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Sixth Issue!

#6 — September 2018

A quarterly Fanzine dedicated to the simpler time of RPGs—

covering the Basic and Expert editions of Dungeons & Dragons.
Future Issues — A Note from the Fanzine Creator
It's hard to believe that I'm work- lover of print myself, I understand
ing on the sixth issue of this fan- the need for physical copies –
zine, encompassing a year and a continuing to print physical copies
half of quarterly releases. The satisfies that need for those that
reviews and feedback from nearly wish to have the fanzine in their
all of you has been overwhelm- hands.
ingly positive, driving me to create
each new issue to be better than Why don't I offer subscriptions?
the last. Throughout the 15- This question was asked very early
month run, particularly in the last on and I understand why. It's eas-
two issues, a few repeated ques- ier for consumers to pay for sev-
tions have popped up that I can eral issues in advance and have
answer here. them arrive when they are re-
leased. I can appreciate the ques-
Why are you moving print to a tion and need for such a service.
third party? Well, I've always in- However, knowing that my release
tended to release the fanzine in model was going to shift to print
two formats – PDF and print. I've by a third party, this made it
hand printed, bound, and mailed difficult to find a service that of-
the previous four issues (five, in- fered print via subscription, espe-
cluding the first issue that was cially in a niche market. The big
handed out at NTRPGCon in players in the PDF market offer a
2017) and would rather let some- subscription service but only for
one else handle the time - digital product. Finding a company
consuming task of printing and who would handle a print mailing
mailing going forward. Additionally, without taking a large chunk out
I sell more PDFs than print so of the returns of each issue is
moving the digital version to the and continues to be difficult. I
primary release method makes don't make a profit on most is-
more sense for my business. As a sues until I sell more than a few

— Issue #6 Details —
Fanzine Sections V. 2 No 3
Content Page
Issue #6 — September 2018
Letter from the Creator 1 Printed September 15th, 2018
Publishing News 2 Created by: Thom Wilson
Interview — Mike Carr 3
Articles by: Thom Wilson
Cover Illustration: Matt Ray
Product Spotlight 6 Back Cover: Thom Wilson
The Magic Shop 8 Logo: Isa de Mendonca Silva
Mythicology 9
Comic: Travis Hanson
Interior Art: Je Shields, Mustafa Bekir,
Quarterly Dungeon Crawl 10 William McAusland (Outland Arts)
Spellbound 17 Cartography: MonkeyBlood Design
Editor: Michael J. Gross, III
An Ongoing Adventure... 18
Dungeon Delvers Comic 22 Upcoming Issues:
#7 — December, 2018 — print, PDF
1 1st printing—RPGNow #8 — March, 2019 — print, PDF
dozen PDFS. Having a subscrip-
tion company or crate service
added to the mix negates any
profit I'll make.

I apologize to those who have

come to love the handcrafted
issues I've made. I hope that
you'll continue to buy it in print
from the third party company or
PDF as I switch release methods
with this and future issues. I
also hope you understand that
these changes only help future
issues”I will have more time to
create and release RPG materials
for you without being burdened
with printing, binding, and mail-
B/X Companion”cover

Thom Wilson
a blue color font to match ex-
Publishing News
Although I mentioned the Run- B/X Companion covers levels
ning Beagle Games book, B/X 15 to 36 for the four main
Companion, in the very first classes and provides a few op-
issue of this fanzine, I felt like it tions for demi-human races after
was time to do a proper review they reach their maximum level
of it. Jonathan Becker has given in the Expert book. I like that
us a wonderful book that per- the book encourages players to
fectly follows the Basic and Ex- keep their demi-human characters
pert rulebooks. Imagine if TSR active after they reach maximum
had decided to produce a third level, by using experience points
book in the spirit of the Mold- to advance their attack and sav-
vay, Cook, and Marsh design “ ing throw ratings and number of
my guess is that it would look attacks per round.
much like this. Similar to TSR's
first two rulebooks, it fills 64 Dozens of high-level and power-
pages with two-column, justified ful monsters are listed, challeng-
text, laid out in an instructional, ing most experienced characters
simple-to-use format. Topics are with their special abilities, mas-
in the same order of the origi- sive hit dice, and low armor
nal books “ my fingers naturally classes. A few low-level foes are
found the section I needed as if thrown in to add some depth to
I was thumbing through the B/X adventures but the real fo-
early TSR rulebooks. Unlike cus is on the many formidable
most modern-day books however, threats that would frighten a
Running Beagle Games stays seasoned player. Nearly every
true to the originals by using monster has one or more aster-
the interior covers for additional isks marked after their hit dice,
space. I just wish they had used indicating special abilities
that warrant additional experience Occasionally, a table will have a
points for their defeat. gray-highlighted row or column,
but most are simplistic, white
The magic item tables are com- grids. If there was an area to
pletely filled with new and won- improve, it would be in the ta-
drous treasures for experienced ble design and layout. However,
characters to acquire. Seeing a this is about all I can find that
Sword +5 in any D&D® prod- I'd change. The rest of the book
uct is thrilling unto itself, but is quite good and”besides a few
the sheer number and breadth typos and a couple places with
of choices in the tables offer missing punctuation”this is stel-
many new possibilities to charac- lar work.
ters. The Book table is worth a
read all by itself. If you haven't picked up this
book for your B/X campaign,
Variable combat damage, grap- you should. When you use it at
pling, and special mass combat the table, it almost feels like
rules add considerable depth to you're using one of the original
the book, providing high-level TSR books.
characters and campaigns with
additional advanced options. B/X Companion, Running Bea-
gle Games, $28.99 print avail-
Artwork is somewhat sparse able at,
(averaging 1 piece per 2-3 $12.99 PDF at
pages) but is solid, good work.
The cover art is spectacular, Interview with a Legendary
reminding us that cover pieces Author—Mike Carr
need not show action and com-
bat to tell the story of the inte- One of the first adventure books
rior. It clearly speaks to the packaged with early boxed sets
leadership that higher-level char- (Holmes 4th and 5th printings)
acters bring to new campaigns. and later in a different color
cover for Basic D&D®, In
The font choice is clean and” Search of the Unknown is one
besides a few strange oddities of the most played and remem-
(e.g. the rear index) -- is consis- bered modules from early TSR. I
tent throughout the book. The got a chance to interview the
interior front cover Table of author, Mike Carr, to ask him
Contents replicates the original about his days at TSR and his
work but the Charisma table and work on this legendary book.
hireling price charts also found
there seem strangely out of [Thom] How did you find your-
place, as if used to fill space. self moving to Lake Geneva to
No matter, both tables are useful work for TSR in March, 1976?
and make it easier to find that
information when needed. I think [Mike] I graduated from Macales-
the only issue I have with the ter College in Saint Paul in
book is with the table design. 1973 with a degree in History,
They are flat, plain, and even a hoping to become a high school
little ugly in a few places. social studies teacher “ but there
were virtually no openings at the
3 time in Minnesota, so my op-
tions in the field of education well aware of what that could
were limited. For some months I mean for the founders and early
continued working at my college investors if the business became
job, which was as the night a solid success “ and that’s ex-
cook at The Ground Round res- actly what transpired over the
taurant in Roseville, Minne- next seven years. Besides, I was
sota. That store was one of the single and loved gaming, so tak-
busiest in the entire chain, so it ing a pay cut of that magnitude
was a training ground for aspir- “ although significant “ was
ing managers “ and with few something I was more than will-
other options, I asked the re- ing to do. So in mid-March of
gional manager if I might be 1976, I happily pulled up stakes
considered as a management in Iowa and moved to Lake
trainee. My expectation was that, Geneva. I’ve been a Wisconsinite
if accepted, I would be training ever since. Today I live outside
there in Roseville, but when the of Oconomowoc, which is about
offer was made to me, it was 40 miles north and 45 minutes
for a position in Cedar Rapids, away from Lake Geneva. So I’m
Iowa “ take it or leave it. I had able to visit there any time I
no desire to leave the Twin Cit- like.
ies, but this was a genuine op-
portunity and the only one I [T] So initially at least, your job
had, so I took it. duties at TSR were informal and
more managerial, before becom-
I enjoyed the restaurant business, ing the games and rules editor?
but working six days a week
and having only Tuesdays off [M] Yes. As with any small
took most of the fun out of company, we all performed a
it. I really disliked living in Ce- variety of tasks, creative and
dar Rapids, so after spending otherwise, including unloading
1974 and 1975 there as a boxes of newly printed products
trainee and assistant manager, I being delivered. Among other
was more than delighted when duties, I did some editing and
Gary Gygax offered me a posi- proofreading on several projects
tion with TSR in early along with Brian Blume”which
1976. He felt that with my led to more editorial work and a
gaming background and now my change in my title from general
management experience, I would manager to games and rules
be of value to the growing en- editor.
terprise as an editor and poten-
tial manager. [T] How did you get tapped to
write an introductory adventure
At The Ground Round I had for the Basic Set? Were you
worked my way up from $150 given the direction to write a
a week to $205 a week, but module that intentionally taught
Gary’s offer was for just $110 a fledgling dungeon masters how
week, with the promise of some to populate a dungeon (i.e. had
corporate stock in lieu of salary fill-in-the-blank monster entries
and the opportunity to buy more for rooms, along with monster
shares at a discount. Since I population lists)—or was that
had developed an interest in the primarily your invention?
stock market as a teen, I was 4
[M] When the decision was Third, I wanted to give an ex-
made to include an introductory ample of a solid ‚backstory‛
module with the Basic Set, I that would provide a reason for
raised my hand and said I’d like the adventure and inspire the
to write it, which I ended up players’ imaginations. To give
doing largely on my own the dungeon master an example
time. After outlining my plan of how to tailor certain details
and getting the approval of Gary to individual players, I included a
Gygax and Brian Blume, I set random roll for rumors or leg-
to work with very little input ends that each player’s character
from anyone “ I was really might have heard, which could
given carte blanche to bring my be true or false.
own vision to life, which I did. I
was well aware that this was Fourth, I wracked my brain to
going to be an important prod- come up with as many interest-
uct that would serve as a model ing and mysterious features as I
for countless players to use and could think of for what could be
enjoy, so I really gave it a lot discovered within the place, par-
of thought and tried to make it ticularly the garden of giant
not only illustrative of good de- fungi and the room of
sign, but also interesting and pools. That had to be done
challenging. considering that the adventurers
were going to be low-level char-
In creating this module, I had acters. So nothing could be too
several goals. First and foremost deadly or too challenging to
was to present it as a true in- overcome “ and that meant that
troductory work suitable for first- there were limited options on
time dungeon masters and play- the design side.
ers. That meant explaining to
the dungeon master what was Fifth, I wanted each dungeon
being presented, as well as the master to be able to provide
rationale behind it. For the play- some of their own input through
ers, it was giving them a back- the placement of various mon-
ground sheet that outlined the sters and treasures in different
reason and motivation for their locations “ with the suggestion
adventure, to get them thinking that some rooms have one, or
like role players. the other, or none. That was
my idea, but it reflected what is
Second, I wanted to show what done in Dave Megarry’s Dun-
a good dungeon design looks geon! Board game, where level-
like, starting with architectural appropriate monsters and treas-
aspects (like including all the ures are placed in each room,
necessary rooms for housing albeit randomly.
dozens of people in a functional
way, considering aspects such as Lastly, I included advice for both
basic drainage, the location of the dungeon master and the
cooking, eating, and sleeping players, hopefully to keep them
areas, etc.). I also included as-
on track while emphasizing that
pects that might confuse the
adventurers or make the place flexibility and the ability to adapt
difficult to map, including some on the fly are key elements to
achieve success in any role play-
angled or irregular walls.
5 ing endeavor.
[T] Is there any particular rea- Product Spotlight
son that B1 was added to the
Basic Set, and similarly, why It only makes sense to take a
was it replaced in relatively short deeper look at the adventure
order with B2? Apart from the module, In Search of the Un-
fact that it'd be nice to have a known, after our interview with
module in the Basic Set to help Mike Carr.
people figure out how to play,
was there any business reason? The classic adventure, In Search
of the Unknown, was one of
[M] The Basic Set was created the truly unique and interesting
specifically for the mainstream modules produced for TSR’s
audience in hopes that D&D Basic product line. Written as an
would become much more than instructional book for both dun-
a niche product. Prior to the geon masters and players, this
release of the Basic Set, D&D title was available in boxed sets
was becoming increasingly popu- and sold alone. Dungeon module
lar, but mostly within the gam- B1 (as it's best known as for
ing community. The Basic Set most enthusiasts) was found in
was aimed at the mass market two formats “ the monochrome
so that it could be sold far edition from 1979 and the up-
more widely “ and it really did dated copy with the brown
take off. However, it soon was cover in 1981. Although Good-
obvious that most buyers “ who man Games has recently re-
had grown up on traditional printed the adventure in their
board games and to whom role large hardcover book, Into the
playing and dungeon creation Borderlands (including a few ver-
were alien concepts “ wanted sions of Keep on the Border-
and needed something to allow lands as well), our review will
them to more easily get focus solely on the two original
started. TSR management was printings of yesteryear.
aware of that and I believe that
they wanted to enhance the The first thing that I found in-
product for solid business rea- teresting when I read this adven-
sons “ to make it easier to ture in the early 80s was that
grasp and play, thus increasing there were references in the
sales and removing an obstacle monochrome (earlier version)
to getting started. book that didn't make sense to
me, specifically to different
classes and a different version of
the game called Advanced Dun-
geons & Dragons”I had only
played B/X up to that point so
when I found ‚Fighting Men‛ in
the back of the book and
‚Krago of the Mountains‛, a
dwarf with 18/54 Strength, I
Both the monochrome and brown covered versions of
In Search of the Unknown by Mike Carr. The
was a bit confused. I hopelessly
artist Darlene updated the cover artwork in the revised searched the Moldvay rulebook
edition (although the monochrome cover art was kept
on the title page of the newer book). Additionally, the for days, hoping to find answers
art on the back cover (not pictured) was also updated
by Darlene, depicting a combat scene between a few
to the strange differences.
adventurers and lizardmen. 6
It was only some years later With the differences of the print-
that I found out about the ings aside, the adventure itself is
Holmes version of Basic D&D one-of-a-kind in design. To my
and exceptional Strength scores knowledge, this book is the only
in AD&D. Although it made TSR book designed to help
sense after I found these things fledgling dungeon masters popu-
out, I thought it was still strange late a dungeon with monsters
to find them in a Basic D&D and treasure of their own choos-
adventure book. Oddly, the later ing (or randomly, if desired).
printing of the book that Several encounter areas have
stripped much of the AD&D seeded treasures, traps, and
references still included Krago's magical effects listed but each
exceptional Strength score. room still has open space at the
end of each description to hand-
Although several sections and write monsters and treasures.
encounter numbering changed in This unique design allowed dun-
the later printing, the book re- geon masters to populate each
tained most of its original design encounter any way they wished,
and encounter information. A making the adventure their own.
new illustration filled the spot This design undoubtedly inspired
that referenced using this adven- many dungeon masters to create
ture with AD&D, but otherwise, their very own adventures once
most of the interior illustrations getting the general idea from
and content remained un- this exercise “ obviously, one of
changed. The newer version was the intentions of TSR staff.
updated to better reflect Moldvay
rules, using the classes of B/X So, what about the adventure
more accurately and precisely. itself? Designed for three to
With the exception of a few eight adventurers of first to third
edits and changes, the 1981 level, this 32-page, 56-room
book remains pretty much the dungeon crawler can be added
same as the earlier, mono- to any campaign. The former
chrome version. secret stronghold of a pair of
heroes, the lair and caverns of
Quasqueton is generic enough to
fit into any main storyline or as
a side quest in an existing ad-
venture series. There is a good
balance of traps, secret doors,
illusions, and trickery to test sea-
soned players, but is simple
enough to be enjoyed by those
new to the game. There is a
In this picture (of the left, inside cover and the
detached adventure booklet), we see the iconic upper lot of material in this book, one
level map of In Search of the Unknown, with its
non-standard layout and rooms of varying sizes. Notice
of the early trademarks of the
the large room with all the pools on the right side of TSR line. Smaller fonts, less
the map.
illustrations, and lots of content!
This picture was taken of the book with the brown
cover (1981 version)”the interior maps were a much
brighter blue color than the those found in the mono- One of the biggest standouts in
chrome book and were better suited for photography.
the adventure is the Room of
Pools (area 31 in the upper
7 level). The encounter material
spans nearly two pages, and The Magic Shop
provides adventurers with four-
teen mysterious pools to investi- A few items of interest found in
gate. Each unique pool has an our double-sized adventure are
interesting feature that may be further detailed here.
beneficial or deadly to curious
characters. A quick scan of the Robes of the Alchemist
pools immediately hints to the When these magical robes are
fun a dungeon master can have worn, they halve the time to
in this large room. create potions and magic items.
The robes provide an AC of 5.
The lower level of adventure Value: 2,500 GP.
locale is not as interesting as
Staff of Transmutation
the upper portion, but a single
Each charge of the staff allows
area of the unfinished caverns is
the user to attempt to transmute
worth the trip. Area 45, the
a substance to another, different
Cavern of the Mystical Stone,
material of equal size. The
plays like a Deck of Many
weight of the transformed mate-
Things “ consuming chips of the
rial may drastically change when
magical stone randomly bestows
the substance is altered. If the
either a positive or negative af-
target material makes a saving
fect on a character, some of
throw, it fails to change.
which are permanent! Whereas
the aforementioned Room of
Unfortunately, the staff cannot
Pools may be avoided by savvy
be recharged.
players, many of the same play- Value: 10,000 GP.
ers will tempt fate hoping for a
powerful boon. The effects the Wand of Spell-storing
author has provided in the d20 This ten-charge wand may be
roll chart are both interesting used to store magic-user spells,
and unique, and sometimes quite where charges equal their spell
comical. level. For example, a 2nd level
spell ‚uses‛ 2 charges. Once the
This is a sure-fire winner if you spell is cast from the wand, the
are running B/X. It can be charge(s) and spell are used.
plugged in anywhere at anytime Value: 2,500 GP.
and can be customized in ad-
vance or played with random
monster and treasure seeding.
This is one of those adventure
books you keep in the bag Scroll of Rock-to-Slime
every time you gather “ it could The instructions and steps to
be pulled out and used with convert rock to slime have been
ease! magically transcribed on this one
-time use scroll. When used, a
9023—In Search of the Un- five-foot portion of rock slowly
known, B1 – monochrome 1979 transforms into a mindless green
edition, 1 st – 3rd printings, slime creature of full size. The
brown cover 1981 edition, 4th – slime has no allegiance to the
6th printings. ISBN on 1981 caster, possibly considering him
edition: 0-935696-04-0, list price or her its next victim.
$5.50 Value: 5,000 GP. 8
The double-sized adventure found No. Appearing: 1
in the following pages have sev- Save As: Fighter: 1
eral new creatures, each de- Morale: 12
scribed in this issue’s Mythicol- Treasure Type: Nil
ogy section. Alignment: Neutral

Mud Slime Gemstone Slime (rare)

This creature is created from a Much like the Mud Slime, this
failed transmute rock to mud creature has been formed
spell where a small portion of a through a failed magic spell,
slime was intentionally or acci- where a slime was somehow
dentally introduced. The flesh of introduced into the fabled Rock
the slime forces the spell to to Gem incantation. The crea-
integrate the mud with the crea- ture appears more sandy than
ture turning it into a large mud and is covered and filled
muddy slime. It acts and behaves with hundreds of gemstones.
as a regular Green Slime how- Only when the creature dies can
ever, it takes only half damage the gems be freed from its
from fire due to the earthy ele- form. Gems of all sizes and
ments in its transformed make types can be found within the
up. creature. There are a total of
5d20+25 unrefined gems of dif-
ferent varieties, shapes and sizes.

The Gemstone slime is similar to

the mud slime in all statistics
except its hit dice.
Hit Dice: 4** (max hp)

Art by Je Shields

Armor Class: Always hit

Hit Dice: 2*
Move: 3’ (1‛)
Attacks: 1
Art by Mustafa Bekir

Damage: As slime (B36).

Special: Immune to all
attacks except
fire and cold.
Quarterly Dungeon Crawl
Gebbellurd’s Mistake Gebbellurd has been locked in-
by Thom Wilson. An adventure side his bedchambers without
for 4-6 characters of 2nd to 3rd food and water for days, and
level. will likely be near death or dead
by the time the characters ar-
Background: A nobleman frets rive. Little to none of his re-
over a missing friend, the old search has survived the mishap.
alchemist, Gebbellurd. A note
from the aging wizard indicated The old alchemist inherited the
that he had finally discovered underground labyrinth from fam-
the secret to turning stone into ily decades ago and has adapted
gems! However, after indicating it into a home and laboratory.
he’d travel to the nobleman’s Being a wizard, he has created
keep to demonstrate his secretive many magical effects to protect
work, he’s fallen strangely quiet. his home and to simplify his
Gebbellurd is a shy fellow, often daily life.
holed up in his underground
laboratory for months at a time, Ornatal can provide directions to
but with a discovery of this pro- the alchemist’s home. The jour-
portion, the nobleman would ney from his keep is over 8
have expected his friend to have hours by horse.
arrived already.
1. Entrance to the Home
The characters are hired to in- Double doors at the top of a
vestigate the home of Gebbel- wide staircase built into the side
lurd, checking on his well-being, of a mountain provide access to
and to safeguard his travel back Gebbellurd’s home. Most often
to the keep. The nobleman, locked, they are currently found
Ornatal the Just, worries about in the opposite state. Glittering
his old friend but also eagerly pillars on either side of the
awaits the proof of the alche- doors provide light after the sun
mist’s claims. A spell that turns sets.
rock into gems is incredible!
A pair of strange (magical)
However, the characters will find mouths on the doors loudly an-
that when they arrive, the labo- nounce any visitors and bid
ratory has been destroyed by guests farewell when they depart.
misfortune and accidents. After
successfully creating the spell to 2. Alcove Hall
turn common rock into gems, Busts of famous wizards fill the
Gebbellurd accidentally set fire to alcoves along the hall. Oddly,
his research, losing a lifetime of one alcove at the eastern end is
work. In a panic to recreate the empty (saved for himself, to be
spell, he inadvertently incorpo- created after his death).
rated an extra element in his
revised spell that instead turns A backpack filled with common
rock into slime! Several failed travel gear lies spilled on the
attempts led to a destroyed floor midway down the hall. A
home filled with lurking slimes. walking staff is found under
the loose items. 10
3. Sitting Room 6. South Guest Room
Six chairs and a large couch are Similar in design and contents
positioned around this long room as the northern room (area 4).
to maximize conversation. A
small fireplace in the west wall 7. Dining Area
appears to have not been used A well-dressed goblin stands
for many weeks. A small green upon a long table in the center
slime has hidden itself under of this room, staring at the
the couch but will slide out door to the east. He startles
when movement or noise in the easily but is well-spoken and
room is detected. fairly intelligent. Gebbellurd’s as-
Green Slime: (AC automatic, HD sistant has barely escaped a pur-
2*, HP: 8, #AT 1 touch, D turn suing slime that was slithering in
flesh to slime in 1d4 rounds, Save the hallway beyond the east
F1, ML 12, Special: harmed only door. He hopes arriving charac-
by fire or cold, XP 25) ters may help him find his miss-
ing master.
4. North Guest Room
Gibby, Goblin assistant: (AC 6,
Gebbellurd infrequently enter- HD 1-1, HP: 3, #AT 1 Wand of
tained guests but had a place Cold, 2 charges left, D 6-36, Save
reserved for visitors as needed. NM, ML 6, XP 6)
The room is furnished with all
the needs of an overnight guest. Gibby has taken his master’s
Wand of Cold from the labo-
5. Library ratory to try to help free his
master who is pinned down
A battle between tiny imps and somewhere in the eastern part
a green slime my be heard of the underground facility. He
from this room long before it is is not very brave and likely to
entered. flee at the first sign of danger.
Imps (6): (AC 7, HD 1/2, HP:
3 ea, #AT 1 flame dart, D 1-2, The poor goblin has a small bit
Save F1, ML 8, XP 5 ea) of slime on his pant leg. If un-
noticed, it will climb under his
Green Slime: as area 3. clothing and attach to his skin
Regardless of which side the in 1d6 turns.
adventurers assist, the helped
8. Kitchen
side turns on the group as soon
as they are able. Evidence of a hasty retreat is
quite apparent”cabinets are
The room is filled with hundreds open, boxes are overturned and
of non-magical books on nature, emptied, and chairs are scattered
geography, and other mundane about. The corpse of an old
topics. Gebbellurd’s alchemy and dwarven woman leans against a
magic tomes can be found in nearby cabinet, her eyes wide
area 19. However, there is a with fright.
25% chance that a magical
scroll may be found tucked into A container in a well-hidden
one of the books. niche behind a dry sink holds a
ruby necklace (500 gp value).
9. Store Room 12. Kennels (Dungeon)
Boxes, crates, barrels, and bags Before Gebbellurd inherited his
are neatly stacked along the home, this part of the under-
walls of the room. Most are ground facility was used as a
marked with familiar village dungeon to hold prisoners. Now,
names and are filled with various the alchemist prefers to use this
local produce, salted meats, and area for his hunting dogs. Un-
beer. fortunately, most of the dogs
have escaped with the kennel-
Six dog harnesses hang from a master. Two older dogs remain
rack on the south wall. They in their cells, scared and hungry.
look to fit rather large beasts.
Hunting Dogs, Oka and Brog:
(AC 7, HD 2, HP: 9, 7, #AT 1
A small slime lurks behind one bite, D 1-6, Save F1, ML 8, Spe-
of the crates on the west wall, cial: will not attack Gebbellurd or
oozing out to meet inquisitive Kennelmaster, XP 20 ea)
Each dog may have a different
Green Slime: (AC automatic, HD reaction to the characters if
1*, HP: 4, #AT 1 touch, D turn freed from their kennels.
flesh to slime in 1d4 rounds, Save
F1, ML 12, Special: harmed only Hunting Dog Reactions
by fire or cold, XP 15) 1d6 Roll Reaction
Sitting on the top shelf (out of 1-2 Dog attack!
sight unless checked), a wooden 3-5 Dog flees the area.
box holds 100 gp”the money
6+ Dog becomes friendly.
used for the next supply ship-
ment from traveling merchants. Charisma bonus added to roll.

10 & 11. Hallway Guardians 13. Kennelmaster Quarters

Guests that wander in halls be- Fleeing the alchemist’s home at
yond their quarters are stopped the first sign of trouble, the
by one of two iron living Kennelmaster left most of his
statues (one in each small al- common belongings behind in
cove) who obstruct the uninvited his room. Aside from the typical
from venturing further in the trappings of a modest bedroom,
alchemist’s home. Although they the area has only one interesting
merely prevent access to the trinket. A necklace hanging from
hallway beyond their station, a full length mirror is actually a
they will not attack unless pro- Medallion of Control Animal.
voked or ignored. They will ver- This magical item acts like the
bally warn guests before attack- potion of the same name except
ing. They do not pursue any that it may be used once per
who flee back to the western day.
portion of the alchemist’s home.
Living Statues, Iron (2): (AC 2,
HD 4, HP: 16 ea, #AT 2, D 1-
8/1-8 + special, Save F4, ML 11,
Special: non-magical weapons may
stick to the statue, XP 75 ea)
14. Laboratory The area is quite dark but once
there is illumination, the form of
Hundreds of strange tubes, beak-
a humanoid can be see in the
ers and pots cover six long ta-
northernmost part of the cavern.
bles in this area. Intelligent char-
This is the corpse of Nabby,
acters will immediately recognize
one of two goblin assistants to
this room to be a laboratory.
Gebbellurd. His form is covered
Several pieces of parchment and
in muddy slime, killed by the
a dozen books are scattered
foul creature that now lurks in
about the lab, each inscribed
area 18. A silver key in his
with various alchemy recipes and
pocket opens the large chest in
tests. Pieces of burnt paper look
area 21.
to have been put together as if
trying to reassemble a puzzle. 18. Small Cavern
Each of the alchemy scrolls and
books are valuable but not a After killing the poor goblin in
single one is extraordinary. A area 17, the newly created Mud
search should reveal a newly Slime now lurks in the drier
started recipe that has many cave away from the pool.
ingredients and steps added and
crossed out. Additionally, the Mud Slime: (AC automatic, HD
2*, HP: 8, #AT 1 touch, D turn
characters will find dried, burnt flesh to muddy-slime in 1d4 rounds,
slime in several places in the Save F1, ML 12, Special: harmed
room. only by fire (1/2 damage) or cold,
XP 25) - details found on page 9.
15. Storeroom
19. Gebbellurd’s Library
Gebbellurd kept spare laboratory
equipment and ingredients in this The old alchemist keeps his
area south of laboratory. The most treasured works in his pri-
remnants of broken glass bottles vate library. There are at least
and tubes are found on the 2d6+3 valuable tomes on al-
floor as if someone or some- chemy on the shelves in this
thing rushed through the area room. Additionally, a spellbook
quickly, heading east. lying open on a table holds 1d4
1st-level and 1d4 2nd-level
16. Well Room magic-user spells.
Buckets and barrels filled with
20. Ancient Temple
clean water are found here,
stacked along the walls near the When Gebbellurd inherited the
opening to a 15’ deep well. underground facility, he was told
The well’s water is nearly at the about the mysterious temple at
level of the floor. its far end. Since then, the old
alchemist has avoided the area.
17. Underground Cavern A shrine to an ancient evil god
A 30-second swim from area 16 is here, unleashing its wrath on
ends in a pool in this cavern. any lawful beings that enter its
The pool is cold and clear, fed sphere of influence. When any
from an underground spring. lawful creature moves within 20’
Muddy footprints are seen along of the shrine, a small demon
the edge, leading west. is summoned to slay offending
trespassers. The hearts of those
who are slain are sacrificed to
the evil god, putting a mysteri-
ous curse on any of the friends
and family of the dead.
Small Demon: (AC 3, HD 5**,
HP: 20, #AT 3 bite, claws, D 1-
6/1-4/1-4, Save F5, ML 12, Spe-
cial: immune to fire, non-magic 23. Gem-filled Cavern
items deal half damage, XP 425)
A large cavern glitters when a
Although risky to take, the idol light source is brought into the
in the shrine is made solid gold wide-open space. Dozens of
and has two large ruby eyes large gems are seen embedded
(total worth, 5,000 gp). in the rock walls of the cavern.
One rock wall moves when
21. Locked Treasure Room characters enter”it’s a Gem-
stone Slime!
A locked door keeps guests and
servants from accessing Gebbel- Gemstone Slime: (AC automatic,
lurd’s treasure room. A large HD 4**, HP: 32, #AT 1 touch, D
chest and two glass cases hold turn flesh to muddy-slime in 1d4
the alchemist’s most prized pos- rounds, Save F1, ML 12, Special:
sessions. Only Gebbellurd has harmed only by fire (1/2 damage)
or cold, XP 175) - details found on
the keys to the door and chest.
page 9.
However, one of his goblin as-
sistants (Nabby, area 17) has a Once slain, the gemstone slime
spare key to the chest. leaves behind 5d20+25 unrefined
gems of various types.
The chest holds Robes of the
Alchemist. A Staff of Trans- Another 3d6+3 raw gems may
mutation and a Wand of be pried from the walls of the
Spell-Storing are secured be- cavern.
hind the glass cases. Descriptions
for all three magical items can 24. Gem Mine
be found on page 8. A newly-started mine has re-
cently begun to provide Gebbel-
22. Gebbellurd’s Bedroom lurd with dozens of large, raw
The poor alchemist has been gems. At least 1d6 unrefined
unable to escape his home, in- gems of various types (each)
fected by one of the many may be found with a few hours
slimes loose in the facility. He is of careful digging. However, the
near death (or dead, GM number of gems found slowly
choice), slumped against the diminishes within another thirty
north wall so close to the secret to forty feet of excavation.
exit out. A nearby poorly
scrawled note, addressed to Or- 25. Lake Exit
natal, apologizes for his failures. The underground tunnel exits to
A Scroll of Rock-to-Slime can a ledge above a small lake. A
be found on his desk and a bag rope ladder descends down into
of 100 sp, 50 gp and 10 pp the water where a two-man sail-
can be found within a drawer. boat is moored.
Up to this issue, the Spellbound Mend
section has focused on existing A normal needle and thread are
spells in the B/X rulebooks, magically instructed to sew mate-
highlighting those that are pow- rials for 10 minutes. The caster
erful or underappreciated. In this may leave the area while the
issue, we contemplate other op- instruments continue to work.
tions to support spellcasters, es-
pecially at the lower levels. Scribe
The caster may verbally instruct
Later editions of D&D brought a quill or other writing instru-
about the idea of cantrips, lesser ment to write. The caster must
incantations of little power that be able to speak aloud for the
could be used limitlessly. Can- cantrip to work.
trips could be considered zero-
level spells, so easy to learn that Spark
even thieves or Halflings could Snapping his or her fingers, the
learn one or two. This is a con- caster creates a brief spark or
siderable departure from the small flame for a brief second.
rules as written in the Moldvay
books, so”for the purpose of There are a multitude of options
exploration of possible options, for simple cantrips that won’t
let’s consider two possibilities. upset the balance of the game
but instead provide in-game use-
What if Elves, Dwarves, and fulness. For example, grabbing
Halflings had access to simple the sleeping guards keys? The
cantrips”to be used in their cantrip ‘fetch’ works great for
daily lives? What about higher that!
intelligence magic-users and
thieves? Could they benefit from The number of cantrips available
their great intellect and learn to the character would equal
additional incantations? Consider their Intelligence bonus.
the following example cantrips.
Another option for adding a
Breeze little extra help to low-level spell-
The caster causes a slight wind casters is allow them to cast
to affect a 10’ area for a brief first level spells more often”this
moment. The wind is strong makes first level spells behave
enough to snuff out a candle or like cantrips in a slight way.
turn a page in a book. This option allows the caster to
pick one spell to cast more than
Fetch once per day as the table below
An item within 10’ of the details.
caster of one pound or less is
magically pulled along a surface One INT INT INT
Spell 13-15 16-17 18
to the caster. Note that the
item does not move in the air Bonus: +1 +2 +3
(gravity applies). For example, a magic-user with
an Intelligence of 17 could pick
one spell per day to be cast a
17 total of 3 times.
Crimson Abbey of the Broken God — Part 6
After their encounter with the place and how the two died
undead rats and the old knight, remains a mystery. Note that
Sir Cralnat, the group decided the remains of more minotaurs
to leave the storage chamber will be found in future issues of
(area A6) and continued north. this fanzine.

A network of tunnels under the The crate lid has been partially
abbey can lead to adventurers pried off, revealing a dozen glass
becoming lost. bottles within. Removing the
bottles from their compartments
Hallway from Area A6 within the crate will expose their
The hallway extends over 100 faded labels and the remnants of
feet before splitting into two liquid that once filled them.
separate tunnels. Each tunnel Hints of pink, red and yellow
continues north but slants west liquids are each found within
(the upper tunnel) or east (the four bottles respectively. If
lower tunnel). Both tunnels ap- tasted, all three liquid types taste
pear equally unused. A hidden pleasant yet old and stale. The
room between the tunnels is old potions were once full po-
accessible by a secret door on tions of healing (pink), herosim
either side of its southern point
(red) and control human
(see map on page 20).
(yellow). Although old and dimin-
Secret Door Check: add +1 to ished, if all four potion bottles
the chance due to older doors. are consumed of the same
color, it will effect the imbiber
A7. Secret Room as one complete potion of that
Triangular in shape, this secret type. Thus, there are three us-
room has been sealed for many able potions in the crate. Note
years. Dust covers everything that the heroism and control
within the dark area, suggesting human potion descriptions are
decades of forgotten existence. found in the Expert Rules.
Either secret entrance reveals the
contents of the room: two skele- The heavy, wooden chest is
tal figures lie on the floor, limbs locked and no key for it will be
entwined and bony fingers found in this area. Once
clutching missing throats as if unlocked, a hidden mechanism
the two had died locked in bat- will fire a poison dart at anyone
tle. Although one figure appears found in front of the chest
human in structure, the other is (south side, unless moved). If the
much larger with large horns poison dart strikes its target, the
protruding from its misshapen affected character must make a
skull. Near the northern wall, a saving throw versus Death Ray
crate sits upon a large wooden or Poison to avoid falling into a
chest. Nearby, a pair of rotting a deep sleep for twelve hours.
stools is tucked under a simple, A suit of well-crafted and shiny
wooden table. plate mail armor is found within
the chest, its chest piece en-
Closer inspection reveals that the graved with the Broken God's
larger skeleton is that of a emblem, a wide-shouldered,
minotaur. How it came to this 18
faceless man split into two should help unravel the mystery
halves from shoulder to opposite of the room's former purpose.
waist. Left behind under an old shelf
is a small bag of silver coins,
Armor of the Broken God: stashed here for some unknown
plate mail +1, adds +1 to all desire. There are 66 sp in the
saving throws except Death Ray bag.
or Poison which is instead made
at +2. The armor can never A10. Initiate Training Area
become dirty and will magically Newly arrived initiates were to
shrink or enlarge to fit most receive daily training and combat
humanoid creatures (humans, instructions from senior-level
elves, dwarves, and halflings). monks in this large room. The
floor was once well-padded, cov-
A8. Study Chamber ered in cotton-filled burlap mats.
The unlocked door allows entry Blunt weapons and training dum-
into the lower level study cham- mies once lined the long walls.
ber. Hundreds of deteriorating Most of the floor mats and
scrolls and rotting tomes, ex- dummies have rotted, becoming
posed to excessive moisture and a mushy mess of disintegrated
years of decay, lie in crumbling materials. Characters walking
piles on tables, shelves, and upon the old floor mats will
chairs. Monks new to the abbey disturb the family of centipedes
were once tasked with studying now living in this unused room.
the lessons and doctrines care-
fully written upon the old parch- Centipedes (1d4+1): (AC 9, HD
ments. Unfortunately, nearly ½, HP 2 ea, #AT 1 bite, D Poi-
every scroll and book is com- son, Save Normal Man, ML 7, XP
pletely useless. An hour or two 6 ea)
of searching will reveal one well- Characters bit by the centipedes
preserved scroll that has survived must make a saving throw ver-
the ruinous environment. Charac- sus Death Ray or Poison or die.
ters will discover this to be a Over the years, the family of
specially constructed scroll of centipedes have accumulated doz-
protection from minotaurs. ens of silver and gold trinkets
This scroll acts as other, similar that can be discovered in their
protection scrolls do. nest within the rotting mats.
Characters should find 3d6 sim-
A9. Supply Closet
ple items, each worth 1d4 gp,
Although area A6 was a much
after a few hours of careful
larger storage room, it was pri-
marily used to store food and
wine. This smaller area once
stored general supplies for the
abbey, including rope, wooden
cups and plates, empty barrels,
extra monk attire, sandals,
brooms, buckets and linens. Most
of these items are now gone,
however, remnants of broken
pieces of the former supplies
What Comes Next? Homebrew Rule #3:
In the next few issues, Bindor, Magic-users and Clerics gain spell
Whystal, and Ensa will avoid the bonuses corresponding to their re-
northern part of the underground spective primary ability bonus. E.g.
maze, instead taking the western A magic-user with a 13 Intelligence
hallway past area A8. This gains 1 first level bonus spell to
cast each day (giving them a total
northern passage will lead them
of 2). If your system allows for first
back up to the ground floor of level clerics to have spells, it works
the abbey where they will begin in the same way for them too (or
to unravel further parts of the when they reach 2nd level, they
mystery. There are many areas get their first spell and the bonus
that can be explored in the rest spell). Note that they cannot gain
of the underground labyrinth that bonus spells for levels they haven’t
will not be covered in this fan- reached yet. A 1st level magic-user
zine (except a few parts that with an 18 Intelligence cannot yet
gain the bonus 2nd and 3rd level
may be explored many issues
from now). The majority of the
Int /Wis 1st level 2nd level 3rd level
story will take the characters to Score Spell Spell Spell
the upper portions of the myste- 13-15 +1 n/a n/a
rious Crimson Abbey where they 16-17 +1 +1 n/a
may finally encounter the Broken
18 +1 +1 +1
God. Keep an eye out for fu-
ture issues!
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Convention Calendar Wanted: Any condition copies

Convention Date, Location of Moldvay Basic and Expert
ShireCon I September 22nd,
Falls Village, CT Do you want to advertise your
GameHole Con Nov. 8th”11th, B/X product, blog, convention,
VI Madison, WI or website in Back to BasiX?
TotalCon Feb. 21st”24th, Contact
33 Marlborough, MA for requirements and details.
GaryCon Mar. 7th”10th, Visit for my latest prod-
XI Lake Geneva, WI ucts for sale, including B/X and S&W
North Texas Jun. 6th”9th, adventures! Note that back issues of
RPGCon XI Dallas-FW, TX Back to BasiX (in print) are now avail-
able at Goodman Games’ website!
Gen Con Aug. 1st”4th,
2019 (52) Indianapolis, IN Special thanks to Matt Ray for the use
of his wonderful cover illustration, Isa de
Classic D&D Podcast: Check Mendonca Silva for her logo work, and
Travis Hanson for continuing to draw
out Save or Die!: my Dungeon Delvers story!
Monster or Treasure submission Additionally, very special thanks go to
ideas? Send them to author Mike Carr for taking time to! answer my questions!

B/X Fanzine

Island Of Blight
A New Adventure Coming in Late 2018!
From ThrowiGames

Dungeons & Dragons, Basic Dungeons & Dragons, and Expert

Dungeons & Dragons are the properties of Wizards of the Coast.
ThrowiGames, LLC and Thom Wilson make no claims to IP
rights or ownership of said products. The Back to BasiX fanzine
merely celebrates the simplicity of the original RPG systems.

This issue! Next issue:

Product Spotlight Artist Spotlight!
Publishing News
A Dungeon Crawl How do you get it?
New B/X Monsters
New Magical Items
Go to Goodman Games for
Spell Casting Article print copies or RPGNow
Comic Strip and Adventure for PDF copies.
MonkeyBlood Maps!
Contributor Interview

$6.00 Issue #6

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