IT Service Management Assessment

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IT Service Management Assessment 08/05/202006:22:15

This assessment tool is designed to facilitate the discovery of Management Maturity Level in small businesses
It has been developed to highlight areas under financial management that can be targeted for improvement

This spreadsheet has been designed for up to 5 participants.

486142096.xlsIntroduction 1
IT Service Management Assessment 08/05/202006:22:15

©Copyright 2010 - CoreConnex, Inc. All rights reserved.

486142096.xlsIntroduction 2
Management Maturity Assessment

Customer Name:

Topics Covered
ü Management Processes
ü Financial Performance
ü Sales Activities
ü Marketing Activities
ü Operational Activities
ü Client Portfolio Management
ü Contracts
ü Technology Usage
ü Benchmarking
ü Forecasting/Planning
ü Service
ü Staff Contributions
ü Business Value

Copyright 2007 - Codesic Consulting All Rights Reserved Do Not Copy or Distribute Without Written Permission
IT Service Management Assessment 08/05/2020

Interview Guide

Use the drop down box to set the reported or observed levels for each question on a
scale of 1 - 5 where:
1) No evidence to support practices or any knowledge of subject
2) Limited practices in place, limited knowledge of subject
3) Basic practices in place, basic awareness of subject
4) Clear practices in place, above average knowledge of subject
5) Extensive practices in place, extensive knowledge of subject
Enter the names of up to 5 participants here.
Joe Demo

Joe Demo n/a n/a n/a n/a Total Avg Notes

Management Processes

How developed is your monthly process for reviewing key priorities for your business? 0.0
How aware are key staff of the top 5 priorities for your company every month? 0.0
Rate how well you communicate with key management staff on a daily, weekly basis about
highest priorities 0.0
How developed is your ability to see key performance indicators for your business and give
feedback to key staff on performance against those metrics? 0.0

How aware are key staff of how major business decisions get made and who makes them? 0.0
Score 0.0
Financial Performance
To what level do you understand the complete cost structure of your business? (Staff,
Operating Expenses, Overheads) 0.0
How developed is your ability to translate marketing activities into sales revenues? 0.0
How developed is your ability to measure financial performance of your business, each line of
business (LOB) and staff? 0.0
To what level are you aware of the COGS that impact Gross Margin? 0.0
To what level do you track specific financial goals and review progress on at least a monthly
basis? 0.0

How developed is your ability to connect operational activities to financial performance? 0.0

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IT Service Management Assessment 08/05/2020

Sales Activities
How aware of your sales pipeline are you (stages, number and value?) 0.0
To what extent are you aware of your sales conversion rates? 0.0
To what extent do you have a process for evaluating the value of client prospects? 0.0
To what extent do you have a process for evaluating sales activities and providing feedback to
key staff on priorities for improvement? 0.0
How aware are you of your sales broken out by vertical market? 0.0

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IT Service Management Assessment 08/05/2020

Marketing Activities

To what extent do you have a cohesive brand that is portrayed in all marketing collateral? 0.0
How aware are you of your key marketing messages? 0.0
To what extent do you have metrics on your marketing reach (number of contacts, email open
rates, email click through rates, frequency of emails, etc.) 0.0
How aware are you of the effectiveness of your marketing campaign(s) (conversions, new
customers, etc.)? 0.0
To what extent do you have a process for evaluating marketing activities and providing
feedback to key staff on priorities for improvement? 0.0

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IT Service Management Assessment 08/05/2020

Operational Activities

To what extent do you assign owner(s) to key areas of responsibility and high priorities? 0.0

How well do you understand staff utilization by type of contract you have with clients? 0.0

To what extent do your service staff understand how to identify sales opportunities at clients? 0.0
How aware are key staff of their key performance drivers that relate to financial performance
improvement? 0.0

To what extent do you have a process for evaluation of activity and effectiveness of your staff? 0.0

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IT Service Management Assessment 08/05/2020

Client Portfolio Management

Rate your current ability to do client portfolio based analaysis? 0.0
How would you rate your ability to understand the market verticals you serve and the nuances
of each vertical to better serve those verticals? 0.0
To what extent do you understand the potential growth of revenues given client movement up
your portfolio quartiles 0.0
To what extent do you fully understand the risk areas within your client portfolio? 0.0
To what extent do you and your sales people/person review sales opportunities acrosss your
client portfolio? 0.0

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IT Service Management Assessment 08/05/2020


To what extent do you require clients to sign a written agreements for your services? 0.0
How aware are you of the contract status with each of your clients? 0.0

To what extent do you offer monthly 'managed services' agreements to your clients? 0.0
How aware are you of the strategic business needs of your clients (putting asside their
technology needs)? 0.0

To what extent do you make multiple service package options available to prospective clients? 0.0

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IT Service Management Assessment 08/05/2020

Technology Usage
To what extent do you leverage technology to monitor the technology performance of your
clients? 0.0
Rate your ability to track all activities your service staff completes for your clients 0.0

Rate your ability to track all operational activities and understand progress on key priorities. 0.0
How well would you say you leverage technology to maintain critical information for the
support of your clients? 0.0

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IT Service Management Assessment 08/05/2020

To what extent do you benchmark performance internally? 0.0
To what extent do you benchmark performance against other companies like yours? 0.0
How would you rate your ability to understand how to use benchmarks to improve
performance? 0.0

How aware are key staff of the performance financial benchmarks for your company? 0.0

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To what extent do you have an annual planning process to set major objectives for the year? 0.0

To what extent do you review quarterly report cards with your key management staff? 0.0
To what extent do your planning activities result in the creation of ojectives, milestones and
financial goals? 0.0
How aware are you of where your financial performance is heading - looking ahead 12
months? 0.0

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IT Service Management Assessment 08/05/2020

How aware are key staff of client feedback on the quality of services you provide? 0.0
How aware is your staff of all key processes to provide services to clients? 0.0
To what extent are you able to serve clients with your existing staff? 0.0
How aware are your clients (and their employees) of how to engage you for assistance with
setting IT strategies for their business? 0.0

How aware are your clients (and their employees) of how to engage you for technical support? 0.0
Staff Contributions
How aware are you of how many Full Time Equivalents (FTEs) that are contributing to your
revenue and expenses? 0.0
To what extent do you understand how your employees, contractors, staff and owners
contribute to overall revenues? 0.0
To what extent do you understand how your employees, contractors, staff and owners
contribute to overall expenses? 0.0
To what extend do you understand how your employees, contractors, staff and owners
contribute to overall profits? 0.0
How aware are you of the monthly cost of salaries and benefits? 0.0

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IT Service Management Assessment 08/05/2020

Business Value

To what extent to you understand how your business would be valued if you wanted to sell it? 0.0
How would you rate your understanding of the key elements of business value? 0.0
To what extent do you understand key ratios a bank would look at to value your business for
the purposes of receiving finances? 0.0
How would you rate your understanding of how an investor in your business would discount
your business value? 0.0

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IT Service Management Assessment 08/05/202006:22:15

Financial Maturity Model Assessment - Questionnaire Results

Process Area responses all participants
1 2 3 4 5
Not Evident Limited Clearly Nearing Best In
Evident BP Class
Management Processes - - - - -
Financial Performance - - - - -
Sales Activities - - - - -
Marketing Activities - - - - -
Operational Activities - - - - -
Client Portfolio Management - - - - -
Contracts - - - - -
Technology Usage - - - - -
Benchmarking - - - - -
Forecasting/Planning - - - - -
Service - - - - -
Staff Contributions - - - - -
Business Value - - - - -

Process Area Average score all participants, all questions

Management Processes 0.0
Financial Performance 0.0
Sales Activities 0.0
Marketing Activities 0.0
Operational Activities 0.0
Client Portfolio Management 0.0
Contracts 0.0
Technology Usage 0.0
Benchmarking 0.0
Forecasting/Planning 0.0
Service 0.0
Staff Contributions 0.0
Business Value 0.0

486142096.xlsScores 23



Scoring Criteria 08/05/2020

Rating Management Maturity Level Scoring Rationale based on Respondent's answer and supporting comments
1 Unaware - novice ▪ Unaware of this process element, best practice or any associated activity being in place
▪ No evidence of standard process.
▪ Heavy reliance on individual effort
▪ Specifically aware that there are no activities or aspects of this process element in place
▪ Process element reported as under review, not yet funded, resources not approved or work not yet started

2 Limited Awareness - beginner ▪ Some awareness of this process or best practice element being in place but cannot articulate policy or details
▪ Process element reported as being underway, currently funded and/or resourced, project
team in place, in development or pilot
▪ Presentation of artifacts such as project documentation
▪ Aware that there are some aspects of this process element in place but activity is reported
as partially implemented, inactive, or of poor quality

3 Basic practicess - intermediate ▪ Clear awareness of this process element being in place with articulation of goals,
operational or project details
▪ Activity reported as established, in implementation, training underway
▪ Presentation of artifacts such as training or process design documentation,
tool demonstrations, process outputs
▪ Roles defined and implemented

4 Clear practices - evolved ▪ Process element or best practice is reported as in full operation
▪ Ability to articulate management/workgroup policy
▪ Effective Measurements in place
▪ Ability to articulate features or function of the process element in relation to job content
▪ Presentation of artifacts such as workgroup policies, procedure documents, process outputs/reports
▪ Process is implemented in most of the organization

5 Extensive - experienced ▪ Process element is part of a standard department-wide operating procedure

▪ Process is externally benchmarked or recognized for excellence by external parties
▪ Clearly stated and understood management policy or mandate
▪ Management provides in depth leadership and commitment
▪ Pervasive evidence of working artifacts such as department-wide policies, process documents, outputs
▪ In depth analysis of feedback data, continuous improvement or quality review cycle

AVG Score by Focus Area - Weighting Table
Management Resources
# of
Total Points Questions Total Point # of Questions
Management Processes 0 #REF! 0 #REF!
Financial Performance #REF! #REF!
Sales Activities #REF! #REF!
Marketing Activities #REF! #REF!
Operational Activities #REF! #REF!
Client Portfolio Management #REF! #REF!
Contracts #REF! #REF!
Technology Usage #REF! #REF!
Benchmarking #REF! #REF!
Forecasting/Planning #REF! #REF!
Service #REF! #REF!
Staff Contributions 0 0
Business Value #REF! #REF!
Total # for each area #REF! #REF!
Benchmarking Effectiveness Measurements
# of # of # of
Total Points QuestionsTotal Point Questions Total Point Questions
0 #REF! 0 #REF! 0 #REF!
0 0 0

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