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1029/2008GL037135, 2009

Analysis of variations of cloud and aerosol properties associated with

active and break spells of Indian summer monsoon using MODIS data
V. Ravi Kiran,1 M. Rajeevan,2 S. Vijaya Bhaskara Rao,1 and N. Prabhakara Rao1
Received 26 December 2008; revised 25 March 2009; accepted 27 March 2009; published 7 May 2009.
[1] Indian summer monsoon exhibits significant intra- regime of the TCZ. It is important to examine the variations
seasonal variations with active and break monsoon spells. of clouds and aerosol properties associated with the transi-
Using MODIS data of 8 years (2000 –2007), variations tion between the heat trough regime characterizing long
of cloud and aerosol properties over the Indian region intense dry spells/breaks and the moist convective regime of
associated with the active and break spells were examined. the CTCZ. The present study is designed to examine the
The study shows statistically significant variations of cloud variations of cloud and aerosol properties associated with
properties (cloud optical depth, cloud fraction and cloud top the active and break monsoon spells using the MODerate
pressure) between active and break monsoon days over resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data.
central and northeast India and the equatorial Indian
Ocean. During the monsoon break spells, associated with 2. Data and Methodology
the anomalous circulation, aerosol loading from the north
Arabian Sea is transported to central India. This increase in [4] For this study, we have used 8 years (2000 – 2007) of
aerosol content decreases the cloud effective radii, suggesting MODIS data. MODIS is a 36 band scanning radiometer
the indirect effect of aerosols on cloud properties. There is onboard NASA’s Terra and Aqua EOS platforms. Infrared,
also an inverse relationship of cloud properties over the visible channels are used in retrieving cloud top properties,
monsoon zone over central India and the southeast equatorial optical and microphysical properties respectively at pixel
Indian Ocean, suggesting possible role of southeast level also called Level-2(L2) products [Platnick et al., 2003;
equatorial Indian Ocean on the development of active- King et al., 2003]. At pixel level the resolution of cloud top
break cycles. Citation: Ravi Kiran, V., M. Rajeevan, S. Vijaya properties is 5 km, cloud optical and microphysical proper-
Bhaskara Rao, and N. Prabhakara Rao (2009), Analysis of ties is 1km and aerosol products is 10 km.A set of global
variations of cloud and aerosol properties associated with active gridded products of daily, weekly and monthly time scales
and break spells of Indian summer monsoon using MODIS data, at 1°  1° resolution is derived from L2 products and are
Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, L09706, doi:10.1029/2008GL037135. labeled as Level-3(L3) products. For this study, we have
used the new version of daily L3 cloud products viz.,
(daytime) cloud fraction, (daytime) cloud top pressure,
1. Introduction (combined liquid& ice phase) cloud optical depth, (com-
[2] During the Indian monsoon season (June to Septem- bined liquid& ice phase) cloud effective radius, Aerosol
ber), a substantial component of the variability in convec- optical depth (500 nm) for the period 2000 – 2007.
tion and rainfall over the region arises from the fluctuation [5] For examining the variations of cloud and aerosol
on the intra-seasonal scale between active spells with good properties associated with the active and break monsoon
rainfall distribution and weak spells, called breaks with spells, we have identified the active and break spells during
suppressed rainfall. Frequent or prolonged breaks during the period 2000 – 2007 using the criteria proposed by
the season, such as the break in July 2002, can lead to Rajeevan et al. [2008]. The active (break) spell is defined
drought conditions. Therefore, better understanding and if the daily standardized rainfall anomaly (which is a unit
eventually the prediction of these active-cycles, their dura- less quantity) over the central India is more (less) than 1.0
tion and intensity, is very important. Ramamurthy [1969] ( 1.0), consecutively for 3 days or more. The composite
considered a set of synoptic conditions along with the cloud and aerosol properties during active and break spells
rainfall activity to define the monsoon breaks. Gadgil and were derived by averaging daily data of cloud and aerosol
Joseph [2003] and Rajeevan et al. [2008] have defined data for these active and break days separately. To ascertain
break (active) days based on daily rainfall anomaly over the statistical significance of the difference between active
central India. and break days, we have used the Z-test, which is meant for
[3] A major focus of the Continental Tropical Conver- the data sets of large sample size with unequal variance. The
gence Zone (CTCZ) programme [Indian Climate Research active and break spells during the period 2000 – 2007
Programme, 2008] in India is the intra-seasonal variation of considered for this study are given in Table 1. The spatial
the CTCZ (Indian monsoon trough zone) and in particular pattern of mean rainfall anomaly during the active and break
the transition between the heat trough regime characterizing days is shown in Figure S1 (auxiliary material).1 During the
long intense dry spells/breaks and the moist convective active days, positive rainfall anomaly is observed over the
CTCZ region and along the west coast. During the break
Department of Physics, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, India.
days, rainfall is suppressed over the CTCZ region and also
National Atmospheric Research Laboratory, Gadanki, India.
Copyright 2009 by the American Geophysical Union. Auxiliary materials are available in the HTML. doi:10.1029/
0094-8276/09/2008GL037135 2008GL037135.

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Table 1. Monsoon Active and Break Spells Considered in the Study

Year Active Spells Break Spells
2000 12 – 15 July, 17 – 20 July 1 – 9 Aug
2001 9 – 12 July 31 July – 2 Aug, 26 – 30 Aug
2002 — 4 – 17 July, 21 – 31 July
2003 26 – 28 July —
2004 30 July – 1 Aug 10 – 13 July, 19 – 21 July,26 – 31 Aug
2005 1 – 4 July, 27 July – 1 Aug 7 – 14 Aug, 24 – 31 Aug
2006 3 – 6 July, 28 July – 2 Aug, 5 – 7 Aug, 13 – 22 Aug —
2007 1 – 4 July, 6 – 9 July, 6 – 9 Aug 18 – 22 July, 15 – 17 Aug

along the west coast. However, it is enhanced over north here includes the effect of all type of clouds, low, middle
east India, close to the foothills of Himalayas. and high clouds. Rajeevan and Srinivasan [2000] and
Balachandran and Rajeevan [2008] showed that the most
3. Spatial Pattern of Cloud Properties significant difference between the excess and deficient
monsoon years is observed in high and deep convective
[6] Figure 1a shows the spatial distribution of mean cloud clouds, with cloud top pressure lower than 300 hPa. During
fraction (CFR) during the active and break days and the the break days, weak ascending motion is observed over the
differences between them. Due to the presence of CTCZ CTCZ region due to the presence of a heat trough [Raghavan,
and associated monsoon weather systems, cloud fraction 1973; Rajeevan et al., 2008]. The heat trough is an elongated
exceeding 0.8 is observed over the Indian region, north of heat low with weak ascent in the lower levels with subsi-
10°N, including the west coast. During the break days, dence above. With the presence of a heat trough, non-
cloud fraction is reduced over the Arabian Sea and north- precipitating shallow clouds may be present over the CTCZ
west India, while it is enhanced over northeast India and region.
adjoining east China and over the south equatorial Indian [7] Figure 1b shows the spatial distribution of mean
Ocean. The differences between the active and break days cloud optical depth (COD) during the active and break days
are statistically significant over northwest India, west coast and the differences between them. During the active days,
and adjoining Arabian sea, northeast India and the east high COD exceeding 25 is observed over the CTCZ region
equatorial Indian Ocean. It is interesting to note that even and north Bay of Bengal. During the break days, due to the
during the break days, cloud fraction over the CTCZ region shift in the convective activity, COD values reduce signif-
does not fall below 0.7. The total cloud amount considered icantly over the CTCZ region. However, over northeast

Figure 1. (a) Mean cloud fraction during (left) active and (middle) break and (right) the difference between active and
break (active-break) days. In Figure 1a (right), the differences which are statistically significant at 95% level are contoured
using thick lines. Same but for (b) cloud optical depth and (c) cloud top pressure.

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Figure 2. Scatterplots of (a) COD and (b) CTP for the active and break days.

parts of India and adjoining eastern parts of China, COD [9] To examine the dispersion in the composite pattern of
values exceeding 25 are observed. Another area with COD and CTP, we have prepared scatter diagrams of COD
enhanced COD values during the break days is the south- and CTP averaged over the CTCZ region during the active
east equatorial Indian Ocean. The differences between the and break days. The results are shown in Figure 2. The red
active and break days are statistically significant over the star indicates the centroid of the scatter points. Even though
CTCZ region, southeast equatorial Indian Ocean and also there is a spread in the active and break cases, there is clear
parts of eastern China. distinction between the active and break days. For example,
[8] Figure 1c shows the spatial distribution of mean cloud COD values during the active (break) days are more (less)
top pressure (CTP) during the active and break days and the than 14. Similarly, there is a distinction in the CTP values
differences between them. During the active days, clouds also. CTP values during the active (break) days are less
with top pressure below 300 hPa are observed over north (more) than 500 hPa.
Bay of Bengal and northwestern parts of India. However,
over the CTCZ region, cloud top pressures do not reach 4. Spatial Pattern of Aerosol and Its Indirect
300 hPa. Therefore, rainfall over the CTCZ region is not Effect
associated with deep convective clouds, with cloud top
lower than 300 hPa. The deepest clouds are however [10] There are studies highlighting the role of atmospheric
observed over north Bay of Bengal. During the break spells, aerosols in modulating the strength of Indian monsoon
there is a distinct spatial pattern. Associated with the shift in circulation [Patra et al., 2005; Vinoj et al., 2004; Rahul et
convective regions, deep convective clouds are observed al., 2008]. The recent article by Ramanathan and Carmichael
over northeast India and the equatorial Indian Ocean. It is [2008] reviewed the role of absorbing black aerosols in
important to note that the difference in the intensity of modulating the Indian monsoon circulation and rainfall.
convection between active and break days. Over northeast [11] Using the MODIS data, we have examined the
India and southeast Indian Ocean, convection is more variations of aerosol optical depth between the active and
intense and penetrated with cloud top pressures below even break days. The results are shown in Figure 3a. During the
100 hPa, compared to convection over north Bay of Bengal. active monsoon days, most of aerosol content is confined
The differences of CTP between active and break days are over extreme northwest India, adjoining Pakistan and north
statistically significant over northwest India, parts of north- Arabian Sea. This is the region of monsoon heat low
east India and the east equatorial Indian Ocean. circulation with intense heating at the surface and large
scale subsidence above the boundary layer. During the

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Figure 3. (a) Mean aerosol optical depth during (left) active and (middle) break and (right) the difference between active
and break (active-break) days. In Figure 3a (right), the differences which are statistically significant at 95% level are
contoured using thick lines. (b) The same but for the cloud effective radius.

break spells, aerosol content is substantially increased over of aerosols on clouds. However, over the eastern parts of
the CTCZ region, while it is substantially reduced over CTCZ region, close to north Bay of Bengal, reff during
north Arabian Sea. There is a transition in the circulation break days is more compared to active days, in spite of an
over central India from the moist convective circulation increase in aerosol content. This is not an agreement with
with large scale ascent during the active spells to a dry heat the known indirect effect of aerosols. In the present study,
trough type circulation during the break spells [Raghavan, we have not examined variations of reff of warm and ice
1973; Rajeevan et al., 2008]. The composite wind anoma- phased clouds separately. A recent study by Chylek et al.
lies at 850 hPa during the break days are shown in Figure S2. [2006] showed that over the north Indian Ocean, during the
The circulation pattern shows anomalous anticyclone over episodes of increased pollution, the effective radius of ice
central India with southerlies over north Arabian Sea and crystals is shifted toward the larger rather than smaller sizes.
westerlies over central India. Therefore, it can be inferred They have proposed that this occurs due to a combination of
that the significant increase in the aerosol content over variability of meteorological conditions and an ‘‘inverse
central India is due to transportation of aerosol from north aerosol indirect effect’’ caused by heterogeneous ice nucle-
Arabian Sea and adjoining deserts to central parts of India. ation as a possible explanation of observed ice crystal
Once transported, aerosol is trapped in the lower boundary growth.
due to large scale subsidence associated with the heat [13] In the composite fields of cloud properties associated
trough. with the active and break events, over the Oceanic region,
[12] Large aerosol concentration reduces the effective the most significant variations are observed over the equa-
radii of clouds and thus increases the cloud albedo and torial southeast Indian Ocean, suggesting that equatorial
cools the climate system [Twomey, 1977; Chylek et al., Indian Ocean may be playing an important role in the
2006]. Since we found significant changes in the aerosol dynamics of active-break cycles. A recent work by Wang
content between active and break monsoon days, we have et al. [2005] emphasized the important role of equatorial
further examined the corresponding changes in the cloud Indian Ocean in self-induction of active-break cycles of
effective radii of clouds. Figure 3b shows the mean effective Indian monsoon.
radii (combined effect of both warm and ice phase clouds) [14] To examine the simultaneous variations of cloud
during active and break days. Since northern parts of India properties over the monsoon zone and east equatorial Indian
including Arabian sea is more polluted, mean cloud effec- Ocean, we have considered daily variation of cloud prop-
tive radii is lower (less than 20 mm), compared to the erties over these regions along with daily variations of
equatorial Indian ocean, where the cloud effective radii is monsoon rainfall over central India for a specific year
more than 28mm. There are also changes in the reff between (2008) as shown in Figure 4. It shows the simultaneous
the active and break days. During the break days, over variations of COD over the CTCZ region (18.5° to 27.5°N;
northwestern parts of India and central India, reff is lower 69.5° to 87.5°E) and the east equatorial Indian Ocean (10°S
compared to the active days, confirming the indirect effect to 0.5°N; 70.5°E to 100.5°E). It is very clear that there is an

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the cloud effect are the effectiveness of an aerosol particle to

act as a cloud condensation nucleus, which is a function of
the size, chemical composition, mixing state and ambient
environment. Only a subset of the aerosol particles acts as
cloud condensation nuclei. However, more observational
and model studies are required to establish the possible
reasons of this effect and to identify the possible feedback
processes associated with aerosols and clouds over the
CTCZ region.
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5. Conclusions Rajeevan, M., and J. Srinivasan (2000), Net cloud radiative forcing at the
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[15] Using 8 years of MODIS data (2000 – 2007), varia- 657.
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Cent., India Meteorol. Dep., Pune. (Available at http://www.imdpune.
Spatial variations of cloud properties show significant
variations between the active and break spells, over the Ramamurthy, K. (1969), Monsoon of India: Some aspects of the ‘break’ in
CTCZ region, northeast India and southeast equatorial the Indian southwest monsoon during July and August, Forecast. Man.
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Ramanathan, V., and G. Carmichael (2008), Global and regional climate
Ocean, convection is more intense and penetrated compared changes due to black carbon, Nat. Geosci., 1, 221 – 227, doi:10.1038/
to convection over north Bay of Bengal with cloud top ngeo156.
pressures below even 100 hPa. During the break spells, Twomey, S. (1977), Influence of pollution on shortwave albedo of clouds,
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associated with the anomalous wind circulation in the lower Vinoj, V., S. K. Satheesh, S. Suresh Babu, and K. Krishna Moorthy (2004),
troposphere, large aerosol content is transported into the Large aerosol optical depths observed at an urban location in southern
CTCZ region. The increase in aerosol content causes India associated with rain-deficit summer monsoon season, Ann. Geophys.,
22, 3073 – 3077.
reduction of cloud effective radii, confirming the indirect Wang, B., P. J. Webster, and H. Teng (2005), Antecedents and self-induction
effect of aerosols on clouds and climate system. However, of active-break south Asian monsoon unraveled by satellites, Geophys.
over the eastern parts of CTCZ region and adjoining north Res. Lett., 32, L04704, doi:10.1029/2004GL020996.
Bay of Bengal, cloud effective radii however increases
during the break spells with increase in aerosol content. N. Prabhakara Rao, V. Ravi Kiran, and S. Vijaya Bhaskara Rao,
This may be due to heterogeneous ice nucleation as sug- Department of Physics, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati 517 502,
gested by Chylek et al. [2006]. However, a distinction India.
M. Rajeevan, National Atmospheric Research Laboratory, P. O. Box 123,
between the cloud effect by natural and anthropogenic Gadanki 517 502, India. (
aerosols is needed. The key parameters for determining

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