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Simeon Ocdol National High School


San Antonio Basey, Samar


Grade&Section: ____________________________ Date:_________________________________

The History of Philippine Literature

The Philippines, aside from its very rich and unique culture and history, has a lot to offer in terms
of its literature. One scholar has mentioned that the Philippines, being an archipelago, has the
richest literature. The cultural and linguistic diversity of the country propelled the production of
numerous literary masterpieces which are mainly exhibitions of the aspirations, struggles, and
experiences of people in all parts of the archipelago then and now.

MELC: Writing a close analysis and critical interpretation of literary texts and doing an
adaptation of these require from the learner the ability to identify:
a. The geographic, linguistic, and ethnic dimensions of Philippine literary history from
the pre-colonial to the contemporary.

I. Explore

Riddles or commonly known as “bugtong” were popular during the pre-colonial times. These
are creative descriptions of any entity which challenge readers to think critically.

Directions:Read and analyze the riddles in Column A and look for the answers in
Column B. Write the letter of your answer in the space provided for.

Column A Column B

______1. A piece of charcoal, it can reach far. a. door

______2. The king’s house is surrounded by saws b. string beans
______3. A fellow creature carries a piece of meat c. coconut
wherever he goes d. eyes
______4. Wherever Abaggoy passes by, e. pestle
the grass waves. f. wind
______5. If I pull your mother’s tail, your g. pineapple
father will shout h. rooster
______6. Sky on the either side, water in the i. bell
middle j. bamboo
______7. If you pull, it is a tube, when you k. umbrella
push, it is a house
______8. A long, round,thing divided into
rooms inside.
______9. Hold my waist and I jump and jump
______10. When it is young, it is a butterfly;
when it is big, it is a sword.
II. Learn

Directions:Answer the following questions.

1. What types of literature were formed and produced during the primitive period?

2. How did our forebears transmit their literature?


3. Is primitive literature still enjoyed by modern people like us?


4. Who are the outstanding laureates in Philippine literature?


5. What are the new forms of literature that modern-day people now enjoy?

6. How did changes in our history affect and influence the themes and forms of our

III. Engage

Philippine literature is mainly a conglomeration of the creativity, aspirations, and

experiences of numerous writers across time. This activity enables you to remember and to
celebrate the greatness of our Filipino writers who made significant contributions that helped
shaped our nation’s literary identity.

Directions: Choose any Filipino literary laureate and study his/her background. Like in a
cosplay, the writers will be presented by wearing appropriate and colorful costumes. Take a
picture of you with the costume and write a short background about the writer.



Baronda, Andrew John C.,21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World, JFS
Publishing Services,2016.

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