BSBADM502 Manage Meetings

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BSBADM502 Manage meetings

ASSESSMENT 1 (Part A)- Project and Direct Observation

1. Develop a meeting agenda
The subject of the gathering is "Training Needs for all branches of the organization." The theme is picked on the
grounds that it is felt that the training is required in the entirety of the divisions of the organization. Training is the
procedure by which the organizations are making and changing themselves to a superior circumstance in all
regards. Be that as it may, as a matter of first importance, the training needs and the upsides of having training
must be passed on to all managers of the offices. Along these lines, it is additionally concluded that the plan and
the point for the conference must train so the managers of the considerable number of divisions may have the
option to survey their subordinates in a decent way as required and clean them as indicated by the necessities and
requests of the activity.

Meeting Agenda Template

Meeting agenda
DATE: 15 December MEETING Training of all the employees
LOCATION: Meeting room of  Albert Brockwood
organization  Silvia Devola
CHAIR: Jack Stone  Janice Bennett
MINUTE-TAKER: Gillian Collins  Saul Rickman
 Katherine Montigo
 Joseph Patulio

Meeting preparation
PLEASE READ: The following documents place front of your desk.

PLEASE BRING: You are required to bring your laptops and specs in case of reading.

Meeting structure

1 Open meeting Chair 10 mins

2 Objective of meeting Chair 15 min

3 Apologies Chair 5 mins

4 Approve minutes of previous meeting Chair 20 mins

5 Action from previous meeting Chair 20 mins

1 Addressing- the small explanation of the activity Silvia 20 minutes

2 Status – Open, In Progress, Resolved, Silvia 20 minutes

6 Agenda items
1 Agenda- to write down the point discussed in the Saul 10 minutes
formal meeting.

2 Meeting-gathering of the experts to discuss on various Saul 20 minutes

3 Issue- an important topic which can based on debate Saul 20 minutes

4 Attachment- the extra part of agenda which inform the Saul 20 minutes
participant about the issue.

5 Facilitator – someone who helps a group Saul 20 minutes

of people understand their common
objectives and assists them to plan and
achieve them
7 Any other business Interested parties 20 minutes

8 Arrange next meeting Chair 15 minutes

9 Close meeting Chair 20 minutes

2. Send an invitation email to staff (your assessor)

Meeting invitation

Business meeting on the topic “Training needs in all departments of organization”.

Date: 15 Dec, 2020 Venue: ABC Hall, Sidney
Day: Monday

Adept Owl Games Company

42 Challenge Lane | RICHMOND VIC 3121
Ph. 03 9234 5678 | Fax: 03 9234 5679
December 15, 2020
Dear: All staff
The purpose of writing this email is to inform you all about the meeting which will be conducted in
order to provide training to the employee. This meeting will welcome all the senior management and
managers of company to come and have some discussion. The purpose of this meeting is to provide
a training needs and its advantages in the longer of professional life. The training needs and its
importance will be highlighted in the meeting. I am expecting you all to come and attend the meeting
for the sake of your knowledge and skill. Your presence will be highly appreciated.
The Adept Owl Games Company. Australia.

3. Prepare Meeting Requirement Form

Meeting requirements form

Meeting Requirements Form

Chairperson Mr.Alfred (CEO)

Department HR, Sales, Marketing, Admin, Finance, Stores, Customer

services, Production.
Meeting name Training needs in all departments

Meeting details
15 December, 2020 1:00 pm
Date Time
ABC hall $4000
Location Budget

Meeting format
To enhance the current skills of all the senior management of company and provide training to
Purpose them.

Training of staff

Participants Internal External

• Albert Brockwood Jack stone
• Silvia Devola
• Janice Bennett
• Saul Rickman
• Katherine Montigo
• Joseph Patulio
Five speakers to cover every corner of the hall

15 seats required to arrange seating for the attendees

Seating arrangements

Video or teleconference

Supporting materials
The case studies of different companies.

Focus is the importance of training

Meeting documentation
Equipment requirements Good sound system, a projector, speaker, and mic

Hospitality requirements

Catering requirements First served coffee. Then burger served with drink


Other requirements

Special needs of attendees Water bottles served to each participant and tea

Other organisational All the participant must present in the meeting on time. No one is allowed to enter
after the session starts. Punctuality will be observed strictly.
requirements for
conducting meetings

Applicable conventions
for conducting meetings

Legal and ethical All members must consent to moral and work laws during the gathering. No
member will prod or squabble with the other part on any issue which will be
requirements for
examined in the instructional course, in any case exacting move will be made
conducting meetings against that worker.

Other specific requirements Each participant will bring their pen and writing pad to note down specific things.

7. Send an email to staff (your assessor)

Outcomes of meeting

Adept Owl Games Company

42 Challenge Lane | RICHMOND VIC 3121
Ph. 03 9234 5678 | Fax: 03 9234 5679
Dear: All staff
The purpose of writing this email is to inform you all about the meeting which will was so far
successful. I am vey happy about the outcomes of the meeting which made me think of arranging a
celebration party as well. I am happy that all of you had participated in the meeting which was the
great effort. With the help of meeting we are able to achieve satisfaction level, employee’s
contribution, making the training session implemented, and employee’s morale. In this mail I am
attaching meeting minutes and screenshot of files. Please acknowledge it and provide me your
The Adept Owl Games Company. Australia.

Assessment Task 1B Instructions: (Informal Meeting)

Meeting Agenda Template

1. Develop a meeting agenda.

Meeting agenda
DATE: 19 July 2020 MEETING To arrange the Christmas party
LOCATION: ABC hall Store managers


Meeting preparation
PLEASE READ: You are required to read the noted placed in front of your desk.

PLEASE BRING: Please bring your pen and writing pad to note down all the important things

Meeting structure

1 Open meeting Chair 10 min

2 Objective of meeting Chair 10 min

3 Apologies Chair 5 min

4 Approve minutes of previous meeting Chair 20 min

5 Action from previous meeting Chair 20 min

1 To discuss about the venue of party CEO 10 min

2 To discuss about the arrangements CEO 20 min

6 Agenda items
1 Agenda- to write down the point discussed in the CEO 20 min
formal meeting.

2 Meeting-gathering of the experts to discuss on various CEO 10 min


3 Issue- an important topic which can based on debate CEO 20 min

4 Attachment- the extra part of agenda which inform the CEO 10 min
participant about the issue.

5 Facilitator – someone who helps a group CEO 10 min

of people understand their common
objectives and assists them to plan and
achieve them
7 Any other business Interested parties
8 Arrange next meeting Chair
9 Close meeting Chair

2. Send an email to the staff who will attend the meeting (your assessor).
Meeting invitation

Business meeting on the topic “To arrange a Christmas party for all staff members of
Date: 19 Jul 2020 Venue: ABC Hall, Sidney
Day: Monday
Adept Owl Games Company
42 Challenge Lane | RICHMOND VIC 3121
Ph. 03 9234 5678 | Fax: 03 9234 5679
July 19, 2020
Dear: All staff
The purpose of writing this email is to inform you all about the meeting which will be conducted in
order to arrange a Christmas party for all staff members. I approach the store managers to take lead
and arrange the event accordingly. I am asking for your contribution to come and attend the meeting
in order to decide the venue and arrangement planning. I am attaching meeting agenda in order to
provide details. I am expecting you all to come and attend the meeting for the sake of your knowledge
and skill. Your presence will be highly appreciated.
The Adept Owl Games Company. Australia.

3. Send an email to your team (your assessor).

Adept Owl Games Company

42 Challenge Lane | RICHMOND VIC 3121
Ph. 03 9234 5678 | Fax: 03 9234 5679
July 19, 2020
Dear: All staff
The purpose of writing this email is to inform you all about the meeting outcomes. I am
satisfied with the venue we got decided, the arrangement types, the date of
celebration, and the time decided to conduct the Christmas party. The Christmas party
will be arranged by the simple arrangement style, venue will be the club, the time will
be 7 pm, and it will be celebrated in the first week of December. I am attaching the
meeting notes. Please acknowledge them and provide me your feedback.
The Adept Owl Games Company. Australia.
Notice of Meeting Template

Notice of Meeting
Arranging a Christmas party
Meeting name:
19 July, 2020
Meeting Day & Date

Date of Notice: 25 March 2020

Adept Owl Games Company

42 Challenge Lane | RICHMOND VIC 3121
Ph. 03 9234 5678 | Fax: 03 9234 5679
July 19, 2020

Dear staff

An Annual/Special General Meeting of the XYZ Pty Ltd is to be held on Saturday, 19 July, 2020 at the Police
Citizen Youth Centre, Warwick, commencing at 10.00am.

It is important that a quorum is achieved for this meeting in order for all discussions and decisions to be validated. As
per the XYZ constitution, rule 99AB ’a quorum for all general meetings of the members of the company is not less than
‘x’ members present at the meeting’.

A number of issues will be discussed at this meeting, including:

● The arrangement adequate for the Christmas party

● The venue for the Christmas party
● The date for the party
● The invitation date for the party

Please find enclosed an agenda outlining these issues. If you have any questions, please contact either:

Secretary [name] on [insert contact number].

Chairperson [name] on [insert contact number].

I look forward to seeing you at this meeting on Saturday, 12 April 2020.

Yours sincerely,
CEO of company

Meeting Minutes Template

Meeting minutes
DATE: 19 July, 202 MEETING To arrange a Christmas party for all the staff members
TITLE: of company


Three store managers of company



Open meeting
OBJECTIVE OF The aim of meeting is to discuss the arrangement for the Christmas party

APOLOGIES: Not available



Action from previous meeting


1 To discuss about the party planners in order to arrange the meeting Store manager

2 To discuss about the venue arrangement on affordable rate Store manager


1 Agenda- to discuss about the arrangement and venue for the party CEO 20 minutes

2 Meeting-gathering of the experts to discuss on various topics CEO 10 minutes

3 Issue- an important topic which can based on debate CEO 20 minutes

4 Attachment- the extra part of agenda which inform the participant CEO 10 minutes
about the issue.

Any other business


Date of the party Store To confirm about the dates in order to

manager proceed forward

Invitation way to welcome Store In the meeting one should be responsible

staff manager of making an invite in order to invite the
members and staff of organization

How to invite the other Store All staff members will be invited and one
cultural staff manager should be responsible of arranging halal
food to cater the cultural diversity

Venue of the party Store The venue must be suitable for every staff
manager member/

Next meeting
TIME: 10:00 am Store managers


MINUTE- Store manager

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CRICOS Provider Code: 02826G, RTO Number: 21888 Version 2.1 Page 26 of
Close meeting

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CRICOS Provider Code: 02826G, RTO Number: 21888 Version 2.1 Page 27 of
ASSESSMENT 2 – Questioning - Written Assessment –
1. What Is the Difference Between Formal and Informal Meetings?

Formal meeting is pre-planned gathering arrange by chairperson for the purpose of achieving the common
objective or goal with the help of verbal communication. These formal meeting are characterized by their
predetermined topics. Meeting attendees are determined before the meeting and they are informed via formal
invitation send through mail. Each attendee must respond to the mail and inform them about their presence.
Informal meeting is the meeting which is planned less heavily and arranged in less formal way. It clearly lacks in
many defining features as compared to formal meeting. In informal meeting, minutes, a chairperson and a set
agenda is missing.
2. What is Extra-ordinary General Meeting How it is different than Annual General Meeting?

Extra-ordinary General Meeting refers to the meeting of shareholders which is conducted by the company and is
often unscheduled as compared to the Annual General meeting which is scheduled before time. The main
difference between extra-ordinary general meeting and annual general meeting is that extra ordinary meeting is
unplanned and often designed to deal with important and urgent matter of the company which need approval
from shareholders. The extra ordinary general meeting is conducted by will of Board, members or tribunal but
annual general meeting is conducted by the law.
3. Define the
following: Quorum
The minimum number of owners who must be present at the meeting as per the code of conduct and law to
conduct the business. Meetings that do not have a majority must be deferred and rescheduled sometime in the
not too distant future. This costs the affiliation cash and makes more work. Furthermore, accomplishing a
majority at a subsequent gathering if the affiliation could not get one the first run through is considerably harder.

Procedural motion:

procedural motion is the motion which tend to act upon the processes. It is the way of how the meeting is

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SRAGILL Pty Ltd T/A AVETA – Australian Vocational Education & Training Academy,
CRICOS Provider Code: 02826G, RTO Number: 21888 Version 2.1 Page 28 of
conducted. With the help pf procedural motion, meeting can be conducted with smooth transaction.


proxy act a vote stock, a document, or an agent which act as a representative in a meeting. The authority

represent proxy provided by the laws and charter to conduct the meeting in the place of someone else. If the
proxy is not provided a stakeholder cannot be able to vote.

Conflict of Interest:

Conflicts of interest are a significant issue all organizations need to effectively get ready for by setting up solid
approaches and making a culture of mindful exposure of every possible conflict. This guarantees administrations
can dodge the danger of trading off the organization.

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CRICOS Provider Code: 02826G, RTO Number: 21888 Version 2.1 Page 29 of
4. Outline a meeting structure for a formal meeting?

 Pool and develop ideas

 Plan

 Solve problems

 Make decisions

 Create and develop understanding

 Encourage enthusiasm and initiative

 Provide a sense of direction

 Create a common purpose

5. Describe three advantages of face to face meetings and give an example of a workplace situation
where this type of meeting may be used.

1. It creates transparency and trust

2. It helps to be focused on the end goal
3. It helps to get the chance of understanding body language

As to discuss the importance of cultural diversity, face-to face meeting is important because they let the
employees make the situation easy to understand. The communication with the help of face-to-face meeting
help the organization to address the issue of cultural diversity in more effective way. Correspondence is not
really passed on through words alone, and you can comprehend a ton on the off chance that you cautiously
watch the non-verbal communication of an individual and the little signs he/she gives through outward
appearances and hand motions.

6. You need to organise a meeting with a potential client who is located in QLD. You are based in VIC.
You need to demonstrate to them a software program that you are trying to sell them. What meeting
type would be best to organise? Why would you organise this?

In order to conduct the meeting with a potential client located in Queensland I will arrange a zoom meeting in
which I will show him the use of software program through laptop demonstration. I will try my best to show each
and every features and specs in order to attract the customer and convince them. Through zoom meeting I will
demonstrate each and every aspect of software and try to convince them properly. I will make sure that internet
connection and other requirement must be fulfilled.
7. Why would you request a read receipt of an email when organising a meeting?

Reading receipt help to make thing organized and recognized in order to grab the attention of employees. Read
receipt help the organization to make thing in an organized way. In order to conduct a meeting, reading receipt
help the organization to remind every attendee and make them convinced to attend the meeting properly.

8. Explain the purpose of an agenda and identify five items that should be included in an agenda.

The distinction between gatherings with and without agendas can mean confusion, caused some disruption not
very many achievements. An agenda imparts to participants that the gathering will be led in a precise manner
and that efficiency is the objective. Organizations hold gatherings to complete things, share data, create plans,
report progress, give lucidity and decide. An agenda can guarantee that the gathering remains on target and that
unique ventures and routine tasks continue as expected. An agenda can help a gathering of workers work as a
powerful group. The following are the five items that must be in agenda:
1. Topic: the agenda of meeting must be done in a way which gather everyone in same platform. The topic
of agenda must be convincing and powerful to convince attendee to attend the meeting.
2. Goals: it is important to set a clear goal for each meeting. Do you want to start a new project, get a status
check, or hold a brainstorming session? Goals like this stimulate brain and help to decide the meeting
various aspects.
3. Objectives: the objectives of the agenda must show the actual outcomes of the meeting. It must be
demonstrated and brief to the participants of meeting in order to make the meeting successful.
4. Nonobjective: When you have decided the objectives, you ought to likewise consider non-objectives. For
instance, on the off chance that you truly need to push forward a specific undertaking, at that point
batting thoughts to and fro in a meeting to generate new ideas will not be a beneficial utilization of
anybody's time.
5. Inviting stakeholders: after the goal and objectives are decided, the stakeholder must be invited in a
appropriate way. Hence, all the meeting goals must be conducted to the stakeholders as well.

9. Why is the agenda extremely important? How is it used?

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Agenda lies in the heart of every meeting. A meeting may be remained unattended if the agenda is not clear.
Moreover, the meeting might not be actually fulfilled if the agenda is not confirmed. The agenda provide the
path and way which guide the chairperson to conduct the meeting in a proper way. The agenda give the vision
and way which provide knowledge about the meeting.

10. List three documents that you would need to dispatch to participants before the meeting:

3. Support the mail by sending proper invite to the agenda

11. What is the ‘Chair’? Outline five responsibilities of a Chairperson prior to a meeting.

A chairperson is the person who is responsible of managing the meeting and speak out the meeting in order to
conduct the meeting. The chairman, as board pioneer, ought to deal with the progressing procedure of board
improvement. This incorporates an ordinary appraisal of board and individual executive execution viability,
oversight of the enlistment and acceptance of new chiefs and the expert advancement of individual executives
and the board all in all. The chairman need not do these load up improvement works alone, however ought to
expect the general management of the procedures guaranteeing these assignments are finished in an opportune

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12. There are four aspects to managing a discussion at a meeting. What are these?

In meeting, there are various aspects which helps to make the meeting smoothly. The meeting can be arranged
and manage properly in order to keep things controlled. The following are the four aspects of managing the
1. Discourage conflicts
2. People need to be silent
3. Avoid unnecessary discussion
4. Manage hyper people

13. Explain how, in the role of a Chairperson, you would manage someone who is dominating the

Being a chairperson, I will be the one who will dominate people in meeting. I will strongly condemn this act if
someone want to dominate in the meeting. Firstly, I will listen to his point of view then I will answer him with
strong voice in order to make him calm. I will make sure that he settles down rapidly and make him realize his
mistake as well.
14. Explain how in the role of a Chairperson you would manage two people having a private
conversation within a meeting.

By involving everyone in the room to the discussion. I will try to give preference to people who speak less and
become shy to speak. I will also encourage other to speak and take part in discussion in order to elimiante the
private conversation. I will also point put them without even much notice. Through this way, people will stop
having conversation without making them embaraased.
15. What is Meeting Minute? Who would take the minutes of the meeting?
Before dispatching copies of the minutes, what would you do first?

Meeting minutes are the notes that a person makes while the meeting is happening. In
meeting minutes, one person is allocated to noted down all the meeting important points
which will be helpful in future of the project. Great meeting minutes help drive a game plan
for your initiative group and representatives. They explain how, when, why, and by whom
choices were made. They map out an arrangement for the things to do which completes the
work — and they later give significant data to those colleagues who can't go to the meeting.

16. According to Section 251A of the Corporations Act 2001, how soon after the
meeting must a company keep the minutes of a meeting?

The company must keep the meeting minutes till the project ends. This will help to recall the
important points at any time.

17. Describe the use of webcams for meetings

Webcams are the way of conducting a face-to-face meeting while sitting at any corner of
world. The webcams are connected with internet connections which makes the meeting
successful. Meeting done via webcams are cost friendly because buying an air ticket is way
expensive than meeting via internet connection.

18. Who share and distribute the minutes of meetings?

Meeting minutes can be distributed by any authorized and selected person who prepare the
minutes. He is responsible of sharing it with others right after the meeting ends.

19. Depends on the type of business, what are organisational requirements for
a meeting for these business types below:
 Sole Trader :

the person who is running the business on his own. He is responsible for running his

business alone. He is responsible of managing the business on his own capability and take
decision alone.

 Partnership:

A partnership is the way of running business on sharing. Partnership is the agreement

between two or more people who invest equal money to the organization and business to
 Company (Public Listed):
A company is the place where employees works for the business.

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