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Fifth Issue!

#5 — June 2018

A quarterly Fanzine dedicated to the simpler time of RPGs—

covering the Basic and Expert editions of Dungeons & Dragons.
Adding Homebrew Rules — A Note from the Fanzine Creator
Every game master‟at one time no rules, only rule suggestions.”
or another‟has likely had to He continues, “No rule is invio-
modify an existing rule or create late, particularly if a new or al-
a rule for a unique situation. Per- tered rule will encourage creativity
haps the rules as written (RAW) and imagination.”(1) Well said, Mr.
were too strict for the encounter Moldvay!
or the player's ideas were not
covered in the rules. What did Whether you are running RAW, a
they do? Did they create or mod- fully homebrewed system or some-
ify a rule to better handle this thing in between, you're still play-
particular situation or did they just ing in the spirit of the game „
go with the best RAW option? to provide your players a setting
and framework that allows them
For most GMs, changing rules on to have fun, exercise their ideas,
the fly is a matter of preference, and create wonderful memories!
experience, and need. There are
some that prefer to run RAW In this and future issues, I’ll in-
sessions to give the players a clude some of my own homebrew
taste of how the original game rules that I’ve used throughout the
creators wanted encounters to be years. I don’t claim that they are
handled or effects to be resolved. uniquely mine‟someone, some-
Others bend rules to better fit where may have published the
their campaign, style of play, or same idea‟but I can say that I’ve
their player's experience. But if used them in my games often
we look to the foreword of the enough.
basic rules (Moldvay Edition), we
can read how the TSR staff Thom Wilson
viewed their own game. In the 5th
paragraph, Tom Moldvay states, (1) Tom Moldvay, December 3, 1980,
D&D Basic Rules, TSR, page B2
“In a sense, the D&D game has (Foreword Section), 5th paragraph.

— Issue #5 Details —
Fanzine Sections V2 No 2
Content Page
Issue #5 ‟ June 2018
Letter from the Creator 1 Printed June 2nd, 2018
Publishing News 2 Created by: Thom Wilson
Product Spotlight 3
Articles by: Thom Wilson
Cover Illustration: Matt Ray
Interview ‟ Stephen Marsh 4 Back Cover: MonkeyBlood Design
Mythicology 7 Logo: Isa de Mendonca Silva
The Magic Shop 8
Comic: Travis Hanson
Interior Art: Gary Dupris, Brett
Quarterly Dungeon Crawl #1 9 Neufeld, William McAusland
Quarterly Dungeon Crawl #2 11 Cartography: MonkeyBlood Design
Spellbound 13
Editor: Michael J. Gross, III
An Ongoing Adventure... 15 Upcoming Issues:
#6 ‟ September, 2018 - PoD, PDF
1 1st printing — 50 copies #7 ‟ December, 2018 - PoD, PDF
Publishing News
As a lifelong fan of B/X, I’m But, if you’ve always wanted
always curious about products both the Basic and Expert rule-
that inject new interest into our books in one book, it’s as good
niche hobby. When I saw the an option as any.
BX Fantasy Roleplay
(B|XRFP) book on the internet, What are things I liked? I defi-
I wanted to look it over. I’m a nitely liked the single-book feel
fan of print so I purchased a with all the rules of B/X con-
paper copy on Lulu for $14.95. tent blended together. Finding
first- through sixth-level spells for
If you’re looking for a set of clerics and magic-users (and
rules that combines Basic and elves) combined in their own
Expert (Moldvay, Cook) into a sections was useful. Maybe put-
single book, the B|XFRP book ting both spell lists in a single
may be for you. It is laid out section organized alphabetically
just like the original books with would have been a better op-
nearly identical section headings, tion. At least it may have differ-
similar section order, and a retro entiated itself from the originals
font that is reminiscent of the that way. I did like that the
TSR fonts used in the original B|XFRP book was less total
B/X products. Flipping through pages than the two original
the book, I was eerily reminded books‟84 pages instead of
of those early days… the 128. There was no redundancy
B|XFRP book definitely sparked of experience point and class
some nostalgia as I turned the tables, attack and saving throw
pages. charts, or equipment and gear
lists, either.

Although the B|XFRP book tries

to faithfully capture the original
rules without major modifications,
it still has a few changes that
purchasers may not like. The
low d6 rules for finding secret
doors and hearing noises were
switched to high-roll preference.
A few wording changes are also
found throughout the book‟
speed is used instead of move
and “Dragon Master” replaces
Dungeon Master (for obvious
reasons). The rule text is often
reworded or rephrased to avoid
being too close a resemblance to
However, its similarity to the the original work.
originals may be its downfall
too. It’s too close to the first The layout is clean and organ-
rulebooks. If you like using the ized, making it easy to find
B/X books you have, this may what you’re looking for. The art
not be the purchase for you. is mostly of the stock or 2
shadowed picture (silhouette) vari- masters finally had their first
ety with a few originals thrown resource for broader-scale adven-
in. The trim of the book is a turing. Many of the principalities
bit tight, with page numbers and and regions listed on page 3
the back cover close to losing were fleshed out in their own
some of their text. detailed Gazetteer books later
produced by TSR (see the GAZ1
Overall, the book is a good ta- -14 series).
ble reference for players and
game masters alike.

Product Spotlight
Most of the early Basic adven-
tures kept characters under-
ground, exploring vast labyrinths
and large cave systems. Wilder-
ness travel was inserted into a
session only as an afterthought,
to get adventuring parties from
dungeon to dungeon or from
their adventure to town. The
first real wilderness adventure
book by TSR was released in
the Expert rules boxed set, The
Isle of Dread. This is what
players had been looking for in
I’ve run this adventure countless times‟can you tell?
D&D‟a hex crawl!
The adventure booklet is 32
I fell in love with that island pages in length, made up of 9
map the moment I saw it‟all pages of maps, 3 pages of new
those different locations set monsters, a 2-page handout, a
w i t hi n j u n g l e s, m o un t a i n s , couple of pages of novice DM
swamps, and villages made it help, and about 13 pages of
feel like the book had dozens of actual adventure material. Addi-
different adventures! My players’ tionally, there are three wilder-
characters could spend months ness encounter tables, several
exploring hundreds of square optional plot hooks, and a good
miles of the island. Sure, there mix of outdoor and dungeon
were some areas that needed adventures. Many of the encoun-
additional fleshing out, but the ter locations are only a few
framework for awesome adven- paragraphs with just enough de-
tures was there. tail to get the GM’s imaginative
juices flowing. Other areas, like
Labeled as a “special introduc- the temple on Taboo Island,
tion wilderness module”, TSR have detailed encounter areas
gave us a book that starts our that can be run as is.
journey into outdoor travel and
exploration. With islands to ex- Reading the art credits is like
plore and a continent to use as seeing the who’s who of early
a campaign world, B/X game- TSR artists: Dee, Diesel, Otus,
Sutherland and Willingham all
draw art for this fantastic book. Interview with a Legendary
I’m not sure who made the is-
land and continent maps, but
Author—Stephen Marsh
they should get an award for Rounding out our B/X rulebook
that work! interviews, this issue we talk to
Stephen Marsh, author of and
Let’s not forget the book was contributor to the Expert Rules.
designed by Moldvay and Cook,
the editors of both Basic and [Thom] What role were you ini-
Expert rules‟a collaborative mas- tially hired to fill at TSR and
terpiece! what other things did you get to
do there during your tenure?
X1, The Isle of Dread, written by
David Cook and Tom Moldvay. [Stephen] Gary hired me to just
ISBN: 0-935696-30-X; #9043, come on board between my first
1980-1982 (blue cover), 1983 and second year of law school
(red cover); First printing lists and help out in the design de-
1981 date and incorrect product partment. They set me to work
code; some early copies list a for the summer. I had a job
$5.50 price; for 6-10 characters offer to come back after law
of 3rd to 7th level. school that was rescinded by
Brian Blume. Lots of things
were worked on by me as an
outsider: nothing ever quite com-
pleted, a good deal was lost
when Gary was locked out of
his office, and then all the pa-
pers in it were burned as detri-
tus including the completed Star
Strands project.

The last drafts of the Planes of

Reality went up in a house fire
that took out Mike Gunderloy’s
collection as he was helping me
work on a draft after Judges
Guild went out of business. All
that was left and that I had was
my working copy which was
I loved that map!
sold by Paul Stormberg a while
back to collectors.
Homebrew Rule #1: [Thom] What is your earliest
Fighters and Dwarves gain extra and/or fondest memory of play-
experience points for taking dam-
ing B/X or other systems? Were
age. For each hit point taken, they
gain 10 experience points. Note you a GM or player, and can
that the XP is awarded when the you recall any details from those
character is engaged in real combat. days (e.g. the adventure played,
Training or allowing foes to strike who other players may have
without defending negates the addi- been, your character, etc.)?
tional experience point bonus.
[Stephen] Well, I just wrote the
system, I didn’t play it before I
wrote it. Since then I’ve been
more likely to play AD&D or
various variant OD&D (brown
box rules) though I am running
a B/X game at the upcoming
NTRPG Con. I tend to see the
systems as somewhat inter-
changeable. I’ve also played a
number of OSRIC-type systems Artwork by William McAusland © Used with permission

[T] You say that you wrote the

system before you played it... sions. AD&D was complex and
does that mean that the Gygax/ aimed at having tournament
Arneson "by line" in the credits rules that covered everything. It
really refers more to the OD&D was really Gary/Tim Kask/
work but you rewrote sections to Lawrence Schick’s very special-
fit the Expert system, as it re- ized rules with lots and lots of
lates to Moldvay's work? detail.

[S] “D&D” was “by” Gygax/ [T] Can you detail your editorial
Arneson. Arneson’s intent is responsibilities with respect to
pretty clear from the mimeo- the Expert Rulebook? What is
graphed rules he released at the it that you did, working with
end of the 70s (at a time when Zeb Cook?
quality mimeograph was still very
accepted as a publication [S] I actually wrote most of the
tool). Fixed hit points, magic- text, Zeb edited it all. To be
users rise in level by learning all honest, the editing was much
the spells at one level... that harder as the rules had to be
sort of thing. typeset to match up with the
Basic Set (so that you could pull
I pretty much sat down and out pages and match them up
wrote the Expert set. Moldvay one to one). Remember, this is
had already done the Basic with typewriters and I honestly
set. The idea was that we would did not think that it was possi-
do three books. Basic, Expert ble to get done‟what Zeb got
and another (to take the levels done‟in the time he had. The
from where Expert left off to actual rule-writing was pretty
about level 20). For example, easy.
Giant Sea Serpents were origi-
nally going to be in Expert, but If they had a different vision of
were reserved for the later book the project, the writing would
(20 hit dice, magic and melee, have been harder.
level 20 spell casters).
[T] What do you mean, “a dif-
People tend to kind of over- ferent vision of the project?”
think the differences between ver- Can you elaborate on that last
[S] That is, if the project was specific as fighter/magic -
supposed to be more than an users. The math on tables and
OD&D (Brown Box Set, before such was just tweaked to make
Monks and Psionic powers) re- things a little smoother.
write‟albeit in clearer terms and
with rough edges smoothed off, [T] What are you working on
it would have been these days, specific to roleplay-
harder. However, a rewrite of ing games work?
the original rules but in the style
of what Tom had done with the [S] I’m working on Shattered
first few levels‟to make them Norns, a setting I developed.
accessible and clear but without At present I have pending a
any of the additional “stuff” that book on the Plane of Shadows
was in AD&D „ that was pretty that also includes some adven-
easy to do. tures (and lots of monsters and
terrain rules) that New Big
That made for a nice, clean, Dragon games is finishing up
and easy to write project, if that (the project is post initial distri-
makes sense. That is why the bution of editing copies). I’m
editing was a superhuman task‟ probably going to do The City
which Zeb Cook did. People in Shadow next and some other
don’t appreciate just how hard materials if I find the desire to
the editing was with the tools complete what I started on
available. there. I admit that I’m some-
what depressed by delays in hav-
[T] What are some of the things ing Into the Shadows see final
that you added to or changed in print; the delay’s effect on my
the Expert rules? E.g. did you interest in working has bled over
modify any of Gary and Dave's into my interest in doing more
initial rules for simplification or updates of the materials I did
clarification? before, such as City of the
Revenant or to continue on
[S] We were supposed to just newer projects.
express the rules without trying
to fill in too many gaps and to I’m really sensitive to feedback,
do the least amount of changes and to the lack of it. If Into the
possible. The idea was that Shadows had come out last year
AD&D would be technical and and done ok, I’d be neck-deep
B/X would be for fun play, kind in additional material. With the
of a clearer version of the delays, I feel kind of weighted
Brown Box materials. The only down until it either gets released
“modification” I did was to fill or just goes under. Most of my
out some spell tables (e.g. the history as a writer is with pro-
melee weapon enhancement spell jects that have gone under and
for clerics I added), add and not seen print.
flesh out monsters (though I was
overruled on doing intelligent
wooly rhinos‟I wanted them to
be able to coordinate combat
tactics and such), and race-as-
class to flesh out some rules for
Elves to make them a little more Artwork by William McAusland © Used with permission
The two new monsters in this Armor Class: 7
issue’s Mythicology section are Hit Dice: 1+1*
also found in the Dungeon Move: 120’ (40’)
Crawl (on page 10) and within Attacks: 1 Bite
the Crimson Abbey of the Bro- Damage: Bite 1-3 + cold
ken God adventure on page 16. Special: Immune to cold;
bite saps Consti-
Rat, Undead tution.
Undead rats are the product of No. Appearing: 3-18
malicious spells or unholy curses Save As: Fighter: 1
uttered by evil priests. Once cre- Morale: 12
ated, the undead rat seeks to Treasure Type: Nil
chase and kill any living thing, Alignment: Chaotic
following the orders of its crea-
tor. They are the size of a gi- Minotaur, Crystal
ant rat but are found with ex-
posed flesh and bone peeking
through their ragged fur. Their
eyes are often a bright red or

The bite of an undead rat will

send a chill through the victim,
sapping their constitution in addi-
tion to dealing 1d3 damage.
Each bite temporarily drains 1
point of Constitution for 24
hours. The victim dies when
their Constitution reaches zero.
They will become a zombie that
will slowly begin to look like an
undead Ratling over time.

Art by Brett Neufeld

Armor Class: 4
Hit Dice: 6+1*
Move: 60’ (20’)
Attacks: 1 Gore or
Damage: Gore 2-8 or
Weapon weapon type.
Special: Regeneration.

No. Appearing: 1-2

Save As: Fighter: 7
Morale: 12
Treasure Type: Nil
7 Art by Gary Dupris Alignment: Chaotic
Crystal minotaurs are bound to Crystal, Animated Fragment
serve their wizard masters, pro-
tecting castles, towers and lairs Damaged crystal fragments from
with fearless intensity. They are magical creatures may sometimes
made from a single-colored crys- try to rejoin to their host after
tal, forming into the shape of a separation. Small to mid-sized
man-bull after several weeks of “pieces” will often move along
incantations. A crystal minotaur the ground or through the air
is mindless, obeying a simple, as they seek to reattach them-
simple command until death. It selves, impaling or cutting living
alternates between using a creatures that get in the way.
weapon and goring its victims. Any living beings that get in the
way of moving crystalline shards
When damaged, the crystal may be struck for 1-2 hit points
minotaur may rejoin separated of damage (roll to-hit as a nor-
pieces of crystal to itself, regen- mal attack). Most shards should
erating 1d4 hit points each com- be treated as AC 9 with 1 hit
bat round. Being mindless, it is point if a character wishes to
immune to most control spells. strike the crystal fragment.

The Magic Shop

In this issue of The Magic Diamond Eye
Shop, we take a look at rare Made from a flawless diamond
gem and crystal treasure types. and shaped into an eyeball, this
item can be used two ways.
Crystal Dagger of Light First, it may be inserted into an
Crafted from crystal and imbued open eye socket, replacing a lost
with a permanent Light spell, eye. When used in this manner,
this dagger has razor-sharp edges it provides infravision and double
that deal an extra point of dam- natural sight distance. Second, it
age on a successful strike may be used once per day like
(1d4+1). Additionally, the dagger the spell Wizard Eye (X16).
illuminates a 10’ radius area. Value: 5,000 GP
Value: 1,000 GP
Emerald Snake Rod
Onyx Orb Necklace This two-foot long, solid emerald
This ornate necklace consists of rod would be extremely valuable
a silver thread and 1d10 onyx just for its weight in gems.
beads. When an onyx bead is However, its magical properties
removed and thrown, the area give it its true value‟the rod
around the bead’s impact be- may be broken once per day to
comes an impenetrable, magical create two small, green snakes.
darkness. Only the owner of the The snakes are venomous and
necklace may see within the 20’ will follow the mental commands
cubed space of absolute dark- of the rod’s owner as best as
ness. The darkness lasts 10 min- they can. The snakes return to
utes. Once all the orbs have rod form after 10 minutes or if
been used, the silver thread dis- one of them is killed. Use the
appears, never to return. Spitting Cobra (B42) statistics for
Value: 10,000 GP each snake.
Value: 2,500 GP
Quarterly Dungeon Crawl #1
Fury at Fossilbone the ground floor to fetch the
by Thom Wilson. An adventure rest of his band of warriors.
for 4-6 characters of 3th to 5th
level. External Staircase
Two separate staircases wind
Background: The town of Fossil- around the exterior of the light-
bone is known for its unique house‟there is no way to ac-
lighthouse made from the femur cess the upper floors of the
of a deceased Titan. The light- structure from within. One stair-
house is an important beacon case leads to the first floor, the
for ships along the coast, clearly other to the top floor.
illuminating the edge of the land
and dangerous reefs.

Recently, the evil wizard Gilgarax

has captured the lighthouse, in-
tent on stealing the light source
at its peak. A timeless artifact
of great power illuminates the
crystal roof of the tower which
never ceases to provide light to
sailors at sea.
Lighthouse Exterior
The lighthouse is made of fossil-
ized bone, hardened to stone
over hundreds of years. An en-
try at the lowest level provides
access to the lowest level of the
lighthouse interior. Characters
will see a winding staircase
around the exterior of the giant

Gilgarax has stationed half of his

loyal minions, a band of merci-
less minotaurs, outside the
lighthouse. Characters will easily Ground Floor
spot the fearless creatures as
they patrol the area outside the A single statue in the middle of
towering structure. the hollowed out leg-bone stands
triumphantly, seemingly unaf-
Minotaurs (6): (AC 6, HD 6, fected by the six minotaurs as
HP: 30 ea, #AT 1 gore/1 bite or they use it for target practice.
weapon, D 1-6/1-6 or 1-8 (battle The statue is that of a beautiful
axe), Save F6, ML 12, XP 275 ea) woman, garbed in a long, ele-
gant robe. Several light scratches
If the party looks challenging,
upon the statue show the worst
one of the minotaurs will flee to
of the minotaur’s strikes. The
9 arms of the woman are folded
across her chest and her face Crystal Minotaurs (2): (AC 4,
shows a look of disgust as she HD 6+1*, HP: 33 ea, #AT 1 gore
seemingly watches the beasts as or weapon, D 2-8 or 1-8 (battle
they try to chip her exterior. axe), Save F7, ML 12, XP 650 ea)

Minotaurs (6): (AC 6, HD 6, If the burial coffin is opened,

HP: 24 ea, #AT 1 gore/1 bite or the lighthouse shakes in fury for
weapon, D 1-6/1-6 or 1-8 (battle 10 seconds, also dimming the
axe), Save F6, ML 12, XP 275 ea) artifact at its top temporarily.
A chest in the back of the Top Floor
room holds 500 gp and 1,000
Gilgarax will be working dili-
sp of donation money left for
gently on the crystal device in
the goddess of the statue.
the center of the room, attempt-
ing to remove it without destroy-
ing it. He is protected by 3
crystal minotaurs who are
intently watching the door for
intruders. Irritated with the inter-
ruption, Gilgarax will immediately
try to destroy characters with his
magic missile and lightning bolt
spells first.
Crystal Minotaurs (3): (AC 4,
HD 6+1*, HP: 33 ea, #AT 1 gore
or weapon, D 2-8 or 1-8 (battle
axe), Save F7, ML 12, XP 650 ea)

Gilgarax, 7th level M-U: (AC 7,

Lvl7, HP: 15, #AT 1 spell, D vari-
able, Save MU7, ML 10, XP
1500); spells: magic missile, charm
person, shield, detect invisible, mir-
ror image, web, hold person, light-
ning bolt, polymorph self

Gilgarax is trying to remove the

artifact that sits upon a marble
pedestal. This artifact, the
“Heart of the Goddess” is what
First Floor provides continual light for the
lighthouse. It cannot be removed
The burial chamber of the mys-
by any known means and is
terious goddess of the statue
only dimmed when the goddess's
below is guarded by 2 crystal coffin is opened or if the crystal
minotaurs (pg. 7). Their instruc- roof is destroyed.
tions are to kill any who enter
the room without their master, A hidden niche in the pedestal
Gilgarax. Three cherub statues holds a Diamond Eye (pg. 8),
gaze upon the burial coffin in
a Horn of Blasting, a Potion
sadness. A single crystal dagger
of Treasure Finding, and a
(Crystal Dagger of Light, pg.
bag of 100 pp.
8) lies atop the coffin. 10
Quarterly Dungeon Crawl #2
Sepulcher of the God-King A1. Stairs to Tomb
by Thom Wilson. An adventure
Marble stairs lead up from the
for 4-6 characters of 5th to 8th
foot-path to an ancient stone
door. The door is secured but a
lock cannot be found. Only
Background: Travelers along the
magical spells or brute force will
road near the Cliffs of the Dead open the door.
hurry their pace to avoid passing
the tombs and crypts during the Brute Force: roll under half
night. The path between the Strength score.
lake’s edge and hundreds of
burial chambers along the cliff is A2. Murdered Attendants
a treacherous evening journey
Hunkultak wanted his entire
for all but the most stalwart and
council of advisors and his per-
seasoned heroes. Rumors of
sonal servants buried with him
haunting ghosts, shambling zom-
when he died. Unfortunately for
bies and eerie spectres exiting
his attendants, they were very
their tombs under the moonlight
much alive when the god-king
are told throughout the land. If
died. Hunkultak’s own son made
it is so well known, then it
sure that his father’s final wishes
must be true…
were kept. After they were mur-
dered, the twelve attendants
Indeed, the dead do exit their
were placed here to guard and
final resting places each evening
assist the king’s needs in death.
to gaze at the moon and lake-
waters. Although the path along
His four advisors were entombed
the cliffs is a foolhardy trek at
in glass sarcophagi that stand
night, it is relatively safe during
upright in niches in the east
the day. However, entering the
and west walls of the antecham-
tombs themselves is another mat-
ber. His eight personal servants
ter entirely.
were propped up in similar
niches along the north and
One such tomb is that of an
south walls. All twelve of the
ancient king and self-proclaimed
attendants emerge from their
god. Hunkultak the Vile was
places to prevent intruders from
an evil king that ruled a lost disturbing their king.
empire several centuries prior.
His greed, mercilessness and The antechamber is empty of
deceit were well known during furniture, decorations and light.
his life, traits that followed him
to the grave. He has become a Advisors, Mummies (4): (AC 3,
spectre that haunts and hunts HD 5+1*, HP: 25 ea, #AT 1
alongside other foul undead near touch + disease, D 1-12 + disease,
the lake’s edge. He is a danger- Save F5, ML 12, XP 400 ea)
ous foe that has retained many
Servants, Ghouls (8): (AC 6,
of his precious items and spells
HD 2*, HP: 10 ea, #AT 1 bite/2
from his time as a living god claws , D 1-3/1-3 + special, Save
and evil king. F2, ML 9, XP 25 ea)

Sepulcher of the God-King

n1 n2

A1 A2 A3 A4
n6 n5


A3. Passphrase Door Six wall niches hold Hunkultak’s

favorite magical items. He is
Unless magic is used to open
able to use one each round,
this ornate, stone door, it must
magically teleporting it to his
be opened by speaking the
hand (or body) at the start of
passphrase, “Hunkultak the Vile”.
his turn. Previous items return
No amount of brute force may
to their niches just before his
open this magically sealed door.
next turn begins.
A4. Sepulcher of Hunkultak Hunkultak’s Treasured Items
A glass sarcophagus on a raised Roll (1d6) Item
dais is illuminated by a single n1 +2 dagger, +3 vs. Lawful
orb of green light that floats
n2 Wand of Magic Missiles
above it near the ceiling. The
ghostly form of a withered man n3 Rod of Cancellation
rests within the sarcophagus, his n4 Ring of Invisibility
bony hands folded upon his
n5 Girdle of Giant Strength
chest. Even the lightest sound
will awaken the god-king, raising n6 Staff of Power
him from his crystal coffin.
Hunkultak may use any of the
He will mock intruders, treating abilities of the item he has on
them as lesser beings. He urges that turn. Note that any damage
characters to leave while they inflicted with the dagger, wand
still have their heads. Any defi- or staff does not include the
ant or insulting behavior causes level drain bonus. GMs may
Hunkultak to attack. elect to use the spectre’s touch
attack and level drain ability in-
Hunkultak the Vile, Spectre: stead of the item that round.
(AC 2, HD 6***, HP: 40, #AT 1
touch + special or Spell, D 1-8 + Additionally, a secret floor recess
2 level drain or spell, Save F6, ML under the sarcophagus contains
11, XP 950); spells (used twice 1,500 pp and 10d10 large
daily): hold portal, mirror image,
gems, each worth 5d10 gp.
hold person, confusion. Items: spe-
cial (see notes).
Whether your characters pick, phantom footfalls. Almost any
choose at random, or are given sound can be created to trick
their spells, there are plenty that targets with this simple spell.
seemed to go unused or ig- I’ve seen it used to avoid sure
nored. This issue’s article will death a couple of times.
take a look at underused spells
that may often be often over- In the last issue, we mentioned
looked. Note that the comments that the locate object spell could
that follow are my opinion only and have made the “too powerful”
come from my experience as a GM list‟this doesn't mean I’ve seen
throughout the years. Your experi-
it picked or used that often.
ence may say otherwise.
Ma ny tra ditiona l a dve nture
themes center around finding a
We can easily group spells into
location or finding a missing
two categories‟those that play-
item or person. This spell really
ers always take and those they
helps those objectives, especially
infrequently take. This likely
if cast by a higher level magic-
stems from players trying to
user or elf. This is a time when
ma x imize the i r c ha r a cte r’ s
this spell would be nice to have
chances for survival. Automatic
in the spell book and memo-
spells like magic missile and
sleep are always great choices
for your low-level magic-user or Transmute rock to mud is an
elf‟and what cleric doesn’t want
underused but highly effective
cure light wounds when they get
spell that can change an entire
their first gift from their god? adventure in a single moment.
[Note: if you run your games Castle sieges, underground dun-
where the cleric can cast any geons and impassable mountains
spell from that level, then this is are made simple with this spell.
less of a factor‟for this reason, Yes, you could argue that there
we’ll focus on magic-user and elf are other similar spells that
spells in this article.] might be more useful in the
fifth-level list (e.g. passwall or
I’ve seen a tremendous amount teleport) but none are as de-
of fun generated from the first- structive and frustrating to the
level ventriloquism spell. If you GM as transmute rock to mud.
get a player who wants to util- Plus, you can reverse it!
ize every tool in their toolbox
and they only have that low-level There are many underused and
spell left (or have reserved it for overlooked spells in the Basic
the right occasion), they can and Expert spell lists. When
really create a lot of imaginative you’re playing a system with a
encounters and roleplaying from limited number of spells to
its effects. The fearful can be memorize, you have to choose
made to sound brave, the silent wisely. However, there are many
can be made to speak, and foes that are great choices if players
may think your group has could look beyond the damage-
turned down a different alley with dealing and protective spells that
seem to always be picked.
Crimson Abbey of the Broken God — Part 5
In the last issue of Back to This particular secret niche holds
BasiX, we saw Whystal the thief more than the typical supplies
fall into a floor trap while Ensa left in most hiding spots‟an
and Bindor recovered from their unlocked chest in the back cor-
battle with the skeletal monks. ner of the room seems out of
Being the curious creature that place. Characters will find a
he is, Whystal quietly crept crimson bag, a long, wooden
down the sloping tunnel to the box and a leather pouch within
area beyond... the chest. The pouch contains
100 gp, and the box holds a
A5. Secret Room two-foot long device, an Emer-
Just before the tunnel ends in ald Snake Rod (pg. 8). How-
the large storage chamber (A6.), ever, the greatest treasure is the
a small room hidden by a well- mace found within the crimson
designed secret door can be bag. It is red-handled with a
found on the east wall. The blackened steel head. This is the
door opens by pulling down on Mace of the Broken God, an
it, sliding it into the floor. After artifact of great power, thought
one minute, the door slides back lost to thieves long ago.
up into the ceiling. The door
can be opened from both sides. Mace of the Broken God: A
weapon blessed by the Broken
There are several of these small, God himself, this mace provides
five-foot square rooms throughout +1 to-hit and +2 to damage
the abbey. They were designed when used to combat Chaotic
as hiding spaces for monks if creatures. Once per day, the
the abbey was invaded by ma- weapon grants its Lawful wielder
rauders or bandits. the ability to cast Cure Serious
A parchment in the bag states
in a hastily scrawled hand,
“Hide the mace in the southern
niche, the armor in the northern
closet, the helm in the western
hole and the shield in the east-
ern ceiling drawer.”
A6. Storage Chamber
This large room was used to
store crates of food, barrels of
beer, casks of wine, and boxes
of vegetables for the monks of
the abbey. They were loaded
here from a secret access point
to the east (found in a future
issue). All of the perishable food
and drink in their containers are
spoiled and rotted. After a thor-
ough search of the area, char-
acters may find a small, steel Sir Cralnat, Fighter [NPC]
box that contains a bag of Strength: 17
2d10 rubies (each worth 10gp) Intelligence: 9
and two Potions of Healing. Wisdom: 13
Dexterity: 13
A single set of footprints are Constitution: 7
found entering from the northern Charisma: 5
tunnel and exiting the room into Level: 3, AC: 4, HP: 12
the western tunnel.
Ge a r: Ru ste d c ha inma il,
There is a 50% chance for sword+1, silver dagger.
every 10 minutes spent in this
chamber that a swarm of 3-18 Neither dead nor alive, the with-
undead rats will enter the ered old warrior is the last de-
room, attracted to the noise fender of the abbey, tasked for
made by characters or the scent all eternity to guard the lower
of living flesh. levels from evil. He will offer
aid to those who need it, pro-
Rats, Undead (3d6): (AC 7, HD vided they are not Chaotic in
1+1*, HP: 5 ea, #AT 1 bite, D 1- alignment. He cannot be healed
3 + cold, Save F1, ML 12, XP 19
ea) - see page 7.
and his condition cannot be re-
versed. He can assist characters
The sounds of combat are likely with simple directions or fighting
to draw the immortal knight, Sir off evil, but will not join their
Cralnat to the area. He most group.
often patrols the northern and
western areas of the lower lev- Homebrew Rule #2:
els, where an increasing number Thieves may use their Dexterity
bonus (missile to-hit) to increase the
of undead are stirring. He will “level” of their thieves’ abilities. For
assist characters in peril, but will example, a 1st level thief with a
quickly be on his way to resume Dexterity of 13 has thieves’ abilities
his duties. (TA) of second level: 1st level +1
level for the Dexterity bonus.
Other foul creatures wander the Actual TA Lvl TA Lvl TA Lvl
lower levels of the abbey‟use Level DX 13-15 DX 16-17 DX 18

the wandering monsters table to 1 2 3 4

check for the chance that char- 2 3 4 5

acters run into other foes. 3 4 5 6

Wandering Monsters—Abbey, Lower levels (roll 1d20)

Roll Creat. No. AC HD HP AT Dam Align XP
1 Wight 1 5 3* 15 1 ED C 50
2 Ghoul 1-2 6 2* 12 ea 3 1-3 + C 25 ea
3 Zombie 1-6 8 2 10 ea 1 1-8 C 20 ea
4-5 Skeleton 2-8 7 1 5 ea 1 1-6 C 10 ea
6-7 Rat, Undead 3-18 7 1+1* 5 ea 1 1-3 + C 19 ea
8-20 Nothing encountered. (+) special ability; (ED) Energy Drain
Roll on this table every 30 minutes of game time...
Advertisements / For Sale / Wanted

Coming Soon: DerbyMouse Wanted: Any condition copies

Games, for hand-crafted charac- of B2 Keep on the Borderlands,
ter and monster miniatures. and Moldvay Basic and Expert
Made from simple materials, ei- Rulebooks.
ther pre-painted or unpainted!
Do you want to advertise your
B/X product, blog, or website in
Back to BasiX? Contact for re-
quirements and details.
Visit for my latest prod-
ucts for sale, including B/X and S&W
adventures! Note that back issues of
Back to BasiX (in print) are no longer
available. Stay tuned for print-on-demand.

Special thanks to Matt Ray for the use

of his wonderful cover illustration, Isa de
The three adventures face the un- Mendonca Silva for her logo work, and
dead monks from Issue #3… minia- Travis Hanson for continuing to draw
tures made by Derby Mouse Games. my Dungeon Delvers story!

Additionally, a very special thanks to

Classic D&D Podcast: Check author Stephen Marsh, for taking time
out Save or Die!: to answer my questions!

Map for adventure on pages 9-10
B/X Fanzine

This issue! Next issue:

Product Spotlight Artist Spotlight!
Publishing News
A Dungeon Crawl How do you get it?
New B/X Monsters
New Magical Items
Contact Thom Wilson at
Spell Casting Article
Comic Strip and Adventure for new and old issues!
MonkeyBlood Maps!
Contributor Interview

$3.50 Issue #5

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