Test Questionnaire: Agusan Del Sur State College of Agriculture and Technology

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Bunawan, Agusan del Sur

Doc No.: F-DOI-018
website: http://asscat.edu.ph Effective Date: August 25, 2017
email address: asscat_op@yahoo.com Rev No.: 0
Page No.: 1 of 1


Name: ______________________________________________ Date: ______________
Course & Year:_______________________________________ Score:______________

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read each item carefully then choose the letter of the best answer. Write your answers on the space
provided. Erasures and superimposition are given no credit. (2 points each)

_____1. _________ is the expression of human creative skill and imagination.

A.    Emphasis B.    Contour C.    Art D.    Dominance
_____2. It refers to as a governing plan or approach by which various parts of an artwork are created and assembled.
A. unity within variety B. design C. emphasis D. Direction
_____3. An approach to defining art as a transfer of feeling from artist to spectator.
A. Communication theory of art B. Mimesis C. Artworld theory of art D. Significant Form
_____4. Looking closely and in detail at the work in order to consider how the formal elements and principles of art are used to create
it and to convey meaning
A. Formal analysis B. Evaluation C. Interpretation D. Examination
_____5. The diversity of different ideas, media, and elements in a work together
A. Balance B. Scale C. Variety D. Unity
_____6. The size of an object or an artwork relative to another object or artwork, or to a system of measurement.
A. Balance B. Scale C. Proportion D. Rhythm
_____7. When the two sides of a composition correspond to one another in size, shape, and placement of form, the work has
A. a focal point. B. symmetrical balance. C. asymmetrical balance. D. directional forces.
_____8. In an artwork, the total effect of the combined visual qualities is known as the
A. content. B. shape. C. form. D. message
_____9. The optical effect caused when reflected white light of the spectrum is divided into separate wave lengths.
A. Tint B. Shade C. Color D. Light
_____10. It refers to the line produced by the movement of the artist’s hand, arm, or body, of a kind of dance with the material
A. Tint B. Shade C. Color D. Light
_____11. Is a term used to describe the ability to understand and acknowledge the key components in an artwork, which in turn helps
individual to develop critical thinking and innovative skills in thinking.
A. Art Evaluation B. Art Speculation C. Art Appreciation D. Art Examination
_____12. An approach to defining art as whatever the artworld says it is.
A. Communication theory of art B. Mimesis C. Artworld theory of art D. Significant Form
_____13. The quality of wavelength in color, as known as the color name.
A. Hue B. Value C. Intensity D. Saturation
____14. An approach to defining art as a copy of perceived reality.
A. Communication theory of art B. Mimesis C. Artworld theory of art D. Significant Form
_____15. The use of light and dark in a painting to create the impression of volume
A. Tenebrism B. Chiaroscuro C. Contrast D. Abstraction
_____16. Tughra (Official Signature) of Sultan Süleiman the Magnificent exemplifies the principle of
A. symmetry and asymmetry. C. emphasis and focal point.
B. rhythm and repetition. D. unity and variety
_____17. The strategies by which the elements of art are arranged to create a desired visual effect.
A. Principles of Design B. Composition C. Art Appreciation D. ArtWork
_____18. The relationship in size between a work’s individual parts
A. Balance B. Scale C. Proportion D. Rhythm
_____19. Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio’s print Crucifixion of St. Peter, was intended to portray on
A. the martyrdom of St. Peter. C. the personal expression of St. Peter
B. delight of St. Peter D. War against religion
_____20. The imposition of order and harmony on a design
A. Balance B. Scale C. Emphasis D. Unity
_____21. Which of the following is the result of the process of arranging, selecting, and ordering?
B. unity within variety B. design C. emphasis D. Direction
_____22. It refers to the visual flow of an artwork, indicated by the path a viewer’s eyes take as they look at the artwork.
A. Movement B. Focal point C. Emphasis D. Unity
_____23. A drastic difference between such elements as color/value (lightness/darkness) when they are presented together
A. Balance B. Contrast C. Emphasis D. Unity
_____24. A color lighter in value than its purest state
A. Tint B. Shade C. Color D. Light
_____25. The center of interest or activity in a work of art, often drawing the viewer’s attention to the most important element.
A. Balance B. Focal point C. Emphasis D. Unity
Bunawan, Agusan del Sur
Doc No.: F-DOI-018
website: http://asscat.edu.ph Effective Date: August 25, 2017
email address: asscat_op@yahoo.com Rev No.: 0
Page No.: 2 of 1


_____26. An arrangement of predictably repeated elements
A. Repetition B. Rhythm C. Pattern D. Unity
_____27. The basic components of visual art.
A. Principles of Design B. Elements of art C. Art Appreciation D. ArtWork
_____28. The regular or ordered repetition of elements in the work.
A. Repetition B. Rhythm C. Pattern D. Unity
_____29. Jackson Pollock was an influential American painter and a major figure in what movement?
A. American Modernism B. Pop Art C. Abstract Expressionist D. Minimalism
_____30. The use of size to denote the relative importance of subjects in an artwork
A. Hierarchical scale B. Normal Scale C. Scale D. Proportion
_____31. Two-dimensional artists create the illusion of volume with light by using
A. chiaroscuro. B. texture. C. warm hues. D. mixed media
_____32. The way to do an art critique is to __________.
A.    describe, analyze, interpret, and evaluate the piece C.    talk to the artist
B.    decide if it’s good D.    write an artist statement
_____33. A principle of art in which elements are used to create a symmetrical or symmetrical sense of visual weight in an artwork
A. Balance B. Scale C. Proportion D. Rhythm
____34. An approach where in the work of art is experienced as a single unified whole and an intuitive conclusion is drawn.
A. Gestalt B. Pointillism C. Abstraction D. all of above
_____35. The cohesive expression of ideas within a work of art
A. Balance B. Scale C. Variety D. Unity
_____36. An imaginary line around which objects are arranged.
A. Axis B. Circle C. Line D. All of the Above
_____37. Size relationships between parts of a whole are known as
A. pattern. B. scale. C. proportion. D. Subordination
_____38. Which of the following is used to describe an elevated awareness of beauty in the viewer?
A. Aesthetics B. perception C. medium D. Idealism
_____39. The degree to which an image is altered from an easily recognizable subject
A. Tenebrism B. Chiaroscuro C. Contrast D. Abstraction
_____40. The strategy of directing attention with the use of high contrast.
A. Balance B. Contrast C. Emphasis D. Unity
_____41. In art, the term “value” refers to the
A. lightness and darkness of surfaces. C. foreground and background.
B. psychological temperature of color. D. quality of line and shape
_____42. A color darker in value than its purest state
A. Tint B. Shade C. Color D. Light

_____43. A color scheme that uses colors adjacent to each other on the color wheel.
A. Analogous colors B. Complementary Colors C. Primary Colors D. Secondary Colors
_____44. In visual art, the sensation of “warm” or “cool” relative to a given color is referring to:
A. Color Temperature B. Color Scheme C. Composition D. Contrast
_____45. __________ range from yellow to red, creating an energy and excitement in an artwork.
A. Color Temperature B. Warm colors C. Cool colors D. Color Scheme
_____46. __________range from yellow-green to violet, creating a calming effect in an artwork.
A. Color Temperature B. Warm colors C. Cool colors D. Color Scheme
_____47. An approach to defining art as what we notice.
A. Communication theory of art B. Mimesis C. Artworld theory of art D. Significant Form
_____48. He/she said that art is an intentional “infection” of feelings by the artist to others through a tangible material
A. Jackson Pollock B. Leo N. Tolstoy C. Clive Belle D. George Dickie
_____49. The principle of drawing attention to a particular content within a work
A. Balance B. Contrast C. Emphasis D. Unity
_____50. Colors opposite one another in the color wheel
A. Analogous colors B. Complementary Colors C. Primary Colors D. Secondary Colors
_____51. Shows relationships between all colors
A. Color Wheel B. Secondary Colors C. Primary Colors D. Tertiary Colors
_____52. Colors made by mixing two primary colors
A. Color Wheel B. Secondary Colors C. Primary Colors D. Tertiary Colors
_____53. The objects that are at or near the center of an artwork
A. Background B. Middle Ground C. Positive Space D. Negative Space
_____54. The way something looks like it feels
Bunawan, Agusan del Sur
Doc No.: F-DOI-018
website: http://asscat.edu.ph Effective Date: August 25, 2017
email address: asscat_op@yahoo.com Rev No.: 0
Page No.: 3 of 1


A. Implied Texture B. Actual Texture C. Positive Space D. Negative Space
_____55. The lightness or darkness of a color
A. Hue B. Value C. Tint D. Space
_____56. The way something feels or looks like it feels
A. Texture B. Implied Texture C. Actual Texture D. Space
_____57. The area around, above, between, inside or below objects
A Space B. Middle Space C. Positive Space D. Negative Space
_____58. A mark made by a point moving across a surface
A. Axis B. Circle C. Line D. All of the Above
_____59. Another name for color
A. Hue B. Value C. Tint D. Space
_____60. A mixture of a color with white, which reduces darkness
A. Hue B. Value C. Tint D. Space
_____61. Colors made by mixing a primary and a secondary
A. Color Wheel B. Secondary Colors C. Primary Colors D. Tertiary Colors
_____62. The “building blocks” of art creation
A. Form B. Content C. Elements D. Shape
_____63. These colors, when mixed, make all other colors
A. Color Wheel B. Secondary Colors C. Primary Colors D. Tertiary Colors
_____64. The area occupied by an object that has detail
A Space B. Middle Space C. Positive Space D. Negative Space
_____65. Shapes that are mathematical and have names
A Form B. Organic C. Geometric D. Shape
_____66. Has height, width and depth; 3-dimensional
A Form B. Organic C. Geometric D. Shape
_____67. The way something physically feels
A. Texture B. Implied Texture C. Actual Texture D. Space
_____68. The objects that are farthest away from the viewer
A. Background B. Middle Ground C. Positive Space D. Negative Space
_____69. An area that has height and width; 2-dimensional
A Form B. Organic C. Geometric D. Shape
_____70. Shapes that are found in nature
A Form B. Organic C. Geometric D. Shape

Starts with the Decision to TRY.”

Prepared by:
Veligen O. Berueda

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