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Dear Students and Parents,

It is with mixed emotions that I write to you to share that I will not be returning as a part-time
assistant for Orchestra next year. Mr. Palmer and I were recently informed that our school was
not supporting the .5 allotment based on total school enrollment and FTE numbers. As hard as
this was to hear last week, it was also a blessing. As many of you know, my husband and I will
be building a house in Charleston, SC starting this summer. We will be relocating as soon as the
2020-21 school year is over when he retires from teaching and our youngest daughter
graduates from Harrison. I have been struggling a lot to figure out how I was going to balance
everything, or even IF I was going to be able to manage the many hats I would have had to
wear. I am saddened that I will not get to see all of our wonderful students on a daily basis, but
want you all to know that I will be working with Mr. Palmer, our great Board of Directors, and
our Booster Club to be an adjunct coach throughout the year. Our hope is that I will be able to
serve all students at least once each week in the form of sectionals, coaching, etc. This
arrangement will give me the flexibility that I need to be out of town during the construction of
our home and also the satisfaction of teaching, which I am passionate about. I will greatly miss
all of you on a more consistent basis, but am also excited to embark on this new phase with my


Susie Hines

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