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PAGEOPI-I, Vol. 121, No. 4, 1983 0033-4553/83/040633-2251.50+0.

~) 1983 Birkh/iuser Verlag, Basel

Estimating the A t m o s p h e r i c O z o n e T r a n s m i s s i o n for

Solar R a d i a t i o n M o d e l s

M . J. S A N T A M O U R I S , 1 R. R I G O P O U L O S , l and Y. CAOURIS 2

Abstract - Accurate calculation of the solar radiation at the earth's surface requires

evaluation of the atmospheric ozone transmission. To use the existing methods one needs to
know the atmospheric ozone amount. The serious lack of ozone data makes almost impossible
the application of these methods in most of the world. In this paper a new method of estimating
the overall ozone attenuation in the Northern Hemisphere is presented. Muttiyear monthly
latitudinal average ozone data are used. A daily ozone transmission function is proposed, and
values of it are calculated for each latitudinal circle from 0 ° to 70°N at 10 longitude-degree
intervals. By regression techniques parameterized expressions of the daily ozone transmission in
the Northern Hemisphere are obtained as a function of the latitude. The model is applied to
Athens, and the results are in excellent agreement with those obtained by extremely detailed
calculations of the ozone transmission. The reliability of the model, under special regional ozone
conditions, is investigated. Calculations for 67 locations in the Northern Hemisphere prove that
the deviations do not exceed 1 percent. The influence of the year-by-year ozone variability is also
examined, and the maximum deviation is found to be near 1.6 percent. The proposed model can
be easily incorporated into solar radiation models in order to provide the ozone depletion at any
place in the Northern Hemisphere where atmospheric ozone data are not available.

Key words: Ozone absorption, Solar radiation models.

1. Introduction

Atmospheric ozone is an important absorber of the solar radiation.

Ozone absorption typically contributes 2-3 percent of the solar
depletion, but it can reach up to 9-10 percent in high latitudes during
winter time.
Calculations of the instantaneous atmospheric ozone transmittance
can be obtained by using the proposed parameterized expressions of
ozone absorption (BIRD and HULSTROM,1980; HOYT, 1978; LAClS and
HANSEN, 1974; WATT, 1978). Use of these expressions requires as input
the ozone amount in the optical path. However, a serious lack of infor-
mation on the atmospheric ozone content exists for most parts of the
world. The 120 ground stations that measure the atmospheric ozone in

Physics Laboratory II, University of Patras, Patras, Greece.

2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Patras, Patras, Greece.
634 M.J. Santamouris, R. Rigopoulos, and Y. Caouris

the Northern Hemisphere give limited data, as 80 percent of them

are located between 30 ° and 50°N and have begun to operate only
during the last few years. Data obtained by satellite techniques, which
have begun to contribute to ozone measurement during the last
few years, are also temporally limited (HILSENRATHet al., 1969;
PRABHAKARA et al., 1976). A theoretical model proposed by VAN
HUECLON (1979) can be used to estimate the ozone content over
North America but does not apply for the rest of the world. U n d e r
these conditions the solar radiation that reaches the earth's surface
is usually determined without taking into account the ozone absortion.
Also, when ozone transmission is included in the radiation models,
it is estimated by using an arbitrarily chosen ozone value as an
annual average (DAVIESand McKAY, 1982). However, this procedure
introduces an important error in the case of middle and high latitudes,
where the seasonal variability of ozone is very strong and reaches values
near to 40 percent.
What is needed is an accurate method which calculates the ozone
absorption in places where ozone data are not available, and provides
the variation of the ozone transmittance due to the seasonal variability
of the atmospheric ozone content.
In this paper we have parameterized the ozone transmission as a
function of the latitude and the season. Seasonal and latitudinal
dependent analytical expressions of the daily ozone transmission have
been obtained and can provide easily accurate estimations of the ozone
attenuation. The latitude of the place and the month of the year are the
only required inputs. The proposed model can make the predictions of
the different solar radiation models more accurate for all the Northern
A nomenclature is given at the end of the paper.

2. Ozone absorption
Ozone absorbs light at Hartley (0.22-0.29 Am) and Huggins
(0.31-0.36 Am) ultraviolet bands, in the weak visual Chappuis band
(0.44-0.75 Am) and at specific bands in the infrared (4.75, 9.6, 14.1 pro).
His spectral transmittance to,(2) in visible and ultraviolet regions can be
calculated by
ro3(~,) = exp I--k(2)/] (1)
where k(2) are the absorption coefficients and l is the ozone amount in
the optical path. Values of k(2) in visible and ultraviolet bands are given
by VIGROUX (1953), INN and TANAKA (1953), HEARN (1961), DE
MORE and RAPER (1964), and GRmGS (1968).
Absorption by ozone can be accurately parameterized. This is
possible because the temperature and pressure dependence of absorption
Atmospheric Ozone Transmission 635

coefficients is not very large and can be neglected if the chosen coeffi-
cients correspond to a temperature representative of the ozone layer.
Analytical expressions of the total ozone absorption have been proposed
by LACIS and HANSEN (1974), WATT (1978), HOVT (1978), and BIRD
and HULSTROM (1980).

3. Model description

3.1. Definition o f the daily ozone transmission function

The average daily attenuation of the solar radiation due to absorption
by atmospheric ozone can be estimated by using a daily ozone
transmission function defined as

~' rj(co)[1 - %,(02)]

al= --~a s
~r° = (2)
3 ¢os


where ~o,(co) is the instantaneous ozone absorption and rj(co) is the

fraction of the total daily solar flux that reaches the top of the
atmosphere between the hour angles coz and co2. Daily transmission
functions for calculating the daily solar radiation at the earth's surface
have been already used in the past. A procedure for calculating the daily
transmission function that accounts for absorption and scattering by
water vapor and dust has been proposed (NOTARIDOU and LALAS,
In Equation (2) r 2 is given by (DUFIE and BECKMAN, 1980):
cos cpcOS ~ (sin w 2--sin co~)+ (2n/360)(co 2-- co~)sin ¢ sin
rj(o) = 0.5 (3)
cos ¢ cos g sin cos + (2ricoJ360) sin ¢ sin

Also the sunset hour angle cos is given by the expression

cos = arc cos (-tan ¢ tan 6) (4)
The instantaneous ozone absorption can be estimated by BIRD and
HULSTROM'S (1980) expression:
%,(co) = 0.1611 UM(1 + 139.48 UM) -°.3°35
+ 0.002715 UM(I + 0.44 UM + 0.0003 (UM)2)-~ (5)
where U is the ozone a m o u n t in a vertical column and M is the air m a s s
given by KASTEN'S (1966) expression:
M = rcos Z + 0.15(93.885 --Z)-L25[ -I (6)
Bird and Hulstrom's ozone absorption formula is patterned after LACIS
636 M.J. Santamouris, R. Rigopoulos, and Y. Caouris

and HANSEN (1974). Lacis and Hansen based their empirical formula
on the absorption coefficients given by HOWARD et al., (1961), the
original sources being INN and TANAKA (1953) and VIGROUX (1953). In
the ultraviolet wavelengths, they used the data at - 4 4 ° C , while for
3, > 0.34 they used the coefficients given for T = 18°C, after reduction by
25 percent. They note that the maximum error of the proposed expression
is less than 0.5 percent.
With these expressions, the ozone transmission function was
calculated as follows. For each hour angle interval Aog, of 1.5 deg, values
of rj(eg) and a%(o9) were obtained from Equations (3) and (5). The daily
ozone transmission function was then computed by summation over all
the hour angles from sunrise to sunset. Calculations are made on the
15th of each month at each latitude circle between 0 ° and 70°N at 10
longitude-degree intervals, using as inputs multiyear monthly latitudinal
average ozone data taken from KOPROVA and URANOVA (1978). They
did not use data from individual stations but, instead, latitude averaged
ozone values, calculated from the multiyear average ozone charts
prepared by the U.S.S.R. Hydrometeorological Center (URANOVA,
1977). The ozone data used are listed in Table 1. The values of the daily
ozone transmission function are illustrated in Figure 1.
Using polynomial regression techniques, _the calculated latitudinal
variation of the ozone transmission function T% is described by monthly
parameterized expressions of latitude ¢p. The analytical expressions
obtained are given in the form of third-degree polynomials:
~ro, = A~j + Azj tan ~p+ A3j tan 2 ~p+ A4jtan 3 ~p (7)
The matrix of the monthly coefficients A ij and the regression coefficients
R 2 are tabulated in Table 2. The monthly analytical expressions obtained
are plotted in Figure 2.

Table i
Monthly Average Values of Total Ozone Content U (in m-atm-cm) during 1964-1975;
from KOPROVAand URANOVA(1978)
90 326 351 383 437 430 377 338 303 240 257 251 288
80 345 394 434 455 421 377 340 305 265 262 284 313
70 390 414 437 445 408 355 325 299 285 297 310 337
60 387 424 441 432 398 354 331 310 312 318 321 351
50 377 398 409 395 372 349 324 321 313 302 326 343
40 345 354 362 355 343 324 305 295 295 295 304 314
30 290 294 310 304 308 299 293 288 274 276 271 264
20 248 252 267 273 280 275 267 263 261 261 252 250
10 248 254 261 266 273 281 272 272 272 269 258 248
0 255 261 257 257 260 260 274 271 260 257 248 251
Atmospheric Ozone Transmission 637




. g$



. gZ


1 2 3 4 5 5 7 S 9 1E 11 12

XI~ITHS - - >

Figure 1. Calculated values of daily ozone transmission function for latitudes between 0 ° and

Table 2
Calculated Monthly Coefficients A ij and Regression Coefficients R 2
AI A2 A3 A~ R2

January 0.9802 -0.0026 --0.0215 -0.0011 0.999

February 0.9803 0.0045 --0.0329 0.0088 0.999
March 0.9803 0.0036 --0.0255 0.0081 0.998
April 0.9805 0.0026 --0.0180 0.0059 0.997
May 0.9798 0.0021 --0.0125 0.0041 0.996
June 0.9794 0.0041 -0.0127 0.0043 0.996
July 0.9790 0.0071 -0.0148 0.0048 0.992
August 0.9797 0.0062 --0.0163 0.0057 0.995
September 0.9806 0.0029 --0.0149 0.0050 0.999
October 0.9807 -0.0024 -0.0113 0.0026 0.999
November 0.9805 --0.0013 --0.0214 0.0041 0.999
December 0.9799 -0.0015 -0.0211 -0.0017 0.999

Use of Equation (7) can provide the daily ozone transmission function
in all locations of the Northern Hemisphere between 0 ° and 60°N. For
higher latitudes, where the effect of the earth's curvature becomes
important, multiplying equation (7) with a correction factor Kj is
suggested. Monthly values of Kj are given in Table 3.
The proposed analytical expressions do not require the ozone amount
as input and can be easily incorporated into the solar radiation models to
provide the ozone depletion at any location in the Northern Hemisphere.
Note that the average monthly expressions of the daily ozone
638 M.J. Santamouris, R. Rigopoulos, and Y. Caouris


_ -~. VI

.~ IV

Hr--~m \ I

Figure 2a, Variati of ozone transmission function with latitude for the first six months of
the year.

I'~OL Vll
.99 VIII
ge IX

~ .97


94 VII --JUL
.93 X --OCT \ ]

TAN (~) --~

Figure 2b. Variation of ozone transmission function with latitude for the second six months o f
the year.

transmission function can be applied to every day of each month, as its

variation during a calendar month is absolutely negligible. However, this
will be investigated in Section 4.

3.2. Discussion of the results

The results obtained indicate strong latitudinal and seasonal variation
of the ozone transmission function. Maximum values of To, are obtained
Atmospheric Ozone Transmission 6 39

Table 3
Monthly Values of the
Correction Factor Kj

Month K/

February 0.958
March 0.966
April 0.978
May 0.983
June 0.982
July 0.979
August 0.976
September 0.981
October 0.994
November 0.943

over the equator, where the ozone accounts for 2 percent of the solar
radiation attenuation. Towards polar regions the ozone contribution
increases considerably, reaching a value at 60°N close to I0 percent.
However, the computed latitudinal gradient has a strong seasonal
dependence. During summer months the difference between 2Po3values at
0°N and 70°N is about 1.5 percent, while during winter months the
difference rises to 15 percent. The monthly changes of 1"o3at a _given
place vary with latitude. Unimportant seasonal variation of To~ is
computed over the tropical zones because of the small variability of the
equatorial ozone. Towards the middle and high latitudes the monthly
variation becomes considerable, and the computed maximum difference
at 70°N is about 15 per cent.

3.3 Incorporation into solar radiation models

Absorption by ozone occurs high in the atmosphere where there is
little scattering. Absorption in the ultraviolet, in particular, occurs at
altitudes of 25-50 km, above the region of maximum ozone con-
centration and above the reflecting layer of the atmosphere (LAcIs and
HANSEN, 1974).
As most of the scattering by air molecules occurs in the dense
troposphere below the ozone layer (VALLEY, 1965), the downward-
scattered radiation absorbed by ozone and also the direct radiation
absorbed below the ozone layer are not considerable compared with the
absorption that takes place near the maximum ozone concentration
above the atmospheric reflecting layer. Thus the ozone transmission that
is used for the calculation of the solar radiation at the earth's surface
takes principally into account the ozone absorption that occurs above
the reflecting layer of the atmosphere. So the same transmission function
640 M.J. Santamouris, R. Rigopoulos, and Y. Caouris

can be used for the estimation of the direct and of the diffuse solar
intensity at the earth's surface. The assumption that the ozone
transmission for direct and diffuse solar radiation is the same has been
made in almost all the models that are used to calculate the solar
radiation at the earth's surface (BIRDand HULSTROM, 1981; DAVIES and
HAY, 1980; DAVIES and McKAY, 1982; HOYT, 1978; LECKNER, 1978).
Regarding the absorbed by ozone part of the direct and diffuse solar
radiation that is reflected upward by the lower atmosphere and the
ground, it is pointed out that this has not a significant importance for the
calculation of the solar radiatiori at the earth's surface, but should be
taken into account when ozone heating rates are computed.
Using the proposed daily ozone transmission function to evaluate the
ozone depletion, the daily direct (ID) and diffuse (IoF) solar radiation
that reaches the earth's surface can be obtained by the following
f OJs
It~ = 1"o, /dr(CO)dco (8)

ID~ = To3 f O~sIdr~(co)do9 (9)

-- OJs

where 101(o9) and Idr~(og) are the direct and diffuse solar intensities after
depletion by atmospheric aerosol, Rayleigh scattering, water vapor, and
carbon dioxide absorption. Values of Id~ and Ior I can be obtained by
using the appropriate expressions, given by several authors (Brad and
HULSTaOM, 1980; DAVIES and HAY, 1980; DAVIES and McKAY, 1982;
HOYT, 1978; LAClS and HANSEN, 1974; WATT, 1978).

4. Application of the model

The model shown in this paper has been applied to the computations
of the solar radiation incident on horizontal surface in Athens. Here are
used the experimental data of the daily sunshine S, relative humidity ~p,
pressure P, and temperature T, that were measured during the year of
1974 by the National Observatory of Athens. The average monthly
values of these parameters are listed in Table 4.
Values of the direct and diffuse clear-sky solar radiation are
determined from BIRD and HULSTROM'S (1981) model by using two
different ways of estimating the ozone attenuation. At first the proposed
procedure in Equations (8) and (9) was followed. The direct and diffuse
intensities were estimated from the Equations (10) and (11) in Table 5
for each hour angle of 0.75 ° . Then daily sums were computed by
integration over all the hour angles from sunrise to sunset. The daily
Atmospheric Ozone Transmission 641

Table 4
Monthly Average Values of the Sunshine, Relative Humidity, Pressure, and Temperature
in Athens in 1974

S, ~0', P, T,
Month hours % robs °C

January 3.37 72 1008.6 8.0

February 4.98 71 1001.6 10.6
March 5.61 67 1003.7 11.6
April 6.33 63 999.4 13.8
May 10.48 58 999.2 19.1
June 11.59 53 998.7 24.3
July 12.80 42 999.9 27.0
August 11.95 44 999.6 26.8
September 9.64 54 1002.0 23.0
October 7.72 63 1000.3 20.3
November 6.22 71 1005.5 14.2
December 5.72 66 1005.2 10.5

direct and diffuse solar radiation was obtained after multiplication of the
daily sums with the corresponding values of the daily ozone transmission
function. To verify the validity of the results the clear-sky solar radiation
was also computed after detailed calculations of the ozone absorption.
During this procedure the instantaneous ozone absorption was deter-
mined from Equation (5) for each hour angle of 0.75 ° , while the direct
and diffuse solar intensities were simultaneously computed from
Equations (12) and (13). Daily values were calculated after integration
over all the hour angles from sunrise to sunset. The ozone data necessary
for the second procedure were taken by interpolation from Table 1. The
cloudy-sky direct and diffuse solar radiations for both sets of results
were evaluated by means of BARBARO et al. (1979) expressions. All the
expressions used during the computations are given in Table 5.
Calculations are made for every day of the year. The monthly average
values of the direct (IBM), diffuse (IDFM)' and total (ITM) solar radiation
when the daily ozone transmission function is used, the corresponding
computed values (IDB' /DFB, and ITB) when detailed calculations of the
ozone absorption are made, and the direct (IDw), diffuse (/DEW), and
total (ITw) solar radiation when the ozone absorption is totally
neglected, and also the experimental measured values of the total solar
radiation (ITE) are presented in Table 6.
Comparison of the values of the monthly average and daily direct,
diffuse, and total solar radiation calculated by using the proposed model
shows excellent agreement with the values obtained by detailed
calculations. By using the monthly expressions of the daily ozone
642 M . J. S a n t a m o u r i s , R. Rigopoulos, and Y. Caouris

Table 5
Basic Expressions Used during the Application Procedure

lal = 10 ( c o s z ) ( 0 . 9 6 6 2 ) T a TuM T w T A (1o)

I m = 1 o ( c o s z)(O.79)TwTuMTAA
x 10.5(1 -- ira) + 0 . 8 4 ( 1 -- TAs)I/I 1 - M + (M)L°q (11)
I o = 1353 W/M 2
ld2 = lal × ros (12)
/dr 2 = l a n × ro~
It = ( I a + l a ) / ( l - q x r ~ ) (13)

Transmission equations of BIRD and HULSTROM'S ( 1 9 8 1) model

Ta = exp {--0.0903(M')°.sfl I + M' - (M')"°'I}
TvM = exp [--0.0127(M')°'261
Tw = I - 2 . 4 9 5 9 X w 1 ( 1 + 7 9 . 0 3 4 X w ) °'6828 + 6 . 3 8 5 X w ] -I
Xw = Uw M
Uw = 2m*~o' ( R e f . 3)
TA = e x p I--rA0'873(1 + r A -- rA0"7088)M0"9108 I
rA = 0 . 2 7 5 8 r A . 0 . 3 8 + 0.35rA.0. 5
TAA = I - - 0 . 1 ( I - - M + M I ' ° 6 ) ( I - - T A)
rs = 0 . 0 6 8 5 + (1 -0.84)(1.0- TAs )
r~ = 0.25
rA.0.3s = flo(0.38) - L a (ANGSTROM, 1 9 6 1 )
rA,0. 5 = fiG(0.5) - t ' 3 (ANGSTROM, 1 9 6 1 )
flo = 0. I 1 (ELTERMAN, 1968; 1970)

BARBARO et aL ( 1 9 7 9 ) cloudy-sky model

IDC = 1D(s/S)
IoFc = 1Dp s / S + 0 . 3 3 ( 1 - s / S ) ( I D + / o F )
where S = 2 / 1 5 cos-~(--tan q~tan 3) ( D u F I E a n d BECKMAN, 1 9 8 0 )

transmission, the daily direct, diffuse, and global solar radiation have
been calculated for each day of the year for the region of Athens where,
as mentioned before, data exist. Comparison with the results obtained
with corresponding detailed calculations of the ozone absorption shows
excellent agreement. The results are very lengthy and are not presented,
but a sample for five arbitrarily chosen days of the year is given in Table
7. So it is verified that the monthly expressions can provide accurately
the ozone transmission for every day of each month.

5. Investigation and test of the model

Big differences between values of the atmospheric ozone content for a

given calendar month occur from one year to the next. These deviations
Table 6
Monthly Average Values of Solar Radiation in Athens


January 2.36 3.58 6.14 2.36 3.58 6.14 2.45 3.71 6.37 5.68 o
February 4.35 4.60 9.25 4.36 4.60 9.25 4.50 4.75 9.54 9.25 ~=-
March 6.73 5.82 12.93 6.74 5.81 12.93 6.92 6.00 13.29 12.99 W
April 8.88 7.06 16.40 8.89 7.05 16.40 9.11 7.24 16.82 16.41 O
May 15.62 7.22 23.50 15.64 7.21 23.51 16.01 7.40 24.06 23.19
June 17.47 7.33 25.49 17.49 7.32 25.51 17.88 7.50 26.08 25.00
July 19.15 6.95 26.84 19.17 6.95 26.85 19.58 7.1 I 27.42 25.98 ~q
August 16.98 6.44 24.10 17.00 6.44 24.12 17.37 6.60 24.65 22.69
September 11.96 5.82 18.32 11.97 5.81 18.32 12.25 5.97 18.74 18.61 ~.
October 7.55 4.82 12.75 7.56 4.80 12.76 7.75 4.95 13.09 12.52 5"
November 4.54 3.86 8.68 4.55 3.86 8.69 4.68 3.99 8.96 8.23
December 3.51 3.40 7.16 3.52 3.40 7.16 3.64 3.53 7.41 6.56

II~M, /I~FM' I~M are calculated daily direct, diffuse, and total radiation when the daily ozone transmission function is used. IDw ll~ . , l v a are
daily direct, diffuse, and total radiation when detailed calculations of the ozone absorptions are made. low , lovw, and ITw are daily direct,
diffuse, and total radiation when the ozone absorption is totally neglected. ITE is daily total radiation observed. All the values are in MJ/m 2day.


Table 7 .,:.*,
Daily Relative Humidity and Sunshine in Athens for Five Arbitrarily Chosen Days, and Calculated Values of Daily Direct, Diffuse, and
Total Solar Radiation (in MJ/m 2day) B
~Os~ S,
% hrs IbM lov M lrM lo~ Ir~Fs l'rB low IDFW ITW l'rv.

20 January 55 7.3 5.14 3.85 9.25 5.14 3.85 9.25 5.33 4.00 9.57 8.74
29 April 58 10.6 15.37 6.80 22.82 15.40 6.80 22.82 15.77 7.02 23.4 22.71 O
2 June 50 11.7 17.64 7.24 25.56 17.64 7.24 25.59 18.04 7.42 26.17 25.44
5 September 49 10.3 13.54 6.08 20.16 13.57 6.08 20.19 13.86 6.23 20.66 19.64
16 November 72 6.3 4.03 3.96 8.64 4.03 3.99 8.64 4.14 4.10 8.93 7.76
Atmospheric Ozone Transmission 645

from normal values are tied to circulation anomalies of regional extent

and are discussed by DfdTSCH (1974).
In order to investigate the corresponding influence of the ozone
transmission function, values of To3 are calculated with the multiyear
extreme ozone data as inputs. Ozone extreme values are obtained from
(KoPROVA and URANOVA (1978) for the period 1964-1975 and for the
0, 10, 20, 40, and 70°N latitudinal circles; see Table 8. The computation
procedure was the same as previously described. The values of the daily
transmission functions ~ro~,~,and ~ro3.,~when ozone maxima and minima
are used, are compared with those predicted by the model values. The
monthly computed values of ~ro.... and ~ro,m,oand their percentage
differencef ,

f= × 100
"~03m a x

and ~ro.... are tabulated in Table 9. The results show no important

deviation from the model. The calculated differences do not exceed 1.6
percent, and the maximum value occur at 70°N, while at lower
latitudes the deviation is absolutely negligible. The difference between the
two extreme values of iFo~is not considerable at equatorial and middle
zones but becomes important towards high latitudes where a maximum
value is nearly 3 percent. Therefore the influence of the year-by-year
ozone trends on the daily ozone transmission function is very small and
may be neglected without much error.
A second test is also made to investigate the deviation of the model
when there are no latitudinal average ozone values but data from indi-
vidual stations are used instead. In this way we have tried to determine
the reliability of the model under special regional ozone conditions, and
to see whether the longitudinal variation of atmosphere ozone, ignored

Table 8
Monthyl Extreme Values of Atmospheric Ozone Content (in m-atm-cm) During 1964-1975


0 min 251 248 246 243 243 243 267 263 244 248 246 245
max 258 270 263 266 275 276 268 284 271 265 251 257
10 min 231 239 249 250 264 266 243 249 251 258 245 224
max 289 272 270 278 284 313 289 286 288 282 273 272
20 min 232 238 240 245 263 258 245 238 240 236 230 230
max 272 271 288 289 295 286 283 279 275 274 268 264
40 min 300 324 330 331 309 296 285 271 268 272 268 301
max 360 380 412 383 360 346 331 321 318 309 315 344
78 min 365 343 368 410 388 323 298 276 248 286 271 279
max 430 453 490 476 443 380 362 329 299 309 339 383

Table 9

Monthly Values of Ozone Transmittance Function when Ozone Maximum and Minimum Values are Used. Also their Percentage Difference f and the
Predicted by the Model Values


0° 10 o 20 ° 40 ° 70 °

January .979 .980 -.1 .980 .976 .980 -.4 .979 .975 .978 -.3 .976 .959 .964 -.5 .962 . . . .
February .939 .980 -.1 .980 .977 .980 -.3 .980 .977 .979 -.2 .978 .963 .967 -.4 .966 .880 .901 --2.38 .888
March ,980 .981 -.1 .980 .979 .980 -.1 .980 .978 .980 --.2 .978 .966 .971 --.5 .970 .930 .943 - 1 . 3 9 .935
April .980 .981 -.1 ,980 .979 .981 -.2 .980 .978 .981 -.3 .979 .971 .974 -.3 .973 .950 .955 -.52 .953 o
May ,979 .980 --.1 .979 .979 .980 -.1 .979 .978 .980 -.2 .979 .973 .976 -.3 ,975 .958 .962 --.41 .960
June .978 .980 -.2 .979 .977 .979 -.2 .979 .979 .980 -.1 .979 .975 .977 -.2 .976 .963 .967 -.41 .965 m
July .979 .979 0.0 .979 .978 .981 -.3 .979 .979 .981 -.2 .979 .975 .978 -.3 .977 .969 .968 -.51 .966
August .978 .980 --.2 .979 .979 .981 --.2 ,980 .979 .981 --.2 .980 .975 .978 --.3 .976 .964 .968 --,41 .967
September .980 .981 -.1 .980 .979 .981 -.2 .980 .979 .981 -.2 .979 .973 ,976 -.3 .975 .959 .964 -.52 .960
October .980 .981 -.1 .980 .978 .980 -.2 .979 .978 .980 -.2 .978 .971 .973 -.2 .972 .936 .939 -.32 .937
November .980 .980 -.0 .980 .978 .979 -.1 .979 .976 .979 --.3 .977 .965 .969 -.4 .966 .837 .861 - 2 . 7 6 .847 ~"
December .979 .980 -.1 .979 .977 .980 -.3 .980 .975 .978 -.3 .976 .959 .963 -.4 .962 . . . .
Atmospheric Ozone Transmission 647

by the model, causes an important deviation from the average values of

the ozone transmission function as predicted by the model.
Therefore values of To3 are calculated at 67 different locations in the
Northern Hemisphere where ozone stations operate. The stations are
located in various latitudes from 1 ° to 60°N. The ozone data of each
station during the 1964-1982 period are taken on an annual basis from
the Metereological Branch of the Canadian Department of Transports
(ANON) after calculation of the multiyear average monthly ozone values.
The data are introduced as inputs into the model and, following the
described procedure, monthly values of the daily ozone transmission
function at each place are obtained. The ozone stations, the calculated
multiyear montty ozone values, and the period of measurements are
tabulated in the Appendix.
The results obtained are compared with those predicted by the model.
Figure 3 illustrates the results of this comparison. The model is shown to
be quite accurate for most of the places. At tropical and middle latitudes
the predicted and the calculated values are in very close agreement, while
towards the high latitudes and during the winter months the model has a
tendency to underpredict slightly the ozone transmission function. The
maximum difference, does not exceed 1 percent, while during the
summer months the computed deviation is absolutely negligible.
Comparisons of the values obtained at places of the same latitude but
different longitude indicate that there is no considerable longitudinal
variation. The calculated differences vary from about 0 in equatorial
zones to about 2 percent in high latitudes. The maximum difference is
calculated between the stations of Gan (~---43 ° 14'N, 3. = 0.23°N) and
Vladivostock (q~ = 43°47'N, 3. = 132°02'E) and may be associated
with the differences in precision of the instruments used for the ozone
measurements. It is pointed out that between the two more important
instrument types, the M-83 filter ozonometer, chiefly used in the
U.S.S.R., and the Dobson spectrophotometer, used by the western
stations, there exists a considerable precision difference. It is reported
that the Dobson instrument has a precision to about +1.5 percent
(LONDON, 1980) while the M-83 ozonometer has an average precision of
the order of +5 percent (GusHcHIN, 1977). The Dobson spectro-
photometer has been adopted as the standard by the World
Meteorological Organization for the International Ozone Network. A
more detailed discussion of the major characteristics of these two
instruments has been given (LONDON, 1980).

6. Conclusion
A method for estimation of the daily solar attenuation caused by
atmospheric ozone absorption has been developed in this paper.
648 M.J. Santamouris, R. Rigopoulos, and Y. Caouris

l.~lg I. BI]

• g8

t .g6

• 92
TAN(l~) ~ >
• g2
.5 l~ei
TAN(1[I} ~ >
1 .I 5

l.~lg I.U

'~ .98 .98

i .g6

i .94
! • g4

• 92 .~. II

.5 i~ ~?s .~5 1~ 1~5
TAN{1~) --> TAN{lid ~ >

Figure 3a. January to April: calculated values of ozone transmission function for 67 different
locations in Northern Hemisphere, compared with values predicted by the model.

l.m 1.1

. _ ".;. :-:


.ill V Vl

.8 i .W i
.~ r~dl>i_, 1:5 .'s i,r~ ~ _/5

l . lm l. ill


1 ."
| .,,


.'5 l?, 175 .~i .'5 l~ 1:5

Figure 3b. May to August: calculated values of ozone transmission function for 67 different
locations in Northern Hemisphere, compared with values predicted by the model.
Atmospheric Ozone Transmission 649
l,m 1.J

| l×
| X

"~ r~'---
.sI l Iq ~ _~s
l . mm 1. J i



TAN (J~O ~ ThN~
Figure 3c. September to December: calculated values of ozone transmission function for 67
different locations in Northern Hemisphere, compared with values predicted by the model.

Analytical expressions for the ozone transmission have been derived as a

function of latitude and season. Investigations have proved that the
model is not considerably influenced by the year-by-year ozone
variability or by special local factors. The model is applied to Athens
and yields results in excellent agreement with those obtained after
detailed calculations of the ozone transmission, and in very good
agreement with the observed values.
The proposed method does not require as input the ozone amount,
takes up little computer time, and can be easily incorporated in solar
radiation models to provide the daily ozone transmission at any place in
the Northern Hemisphere and especially at locations where atmospheric
ozone data are not available.

Iaz Direct solar intensity without consideration of the ozone
absorption (MJ/m 2 sec)
Ia2 Direct solar intensity with consideration of the ozone
absorption (MJ/m 2 sec)
Idfl Diffuse solar intensity without consideration of the ozone
absorption (MJ/m ~ sec)
650 M.J. Santamouris, R. Rigopoulos, and Y. Caouris

G2 Diffuse solar intensity with consideration of the ozone

absorption (MJ/m 2 sec)
/t Total solar radiation intensity (MJ/m ~ sec)
ID Daily clear-sky direct solar radiation (MJ/m 2 day).
/PC Daily cloudy-sky direct solar radiation (MJ/m 2 day)
IDF Daily clear-sky diffuse solar radiation (MJ/m 2 day)
IDFC Daily cloudy-sky diffuse solar radiation (MJ/m 2 day)
IT Daily total solar radiation (MJ/m 2 day)
Ozone absorption coefficients
l Ozone amount in the optical path (cm)
M Air mass
M' Pressure-corrected air mass
m* Mass density of saturated water vapor
P Surface pressure (mbar)
r j( co) Fraction of total daily solar flux at top of atmosphere between
hour angles co~ and oz
rg Ground albedo
rs Sky or atmospheric albedo
S Daily maximum number of daylight hours
S Daily sunshine (hours)
T Temperature (o K)
Transmission of aerosol absorptance and scattering
Transmission of aerosol absorptance
Transmission of aerosol scattering
Daily ozone transmission function
Transmission of Rayleigh scattering
Transmission of absorptance of uniformly mixed gases (carbon
dioxide and oxygen)
rw Transmission of water vapor absorptance
U Amount of ozone in a vertical column from surface (cm)
Uw Amount of precipitable water in a vertical column from surface
Z Zenith angle (deg)
ao (,o) Instantaneous ozone absorptance
Angstrom turbidity coefficients
Declination (deg)
~'A0.5 Broadband aerosol optical depth from surface in a vertical path
at 0.5 lam wavelength
TA0.38 Aerosol optical depth from surface in a vertical path at 0.38/am
~'O~ Instantaneous transmission of ozone
~0 Latitude of the place
~0' Relative humidity
60 Hour angle (deg)
09s Sunset hour angle (deg)
Atmospheric Ozone Transmission 6 51

A cknowledgments

The authors are grateful to the Meteorological Branch of the

Canadian Department of Transports which has kindly provided us with
the world ozone data. Also the authors are thankful to Mr. M. Vallindras
and to Mme. Carabelas for assistance in the preparation of certain parts
of the text.


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(Received 30th April 1983, revised 16th November 1983, accepted 10th February 1984)

The calculated multiyear average ozone values are given (in
m-atm-cm); the period of the ozone measurements of each station is
also given; months numbered in roman numerals.
Station tp, deg I I1 III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI Xll Years

1 Singapore 1.2 225 251 260 262 267 258 260 267 260 263 256 250 1979-1981
2 Kodakainal 10.14 246 250 257 270 278 278 276 276 273 268 256 248 1964-1981
3 Bangkok 13.44 255 259 270 280 288 282 278 278 278 273 264 256 1979-1981
4 Poona 18.34 246 254 262 274 284 280 273 270 268 264 253 252 1973-1981
5 Mexico City 19.25 253 257 265 275 283 291 296 294 284 267 258 251 1974-1981
6 Mauna Loa 19.29 255 263 277 291 293 286 284 277 270 266 262 257 1964-1981
7 Dum-Dum 22.37 258 260 275 281 286 282 271 268 264 266 266 255 1964-1973
8 Mont Abu 24.36 252 262 269 277 283 283 274 268 266 261 252 250 1969-1981
9 Kunming 25.04 251 263 273 287 295 285 280 275 273 262 256 255 1980-1981
10 Taipei 25.05 261 281 299 312 316 308 306 303 296 288 266 258 1965-1969
I1 Varanasi 25.20 270 277 287 294 299 293 279 275 275 276 266 266 1964-1981
12 Naha Kagamizu 26.10 254 265 280 293 303 293 286 281 275 267 254 252 1974-1981
13 New Delhi 28.38 276 285 292 296 296 293 274 273 274 272 265 266 1964-1981
14 Cairo 30.03 305 310 324 323 328 319 309 304 296 288 285 296 1974-1981
15 Quetta 30.11 289 297 307 308 300 290 281 277 273 268 275 262 1964-1981
16 Tallahass~e 30.26 297 309 312 313 335 328 321 312 297 288 280 285 1964-1981
17 Torishima 30.29 272 290 311 317 321 297 283 280 273 273 259 259 1964-1965
18 Kagoshima 31.38 284 293 313 320 324 299 292 284 279 270 262 273 1964-1981
19 Srinagar 34.05 315 322 320 313 313 303 294 288 287 282 283 278 1964-1981
20 Tateno 36.08 332 349 366 353 353 340 315 296 288 310 282 309 1964-1981
21 Messina 38.12 351 371 386 380 366 352 331 323 317 276 311 335 1964-1975
22 Dushambe 38.38 335 344 345 298 297 285 278 271 274 300 284 311 1964-1981
23 Sterling 38.59 339 364 372 372 363 347 336 323 304 299 301 319 1964-1967
24 Cagliari-Elmas 39.15 342 357 369 375 362 345 325 318 312 260 299 319 1961-1981
25 Albuquerque 39.19 309 324 325 323 309 299 286 284 264 290 261 290 1964-1968
26 Boulder 40.00 334 353 372 380 363 336 325 311 300 256 293 312 1964-1981
27 Karadag 40.05 358 381 373 351 331 305 296 285 277 270 272 309 1964-1967
28 Fort Collins 40.34 318 349 371 347 351 335 311 300 286 258 274 314 1964-1965
29 Napoli 40.52 316 327 338 331 310 302 289 280 271 232 265 295 1964-1971
30 Abustumani 41.50 288 310 300 298 263 230 208 204 227 299 234 271 1964-1966
31 Vigna di Valle 42.04 353 371 382 390 368 354 334 340 311 295 303 325 1964-1981 O~
32 Mont Louis 42.50 338 363 372 383 370 357 336 323 311 315 295 316 1964-1979 ta~
33 Sapporo 43.03 418 441 441 415 396 369 330 307 307 260 336 382 1964-1981
34 Gan 43.14 254 260 265 269 269 270 271 272 268 260 255 252 1964-1975
Station to. de~, 1 11 Ill IV V Vi VII VIII IX X XI Xll Year

35 Alma Ata 43.30 372 402 390 352 339 320 303 293 296 303 318 341 1964-1981 O~
36 Toronto 43.43 382 412 415 403 374 367 351 336 320 315 324 348 1964-1981 4~
37 Vladivostock 43.47 452 476 442 413 381 362 275 295 315 288 344 396 1964-1981
38 Sestola 44.14 362 371 377 401 388 365 348 332 316 294 296 320 1976-1980
39 Biscarrossc 44.20 344 358 366 381 381 356 338 323 306 296 289 314 1976-1981
40 Green Bay 44.31 378 406 417 394 388 358 343 330 314 310 324 350 1964-1975
41 Bismarck 46.47 373 395 404 389 374 349 327 316 311 302 321 343 1964-1981
42 Arosa 46.47 334 367 386 381 262 346 307 315 296 283 285 306 1964-1981
43 Caribou 46.50 346 424 429 423 398 372 355 335 320 319 329 360 1964-1981
44 Boudapest 47.30 396 392 386 385 351 347 333 319 301 297 284 341 1967--1981
45 Magny les Hameaux 48.44 31 t 359 391 402 392 373 356 335 304 300 286 295 1964-69,
46 Val Joyeux 48.52 282 299 327 322 331 312 288 273 271 248 250 249 1964-1977 ¢O-
47 Karaganda 49.53 339 335 336 295 285 233 218 215 225 242 249 294 1964-1967
48 Camborne 50.13 333 367 373 390 384 364 352 333 305 299 299 311 1964-1967
49 Hradec Kralove 50.13 342 381 382 388 366 347 332 314 292 286 276 319 1964-1981
50 Semipalatinsk 50.26 370 401 386 344 318 252 247 237 252 292 299 331 1965-1967 %
51 Kiev 50.28 374 403 4t3 403 371 335 335 325 308 302 297 303 1964-1981 O
52 Uccle 50.51 360 383 396 411 396 374 359 337 316 305 304 324 1965-1981
53 Bracknell 51.26 348 385 402 407 398 372 352 335 309 299 299 314 1967-1981
54 Oxford 51.45 350 385 409 417 402 381 364 346 324 306 302 312 1964-1975
55 Voronez 51.46 459 445 431 358 331 309 291 278 327 304 340 360 1965-1967 ,.<
56 Belsk 52.00 359 386 389 401 379 360 344 324 303 294 298 326 1964-1981 t")
57 lrkutsk 52.18 389 458 467 453 417 365 339 331 336 347 357 352 1964-1981
58 Potsdam 52.24 347 385 399 406 385 370 349 333 312 300 301 320 1964-1981 U,"
59 Petropavlovsk 53.03 396 448 438 440 392 363 299 273 259 299 342 371 1964-1967
60 Edmonton 53.34 387 411 422 401 383 362 340 315 301 304 331 361 1964-1981
61 Omsk 55.00 389 438 431 421 381 355 316 315 330 296 282 344 1964-1981
62 Moscow 55.44 336 386 408 408 372 346 329 315 303 292 290 306 1961-1981
63 Aarhus 56.01 364 405 419 396 369 340 322 307 292 290 303 332 1964-1981
64 Krasnoyarsk 56.05 432 485 466 433 401 325 313 292 298 303 3~7 394 1965-1967
65 Riga 56.53 355 422 429 427 387 351 330 320 316 292 312 332 1964-1981
66 Oslo 59.56 363 385 418 418 383 353 331 316 300 310 294 331 69-70-78-81
67 Lerwick 60.28 347 377 413 424 407 378 359 332 316 302 301 311 1969-1981

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