims.
other gear are found in this
room in separate piles.
Adventurers will notice that little
Items Found in Area 5 (roll 1d8) water life can be seen in the
pond. Tiny fish and bugs are
Result Reaction present but larger aquatic crea-
1 Leather pants, gloves, dagger tures are strangely missing.
2 Chainmail +1, helm
Ronndal feeds on fish once they
grow big enough.
3 Shortsword, dagger, 50’ rope
Ronndal (Kuklapi): (AC 7, HD
4 Backpack, wineskin (full)
3*, HP: 15, #AT 1 bite or 2
5 Dagger +1, new boots claws, D 1-6 or 1-4/1-4, Save F2,
6 Leather armor, small sack
ML 10, Special: Drown, XP 50)

7 Pint of mead, silver ring (20sp) (see more information about the
8 Longsword +1, 1d10 rubies Kuklapi on page 9)
One result per party member (unique) 7. Ronndal's Lair
6. Ronndal's Pond Remnants of dozens of skeletal
remains of humans and forest
In happier days, the two druids animals lie upon ledges and in
spent much of their time in and cracks along the sides of the
around the pool. They cataloged cave. Gear is stripped from vic-
cre ature s, cultiva te d roots, tims and given to Elilly for sort-
planted medicinal herbs, and ing and identification, then
frolicked in the cool, healing stored in area 5.
waters of the pond. Elilly now
only ventures here to lead visi-
tors to her husband who is al-
ways hungry for more victims.

Elilly will tell visitors that when

tossing a silver or gold coin into
the pond, it summons water
spirits to work their magic, en-
riching the waters with healing
and purity. Hundreds of silver
and gold coins line the bottom 12
8. Hidden Room Use the Kuklapi’s treasure type
(‚C‛) to determine the hidden
Not even Elilly knows of this
valuables here.
secret room beyond Ronndal's
lair. Although Ronndal has some Adventure Conclusion
memories of his previous life
with his wife, his current nature Elilly will do anything she can to
and desires have made him feed her transformed husband,
more of a beast with the treas- feeling guilt for his current state.
ure cravings of a monster. Be- Ronndal barely hangs on to the
fore giving Elilly gear from slain memory of his wife, understand-
visitors, Ronndal searches their ing only their current arrange-
bodies for shiny trinkets and ment (she brings him food, he
valuables. He stores these items gives her items in return). How-
in this secret room above his ever, at any time, Ronndal could
lair. kill and eat his former wife.

Quarterly Dungeon Crawl #2

The High Crypt the location of the ritual. He is
by Thom Wilson. An adventure unable to leave the High Crypt,
for 3-5 characters of 5th to 7th instantly reversing the anti-aging
level. process if he passes beyond the
entry hall to his lair. Bound to
Background: The reward of im- the few rooms of the crypt,
mortality is rarely achieved by Eoclises continues to search
great wizards of necromancy and through his library of books for
never attainable before mortal a way to escape his fate.
death. Powerful mages and
priests have occasionally sacri- Enlisting the services of a troll
ficed their lives to cruel gods or named Grolgolbar, the high
succumbed to their evil studies priest has managed to stay fed
to return in undeath. But to be and supplied. He often sends
gifted with immortality before Grolgolbar out to retrieve spell
death -- this is the ultimate prize components and other items. In
of any hopeful man or woman. return, he provides the troll with
small trinkets of moderate power
Eoclises, the high priest of a and treasure from his vast
long-forgotten god, was a man wealth.
that once searched for a way to
High Crypt Location
extend his life indefinitely. Un-
happy with just simply being The open entry to the ancient
mortal, he searched ancient texts crypt is found within a small
and lost scrolls to piece together ravine. Grolgolbar uses his
a ritual that would bring him clawed hands and feet to climb
immortality. After decades of the ravine walls to enter and
travel, searching, and study, Eo- exit. There are no ladders,
clises found a way to pause the ropes, or stairs down to the
aging process. Unfortunately, the wide ledge just outside the high
final spell completely transformed crypt entry. Any who look down
his body and bound his soul to into the ravine will see light
spilling out onto the ledge from
13 the opening to the crypt.

1 4 6


1. High Crypt Entry at the far end of the hallway

leads to Grolgolbar’s lair (Area
Light streams out of the open 3) beyond.
archway, illuminating the ledge
outside the crypt. Dried blood If the entry spell-trap was trig-
stains and bone fragments are gered, there is a 50% chance
visible in several areas of the that Grolgolbar will emerge from
ledge. A magical spell (trap) the secret door to attack the
has been cast upon the open adventurers. Otherwise, he may
archway that”when triggered (by instead let the group pass and
passing through the opening)-- attack from behind.
rings a bell deep within the
crypt. The bell ring can be 3. Grolgolbar's Lair
heard by anyone within the ra-
vine and crypt, including Eoclises A narrow tunnel descends to a
and Grolgolbar. troll-hole that Grolgolbar uses for
his home. A small pool of
Find Magical Trap: Roll under Intelli- brackish water is fed by a small,
gence (add +4 to roll result). trickling overhead stream (the
water from the stream is clean,
2. Hallway but the pool is used by the
A thirty-five foot hallway termi- filthy troll for bathing). Bearskin
nates in a wooden door at the rugs and leather mats cover
southeastern end. Six alcoves in most of the floor near the pool.
the hallway are filled with inani- A large chest sits against the
mate statues of nameless and eastern wall. An iron rod, em-
faceless gods of ages past. One bedded at both ends in the cave
statue has been reduced to rub- wall and floor, covers the chest.
ble, leaving an alcove open. A A massive padlock keeps the
search of the rubble will reveal rod locked over the chest lid,
two rubies worth 250 gp each. preventing it from being
A secret door behind the statue opened. 14
If Grolgolbar is surprised here, 4. Workshop
he will be enraged that intruders
Eoclises occasionally tinkers here,
entered his lair”add +1 to his
working on projects to keep his
attack rolls while he is within
mind active. His latest work is
his lair. He wears two of the
dabbling in golem creation and
magical items given to him by
control. After mastering wood
Eoclises”Bracers of Distortion
golems, the high priest has
and a Necklace of Spell Ne- moved to bone golems (as evi-
gation (see the Magical Shop denced by the many human
section of this issue). body parts on several work ta-
Grolgolbar (Troll): (AC 4, 0 bles). He has yet to create a
versus missiles, HD 6+3**, HP: 39, successful bone golem but will
#AT 2 claws/1 bite, D 1-6/1-6/1- likely master the spells and crea-
10, Save F8, ML 10 (8), Special: tion process within weeks.
regeneration, see page X41, XP
950) Four wood golems stand quietly
in their alcoves in the walls in
The troll wears an iron key
this area. They will move to
around his neck that opens the
attack after one minute if any
chest in this room. The chest
intruders enter this area.
contains payment from Eoclises
for the troll's services. Once the (4) Wood Golems: (AC 7, HD
chest is opened, adventurers will 4+4, HP: 20 each, #AT 2 fists, D
find 1,300 sp, 987 gp, a bag 1-8/1-8, Save F2, ML 12, Special:
of mixed gems (fifty in total, see page X33, XP 125 each)
each worth 2d20 gp), a gold- Dozens of valuable tools and
inlaid, ivory horn (worth 250 devices are found in this area,
gp); a necklace of emeralds each worth 5 to 10 gp in
(worth 1,000 gp), a set of silver value.
plates and cups (4 of each,
worth 25 gp each piece), a 5. Trapped Hallway
Dagger +1, +2 vs. Undead;
An area between two sets of
and Gauntlets of Ogre
double doors is activated when
Power. the doors adjacent to area 4 are
opened and other doors are
A search of the room may re- touched. A trap releasing poison-
veal a bag of diamonds hidden ous gas fills the small area after
in a bearskin rug (twenty small the doors on the western side
gems, each worth 50 gp) and a lock, closing one or two adven-
submerged steel box in the small turers in the small space. Failed
pool. The steel box holds 100 saving throws versus Poison re-
pp and a Ring of Protection sult in a 24-hour, deep sleep
+1, 5' Radius. However, pro- followed by death (second saving
longed exposure in the foul wa- throw is applicable).
ters of the pool increases the
chance of catching a water 6. The Library of Eoclises
borne disease (e.g. Giardia, lead-
The large room at the end of
ing to diarrhea and a penalty to
the high crypt is now the eter-
actions until cured).
nal home and lair of Eoclises,
the transformed high priest. A
15 once gaunt and tall priest now
appears as a mass of tentacles Magical Shop section of this
and a giant head that slides issue), Staff of Commanding,
about the room. (Note: the high Rod of Cancellation, and
priest is an Indulger, found in Wand of Fear lie atop three
the new monster section of this boxes. The first box contains a
issue.) Eoclises has adapted well Ring of Telekinesis and a
to his form, mastering his trans- Ring of Teleporation (as the
formation and new abilities. spell, once per day). Two po-
When not tinkering with the tions (each) of Healing, Gase-
current fixation in his workshop ous Form and Invisibility fill
(area 4), he spends his time the second box. The third box
here in his library, studying old contains the Serpent's Eye, a
texts and ancient scrolls filled fabled green emerald the size of
with forgotten knowledge. man's fist (worth 25,000 gp or
Thousands of oversized books,
vellum parchments, and cloth An immobile skeleton is at the
maps fill shelves, cabinets, and bottom of the prayer-well, bound
tables throughout the room. to the bottom by Eoclises long
However, the room's previous ago. If Eoclises dies, the skele-
purpose can be determined after ton is freed from his paralysis
a long look around. Pillars and begins to climb up the well.
carved in the shape of serving
acolytes and a statue of a war- Large Skeleton: (AC 7, HD 8,
rior-god hint to an old temple HP: 32, #AT 2 claws, D 1-8/1-8,
or crypt. A well in the middle Save F4, ML 12, Special: none, XP
of the room provides clean wa- 650)
ter but looks to have once been A vast treasure of coins lies at
a donation well where visitors the bottom of the well --
dropped coins in prayer. 25,691 cp, 9,745 sp, 4,602
gp and 299 pp are found at
Eoclises will toy with smaller
the bottom of the 50' well. Get-
groups, sure that his power eas-
ting to the coins will be a chal-
ily overmatches the few intrud-
lenge for most adventurers.
ers. He wastes no time with
larger groups, instead using his Adventure Conclusion
greatest powers to weaken them
quickly. If Eoclises dies in his lair, his
entire library engulfs in flames.
Eoclises (Indulger): (AC 0, HD A magical fire ward on each
10**, HP: 60, #AT Gaze, Ram, or pillar of the room ensures that
spell, D special, Save C8, ML 10, no one can take his work after
Special: see pages 9-10 of this he is gone. Characters may be
issue for abilities, XP 2300) able to grab an armful of books
In his human-form days, the and scrolls before safely exiting
high priest Eoclises amassed a the burning library. Note that
hoard of useful magical items. In the fire does not spread beyond
his current form, he is unable to this room and that the contents
use many of the items. A secret of the secret niche in the statue
niche in the back of the statue remain unharmed after the fire
holds his greatest items -- a consumes the room.
Staff of the High Priest (see 16
Some players have discussed the class in this manner. Spells like
merits of subclasses in B/X, ex- Speak with Animal and Speak
tending the four main archetypes with Plants are clear indicators
to include variants as AD&D of this nod to druids.
once did. Fans of AD&D played
illusionists, druids, paladins, rang- Since this article focuses on
ers, monks, assassins and other spells and spell behaviors, we'll
niche classes. However, B/X only look at new spells for the
remained loyal to the seven cleric that wishes to have a few
classes, four human and three more druidic abilities.
demi-human. Other systems like
Labyrinth Lord and BECMI Additional 1st Level Spells (cleric)
added additional classes to ex- No. Spell
tend the main system for players
9 Animal Whisper
looking to change up their game
somewhat. We're not going to 10 Find Plant
argue RAW versus homebrews 11 Restore Plants
or alternative rules here, but 12 Move Plants
adding a roleplaying element to
the game to alter your main In addition to the eight spells in B/X
class is slightly interesting. In
this issue of Spellbound, we'll Animal Whisper
take a look at altering the low- The cleric whispers a simple,
level cleric into a druid, mainly short message to nearby animals.
through spell choices. All animals within range (50'
times caster level) may hear and
It's important to note that we're understand the message. The
not making a druid class for B/ animals may save versus Spells
X -- that's been done elsewhere. to ignore the message.
But if your player wants their Find Plant
cleric to be more druidic in
At a range of 50' per caster
style, this article may be for
level, the cleric may automati-
cally detect the location(s) of the
desired plant.
Druidic types have always served
nature and nature-revering dei- Restore Plants
ties. Some would say that they When the cleric casts this spell
don't serve a god at all but only on damaged or dead plants,
Mother Nature herself. Regardless they may restore 1d6 per caster
of how your pantheon or poly- level plants to healthy, thriving
theistic system is set up, you growth.
can easily allow clerics who
serve nature. Move Plants
The cleric may move 1d6 plants
The B/X system already has (or 1d6 feet of plants, e.g.
included many spells that are vines) per caster level out of the
druidic in nature -- I'm guessing way to clear a path or doorway.
Gygax and his editors of the The plants are not destroyed or
system intended to keep damaged, only moved aside.
17 that flavor within the cleric
Additional 2nd Level Spells (cleric) Plant Resistance
No. Spell When cast upon one or more
plants, the cleric gives the target
9 Find Water
plants resistance to all elements
10 Plant Growth for 1 month per caster level.
11 Plant Resistance The number of plants affected
are 1d6 per caster level.
12 Summon Woodland Creatures
In addition to the eight spells in B/X Summon Woodland Creatures
For each caster level, the cleric
Find Water may call 1d6 woodland creatures
At a range of 50' per caster to assist him or her. The wood-
level, the cleric may automati- land creatures are typically non-
cally detect the location(s) of combatant and found in glades,
water. Note that this spell does forests and plains, e.g. rabbits,
not determine the quality or deer and squirrels. Their level of
cleanliness of the water found. assistance is limited to their
physical makeup and is never
Plant Growth combative.
This spell increases the overall
size of plants by 1d6 feet per Note that any of these spells
caster level. Note that the cleric could be known and used by
can affect several plants at once, the druid in this issue’s adven-
splitting the sizes amongst all of ture, Giant Oak Retreat (pg 10).
them (in total).

Crimson Abbey of the Broken God — Part 7

Completing their search of the A11. Burial Crypt #1
secret room at the hallway split The skeletal remains of an old
(area A7), the group of brave monk lie on a white marble slab
adventurers continues to search in the center of this small room.
for the ruined temple in the A ruby headband (like those
Crimson Abbey. from area A3 from issue #2)
rests upon the head of the dete-
Hallway from Eastern Areas riorating skeleton. Removing the
At the split in the hallway near headband has the same effect to
the secret room (A7), an unused the skeleton, awakening it from
passage leads back up to the its eternal slumber.
ground level of the abbey.
Venerable Skeleton: AC 7,
Highly revered monks, deceased HD 2+2*, HP: 10, #AT 2 claws,
centuries earlier, have been bur- D 2-5/2-5, Save F2, ML 12, Spe-
ied in secret tombs in this an- cial: immune to charm, sleep and
fire, XP 35)
cient hallway. Finding the first
secret door is challenging but Besides the magical, ruby head-
each one thereafter becomes band, the only treasure in the
easier to discover. room can be found in the base
of the marble slab. A scroll of
Secret Doors Check: subtract -1
Protection from Magic and a
to the chance for the first door.
Add +1 to each check after finding purse of 15 pp are found in a
each additional secret door in this secret niche.
hallway. 18
A12. Burial Crypt #2 swer a single question in ex-
Most of the skeletal remains of change for freedom. It can only
the dead monk have turned to answer questions that relate to
dust, leaving only bits and frag- the abbey when it was opera-
ments of bones behind. A tional centuries earlier. Note that
search of the room will uncover questions regarding the Broken
a rusty, iron club and a box full God and the demise of the ab-
of ivory game pieces for a long, bey will be met with hostility
forgotten game (20 pieces, each and ambiguous responses.
worth between 5-10 gp).
A search of the chamber will
A13. Burial Crypt #3 reveal a tome under a hidden,
A blackened marble slab at the removable piece of the slab (at
opposite end of the room ap- the top). The tome is written in
pears to have once been en- ancient language only used by
gulfed in fire. A skeleton lies the monks of the abbey, deci-
strapped to the slab with iron pherable only with the transla-
chains and restraints, its bones tion text found in the abbey
also blackened by hot fire. Al- library (found in a later issue). A
though the skeleton is inanimate, scroll of Cure Serious
stepping within 5’ of the re- Wounds is found tucked into
mains has a 5% chance per the back of the tome.
point of Wisdom to project a
brief image of a restrained, eld- A15. Stairs to Ground Level
erly monk being burned alive. Wide stairs lead up to a locked
door at the end of the hallway.
A14. Burial Crypt #4 The locking mechanism is com-
Empty of bones, this burial plex and rusted, the door un-
chamber is the home of a dis- used for many years.
traught Wraith. Unlike most
undead creatures who seek to Open Lock: Thieves work at one
destroy the living, this creature or two levels below their current
desires to be free of its con- skill level (50% chance).
fines. It only attacks those that
first attack it. If the door to its A16. Dining Hall
prison is left open, the wraith Four large tables and dozens of
will try to exit the area. stools fill this large chamber.
Four hallways lead out of the
The creature’s loathsome wail is room (see map). Half a dozen
enough to frighten even the human skeletal remains lie in
toughest adventurers. various parts of the room and
remain inanimate. However, a
Lonesome Wraith: AC 3, HD large creature resembling a skele-
4**, HP: 19, #AT 1 touch + spe- tal minotaur rises from the floor
cial, D 1-6 + energy drain, Save at the first noise made here.
F4, ML 12, Special: level drain,
fear-causing wail (as Blight spell), XP Skeletal Minotaur (undead):
175, see page X42) AC 7, HD 3+3, HP: 18, #AT 1
gore/1 bite, D 1-6/1-6, Save F3,
If the characters prevent the ML 12, Special: ignores sleep and
wraith from exiting without at- charm, XP 50)
tacking it, they can get it to an-
The room is otherwise empty of
19 anything valuable.
The hallway to the south leads
to the kitchen, the two halls to What Comes Next?
the west lead to monk After their battle with the un-
bedrooms, and the hall to the dead minotaur, the stalwart ad-
north will take adventurers to venturers will again, luckily
the library, prayer rooms, and choose the right direction to
temple. go”they will head north and
find the more interesting parts
Special Note: After Whystal of the abbey…and maybe its
consumes the potions of Healing forgotten secrets.
in area A7, he is healed to full HP. 20
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able at Goodman Games’ website!

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Convention Calendar
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SnowCon Jan. 19th”20th,
11 Bangor, ME
TotalCon Feb. 21st”24th,
33 Marlborough, MA
GaryCon Mar. 7th”10th,
XI Lake Geneva, WI
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RPGCon XI Dallas-FW, TX
Origins Game Jun. 12th”16th,
Fair ‘19 Columbus, OH
Gen Con Aug. 1st”4th,
2019 (52) Indianapolis, IN

Special thanks to Matt Ray for the use

of his wonderful cover illustration, Isa de
Mendonca Silva for her logo work, and
Travis Hanson for continuing to draw
my Dungeon Delvers story!

Additionally, very special thanks go to "Goblins. Easy XP, annoying nuisances,

author Erol Otus for taking time to rats with swords... But what are they
answer my questions! like when not being slaughtered by he-
roes?" The Demon Eye Gem, now avail-
21 1st printing—100 copies able at
B/X Fanzine

Artwork by Erol Otus

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Product Spotlight Author Spotlight!
Publishing News
Two Dungeon Crawls How do you get it?
New B/X Monsters
New Magical Items
Go to Goodman Games for
Spell Casting Article print copies or RPGNow
Comic Strip and Adventure for PDF copies.
MonkeyBlood Maps!
Contributor Interview

$6.00 Issue #7

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