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Hydrology III: Supplementary notes to Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Evaporation and Transpiration

Textbook: Study p42 – p44

Example 1

In a given year, a 16000 km2 watershed received 508 mm of precipitation (P). The average rate of flow
(Q) measured in the river draining the area was found to be 169.91 m 3/s.

(a) Convert the average rate of flow to surface runoff (R) in ‘mm’ per year.

(b) Draw a sketch in answer book showing the hydrologic components for the watershed
described in Q (a) and write down the basic hydrologic equation for the watershed, with the
change in storage (S) being the subject of the formula.

(c) With reference to the equation developed in Part (b), state two assumptions that you would
make in order to calculate the combined amount of water evaporated and transpired (ET)
from the region during the year of record and calculate ET.

Example 2

A lake with a surface area of 2km2 receives an inflow of 1.42 m3/s during a particular month. The outflow
is 1.15 m3/s and seepage losses are 32 mm during this month. Given that the amount of precipitation is
43mm and evaporation is 115 mm.

(a) What is the change in storage of the lake?

(b) Does the water level rise or fall?

Example 3

A precipitation (P) amount of 205 mm falls on a watershed area (A) of 300 km 2.

(a) If evaporation and transpiration combined (ET) are 153 mm, and the seepage losses (SL) are
13 mm, how much runoff produced in m3? Give answer to decimal places and assume a
month has 30 days.

(b) If the time period considered is two months, what is the runoff rate in cubic m 3/s? Assume a
month has 30 days.

Example 4

Calculate the evapo-transpiration in mm/day from a Lysimeter given that the following data were collected
over 24 hours.

Precipitation from a nearby Rain Gauge = 33 mm

Volume of water that percolated through the Lysimeter soil = 6.35 litres
Change in mass of water in the Lysimeter soil decreased by 1.30 kg
Surface area of the Lysimeter = 0.25 m2
Example 5

Complete the “Evaporation and Rainfall Return” DWAF sheet given below and calculate the total
evaporation for the month of May 1990.

Reading after Remarks

Date Reading having Rainfall (mm) (Evaporation
refilled/emptied in mm)
  1   166          
  2 175   2.0
  3 188    
  4 177   14.5
  5 187   1.5
  6 202 102  
  7 118    
  8 138    
  9 158    
  10 175    
  11 197    
  12 203 101 5.5
  13 120    
  14 138   1.5
  15 143   5.0
  16 163    
  17 167   7.5
  18 120   32.0
  19 133   1.0
  20 145 97  
  21 103   2.0
  22 116    
  23 126   2.0
  24 138    
  25 142    
  26 138   5.0
  27 148    
  28 160    
  29 95   42.5
  30 97   7.0
  31 99   8.0
  1 110   0.0

Example 1 answer
Water shed area (A) = 16000 km2
Precipitation (P) = 508 mm
Rate of flow (R) = 169.91 m3/s

(a) Changing rate of flow to SR in mm

SR = (R*109*365*24*3600)/(A *1012)

I year = 31536000 s
I km2 = 1E+12 mm2
1 m3 1000000000 mm3

SR = 335 mm

(b) Basic Hydrologic Equation (Draw a sketch in answer book and write formula in Answer slot.)

c) ET = P - R = 508 -335

ET = 173 mm

Example 2 answer

Given data
Q in = 1.42 m3/s ==> 1840 mm
P= 43 mm
Seepage (S) = 32 mm
E= 115 mm
Q out = 1.15 m3/s ==> 1490 mm

A= 2 km2
month = 30 days 2592000 s

All units to depth (mm)

Total Inflows = 1883 mm

Total Outflows = 1637 mm

Change = I - O = 246 mm Rise!

Example 3 answer

A precipitation (P) amount of 205 mm falls on a watershed area (A) of 300 km 2.

(a)     If evaporation and transpiration combined (ET) are 153 mm, and the seepage losses (SL)
are 13 mm, how much runoff produced in m3?

(b)     If the time period considered is two months, what is the runoff rate in cubic m 3/s? Assume a
month has 30 days.

Given data
P= 205 mm
A= 300 km2
ET = 153 mm
SL = 13 mm
Duration = 2 Months
Month = 30 days


(a) R (m3) = (P -ET-SL)/1000*A*106 = 11700000 m3

(b) R (m3/s) = R (m3)/T (s) = 2.26 m3/s

Example 4 answer

ET = I (inflows) – O (Outflows) + Change in Storage [+ sign since the weight dropped as a result
of evaporation, hence this weight change contributes to total evaporation]

 Inflows:
o Precipitation P = 33 mm
 Outflows:
o As a result of Percolation: O = 6.35 liters (x 10 -3 m3)/0.25 m2 x 1000 = 25.4 mm
 Decrease in Mass 1.3 kg
o Equivalent to: 1.30 x 10-3 m3/0.25 m2 * 1000 = 5.2 mm

Hence ET = 33 – 25.4 + 5.2 = 12.8 mm

Example 5 answer

Reading after
Readin having
Date Rainfall (mm) (Evaporatio
g refilled/emptie
n in mm)
  1   166           6.5
  2 175   2.0 6.5
  3 188     9.0
  4 177   14.5 6.5
  5 187   1.5 7.5
  6 202 102   8.0
  7 118     10.0
  8 138     10.0
  9 158     8.5
  1 175     11.0
  1 197     8.5
  1 203 101 5.5 9.5
  1 120     10.5
  1 138   1.5 7.5
  1 143   5.0 10.0
  1 163     9.5
  1 167   7.5 8.5
  1 120   32.0 7.5
  1 133   1.0 6.0
  2 145 97   5.0
  2 103   2.0 6.5
  2 116     7.0
  2 126   2.0 6.0
  2 138     2.0
  2 142     3.0
  2 138   5.0 5.0
  2 148     6.0
  2 160     10.0
2 95 8.0
  9   42.5
3 97 9.0
  0   7.0
3 99 5.5
  1   8.0
  1 110   0.0 0.0
Total 0   234.0 mm
E = ½ {(202+203+145+110)-(166+102+101+97)} + 137 = 234 mm

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