87 Coolthings DIGITAL

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Advertising Week 2009

87 cool things,
even a few from us
Advertising Week 2009

Google Creative Lab

Does not sell anything.

Is comprised of creative people.

Likes idea people and tech people and those who are both.

Should not really be giving speeches.

Advertising Week 2009


Advertising Week 2009

Today's list of stuff.

1. stuff we like

2. stuff that's probably worth knowing about

3. stuff we made
Advertising Week 2009

Three Ways of
Thinking of Google
1. when you are creating experiences
2. when you want people to go experience those experiences

3. when you are thinking of both simultaneously (recommended)

Advertising Week 2009

future = glorious mess!

why? the cost of experimentation is approaching zero.

Launch: Mar '09

Uses: YouTube
(just cool)

url: thru you

Advertising Week 2009

API = All-Powerful-Imaginatorium
(not really. API = application programming interface)

Screen shot from

Aquarium site
(using the YT API).
It is down now - but
while it was up
we were spellbound.

Launch: Jun '09

Advertising Week 2009

Take something cool and make it insanely cool
[click to play video]

Launch: May '09

Uses: YouTube API

url: original Alice

Advertising Week 2009

that's not cool

Cool user-focused teen site powered by
YouTube (without anyone knowing)

Launch: Jan '09

Uses: YouTube API

url: thatsnotcool
Advertising Week 2009

Using youtube API and lyrics databases to
create on-the-fly karaoke

Launch: Nov '08

Uses: YouTube API

[now in disrepair]

url: karaoketube
Advertising Week 2009

Integrated top-to-bottom
campaign with UGC

Launch: Dec '08

Uses: YouTube API,

url: clock demo

now campaign
Advertising Week 2009

Animoto lets users generate
and post videos of their photos

Launch: Dec '08

Uses: YouTube API

url: animoto
Advertising Week 2009

citizen reporting
& iran The citizen is the

Launch: Jun '09

Uses: YouTube

url: Reporter Center

Advertising Week 2009

A passion for make-up and a webcam

Joined: Jun '07

Uses: YouTube

url: BBC feature

on youtube
Advertising Week 2009

nike five
Maximizing all the assets, out-takes,
making-of's, edits and phone-cams ^^ Rooney gets nutmegged
by a kid

Launch: Feb '09

Uses: YouTube
(just cool)

url: nike football

Advertising Week 2009

The Webbys create a homepage with
all the content from the 2009 awards.

Launch: Jun '09

Uses: YT Flash gadget

url: Webbys '09

Advertising Week 2009

HP or YT?
Make YouTube your own...
A complex and highly engaging online video
contest from HP with online editing tools

Launch: Aug '09

Uses: Giant YouTube

Contest Gadget

url: you on you

Advertising Week 2009

YouTube channel where users dub Seth
McFarlane cartoons. Definitely funnier.

Launch: Sep '08

Uses: YouTube Contest

url: cavalcade
Advertising Week 2009

Warioland : A 2008 YT channel takeover
that brought the house down

Launch: Sep '08

Uses: YT Flash gadget

url: warioland on YT
Advertising Week 2009

Make your entire website out
of videos on YouTube. Cool.

Launch: May '09

Uses: YT annotations

url: booneoakley.com
Advertising Week 2009

where's Dexter?
Involve your viewers... & find Dexter

Launch: Sep '09

Uses: YT annotations

url: where's dexter?

Advertising Week 2009

yt street fighter
Classic use of annotations to create games

Launch: Jan '09

Uses: YT annotations

url: StreetFighter
BBoy Joker
Advertising Week 2009

parkour Choose your route
and moves for the
free-running, roof-
climbing crazy

Launch: Aug '09

Uses: YT annotations

url: Livewire
Advertising Week 2009

A music video made of
thousands of stills
from classic YT
videos - each still is
annotated so you
can click to watch
the older videos

Launch: Apr '09

Uses: YT annotations

url: Mosaic
Advertising Week 2009

A music video made
only using fans of the
bands and (believe it
or not) shot entirely
on webcams

Launch: Jul '09

Uses: YouTube
(just cool)

url: Sour
Advertising Week 2009

Cos we still love it

Launch: Jan '08

Uses: YouTube
(just cool)

url: Yousuckatphotoshop
Advertising Week 2009

User generated content turned into
user-generated composition tool

Launch: May '09

Uses: YouTube
(really cool)

url: inBflat.net
Advertising Week 2009

A beautiful stop-motion portfolio playing
with digital identity and object. [classic]

Launch: Aug '08

Uses: YouTube
(just cool)

url: evelien lohbeck

Advertising Week 2009

postit creative

YT : Jun '09 TV : Aug '09

Advertising Week 2009

photo creative

YT : Apr '09 TV : Sep '09

Advertising Week 2009

shadow creative

YT : Aug '07 TV : Aug '09

we are here...
Advertising Week 2009

portfolio maps
designers create portfolios using maps

Launch: n/a

Uses: Maps API

url: microtyp.org
Stas Kulesh
Advertising Week 2009

Make a map into a sketch pad

Launch: May '09

Uses: Maps API

url: scribblemaps
Advertising Week 2009

Let people watch other people buy stuff
and then link it through to the store...

Launch: Apr '09

Uses: Maps API

url: zappos
Advertising Week 2009

nation of go
BF Goodrich building driver communities
around maps using geo-tagged mobile tools

Launch: Sep '09

Uses: Maps API,

MyMaps YouTube

url: nation of go
Advertising Week 2009

Map your run before you start, share,
and see how far you want to go

Launch: Nov '08

Uses: Maps API

url: mapmyrun
Advertising Week 2009

my tracks
Map your run or ride after you've
finished and get statistics

Launch: Aug '09

Uses: Android;
Maps API

url: my tracks
Advertising Week 2009

tate art map

British public document the national art
treasures for Tate on a map mash-up

Launch: Jul '09

Uses: Maps API

url: artmap
Advertising Week 2009

Play monopoly world-wide

Launch: Sep '09

Uses: Maps API,

SketchUp API

url: monopolycitystreets
Advertising Week 2009

ohio is a piano
Makes all the
counties of Ohio state
into piano keys and
let people play tunes
(randomly or by data

Launch: Jul '09

Uses: Maps API;


url: ohio is a piano

Advertising Week 2009

hong kong pixel maps

pixel maps of Hong Kong built into Google maps API

Launch: Jun '09

Uses: Maps API

(just cool)

url: pixel maps

Advertising Week 2009

real world racer

Race around the (Google) Earth with old
school computer game controls < > ^ v

Launch: Nov '08

Uses: Maps API

(just a game)

url: realworldracer
Advertising Week 2009

uniqlo fashion map

Follow a jacket
across the map as it
is modeled by 1000
Tokyo residents each
with their own style.

Launch: May '09

Uses: Maps API

url: uniqlo
Advertising Week 2009

WoW map
The World of Warcraft in Google Maps

Launch: Mar '09

Uses: Maps API

url: WoW map

[deep breath...]
Advertising Week 2009

make history
Create a virtual memorial to 9/11 using Street
View imagery and layers of digital storytelling.

Launch: Sep '09

Uses: Maps API,

Street View

url: makehistory
Advertising Week 2009

DIY streetview
Why wait for the StreetView tricycles?
Create your own authentic experience.

Launch: May '09

Uses: Sticky Tape

url: Office Streetview

Advertising Week 2009

Affect the
and recipient
in a highly
personal way.

url: environmental
Advertising Week 2009

cool building projections

Feb '09
Apr '09
Aug '09
Advertising Week 2009

A collection of
projects from
around the world

Launch: Sep '09

url: goollery.org
Advertising Week 2009

Give people new
tools to track and
monitor their lives
and ways to share.
Watch that data
change the world

Launch: Sep '08

url: daytum
Advertising Week 2009

Mashup geo-coded
mobile tweets with
StreetView or Maps
so that you can see
where other people
are twittering from

Uses: Streetview API;

Maps API; Twitter API

url: stweet
Advertising Week 2009

go ogle
Mathematical composites based on Google image search.

Uses: Image Search

url: meggangould.net
Advertising Week 2009

montage mashup
Use image search API to generate art & wallpaper

Uses: Image Search API

url: montage-a-google
Advertising Week 2009

we tell stories
Books are books
until you start
thinking of them
differently – here
books are

Launch: Oct '08

Uses: Maps API

url: we tell stories

Advertising Week 2009


source: Obama's Inaugural Address

url: wordle.net
Advertising Week 2009

augmented reality 101

US Postal and the Augmented Reality tool
to tell you if your parcel is big enough.

Launch: Jun '09

url: AR for USPS

Advertising Week 2009

cooler AR
Mobilizy (Wikitude)
Winner of the Android Developer Challenge

Launch: Aug '08

Uses: Android

url: mobilizy
Advertising Week 2009

sky map
Celestial knowledge tool on your phone

Launch: Jun '09

Uses: Android; Maps

url: sky map

Advertising Week 2009

touchable holography
Geek out moment.

Launch: Aug '08

url: siggraph09
pdf: abstract
Advertising Week 2009

Yes, it's a 1 hour
and 20 minute
software demo.
And yes, you
should watch it.

Launch: Jun '08

url: wave
Advertising Week 2009



it's open source.

anybody can use it.

sound familiar?
Advertising Week 2009

your crystal ball

Search = interest. What
interests people? When?
Where? Really? Find out.
insights for search
google trends
domestic trends
YouTube Insights
Google Analytics
Advertising Week 2009

voice search
what happens when
you don't have to
type any more?
Advertising Week 2009

what happens when language
barriers fall?

url: translate.google.com
gmail translate
Advertising Week 2009

fast flip
letting news sites
be read like
news papers

Business Week
NY Times
Advertising Week 2009

video chat
... inside
your email
Advertising Week 2009

app engine
Hosting web apps is for dummies
Advertising Week 2009

your location
You are here.....so why don't you.....
we made this...
Advertising Week 2009

favorite places
Collect the favorite places of notable
people around the world and make it
mobile... Charles Veley? Yo-Yo Ma?

url: Favorite Places Mobile

Advertising Week 2009

Market to your strengths.
Chrome is fast, so we proved it.

launched: Mar '09

uses: chrome & javascript

url: homepage
browser balls
Advertising Week 2009

Find someone great and do
something completely original with
them (...like giving away their IP)

Launch: Jul '08

url: code home

user videos
Advertising Week 2009

Allowed musicians worldwide to
audition for an international orchestra

Launch: Apr '09

Uses: YouTube

url: Home Page

Mash-up Video
Summary Video
UGC Video
The concert
Advertising Week 2009

Be ready to fail...

Advertising Week 2009

symphony. fail?

Advertising Week 2009

symphony. triumph!

Advertising Week 2009

Advertising Week 2009

(yes it's the whole presentation...)

(...until we speak to legal)

thanks... questions?


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