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Center for Technology, Policy and Industrial Development

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, Massachusetts

March 15, 2004


Dr. Kirk Bozdogan

Tel: 617 253-8540
Fax: 617 258-7845

©Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2004















This document contains Version 1.0 of the SUPPLIER MANAGEMENT SELF-ASSESSMENT TOOL developed by the Supplier
Networks Working Group of the LEAN AEROSPACE INITIATIVE (LAI). LAI is a unique partnership between many leading US aerospace
enterprises, federal government agencies led by the US Air Force, organized labor and MIT. More detailed information about LAI can be
obtained from the website:
The SUPPLIER MANAGEMENT SELF-ASSESSMENT TOOL ("SELF-ASSESSMENT Tool" for short) represents a framework that
companies can utilize to conduct a self-assessment of how much progress they have made in developing and implementing lean supply
chain management capabilities and practices. In addition, the tool can be used to establish future performance targets and identify
further improvement opportunities.

The tool is intended for use by a cross-section of an enterprise's top-level as well as mid-level leadership who are collectively
responsible, in one way or another, for supply chain management. This includes people from virtually all parts of the enterprise in
engineering, manufacturing, contracting, quality, procurement, supplier development, and other areas. As it will become increasingly
apparent in examining this document, designing and managing lean supplier networks takes the entire enterprise, in sharp contrast with
the traditional practice of consigning supply chain management functions narrowly to the traditional procurement, material or purchasing

This tool represents the second major module of LAI's SUPPLIER NETWORKS TRANSFORMATION TOOLSET ("SUPPLIER
TOOLSET" for short). The other major module is the ROADMAP Tool for building lean supplier networks. The ROADMAP Tool lays out a
structured process ("how-to") for evolving lean supply chain management capabilities in order to build lean supplier networks. Both the
ROADMAP Tool and the SELF-ASSESSMENT Tool are integrated and should be used jointly. They together make up VERSION 1.0 of
the SUPPLIER TOOLSET, which has been developed primarily for use by the primes (system integrators) and major suppliers in the
aerospace industry.

SUPPLIER TOOLSET VERSION 1.0 is issued at this time, following a process of both alpha-testing and beta-testing by aerospace
companies. Meanwhile, additional work is under way towards developing two more modules: DESK REFERENCE and RESOURCE
GUIDE. The DESK REFERENCE provides a concise compilation of research-based concepts and principles underlying lean supply
chain management. The RESOURCE GUIDE, aimed primarily at medium and small size suppliers in early stages of lean
implementation, provides a compilation of references to basic lean principles and practices, implementation tools and methods, lean
delivery organizations, and related material. These two additional modules will be incorporated into VERSION 2.0 of the SUPPLIER

FIGURE 1 gives an overview of the completed SUPPLIER TOOLSET, encompassing the two major modules making up Version 1.0 and
the additional two modules that will be added for Version 2.0.

The SUPPLIER TOOLSET is developed by LAIís Supplier Networks Working Group. A list of the participants and contributors is
provided in APPENDIX A.


FIGURE 1 gives an overview of the completed SUPPLIER TOOLSET, encompassing the two major modules making up Version 1.0 and
the additional two modules that will be added for Version 2.0.

The SUPPLIER TOOLSET is developed by LAIís Supplier Networks Working Group. A list of the participants and contributors is
provided in APPENDIX A.


for building
building lean
supplier networks
How-to, who,
who, when,

For smaller
(Lean diagnostic; SUPPLIER
DESK “yellow pages”) MANAGEMENT
Principles TOOL
References What,
What, current
current state,
Glossary future
future state

OBJECTIVE: Develop integrated lean supplier networks

transformation toolset
A. What is the Purpose of this Tool?

The purpose of this tool is provide enterprise leadership – both top-level and mid-level leadership from across the enterprise -- with a
framework that they can use to assess how far the enterprise has come in developing and implementing lean supply chain management
capabilities and practices. The tool can also be used to identify future improvement targets, priorities and opportunities.

B. To Whom is this Tool Targeted?

The tool is intended for use by those responsible for supply chain design and management in the aerospace industry, although it is
expected to find wider applicability across many other industries. More specifically, this tool is targeted at a cross-section of an enterprise’s
top-level as well as mid-level leadership who are collectively responsible, in one way or another, for supply chain management. This
includes people from virtually all parts of the enterprise – engineering, manufacturing, contracting, quality, procurement, supplier
development, and other areas. As it will become increasingly apparent in examining this document, designing and managing lean supplier
networks “takes the entire enterprise,” in sharp contrast with the traditional practice of narrowly consigning supply chain management
functions to the traditional procurement, material or purchasing department.

C. How is this Tool being Disseminated?

This tool is being disseminated through the LEAN AEROSPACE INITIATIVE (LAI) website:
D. On What Body of Knowledge is this Tool Based?

This tool, as well as the companion implementation ROADMAP Tool, draw on basic lean concepts and practices that are derived from
research performed by the LEAN AEROSPACE INITIATIVE (LAI) over the past decade. These tools also incorporate other published
research results.These lean concepts, summarized in the DESK REFERENCE (in-progress), govern the design, development and
management of lean supplier networks. These lean concepts, translated into a set of mutually-reinforcing principles and practices, support
the meta-principle underlying the concept of building lean supplier networks: Design, develop and manage the supplier network to optimize
dynamic competitive advantage through efficient, customer-focused, creation of value for all stakeholders over the entire product lifecycle.

E. What Processes and Functions does the Tool Cover?

The tool covers the “core process” domain encompassing all enterprise-wide functions, practices, organizational approaches and methods
employed in designing, developing and managing the enterprise’s interactions with its entire supplier network, including all internal
organizational structures and processes related to supply chain management. It covers such areas as subcontract management,
procurement (material, purchasing) operations, supplier quality initiatives, supplier certification and development programs. It also covers all
suply chain design and management functions related to product development, manufacturing and sustainment operations. Further, it
encompasses related enterprise-wide strategic decisions (e.g., make-buy, strategic partnerships), as well as tactical initiatives (e.g., flowing
lean to lower-tier and subtier suppliers, Internet-enabled reverse auctions), and operational activities (e.g., incoming inspection, Kaizen
events with suppliers). Finally, the tool is intended for use by a program-enterprise (i.e., an enterprise engaged primarily in one program or
product) or by a multi-program enterprise (i.e., an enterprise that is engaged in developing, producing or sustaining multiple programs or

F. What are the Defining Features of this Tool?

This tool identifies eight overarching lean practices governing the design and management of supplier networks, and gives a definition of
each overarching practice, highlighting its link to underlying lean principles. For each overarching practice, the tool further provides
illustrative diagnostic questions, lists a sample of lean indicators and suggests potential metrics, to help with the self-assessment process.
The eight overarching practices are broken down into thirty (30) enabling practices. The capability maturity matrix is built for these thirty (30)
The tool covers the “core process” domain encompassing all enterprise-wide functions, practices, organizational approaches and methods
employed in designing, developing and managing the enterprise’s interactions with its entire supplier network, including all internal
organizational structures and processes related to supply chain management. It covers such areas as subcontract management,
procurement (material, purchasing) operations, supplier quality initiatives, supplier certification and development programs. It also covers all
suply chain design and management functions related to product development, manufacturing and sustainment operations. Further, it
encompasses related enterprise-wide strategic decisions (e.g., make-buy, strategic partnerships), as well as tactical initiatives (e.g., flowing
lean to lower-tier and subtier suppliers, Internet-enabled reverse auctions), and operational activities (e.g., incoming inspection, Kaizen
events with suppliers). Finally, the tool is intended for use by a program-enterprise (i.e., an enterprise engaged primarily in one program or
product) or by a multi-program enterprise (i.e., an enterprise that is engaged in developing, producing or sustaining multiple programs or

F. What are the Defining Features of this Tool?

This tool identifies eight overarching lean practices governing the design and management of supplier networks, and gives a definition of
each overarching practice, highlighting its link to underlying lean principles. For each overarching practice, the tool further provides
illustrative diagnostic questions, lists a sample of lean indicators and suggests potential metrics, to help with the self-assessment process.
The eight overarching practices are broken down into thirty (30) enabling practices. The capability maturity matrix is built for these thirty (30)
enabling practices, by defining five distinct capability maturity levels. These five capability levels, which are defined in a cumulative manner,
are explained later in this document. The 30x5 capability maturity matrix contains 150 individual “cells”. The tool defines the key lean
concepts and practices characterizing each “cell.” The fully-developed capability maturity matrix provides the central self-assessment

The results are presented in the form of eight tables corresponding to each one of the eight overarching practices. Thus, users of this tool
can conduct a self-assessment to see where an enterprise currently is along the five-level capability maturity scale for each one of the
enabling practices, which can be rolled-up to the overarching practice level, as well as to the enterprise level, to gauge the enterprise’s “as-
is” state along its journey in evolving lean supplier networks. The users can also identify, for each practice, the desired “future” level (“to-be”
state) that it wishes to achieve. The comparison of the “as-is” and “to-be” states defines the “gap” that needs to be bridged through
proactive steps. Thus, using the tool helps to identify concrete improvement opportunities. As detailed later in this document, a quantitative
self-scoring system may be employed in using this tool. Often, the dialogue and cross-learning within an enterprise in the process of using
this tool may prove even more important than the numerical self-scoring results.

G. How does this Tool Differ from other Existing Tools?

All of the currently available supply chain management self-assessment models, including this one, make use of variants of capability
maturity matrices. However, this tool has principal distinguishing features that set it apart from the other models.

This tool defines the governing overarching and enabling lean supply chain management practices and then defines, for each practice, the
more specific strategic, tactical and operational lean characteristics of that practice at each maturity capability level. This approach differs
from that commonly used by other tools, which typically describe expected capability levels for specific processes. Such a "process-centric"
approach suffers from a fundamental weakness, however, since currently existing processes are expected to be transformed as a direct
result of the self-assessment process focusing on practices cutting across individual functional, process or organizational silos.

Also, in the other tools, the attributes of chosen processes at different capability maturity levels based on “best practices” derived largely
from benchmarking activities. “Best practices” cannot be plucked away from one industrial context and inserted into another. Although
generally instructive, best practices have a relatively short shelf-life, especially in an environment of fast clockspeed changes sweeping an
entire industry. Since best practices are relatively short-lived, the robustness of the overall model over time becomes suspect. Finally, it
would generally be more comforting to know if best practices are grounded in some basic principles or if they are research-validated.

Lastly, this tool offers a substantially different view of supplier networks, compared with the outdated supply chain orientation of other tools.
The perspective taken in this tool is that of the customer company designing, evolving and managing its supplier network. When the term
“supply chain management” is used in this document, it is mostly for ease of communication, since the term has gained common usage.
However, the clear preference running throughout this document is to think and act in terms of supplier networks or integrated value
networks. The main reason is that this latter term captures in a more substantive way the letter and spirit of building lean supplier bases –
stressing not top-down hierarchical relationships and linear single-directional information flows but rather the creation of closely-knit,
mutually-advantageous,collaborative relationships and multi-directional information flows throughout the supplier network, while balancing
cooperation and competition. This is more closely aligned with the lean view of building learning organizational networks, focusing not
narrowly on “point solutions” (e.g., eliminating waste) but rather on “system solutions” (i.e., efficient creation of value throughout the
network for all stakeholders).

Supplier networks are defined here to cover the direct production major critical suppliers of individual enterprises, as well as the lower-tier
and subtier suppliers supporting their major suppliers. This is because an enterprise’s interactions with its suppliers are not confined
narrowly to its relationships with its major or critical suppliers. They also include the “vertical” interactions between its major suppliers and
the supporting second-tier and subtier suppliers, as well as all “horizontal” interactions across the entire supplier network. The task of
designing, managing, coordinating or facilitating such interactions and relationships is essential to the central mission of the enterprise,
which is to create and deliver value to all of its stakeholders, focusing on the customer. The nature, dimension and degree of the strategic
importance of these relationships are a function of the types of interdependencies that might exist, currently or in the future, between the
enterprise and its supplier network. While the emphasis is on “direct suppliers” – those that directly support the enterprise’s central mission
of developing, producing and supporting its main products – the tool is less explicit regarding “indirect” suppliers, delivering a variety of
supporting goods and services (e.g., office supplies, data processing, payroll accounting, security services, etc.). However, the tool is
sufficiently robust in terms of its applicability to the management of “indirect” suppliers as well.
stressing not top-down hierarchical relationships and linear single-directional information flows but rather the creation of closely-knit,
mutually-advantageous,collaborative relationships and multi-directional information flows throughout the supplier network, while balancing
cooperation and competition. This is more closely aligned with the lean view of building learning organizational networks, focusing not
narrowly on “point solutions” (e.g., eliminating waste) but rather on “system solutions” (i.e., efficient creation of value throughout the
network for all stakeholders).

Supplier networks are defined here to cover the direct production major critical suppliers of individual enterprises, as well as the lower-tier
and subtier suppliers supporting their major suppliers. This is because an enterprise’s interactions with its suppliers are not confined
narrowly to its relationships with its major or critical suppliers. They also include the “vertical” interactions between its major suppliers and
the supporting second-tier and subtier suppliers, as well as all “horizontal” interactions across the entire supplier network. The task of
designing, managing, coordinating or facilitating such interactions and relationships is essential to the central mission of the enterprise,
which is to create and deliver value to all of its stakeholders, focusing on the customer. The nature, dimension and degree of the strategic
importance of these relationships are a function of the types of interdependencies that might exist, currently or in the future, between the
enterprise and its supplier network. While the emphasis is on “direct suppliers” – those that directly support the enterprise’s central mission
of developing, producing and supporting its main products – the tool is less explicit regarding “indirect” suppliers, delivering a variety of
supporting goods and services (e.g., office supplies, data processing, payroll accounting, security services, etc.). However, the tool is
sufficiently robust in terms of its applicability to the management of “indirect” suppliers as well.

H. How is the SELF-ASSESSMENT TOOL Linked to Enterprise-Level LAI Products, as well as to the
The links between the SELF-ASSESSMENT TOOL and a portfolio of LAI-generated enterprise-level products are discussed in
Appendix C.

The Lean Enterprise Model (LEM)

Transitioning to Lean: A Guide for Leaders (also known as the TTL Roadmap)
The Lean Enterprise Self-Assessment Tool (LESAT)
The summary “wall-chart” version of the ROADMAP Tool, outlining the main building blocks and implementation steps, is given in Appendix
D (" ROADMAP: MAJOR BUILDING BLOCKS"). Ideally, the use of the SELF-ASSESSMENT TOOL should be integrated with the use of
the enterprise-level tools, as well as with using the ROADMAP Tool. In fact, the SELF-ASSESSMENT TOOL and the ROADMAP Tool
should be used in conjunction with each other. In particular, it is recommended that the self-assessment be conducted as a key
implementation step in the Strategic Planning block of activities outlined in the ROADMAP Tool.
The SELF-ASSESSMENT TOOL defines the following eight overarching lean practices:

1.0 Design supplier network architecture – Design the size, structure and composition of the supplier network to ensure
creation of value for all stakeholders.

2.0 Develop complementary supplier capabilities -- Develop complementary supplier capabilities to enhance the portfolio
core competencies in the extended enterprise.

3.0 Create flow and pull throughout the supplier network -- Create synchronized flow throughout the supplier network
evolve a “pull”-based production system that ensures continuous flow maximizing the advantage of speed

4.0 Establish cooperative relationships and effective coordination mechanisms -- Develop a differentiated
set of
relationships with suppliers including supplier partnerships and strategic alliances, while balancing cooperation and competition, to optimize
network-wide performance.

5.0 Maximize flexibility and responsiveness -- Integrate processes, practices and information flows across the supplier
network to maximize network-wide flexibility, adaptability and responsiveness to cope effectively with sudden external developments.

6.0 Pursue supplier-integrated product and process development – Integrate suppliers early into the design
process to ensure delivery of best lifecycle value.

7.0 Integrate knowledge and foster innovation – Create knowledge-sharing processes and foster innovation across the
network to ensure continuous flow of innovative solutions benefiting the customer and other enterprise stakeholders.

8.0 Demonstrate continuous performance improvement – Institutionalize formal processes and reward systems for
continuous improvement throughout the supplier network to deliver best value to all stakeholders on an on-going basis.
In addition, the SELF-ASSESSMENT TOOL defines five capability maturity levels, as summarized below. These capability levels are cumulative. This
means that in order for an organization to score itself at Level IV, for instance, it must show evidence that it has in fact already mastered the lean
attributes associated with Levels I through III.

For the purposes of this assessment tool, the five capability levels are defined as follows:


Very little or some awareness of this practice; sporadic improvement activities may be underway in a few areas – In
general, there is very little awareness of lean supply chain management principles or practices; hierarchical supplier
base; arm’s length and often adversarial relationships; build-to-print environment; supply chain management
concentrated in purchasing department; little alignment of supply chain design with corporate core competencies.

General but limited awareness; informal and piecemeal approach deployed in a few areas focusing on specific projects
with varying degrees of effectiveness and sustainability – In general, there is limited linking of supplier strategy to
corporate vision, goals and objectives; the supplier base is rationalized, but there is limited congruence between
internal and supplier-based core competencies; cross-functional commodity teams are established for supplier
selection; stress is placed on supplier compliance with established quality systems and standards; limited two-way
communication links with specific suppliers; limited visibility into supplier processes; some teaming or partnering with
specific suppliers having a high impact on strategic objectives; long-term purchase agreements (LTAs) introduced to
focus on affordability and cost reduction.

A systematic approach is deployed in specific areas, functions and processes, with appropriate metrics; varying stages
of implementation across most areas, exhibiting varying degrees of success; some deployments are still in relatively
early stages – In general, supplier strategy is linked to corporate vision, goals and objectives; some congruence of
core competencies across supplier base; emphasis on reducing transaction costs; basic EDI and related IT/IS
infrastructure systems developed; effective supplier development efforts, largely focusing on eliminating waste and
reducing sources of process variation across suppliers, through value stream mapping and analysis (VSM/A); supplier
advisory councils; long-term relationships are established with selected certified suppliers; early involvement of
suppliers in the design process; delegation of greater responsibility to key suppliers; synchronization of production
decisions over the supplier network, with some implementation of just-in-time (JIT) delivery and point-of-use stocking;
technical knowledge of selected suppliers is incorporated into design, production and sustainment processes;
technological capabilities of selected suppliers are
aligned with internal technology roadmaps.

On-going deployment, refinement and continuous improvement across the enterprise, facilitated by the use of
appropriate metrics, exhibit mastery of the applicable principles and practices; lean deployments in all appropriate
areas, functions and processes demonstrate a mature, well-developed approach – In general, there is a shared
strategic vision across the supplier network; core competencies aligned internally and across suppliers; supplier
IV REFORMER network seen as a critical enabler of corporate competitive advantage; supplier selection largely on “best value” basis;
cooperative relationships with suppliers based on mutual long-term obligations; major suppliers integrated early into
the design process; Internet-enabled information infrastructure is in place; key suppliers are incentivized to adopt
innovative solutions through sharing of cost savings; technology roadmaps are proactively aligned with those of key
suppliers; mutually-defined metrics used to drive continuous improvement across the supplier network.
Exceptional, well-defined, innovative approach is fully deployed across the extended enterprise (internal and external
value streams); recognized as exhibiting world-class excellence – In general, supplier strategy is seen as a central
core competence to enhance corporate competitive advantage; shared vision, goals and objectives throughout the
supplier network; products, processes and supplier networks are designed concurrently; focus on transformation of the
entire extended enterprise; supplier network aligned to maximize flexibility and responsiveness; supplier-based
innovations nurtured through mutually-beneficial contractual arrangements; electronic integration of the supplier
network; dynamically optimizing core competencies across the supplier network to ensure efficient creation of of
lifecycle value for all enterprise stakeholders.

The supply chain design and management capability maturity matrices are presented in a series of eight (8) tables, for each of the eight overarching
lean practices governing the design and management of supplier networks. For each overarching practice, the tables provide a definition, diagnostic
questions, illustrative lean indicators, and potential metrics.

Each overarching practice is broken down into a number of enabling practices. All told, thirty (30) enabling practices have been identified. The eight
tables, taken together, define a capability maturity matrix with 30 rows (enabling practices) and 5 columns (capability levels), representing 150
individual “cells.” Each “cell” contains a description of the specific lean attributes characterizing a particular capability maturity level for a given
enabling practice. These lean practices and attributes refer to illustrative characteristics expected to be exhibited by a representative sample of
aerospace enterprises at each level or way-station along the lean journey, while recognizing that the journey itself is a continuous one extending well
beyond Level V. Also, key “information technology” enablers are identified at each level,
as appropriate, in recognition of the transformative power of the Internet and related information and communications technologies
transforming supply chain management practices across many industries.
The self-assessment process by using this tool is detailed in Appendix E (Hyperlink) and summarized here. In general, it is expected that self-
assessment will be performed as part of a larger structured process linked to the corporate strategic and operational planning cycle. The results of
self-assessment should provide guidance to the organization in refining and adjusting its continuous improvement plans.

Generally speaking, the internal self-evaluation process should involve three main groups engaged in the design and management of supplier
networks. The first encompasses organizations directly involved in supply chain management (e.g., procurement, quality management, strategic
sourcing, product sourcing, strategic planning and program interface, finance, contracting and information services). The second includes
organizations indirectly engaged in supply chain management activities, such as engineering, manufacturing, and other functional entities with
technical responsibilities affecting suppliers (e.g., materials technology, standard materials, build-to-print, key characteristics, design attributes,
supplier control drawings). The third group covers major direct production suppliers (e.g., major outside production, purchased outside production,
systems and equipment suppliers) which may be surveyed, as appropriate, to assess the extent to which the external supplier perspective is in line
with the internal self-assessment.

Participants in the assessment process should include enterprise leaders and delegated representatives from all disciplines responsible for supply
chain management and related functional areas, including, but not limited to, such specific functional areas as engineering, manufacturing,
procurement, contracting, forecasting, ordering, scheduling, logistics, external and internal transportation, receiving, inspection, and information

Those with responsibility for conducting the self-assessment task within the organization should carefully plan and execute the task. A suggested five-
step process is outlined below:

STEP 1: Preparation for self-assessment – Identify the key stakeholders throughout the enterprise who should participate in the self-assessment
process and make sure they are sufficiently well-informed about the purpose, self-assessment vehicle being used, and why this is a worthwhile effort.
A top-level enterprise leader should champion this step and provide oversight to the entire process.

STEP 2: Facilitated kickoff meeting -- Establish a “core team” and select a team leader (i.e., facilitator) to coordinate the self-assessment process. The
first important task of this core group should be to organize an initial kickoff meeting, by inviting all of the relevant participating stakeholders from
across the enterprise. The process should be “owned” by all of these stakeholders. At the meeting, the group should establish firm ground rules,
develop guidelines for organizing and conducting the self-assessment process, agree on specific timelines, and provide specific instructions for
performing the self-assessment process. The “core team” should coordinate the process, collect and tabulate the results, and capture lessons
learned, identify improvement opportunities, and develop a plan of action concentrating on priority improvement targets.

STEP 3: Self-Assessment – Examine the SELF-ASSESSMENT TOOL and conduct self-assessment across the enterprise. Make sure the “core team”
provides the needed assistance to the relevant organizational units, teams or individuals across the enterprise. The results should be provided to the
“core team” for tabulation. Those conducting the self-assessment should be instructed to perform the requested self-scoring, as well as the definition
of the desired improvement targets, immediate improvement opportunity areas, and prioritization of improvement opportunities.

STEP 4: Review Meeting – Reconvene the participants after the self-assessment process has been completed in a wrap-up meeting to review the
results. The meeting should be organized to review all of the tabulated scores, discuss the desired improvement targets, prioritize the suggested
improvement opportunity areas, and develop an integrated action plan for implementation.

Self-assessment should be based on verifiable evidence. More detail on the types of evidence required can be found in Appendix E. Above
everything else, it should be remembered that more important than the resulting numerical scores is the dialogue and cross-learning across the
enterprise that this process will generate. The entire process should be on a “no blame or attribution” basis to ensure open and honest
communication. The results of the self-assessment process should not be used to punish or reward specific organizational units or individuals. Rather,
the results should be used to enhance the overall capability and performance of the enterprise across the entire supplier network.
performing the self-assessment process. The “core team” should coordinate the process, collect and tabulate the results, and capture lessons
learned, identify improvement opportunities, and develop a plan of action concentrating on priority improvement targets.

STEP 3: Self-Assessment – Examine the SELF-ASSESSMENT TOOL and conduct self-assessment across the enterprise. Make sure the “core team”
provides the needed assistance to the relevant organizational units, teams or individuals across the enterprise. The results should be provided to the
“core team” for tabulation. Those conducting the self-assessment should be instructed to perform the requested self-scoring, as well as the definition
of the desired improvement targets, immediate improvement opportunity areas, and prioritization of improvement opportunities.

STEP 4: Review Meeting – Reconvene the participants after the self-assessment process has been completed in a wrap-up meeting to review the
results. The meeting should be organized to review all of the tabulated scores, discuss the desired improvement targets, prioritize the suggested
improvement opportunity areas, and develop an integrated action plan for implementation.

Self-assessment should be based on verifiable evidence. More detail on the types of evidence required can be found in Appendix E. Above
everything else, it should be remembered that more important than the resulting numerical scores is the dialogue and cross-learning across the
enterprise that this process will generate. The entire process should be on a “no blame or attribution” basis to ensure open and honest
communication. The results of the self-assessment process should not be used to punish or reward specific organizational units or individuals. Rather,
the results should be used to enhance the overall capability and performance of the enterprise across the entire supplier network.
DEFINITION: Design the size, structure and composition of the supplier network to ensure the efficient creation and delivery of value to all
enterprise stakeholders, focusing on the customer.

· Does the size, structure and composition of the supplier network reflect the enterprise vision and make-buy strategy?
· Does the design of the supplier network reflect a proactive effort to balance in-house capabilities with supplier-based
Diagnostic Questions core competencies to optimize the creation and delivery of best value?
· Are cross-functional commodity or sourcing teams established for streamlining and selecting suppliers?
· Is supplier process capability measured and effectively utilized?

· Structure and composition of supplier network are linked to corporate vision and strategy.
· Make-buy and strategic sourcing decisions are firmly grounded in integrated set of criteria
Lean Indicators reflecting strategic corporate objectives.
· Supplier network strategy reflects a differentiated strategy designed to maximize value creation.
· Core competencies are aligned throughout the extended enterprise.

· Percent of direct suppliers selected on past performance or best value basis

· Ratio of total number of lower-tier suppliers to major suppliers
· Percent of direct purchase dollars placed to preferred or certified suppliers
Potential Metrics · Percent of total end-product cost consisting of supplier-provided parts, components and materials
· Trends in the total unit cost of the enterprise’s primary product (in constant dollars)
· Trends in the profitability of the supplier network (in constant dollars) Clear Scores
Current Desired
Capability Levels State State
Key Enabling Practices LEVEL I
2.4 4.3
· There is little or no · There is limited linking of · Supplier strategy is linked · Supplier strategy · Supplier strategy
1.1 Assure supplier strategy
evidence of a supplier supplier strategy to to corporate vision, goals directly reflects represents a direct 2 3
linked to corporate vision, strategy linked to corporate vision, goals and objectives. corporate vision, extension of corporate
goals and objectives well-defined corporate and objectives. · Supplier strategy is seen goals and objectives. vision, goals and
vision, goals and · Supplier strategy is as an important enabler of · Supplier strategy is objectives.
objectives. seen as an enabler of improving competitive seen as a crucial · Supplier strategy is
· Supplier strategy improving cost and advantage. enabler of improving seen as a central core
focuses mainly on quality performance. · There is isolated sharing of corporate competitive competence to
reducing the cost of · There is very limited vision and commitment advantage. enhance corporate
discrete procurement sharing of a common across the supplier base. · There is some shared competitive
functions (e.g., order vision or commitment vision and commitment advantage.
placement, invoicing, across suppliers. across the supplier
inventory management, base.
materials handling).
· The design of the · Supplier network design · Supplier network design · Supplier network · Supplier network
1.2 Design supplier network
based on strategic mapping supplier network reflects limited reflects some design reflects an design reflects a 2 4
does not reflect a consideration of core consideration of internal explicit consideration proactive
of core competencies
strategic mapping competencies internally and current (or required) of current and comprehensive
internally and across of core competencies and across specific core competencies of required core strategic mapping of
suppliers. internally or across suppliers. selected suppliers. competencies current and required
suppliers. · Mapping of core · Core competencies of internally and across core competencies
·  Mapping of core competencies internally selected suppliers in major critical suppliers. internally and across
competencies is and across specific defined technologies or · Internal and external the supplier network.
confined to internal suppliers focuses on manufacturing processes core competencies of · Supplier network
manufacturing discrete manufacturing are documented. suppliers in key design strives to
processes. processes. · There is some technologies are well optimize portfolio of
· There is little correlation · There is limited correlation defined. core competencies
between internal and external correlation between between current (or · Core competencies internally and
supplier-based core internal and external required) internal core internally and across throughout the
competencies. supplier-based core competencies and those suppliers are aligned. supplier network.
·  The supplier network competencies. of selected suppliers. · Recognition is given · Products, processes
is characterized by a · Limited recognition is · Some recognition is given to concurrent design and supplier network
large number of direct given to concurrent to concurrent design of of products, are designed
production suppliers design of products, products, processes and processes and concurrently.
with multi-tiered top-down processes and supplier supplier network. supplier network.
management and control. network · Supplier network
design is seen as an
important enabler of
corporate competitive
· Sourcing decisions are · Sourcing decisions · Sourcing decisions · Sourcing decisions · Sourcing decisions
1.3 Select suppliers based on
not linked to make-buy reflect make-buy criteria reflect make-buy reflect make-buy reflect make-buy 3 5
criteria optimizing core criteria based on based on limited criteria based on criteria based on a criteria based on a
competencies internally and evaluation of core evaluation of core evaluation of core thorough evaluation of comprehensive
across suppliers . competencies. competencies. competencies internally core competencies evaluation of current
and across selected internally and across and required core
suppliers. major critical suppliers, competencies internally
· Some key suppliers are focused on delivery of and across suppliers,
selected based on past best value to the focused on creation of
performance and “best customer. best lifecycle value for
value,” while a majority of · A relatively high all stakeholders.
suppliers of standardized number of major · A majority of major
items are selected using critical suppliers, critical suppliers and
competitive bids. and some subtier many subtier suppliers
suppliers, are are selected on the
selected on the basis basis of past perf. and
of past performance “best value,” focused
and “best value.” on value creation.
· Supplier selection is · Multiple sourcing is
made by enterprise used for highly
-level cross-functional standardized items,
teams focused on while dual sourcing is
delivering best lifecycle used for selected
value to the customer. technologically mature
components, and sole
sourcing is limited to
selected complex high-
· Supplier selection is
made by enterprise-
level cross-functional
teams focused on
value creation for all

· Little evidence of an · Limited effort is made to · Direct suppliers are grouped · Direct suppliers are · Highly tailored or
1.4 Segment suppliers into
attempt to develop a classify direct suppliers into different categories for grouped into different differentiated 3
differentiated categories procurement strategy into different groups for evolving tailored or categories on the basis supplier integration
based on their relative geared to different the purpose of developing differentiated of formalized supplier strategies and practices
strategic importance in categories of suppliers. tailored procurement procurement and supplier segmentation criteria for are implemented, based
creating value strategies. integration strategies. developing procurement on formalized
· Little or no effort made to · Supplier strategy is largely · Supplier strategy is aimed and supplier integration stratification and
segment suppliers into aimed at reducing largely at reducing strategies. segmentation of the
different categories, in transaction costs at transaction costs at the · Supplier strategy is supplier network.
terms of their relative program (product) level. business unit or enterprise aimed at reducing · Supplier strategy is
importance and related · Direct suppliers grouped level. internal and aimed at minimizing
criteria. largely into such · Supplier segmentation external coordination coordination costs and
categories as major criteria consider a number costs at the enterprise creating value.
teaming partners and all of factors, such as relative level. · Supplier stratification
others. economic importance and · Supplier stratification and segmentation
degree of criticality of and segmentation criteria reflect such
procured items in terms of criteria employ formalized additional factors as
overall program (product) methods considering mutual economic
cost and performance such additional factors dependence and speed
as transaction frequency of technological change.
and volume, and degree
of complexity of
purchased components.
· Procurement is centralized · Procurement is typically · Procurement operations · Procurement operations · Procurement operations
1.5 Create internal organizational
into a material or purchasing centralized at the are typically centralized at (organized at the (organized at the 2 5
structures and basic organization supporting enterprise level and the business unit level to business unit level for business unit level for
infrastructure systems for engineering and production serves as a service achieve economies of large multi-divisional large multi-divisional
efficient management of operations. center supporting scale in purchasing. enterprises) are aligned enterprises) are
supplier network · One set of uniform engineering, production · Matrixed relationships internally and across integrated internally and
processes and procedures and post-sale customer are established between major critical suppliers. across the supplier
govern procurement support functions. procurement operations · Matrixed relationships network.
operations. · There is limited integration and key functional and incentives are put in · Matrixed relationships
· Procurement operations between the procurement organizations (engineering, place to align and incentives are
focus on discrete functions organization and manufacturing, quality). procurement operations created to integrate
(e.g., order placement, engineering, · Basic EDI and related IT/IS across business units, procurement operations
inventory control, inspection manufacturing, quality, infrastructure systems are programs (product across business units
procedures, materials contracting and related developed to support an platforms) and major and programs (product
handling). functions. enterprise’s ERP system critical suppliers. platforms), as well as
· Limited use of Electronic and to enable some · Basic IT/IS infrastructure across the supplier
Data Interchange (EDI) capability for technical supports integrated ERP network.
focuses on routine data exchange with selected system, assures database · Basic IT/IS infrastructure
exchange of business suppliers. commonality, and enables systems are developed
information with specific technical data exchange to ensure seamless
suppliers. internally and across information flow internally
major critical suppliers. and across the supplier

Lean Indicators


DEFINITION: Develop complementary supplier capabilities -- Develop complementary supplier capabilities to enhance the portfolio of
core competencies in the extended enterprise.

· Are formal processes in place for evaluating and monitoring supplier capabilities?
· Are there supplier training and education initiatives aimed at improving supplier capabilities?
· Is supplier process capability effectively utilized?
Diagnostic Questions · Are there joint problem-solving teams established with key suppliers?
· Are supplier development efforts linked to corporate strategic priorities in product development, production or customer

· Supplier capabilities are well understood, effectively utilized, and strategically developed.
· Lean practices, tools and methods are deployed throughout the supplier base.
Lean Indicators · Supplier-generated suggestions for improvement are implemented.
· Dedicated (relationship-specific) investments are made to help improve supplier capabilities unique to the relationship.

· Percent of direct purchase dollars placed to preferred or certified suppliers

· Number of supplier-generated suggestions for improvements that are implemented
Potential Metrics · Percent of dedicated (relationship-specific) investments made by suppliers accounted for by the enterprise’s own
investment in asset-creating, mutually-beneficial, opportunities for improving supplier performance and productivity Clear Scores
Current Desired
Capability Levels State State
Key Enabling Practices LEVEL I
2 4
· Little formal evaluation of · Evaluation of capabilities · Internal as well as external · Internal and · Both internal and
2.1 Perform evaluation of
process capabilities focuses largely on internal supplier-based complementary supplier complementary supplier 2 4
complementary supplier internally or definition of design, tooling and complementary capabilities capabilities are evaluated capabilities are evaluated
capabilities required complementary manufacturing processes. are defined and evaluated by employing formal on an on-going basis
supplier capabilities. · Supplier performance, through benchmarking, benchmarking or other across the supplier
· Measurement of supplier quality or process focusing on selected qualification methods, network by employing
capabilities limited to capabilities are evaluated technology or process areas covering many specific formal benchmarking or
tracking supplier using supplier rating (e.g., supplier high-speed technology or process other qualification
performance limited to cost, systems for specific machining capabilities areas, focusing on major methods, including third-
quality and delivery. suppliers. complementing internal suppliers. party audits, covering a
· Emphasis is placed on flexible production · Extensive documentation spectrum of technology
supplier compliance with processes). and evaluation of and process areas in
established quality · Formal supplier rating and supplier-based technical design engineering,
systems and standards. evaluation methods are and business process tooling, manufacturing
implemented for qualifying capabilities have been and testing.
key suppliers based on such performed for major · A comprehensive
performance measures as suppliers. understanding of the
cost, quality, delivery and portfolio of
customer satisfaction. complementary
capabilities throughout
the extended enterprise,
covering all direct
production suppliers, is
· There is little or no · Dissemination of basic · Some lean concepts and · Basic lean concepts and · Basic lean concepts and
2.2 Deploy basic lean concepts
dissemination of key lean lean principles and practices, as well as practices, as well as key practices, as well as 3 4
to suppliers to enhance principles and practices to practices is limited to selected Six Sigma methods, are complementary Six
network-wide performance suppliers; any initial lean specific major suppliers. Six Sigma methods, are deployed to major critical Sigma methods
efforts concentrate on · Focus is on critical or deployed to selected major suppliers through focusing on reducing
specific internal selected value added suppliers through supplier workshops, special process variation, are
manufacturing processes processes internally and councils, workshops and seminars and executive deployed throughout the
to improve quality (e.g., first- across specific suppliers. seminars. training programs. supplier network through
time yield). · Major emphasis is placed · Focus is largely on factory · Focus is on fundamental workshops, conferences,
· Specific suppliers are asked on eliminating waste and floor design and improvement of critical seminars, executive
to improve their processes improving quality by manufacturing processes. enterprise-wide educational programs
to improve quality, cost and concentrating on discrete · Emphasis is placed on processes. and on-site training
delivery performance. parts and components. eliminating major sources · Stress is placed on initiatives.
· Major emphasis is placed · Main approaches used of waste and reducing elimination of waste, · Focus is on
on cost reduction and include deploying “tiger process variation, focusing reducing product and transformation of the
quality improvement. teams” to train specific on specific programs or process variation, and entire extended
· Main approach is issuing suppliers or assigning off- products. creating continuous flow enterprise
demands to suppliers for site production personnel · Main approach entails throughout the enterprise (program enterprise,
specific types of to work with individual specifying value to the (i.e., in both manufacturing multi-program
performance improvement. suppliers. individual customer, identifying the and “beyond the factory enterprises
suppliers. value stream, making floor” operations) with encompassing supplier
products flow continuously the goal of creating value networks).
in response to customer for all enterprise · Central driving concept
pull and pursuing perfection. stakeholders. is efficient creation of
· Central driving concept value for all enterprise
is delivering best value stakeholders throughout
to the customer. the enterprise value

· Little or no attempt is made · There is limited alignment · Some mutual performance · Tangible mutual · Significant performance
2.3 Align and develop critical
to align and improve critical and improvement of improvements are performance improvements are 1 4
internal and external internal and supplier-based specific capabilities documented through improvements are achieved through
supplier capabilities capabilities. internally and across alignment and development achieved through extensive efforts to
· Primary emphasis is on selected suppliers. of selected key capabilities alignment, streamlining align, streamline and
development of discrete · Limited efforts focus on internally and across some and development of key develop key internal and
internal capabilities related linking of enterprise’s major suppliers, in terms of capabilities internally and external supplier
to supply chain management procurement functions cost, quality and delivery. across major critical capabilities across the
(e.g., order release, materials with order management · Emphasis is put on such suppliers. supplier network.
handling, inventory functions of specific areas as quality assurance, · Emphasis is put on key · Emphasis is put on
management). suppliers (e.g., RFP/RFQ engineering data exchange, engineering, key functional areas,
preparation time, testing, and coordination of manufacturing, tooling, technologies, design-
production planning, production schedules. testing and laboratory manufacturing-
capacity planning). · Technical assistance is functions. procurement interfaces,
· Limited technical provided to some suppliers · Mutual technical and key business
assistance is provided to through workshops and on- exchange, training and processes.
specific suppliers through site training programs. joint problem-solving · Proactive mutual
data transfer and isolated teams are established to technical exchange,
on-site training. align and develop key training and joint
capabilities. problem-solving teams
stress formal classroom
instruction and workplace
· Enterprise management · Enterprise management · Dedicated (relationship- · Dedicated investments · Dedicated investments
2.4 Create dedicated assets in
does not understand or evidences only limited specific) investments are are made by the are made by the 2 4
the extended enterprise endorse the idea of making interest in making made by the enterprise in a enterprise in a number of enterprise in a
dedicated investments in dedicated (relationship- few selected suppliers, are its major critical suppliers progressively growing
creation of specific assets specific) investments in typically small in magnitude, and have resulted in number of its major and
that are unique to the suppliers.· Such dedicated and have resulted in tangible performance critical suppliers and
particular relationships investments are limited to measurable performance improvements. have resulted in
with its suppliers. specific asset-creating improvements. · Examples of such significant performance
· Enterprise management opportunities (e.g., · Examples of such dedicated investments improvements.
position is that suppliers are improving the know-how dedicated investments include helping suppliers · Examples of such
responsible for any or all of technical personnel of include helping selected make investments in dedicated investments
types of investments they specific suppliers to suppliers make investments customized information include, in addition,
need to make if they want to develop closer two-way in facilities within proximity technologies, tooling, helping suppliers make
keep their supplier status. communications). of the enterprise’s manufacturing processes, customized investments
· It is an exception, rather production operations to and testing and laboratory in such areas as
than the rule, when the reduce inventory and instruments. composite fabrication
enterprise makes such transportation costs. methods, high-speed
dedicated investments in machining equipment,
suppliers to help resolve laser forming of titanium
technical problems they and similar advanced
may be facing. technologies.

Lean Indicators


DEFINITION: Create synchronized flow throughout the supplier network to effect the development of a “pull”-based production system
employing lean practices, where the right parts are delivered to the right place at the right time and where products flow
continuously and efficiently, without interruption, to maximize the strategic advantage of speed.

· Are there controlled and repeatable supplier processes?

· Do supplier-provided raw materials, detail parts, subsystems and assemblies delivered just-in-time (JIT) in response to the
enterprise’s “pull” from the suppliers?
· Is warehousing minimized or eliminated through the use of point-of-use stocking and delivery?
· Is supplier kitting utilized to minimize time and effort to locate parts, parts handling, and parts storage?
Diagnostic Questions · Is the enterprise’s production scheduling system integrated with with the release and management of purchase orders by
procurement personnel?
· Do suppliers have real-time access to customer company’s production schedules and requirements forecasts to ensure
just-in-time delivery of raw materials, detail parts, or kitted assemblies to the point of use with no prior source or incoming

· Controlled and repeatable supplier processes are in place.

· Open and timely communications with suppliers are established.
· Seamless integration of information flow exists throughout the supplier network.
Lean Indicators · Processes and flows are visible to all stakeholders in the enterprise value stream, including all suppliers· Production and
delivery are synchronized throughout the supplier network.
· “Pull” system is institutionalized throughout the enterprise value network, from the customer’s customer to the supplier’s

· Manufacturing and assembly cycle time for the enterprise’s primary product.
· Order-to-delivery lead time for supplier-provided materials, parts and components.
Potential Metrics · Supplier throughput time for critical supplier-provided materials, parts and components.
· Number of work stoppages or work-around incidents within the enterprise’s facility due to production problems faced by
suppliers Clear Scores
Current Desired
Capability Levels State State
Key Enabling Practices LEVEL I
3.3 4.8
· There is little or no · There is limited · Proactive deployment · Comprehensive
3.1 Deploy lean practices, tools
deployment of lean deployment of lean
· Deployment of lean
practices concentrates on of lean practices deployment of lean 3 5
and methods throughout the practices to suppliers. practices, tools and concentrates on major practices to the entire
selected major suppliers,
supplier network · Suppliers showing some methods to specific through selective use of critical suppliers as well supplier network is
interest in lean principles suppliers. value stream mapping and as on selected subtier institutionalized, using
and practices are typically · Emphasis is placed on analysis (VSM/A). suppliers, employing value stream mapping
referred to third party reducing waste, improving · Emphasis is placed on value stream mapping and analysis (VSM/A).
providers of lean services quality, and improving aligning factory flow and analysis (VSM/A). · Emphasis is placed on
(e.g., accelerated delivery to schedule. processes to reduce · Emphasis is placed on developing continuous
improvement workshops · Focus on such elementary supplier lead time. striving to create flow throughout the
[AIWS], Kaizen events). lean concepts as: reducing · Focus is on such additional continuous flow internally supplier network.
waste, visual order (6S), lean practices as standard and across major critical · Deployment of lean
root cause analysis (“Five work, load leveling, line suppliers. practices focuses on
Whys”), mistake proofing balancing and setup · Focus is on such both factory floor
(Poka-Yoke), self- reduction. additional lean practices processes and “beyond-
verification, and total · Supplier workshops and asTakt time, cellular the-factory-floor”
productive maintenance hands-on supplier training manufacturing, single- operations and business
(TPM). programs are used to piece flow, and practices, including
· Supplier workshops are deploy lean practices. development of multi- engineering functions of
organized to disseminate functional work teams to suppliers.
lean practices. evolve a “pull”-based · Lean deployment office
production system made works closely with third-
possible by just-in-time party providers of lean
(JIT) production and implementation services
delivery. and other organizations
· Lean deployment office to flow lean practices to
and support system is subtier suppliers.
established for on-going
deployment of lean
practices to suppliers

· Little or no effort is made · Limited set of · Some improvements are · Tangible improvements · Critical supplier design,
3.2 Evolve controlled and
to identify, map and improve improvements are achieved in critical are achieved in critical manufacturing and 3 5
repeatable supplier critical supplier design, achieved in critical manufacturing processes of manufacturing and business processes are
processes manufacturing and business manufacturing processes selected suppliers. product development significantly improved
processes. of specific suppliers. · Major emphasis is placed processes of major across the supplier
· There is little visibility into · Major emphasis is placed on both reducing and critical suppliers. network.
supplier process capabilities. on reducing manufacturing preventing manufacturing · Major emphasis is · Major emphasis is
· There is extensive waste, process variation. process variation. placed on both placed on preventing
supplier-responsible · Focus is on process · Primary focus is on preventing and reducing and reducing process
defects, non-conformances, mapping, process deployment of key methods process as well as as well as product
and high cost of scrap and capability analysis, fixing to reduce process variation, product variation. variation, through
rework across the supplier problems at their source, such as identifying and · Primary focus is on integrated efforts across
network. and related methods to eliminating all sources of improving both design enterprise business units
improve process defects, building-in rather and manufacturing dealing with the same
capability of specific than inspecting-in quality, processes, with particular suppliers.
suppliers. control charts, and failure stress on factory layout, · Primary focus is on
· Compliance is required modes and effects analysis workflow design, and improving both design
with such aerospace (FMEA). shop-floor control. and manufacturing
quality standards and · Process-focused supplier · Placement of resident processes, with particular
requirements as AS9000, workshops and supplier engineers is stress on robust design
AS9100 and SAE9100. training programs build upon institutionalized across methods (e.g., Taguchi
already established supplier key suppliers to help methods), quality
certification initiatives. evolve controlled and function deployment
repeatable processes. (QFD), design structure
matrices (DSM), Design
of Experiments (DOE),
and strategic design of
manufacturing systems.
· Communication links · There is limited two-way · Formal communication · Internet-enabled formal · Internet-enabled formal
3.3 Establish open and timely
between the enterprise and communication links are links are established with communication links are communication links 3 4
communications with its suppliers are largely established with specific some suppliers. established with major enable real time
suppliers confined to one-way flow of suppliers. · Basic IT/IS infrastructure critical suppliers allowing integration of information
contractual requirements. · Limited use of Electronic allows timely access by real-time two-way flows throughout he
· Communication between Data Interchange (EDI) suppliers to the enterprise’s communication. · IT/IS supplier network.
the enterprise and its focuses on routine internal build schedules, infrastructure enables · IT/IS infrastructure
suppliers is limited to business transactions, forecasts of demand for technical data exchange enables technical data
contractual transactions. such as order processing materials, and need-based with suppliers, as well as exchange with suppliers,
and flowdown of quality supplier delivery sharing of production as well as sharing of
and performance requirements. schedules, material requirements, orders,
requirements. · Read-only e-business requirements, delivery deliveries, and financial
· There is limited exchange capability provides schedules, and financial transactions.
of demand forecasts and suppliers ready access to transactions with suppliers. · IT/e-business capability
production schedules with upcoming sourcing · IT/e-business capability enables efficient
specific suppliers. requirements and enables inventory visibility procurement of high-
engineering specifications across major critical volume standardized
for new parts and suppliers. · Processes and items and multi-tier
components. flows are visible across inventory visibility.
· Data exchange format and suppliers; customer · Internet-enabled third
protocols are harmonized feedback is continuously party logistics providers
internally within the obtained and shared are fully integrated into
enterprise. internally as well as with supply chain
suppliers. management process.

3.4 Synchronize production and · There is little or no

synchronization of
· Production and delivery
schedules of specific
· Production and delivery
schedules, as well as lead
· Extensive efforts focus
on closer synchronization
· Comprehensive efforts
are in place to bring 4 5
delivery throughout the production and delivery with suppliers are synchronized times, are proactively of production and delivery about
supplier network. suppliers. with the enterprise’s build synchronized across schedules internally and a tight and smooth
· There is extensive source schedule and safety stock selected suppliers. across major critical integration of production
and/or incoming (receiving) requirements.· Major · Major approach used suppliers. and delivery schedules,
inspection of supplier- approach used is entails two-way mutually- · Major emphasis is as well as lead times,
provided materials and flowdown of directives to advantageous exchange of placed on targeted internally and across the
parts; there is no “just-in- specific suppliers production plans, process efforts to reduce supplier supplier network.
time” (JIT) deliveries to specifying contractual as improvement initiatives, lead times for critical-path · Major emphasis is
stock or point-of-use. well as need-based and lead time reduction items, as well as on close placed on aggressive
· All deliveries are based on delivery targets. targets. communication links lead time reduction
contractually-specified · There is limited source · Key suppliers are delegated across major critical targets as well as on
delivery schedules; a large inspection but extensive inspection functions to suppliers. seamless information
percentage of parts are incoming (receiving) facilitate on-time delivery. · There is extensive flows throughout the
expedited. inspection, with tiny · There is some implementation of JIT multi-tiered supplier
percentage of all supplier implementation of JIT delivery to point-of-use network.
shipments delivered to delivery and point-of-use with no source or · There is extensive use
stock or point-of-use. stocking. incoming inspection. of JIT delivery to point-
of-use with no inspection
throughout the supplier
· Internet-enabled third
party logistics providers
are fully integrated into
supply chain

Lean Indicators

DEFINITION: Develop and implement effective, differentiated, sets of relationships with suppliers, including supplier partnerships and strategic
supplier alliances, to improve network-wide performance and thereby build dynamic long-term competitive advantage by optimizing
mutual-benefits throughout the supplier value stream.

· Is it strongly understood and communicated by top management that competition between firms has been replaced by
competition between networks of firms?· Is there a differentiated supplier strategy in place for different supplier segments?
· Are cooperative relationships in place with key suppliers involving extensive information sharing, cost sharing and risk
Diagnostic Questions · Have partnerships and strategic alliances with suppliers been created to strengthen the customer company’s long-term
competitive advantage?
· Does the customer company have in place incentivized cost reduction strategies with suppliers involving target costing and
sharing of cost savings?
· Are suppliers integrated early into the customer company’s integrated product teams (IPTs)?

· Partnerships and strategic alliances have been created with key suppliers to leverage performance improvement throughout
the supplier network.
· Mutually-beneficial cooperative relationships have been established with suppliers.
· Suppliers are active partners in key business decisions and strategic planning activities.
Lean Indicators · Suppliers are incentivized to reduce cost through innovative contractual arrangements allowing for the mutual sharing of
cost savings.
· Suppliers have leading role in integrated product teams (IPTs) of the enterprise (customer company) and are generally
integrated early into the design and development process.

· Percent of total direct production purchase dollars placed under long-term purchase agreements (LTAs) with suppliers.
· Percent of all suppliers which regularly share information with the customer company (e.g., on strategic direction, business
Potential Metrics plans, process improvements, production schedules, quality performance, otherwise proprietary financial information).
· Procurement cost per dollar of direct production purchases.· Profitability of suppliers.
Clear Scores
Current Desired
Capability Levels State State
Key Enabling Practices LEVEL I
2.7 4.7
· Supply chain management · Procurement · Cross-functional teams · There is strong ·Mutually-beneficial
4.1 Implement management
consists of “silo” organizational structures focusing on specific recognition that relationships are 3 5
processes ensuring purchasing (procurement, and processes are aligned commodity or sourcing competition between established with key
effective differentiated materials) department across the enterprise to areas have evolved firms has been replaced suppliers providing
relationships with suppliers · Commodity-based strategic effect cost savings. differentiated by competition between customized, complex,
procurement, reflecting · Leveraged buying of high- supplier relationships. networks of firms. high-technology
basically a common (same) volume items is a · Supply chain management · Differentiated supplier engineered parts,
supplier strategy (i.e., one that prevalent practice. is integrated across the relationships are based components or
is tailored to address different enterprise. on weighing of such subsystems.
needs associated with for · Supplier advisory councils factors as the strategic · Key suppliers are active
various categories of are created. importance of suppliers, participants in major
suppliers). degree of mutual business decisions and
economic dependence, strategic planning
complementarity of activities.
capabilities, and · Internet-driven
technology clockspeed. procurement of standard
commodity items is used
to minimize transaction
· A differentiated set of
strategies and practices
been put in place for
other suppliers.

4.2 Establish partnerships and · Supplier coordination is

accomplished largely
· Some long term purchase · Cooperative supplier
agreements (LTAs) with relationships are established
· LTAs and supplier
partnerships are
· Strategic supplier
alliances are in place, 3 4
strategic alliances with key through use of the market selected key suppliers are with selected suppliers, established with major based on long-term
suppliers to achieve mechanism, involving introduced to focus on stressing extensive suppliers across the mutual trust and
performance improvement, competitive, lowest-bid, affordability and cost information exchange and product lifecycle. commitment.
shared mutual benefits, and subcontracting. reduction. joint problem solving. · LTAs · Supplier partnerships · Strategic supplier
· Short term contracts, · LTAs are established to are established with all key reflect a clear alliances involve a high
long-term competitive exhibiting very little mutual secure price stability in suppliers. understanding of long- level of information
advantage commitment, represent light of possible future · Supplier advisory councils term mutual obligations. sharing, risk sharing &
prevalent practice. price fluctuations, to are actively utilized as a benefit sharing.
· Supplier relationships are at reduce cost, and to enable forum for on-going · The enterprise
arm’s length. mutually-beneficial information exchange and (customer company)
· Suppliers are typically performance for eliciting ideas and and its strategic partners
handed down across-the- improvements. suggestions for mutual share a common fate.
board cost (price) reduction performance improvement.
· There is little awareness or · There is limited · There is sharing of common · Common objectives, as · Common objectives,
4.3 Establish common
sharing of common congruence of common objectives with key well as mutual roles and roles an responsibilities, 2 5
objectives, as well as roles objectives with suppliers objectives with selected suppliers, responsibilities, are and mutual long-term
and responsibilities, to · Build-to-print practices suppliers. with which mutual established for all direct obligations are clearly
enhance performance characterize the prevalent · Focus is on affordability performance metrics have production suppliers and understood and shared
throughout the extended enterprise environment, where suppliers with key suppliers, whose been established. are clearly communicated. throughout the supplier
are relegated to performance inputs are sought early in · There is some risk and · Key suppliers are network.
of well-specified or routine the design process. benefit involved early in the · There is mutual sharing
tasks. · Selected certified sharing with selected requirements definition, of cost-savings or
· There is little, if any, sharing suppliers are delegated suppliers. design, development and greater efficiency
of a common vision or greater responsibility · There is limited supplier product support process. benefits resulting from
commitment across (laboratory functions, participation in the incentivized
suppliers. testing, production). enterprise’s product implementation of lean
development process. practices throughout the
supplier network.
· Incentivized lean
initiatives include cost
and lead-time reduction
efforts, as well as quality
improvement steps,
using target costing and
value engineering

Lean Indicators


DEFINITION: Processes, practices and information flows are integrated across the supplier network to maximize both operational and tactical
flexibility (e.g., setup time, changes in specifications, design changes), as well as strategic adaptability and responsiveness to
external developments (e.g., market shifts, broader technological changes).

· To what extent does the enterprise management consider flexibility and responsibility as a strategic weapon?
· Have mutually-beneficial arrangements with suppliers been implemented to ensure flexibility and responsiveness to
unforeseen production shifts or broader market-driven changes?
Diagnostic Questions · Are there visible processes and information flows in place across the supplier network to ensure quick adaptation to both
planned and unexpected changes, regardless of their origin?
· Does the enterprise have rapid deployment capabilities established explicitly to help resolve unexpected supplier-related

· Open and timely communications with suppliers are established.

· Seamless integration of information flow exists throughout the supplier network.
· Processes and flows are visible to all stakeholders in the enterprise value stream, including all suppliers.
Lean Indicators · Streamlined processes exist across suppliers enabling flexibility and responsiveness.
· Problems are systematically identified and fixed at the source across the supplier network by using data and root
cause analysis.

· Product development cycle time

· Manufacturing and assembly cycle time for the enterprise’s primary product
· Order-to-delivery lead time for supplier-provided materials, parts and components
· Supplier throughput time for critical supplier-provided materials, parts and components
· Number of work stoppages or work-around incidents within the enterprise’s facility due to production problems faced by
· Responsiveness of the supplier network to unscheduled changes (e.g., design changes, changes in product mix and
Potential Metrics volume) within the lead time (i.e., using the on-dock date as the point of reference)
· Number of parts waiting repair due to lack of availability of the required materials or items owing to parts obsolescence or
diminishing manufacturing sources
· Number of suppliers that could not achieve capacity expansion to meet on a timely basis the enterprise’s previously
communicated and mutually-agreed-upon requirements for materials, parts and components
· Time required to modify production rates throughout the supplier network in response to changes in customer demand
rate (Takt time)
Clear Scores
Current Desired
Capability Levels State State
Key Enabling Practices LEVEL I
2.7 4.3
· There is prevalence of a · The enterprise makes ad · There is proactive use of · There is rapid deployment · Joint customer-supplier
5.1 Identify and rapidly resolve
reactive approach to hoc use of subject matter multi-skilled teams to of multi-skilled teams to rapid deployment teams 3 4
constraints and bottlenecks removing constraints and experts to help remove address major production cope with unexpected are used on an on-going
across the supplier network bottlenecks. specific production, constraints and bottlenecks supplier-related problems basis to monitor,
to ensure continuous flow · Process flows and quality or delivery across selected suppliers. across direct production anticipate and resolve
information flows are not problems across major · Proactive efforts by the suppliers. constraints and
visible across suppliers. and critical suppliers. enterprise are in place to · There is clear visibility bottlenecks throughout
· There are isolated and reduce supplier lead times into process and the supplier network.
largely reactive efforts in for critical-path items. information flows across · There is complete
place to reduce supplier · There is visibility into direct production visibility into process
lead times for critical-path process and information suppliers. and information flows
items. flows across selected across the supplier
· Visibility of process and suppliers. network.
information flows is
limited to specific

· Contracting with suppliers · Contracting with suppliers · Contracting with suppliers · Long-term contracts are · Multi-year contracts with
5.2 Design the contracting
typically involves a entails largely a multi-step entails a streamlined established with major contingent reward 2 4
process to enable flexibility formalized, sequential and process, involving mostly process involving mainly suppliers. systems and intellectual
and adaptation to changing lengthy process from initial cost-based contracts but cost-based contracts but · Contracting process is property rights provisions
requirements identification of qualified also using, to a limited also using some price- designed to enable are used across the
suppliers to final contract extent, price-based based contracts. flexibility and adaptation supplier network.
award and post-award contracts. · Some suppliers are given to changing · Contractual measures
subcontract management · There is limited use of specific incentives to adopt requirements. are in place to maximize
processes. best value contracting, measures enhancing their · There is extensive use of supplier flexibility and
· Supplier contracting typically and/or contracting based flexibility and individualized multi-year responsiveness.
involves competitive on past performance, with responsiveness. price commitment · Cost savings are shared
lowest-cost subcontracting specific suppliers. · There is active use of price curves and sharing of at all levels to incentivize
with no provisions for · Contracts typically commitment curves for cost-savings with key suppliers to reduce cost
economic incentives. establish minimum selected suppliers. suppliers. and foster innovation.
· The dominant form of performance requirements · There are selected waivers · Subcontracting · Subcontracting
contracting involves and, in specific instances, from established or procedures are procedures are
variants of cost-plus-fixed- include incentive reward mandatory requirements streamlined, significantly completely streamlined,
fee (CPFF) or firm-fixed- provisions for any risk- under existing defense limiting the number of with minimal flowdown of
price subcontracting. taking, cost reduction, acquisition regulations (e.g., mandatory, not contractual clauses to
· Defense-related delivery and technical cost or pricing data, mandatory but suppliers.
subcontracting typically achievements beyond the competition in necessary,
involves extensive flow- minimum requirements. subcontracting, quality and purely negotiable
down of mandatory clauses, · Defense-related assurance, program clauses.
non-mandatory but subcontracting often reporting requirements).
necessary clauses, and involves a considerable
purely negotiable clauses. number of flowdown
· Relatively small variability · There is reactive · There are close working · Flexibility and · The enterprise’s supplier
5.3 Ensure network wide flexibility
in customer or market approach to elimination relationships with major responsiveness across network is strategically 3 5
and adaptation to planned as demand upstream is of “bullwhip” effects customer(s) and key the supplier network is aligned to maximize
well as unanticipated amplified throughout the and/or sudden disruptions suppliers to anticipate and seen as a strategic flexibility and
changes and disruptions supplier network (bullwhip in supply channels. resolve negative effects of weapon. responsiveness.
effect). · There is limited visibility demand variability. · Internal functions are · Capabilities ensure
·There is excess inventory or into upstream demand · Customer and supplier aligned to interface with maximum operational
parts shortages, excess or variability patterns. relationships represent suppliers more effectively. and tactical flexibility
insufficient capacity, long · Order batching is team-based rather than ·There are close working with both the
backlogs or expedited commonly practiced to bilateral arrangements. relationships with both customer(s) and
shipments – indicating save transportation costs. · Flexible work processes are customers and key suppliers.
considerable network-wide · Flexible work processes used in many areas suppliers to anticipate · Visible processes and
vulnerability to upstream have been piloted in some internally. and mitigate negative real-time information
demand variability. areas. · Supplier development effects of upstream as flows ensure quick
· Little or no effort is made · Limited evidence of initiatives implementing well as downstream adaptation to planned
to resolve negative impact product mix or volume lean principles stress demand variability. or unexpected changes
of sudden disruptions. flexibility across major greater flexibility, adaptation · Information sharing and throughout the supplier
· There is very little evidence suppliers to to sudden market shifts, synchronized forecasting network, including all
of product mix or volume accommodate customer and responsiveness. methods are used to subtier suppliers.
flexibility. company’s requirements. avoid order batching and · Long lead-time supply
· Suppliers often ration limited to discourage forward- lines are shortened
supplies to customers and buying by suppliers. through operational
“game” expected shortages · Multi-level inventory efficiencies.
by inflating their material management systems are
requirements. used to optimize
inventory control across
the supplier network.

Lean Indicators


DEFINITION: Create products by employing multifunctional teams, including major and selected subtier suppliers, pursuing integrated,
concurrent, development of products and processes to ensure the delivery of best lifecycle value in terms of introducing a
system at the right time and the right price offering best value in mission effectiveness, performance and affordability and
retains these advantages throughout its service life.

· To what extent are key suppliers and their lower-tier suppliers integrated into the enterprise’s product, process and
business development efforts?
· Are key suppliers collocated, physically or virtually, with the technical personnel of the enterprise in conjunction with
Diagnostic Questions joint design and development efforts?
· Has an information infrastructure been established to ensure seamless flow of information between the enterprise and
its suppliers?

· Early supplier integration into design and development.

· Architectural innovation resulting from seamlessly integrated design and development teams including major suppliers as
well as selected subtier suppliers.
Lean Indicators · Flow down of key characteristics throughout the supplier network.
· Collaborative distributed design and development teams linked together through seamless information flow and common
tools and methods.

· Percent of total engineering design hours performed by suppliers.

· Percent of integrated product teams (IPTs) led by supplier partners.
· Number of Class I engineering change orders, total rework cost due to engineering changes as percent of total development
Potential Metrics cost, and total schedule-slip due to engineering changes.
· Percent of all engineering drawings released at critical design review.
· Product development cycle time.
· Product development cost as percent of total expected lifecycle cost-of-ownership.
Clear Scores
Current Desired
Capability Levels State State
Key Enabling Practices LEVEL I
2.5 4.3
· Little or no attempt made to · Limited participation of · Selected major suppliers · Major suppliers directly · Key suppliers, and
6.1 Integrate suppliers early into
engage the participation of suppliers in early phases participate early in the participate early in the selected subtier suppliers 2 4
design and development suppliers early in the design of the design process. design design under a teaming are seamlessly integrated
processes and teaming and development process. · Selected major suppliers process under a teaming arrangement, involving into design and
structures · The predominant culture is are invited to participate arrangement involving joint extensive collaboration development teams
retaining suppliers on a during the design phases responsibility for design and and knowledge-sharing. following initial down-
“build-to-print” basis to solicit their advice on development. · Strategic, tactical and select.
employing competitive producability. · Relationships are operational cooperation · Collaborative design
bidding. · Limited knowledge of constrained by existing and information sharing used with joint
supplier technological corporate boundaries and among the participating configuration control.
capabilities. contractual workshare organizations. · Early supplier integration
agreements. · Procurement/purchasing that
· Procurement plays an facilitates collaboration fosters innovation
intermediary role in linking and information exchange (product,
design engineering teams between design process).
and suppliers. engineering teams and ·Target costing (pricing)
suppliers. utilized, with explicit
· Selected suppliers given
lead responsibility for
specific integrated
product teams (IPTs).
· Seamless exchange of
knowledge among all

· Centralized control of · Limited delegation of · Some suppliers given · Major suppliers · Key suppliers given
6.2 Progressively delegate
design and development design or design-build greater design and delegated responsibility greater share of design, 3 5
greater design and build process. responsibility to suppliers development responsibility for design, development build, testing and system
responsibility to key suppliers · Little or no delegation of to minimize costs. for particular (“black box”) and system integration of integration responsibility.
to achieve fast and flexible design or design-build · Majority of suppliers are components or subsystems. more complex · Collaborative design and
product development, reduce responsibility to suppliers. brought under contract · Selected suppliers delegated components or development teams
· Suppliers generally brought after completion of responsibility for integration subsystems. established with suppliers
cost and improve quality under contract after the detailed design and before of progressively more · Suppliers are actively where the product
design process has been full-scale production. complex components or encouraged to submit (component, subsystem)
completed and before full- subsystems. innovative design system architecture is
scale production. solutions. integral rather than
· Suppliers retained on a · Design-to-cost is an modular in relation to the
“build-to-print” basis established practice. platform being designed
employing competitive · Considerable and built.
bidding. outsourcing of detailed · Safeguards are put in
design and development place for retaining
of particular (“black box”) competitive advantage
components or (e.g.,
subsystems to by not becoming
preferred/certified knowledge-
suppliers. dependent on suppliers,
while pursuing greater
dependence for additional
capacity only).
· No information · CAE/CAD tools and · Infrastructure in place · Internet-enabled · Digital design and
6.3 Create information
infrastructure or shared libraries utilized to enable enabling concurrent design information infrastructure manufacturing 3 4
infrastructure and shared tools for collaborative the use/reuse of standard and development process, in place. environment created by
tools for collaborative design design and development designs, preferred parts through 3D parametric · Design and development Internet-driven product
and development with with suppliers. and components. solids with integrated tools occurs through real-time development
suppliers, as well as for · Ad hoc use of Computer- · Limited use of electronic and techniques, electronic technical information infrastructure (ePD).
aided –engineering (CAE) data interchange with simulation, and collaborative exchange with and across · Product design and
electronic engineering data and/or computer-aided- selected major suppliers, engineering. major suppliers and development occurs
exchange design CAD) tools. mostly to flow down · IPTs include key suppliers selected sub-tier through real-time
· Little or no electronic engineering requirements in collaborative design and suppliers. information exchanges
exchange of engineering and technical development. · Virtual design review, within and across
data with suppliers. specifications. · Sub-tier suppliers generally within an environment of organizational
· Design process mostly · Limited capture of not electronically integrated. 3D model definition, boundaries.
undocumented and information on supplier electronic simulation, · One configuration
inconsistent. manufacturing processes and computer-delivered source for all product
· Knowledge about supplier- for integration into work instructions. data, containing all
based manufacturing enterprise’s IT/IS system. · Integrated analytical engineering drawings,
capabilities is incomplete, techniques (e.g., stress, process specifications,
inconsistent, and not weights, dynamics); quality control
integrated into internal dimensional specifications, and
product development management; hardware material requirements,
processes or data libraries. variation control; available worldwide.
geometry assurance; · Common development
self-locating structures. processes, tools and
· Majority of lower-tier shared resources are
suppliers have used.
IT/IS capability for direct

6.4 Flow down key · Product features,

manufacturing processes,
· Use of KCs confined
largely to major suppliers.
· Use of KCs is an
established practice;
· Key characteristics are
well-defined and routinely
· Well-established,
disciplined structure and 2 4
characteristics and “hold-to” and assembly characteristics · Major attention paid to definite effort is made to flowed down to major process for flowing down
information throughout the that affect the product’s KCs for critical fabrication, avoid the clutter of suppliers and to selected KCs both internally and
supplier network performance, function, fit subassembly or assembly conventional dimensions lower-tier suppliers. throughout the supplier
and form (i.e., Key processes to reduce and tolerances, where only · A disciplined structure network.
Characteristics) are not an product variation. a few things are considered relates higher-level KCs · Well-established
established or normal part · Disconnects between key really important, and where (assembly fit and finish) processes are in place
of the product development system-level performance the quality focus is to lower-level KCs for flowing down KCs
process or culture. requirements, functional broadened beyond (individual part fit and beyond geometry, fit and
· Considerable variation specifications, and geometry. finish) at detailed part finish, more broadly
exists in critical product technical requirements · KCs are established to meet level. encompassing the
parameters, resulting in (e.g., dimensions, customer performance · Implementation of KCs flowdown of
significant costs due to geometry, interfaces). requirements or safety- is enabled by technical procurement
scrap, rework, repair or · Characteristics of related requirements. definition of specific requirements for
failure. manufacturing or assembly · Key control characteristics tolerance levels (i.e., Cpk standard parts,
· “Build-to-print” technical processes (e.g., tolerance are defined at detailed parts levels). engineering-controlled
data handed down to chains) not well linked to and manufacturing level to · Enterprise recognizes material specifications,
suppliers contain system-level requirement. deliver the higher-level KCs, that achievement of top- approved raw material
inconsistencies and errors. which are flowed down to level KCs requires the manufacturers and their
major suppliers. achievement of lower- products, and other
level KCs. specifications required
· Majority of subtier by engineering drawings,
suppliers still remains design standards and
largely the responsibility process definitions.
of major critical suppliers.
Lean Indicators


DEFINITION: Establish formal and informal processes for knowledge-sharing with suppliers, facilitate technology transfer with and across
suppliers, and incentivize both product and process innovation across the supplier network, to ensure continuous flow of
innovations to deliver best value to the customer.

· Are the technology roadmaps of the customer company linked to those of its major suppliers?
· Are formal processes and procedures in place for monitoring, nurturing and tapping supplier-based sources of knowledge
and innovation?
Diagnostic Questions · Are there joint research and technology development initiatives in place with key suppliers?
· Are suppliers incentivized to offer solutions that would drive down product cost and enhance value to the customer?
· Is there a well-defined and communicated intellectual property rights strategy in place vis-à-vis the suppliers?

· Technology roadmaps aligned across the supplier network.

Lean Indicators · Knowledge repositories exist for open access and rapid knowledge sharing throughout the supplier network.
· Incentivized processes and mechanisms for fostering and capturing supplier-based innovations are in place.

· The number and strength of patents developed through joint R&D efforts with suppliers as well as through technology
alliances among suppliers
Potential Metrics · Percent reduction in unit cost due to supplier-based innovations
· Number of cases where the customer company served as the “lead user” for supplier-generated innovations Clear Scores
Current Desired
Capability Levels State State
Key Enabling Practices LEVEL I
2.8 4
· Primary emphasis is on · There is limited visibility · Formal (codified) design · Formal processes and · Formal processes and
7.1 Create internal organizational
developing internal into manufacturing and and manufacturing know- organizational structures organizational structures 2 3
structures and processes to knowledge and innovations. design knowledge base & how of major suppliers is are in place for are in place for
leverage supplier-based · The differences between capabilities of major documented. documenting and knowledge integration
knowledge and innovation data, information and suppliers. · There is an awareness and accessing supplier-based and management across
knowledge are not generally · There is limited some understanding of know-how and knowledge suppliers.
understood or appreciated. classification and intellectual property rights base. · Enterprise acts as “lead
documentation of issues and ways of dealing · There is an established user” of supplier based
supplier-based tacit with them. framework for intellectual innovations.
(experience-based) know- property rights.
how and knowledge.

7.2 Establish mutually-beneficial · There is little evidence of

incentivized contracting with
· There are limited or
isolated contractual
· There is integrated problem
solving & knowledge-
· Key suppliers are
incentivized to adopt
· Mutually-beneficial
contractual arrangements 3 4
contractual arrangements to suppliers specifically aimed provisions for soliciting sharing with selected innovative solutions incentivize capturing and
nurture and capture supplier- at capturing and/or nurturing suggestions from suppliers through through sharing of cost nurturing supplier-based
based innovations to reduce supplier-based innovative suppliers to pursue incentivized contracting to savings. innovations.
costs, improve quality and ideas. performance reduce costs. · Supplier ideas on product · Enterprise is proactively
· Suppliers are typically improvement goals. · Supplier suggestions or and process encouraging and
shorten time-to-market handed down well-defined · The suggestions of only ideas focus on relatively improvements, as well as rewarding its suppliers
tasks and their ideas are not a few specific suppliers short-term performance on design, tooling and for introducing
sought. are sought for the purpose improvements. supportability, offer long- architectural and/or
of making performance term benefits in terms of modular innovation into
improvements. meeting lifecycle their products or
affordability goals. systems.
· Information or knowledge · There is limited incidence · Technical knowledge of · Knowledge repository is · The knowledge
7.3 Create knowledge transfer
exchange with suppliers is of bilateral information selected suppliers is created for monitoring repository enables open 3 5
mechanisms for open and limited to vertical flowdown and knowledge exchange incorporated into design, and accessing design, access and rapid
rapid access throughout the of contractual requirements. with specific suppliers. production and sustainment process and technology knowledge- sharing
supplier network · Suppliers have no or very · Knowledge-exchange with processes. knowledge resident over throughout the supplier
incidental access to suppliers largely involve · Selected suppliers are the supplier network. network.
enterprise’s technical or trouble-shooting specific provided access to internal · Key suppliers are · Electronic bulletin boards
business knowledge base supplier-based engineering and provided ready access allow knowledge-sharing
and only when they run into a manufacturing problems. manufacturing personnel for to knowledge repository in a way similar to "open
serious problem related to resolving production-related to help them improve courseware” practices at
their performance. problems. their own understanding universities, with a
of supplier-based know- particular
how and knowledge they focus on improving the
can mobilize to achieve know-how of lower-tier
performance suppliers.

7.4 Ensure ongoing alignment of · There is little evidence of

developing technology
· There is isolated
information sharing with
·Technological capabilities
of selected suppliers are
· Technology roadmaps
are proactively aligned
· Joint R&D, risk-sharing
and benefit-sharing 3 4
technology roadmaps across maps internally or aligning specific suppliers on aligned with internal with those of key arrangements are in
the supplier network in them across suppliers. future technological technology roadmaps. suppliers. place with selected
pursuance of a common · Suppliers have little if any directions and ·There is some sharing of a · A common strategic suppliers for developing
strategic vision exposure to, or knowledge requirements. common strategic technological vision is new technologies.
of, key technological · Most of the supplier base technological vision with shared with a relatively · There is proactive
developments that may be has limited exposure to selected suppliers. few key suppliers. dissemination of
impacting their businesses. new technological · Most of the supplier base · Most of the supplier information across the
developments, mostly has some exposure to new base has exposure to supplier network on new
through word-of-mouth. technological new technological technological
developments, through developments through developments and their
trade journals or proactive industry and implications for the
associations, attendance at government initiatives, design, development,
conferences, or customer- including regional production and support
provided training programs. Centers of Excellence, of aerospace systems.
as part of a broad effort
to elevate the
technological literacy
and capability of the
aerospace supplier base.

Lean Indicators


DEFINITION: Formal processes have been established throughout the enterprise value stream, encompassing both customers and suppliers,
for continuous performance improvement to create and deliver best lifecycle value.

· Are formal processes established within the enterprise as well as throughout the supplier network for achieving
continuous improvement?
· Are the goals and strategic directions of the enterprise clearly defined and linked to the continuous improvement
objectives, and widely communicated throughout the enterprise value stream?
Diagnostic Questions · Is benchmarking routinely and proactively employed as part of the continuous improvement process?
· Is there a closed-loop continuous improvement system in place throughout the extended enterprise?
· Are there performance metrics in place driving the continuous improvement process?
· Is there supportive evidence demonstrating the achievement of continuous improvement?
· Are continuous improvement results linked to reward systems?

· Jointly-established targets have been developed for continuous improvement at all levels and in all phases of the product
· Processes are defined and controlled throughout the extended enterprise.
· Proactive initiatives are in place for identifying and sharing beneficial, innovative, practices throughout the supplier network.
Lean Indicators · Continuous benchmarking is performed.
· Mutually-beneficial continuous performance improvement processes (CPI) throughout the extended enterprise are
· Problems are identified and fixed at the source without apportionment of blame.

Potential Metrics · Customer satisfaction (e.g., initial acquisition/purchasing cost/price, lifecycle cost of ownership, performance, mission
(Includes all previous metrics within the effectiveness, reliability, up-time, upgradability, ease and cost of maintenance)
supplier networks domain) · Number of defects per million opportunities
Clear Scores
Current Desired
Capability Levels State State
Key Enabling Practices LEVEL I
2 4.7
· There is little evidence of · There are identified and · Metrics for continuous · Mutually-defined metrics · Mutually-defined metrics
8.1 Develop and analyze effective
metrics for continuous accepted metrics for cost, improvement are defined for continuous are used for tracking 2 5
metrics to identify network- improvement internally or quality and cycle time and communicated internally improvement are used progress and for
wide continuous improvement across suppliers. internally and across and across selected internally and across identifying new
opportunities · Performance measures specific suppliers. suppliers. major suppliers. opportunities for
track internal cost, quality · There is limited · Periodic benchmarking is · Benchmarking is used on improvement internally
and schedule. benchmarking used to used to gauge performance an on-going basis. and throughout the
establish targets. against specific metrics. supplier network.
· Continuous
benchmarking is
throughout the supplier
· There is little incentive for · Suggestions for · Formal processes are in · Formal processes are in · Formalized closed-loop
8.2 Incentivize mutually beneficial
identifying and pursuing improvement are place for soliciting and place for soliciting and processes are in place 3 4
continuous improvement of improvement opportunities encouraged internally and rapidly implementing rapidly implementing throughout the supplier
products and processes internally or across suppliers. across specific suppliers. suggestions for continuous mutually beneficial network for mutually-
throughout the supplier · Performance improvements · Improvements focus improvement, internally and lifecycle improvement incentivized performance
network over the entire by suppliers are demanded, largely on incremental across selected suppliers. suggestions across key improvements over the
not incentivized or rewarded. process improvements. · Improvements cover both suppliers. product lifecycle
product lifecycle manufacturing and business · Improvements cover, · Lifecycle improvements
processes. product design focus on continual
and lifecycle technological upgrading
support. of existing products and

· There is no established · There is limited · Experience-generated · Proactive processes are · Proactive processes are
8.3 Capture, communicate and
process for capturing and documentation and lessons learned are captured in place for capturing and in place for capturing and 1 5
apply experience-generated communicating lessons sharing of lessons learned and shared across selected communicating rapidly communicating
learning across the supplier learned to suppliers. with suppliers. suppliers. experience-based new knowledge
network · Experience-generated · Experience-generated · Experience-generated knowledge internally and throughout the supplier
learning consists mostly of learning consists mostly learning largely emphasizes across major suppliers. network.
past cases of supplier of supplier-based success stories pertaining · Experience-generated · Experience-generated
performance problems. manufacturing process to supplier delivery learning encompasses learning encompass
difficulties or failures and, performance. success stories, internally design, production and
to a limited extent, of and across suppliers, lifecycle support
specific success stories. pertaining to design, innovations both
manufacturing and cost internally and across the
performance. supplier network.
· Possible changes in
enterprise vision, goals
and strategy are
communicated to
enterprise leadership
based on actual data for

Lean Indicators


Current Desired
1.0 Design supplier network architecture – Design the size, structure and composition of the supplier network to ensure efficient
creation of value for all stakeholders. 2.4 4.3

2.0 Develop complementary supplier capabilities -- Develop complementary supplier capabilities to enhance the portfolio of core
competencies in the extended enterprise. 2 4

3.0 Create flow and pull throughout the supplier network -- Create synchronized flow throughout the supplier network to evolve
“pull”-based production system that ensures continuous flow maximizing the advantage of speed 3.3 4.8

4.0 Establish cooperative relationships and effective coordination mechanisms -- Develop a differentiated set of relationships with
suppliers including supplier partnerships and strategic alliances, while balancing cooperation and competition, to optimize 2.7 4.7
network-wide performance.

5.0 Maximize flexibility and responsiveness -- Integrate processes, practices and information flows across the supplier network
to maximize network-wide flexibility , adaptability and responsiveness to cope effectively with sudden external developments. 2.7 4.3

6.0 Pursue supplier-integrated product and process development – Integrate suppliers early into the design process to ensure
delivery of best lifecycle value. 2.5 4.3

7.0 Integrate knowledge and foster innovation – Create knowledge-sharing processes and foster innovation across the supplier
network to ensure continuous flow of innovative solutions benefiting the customer and other enterprise stakeholders. 2.8 4

8.0 Demonstrate continuous performance improvement – Institutionalize formal processes and reward systems for continuous
improvement throughout the supplier network to deliver best value to all stakeholders on an on-going basis. 2 4.7
2.4 2 3.3 2.7 2.7 2.5 2.8 2

Maturity Matrix Summary Chart
6 plier Cooperative Supplier- Integrate
net Complementary Create flow / relationships / Maximize integrated knowledge / Continuous
wor supplier pull throughout effective flexibility and product / foster performance
k capabilities network coordination responsiveness process dev. innovation improvement


2.4 2 4.8 4.7

3.3 2.7 2.7 2.5 2.8 4.7 2
Cooperative Maximize Supplier-Integrate
4.3 4.3 4.3
4 Complementary Create flow / pull relationships / flexibility and integrated knowledge / Continuous
Design supplier 4
supplier throughout effective responsivene product / foster4 performance
network capabilities network coordination ss process dev. innovation improvement

3.3 Desired
3 State
2.7 2.7 2.8
2.4 2.5
2 2

Design Complementar Create flow / Cooperative Maximize Supplier- Integrate Continuous
supplier y supplier pull relationships / flexibility and integrated knowledge / performance
network capabilities throughout effective responsivenes product / foster improvement
network coordination s process dev. innovation
2.4 2 3.3 2.7 2.7 2.5 2.8 2

Maturity Matrix Summary Chart
sup Current
plier Cooperative Supplier- Integrate State
net Complementary Create flow / relationships / Maximize integrated knowledge / Continuous
wor supplier pull throughout effective flexibility and product / foster performance
k capabilities network coordination responsiveness process dev. innovation improvement

2.4 2 3.3 2.7 2.7 2.5 2.8 2

Cooperative Maximize Supplier- Integrate
Complementary Create flow / pull relationships / flexibility and integrated knowledge / Continuous
Design supplier supplier throughout effective responsivene product / foster performance
network capabilities network coordination ss process dev. innovation improvement

Design supplier network

Continuous performance improvement Complementary supplier capabilities

Integrate knowledge / foster innovation Create 0

flow / pull throughout network

Supplier-integrated product / process dev. Cooperative relationships / effective coordination

Maximize flexibility and responsiveness


AIW: Accelerated Improvement Workshop.

AS9000: Aerospace Basic Quality System Standard

AS9000 Appendix 1: Aerospace Basic Quality System Standard, Checklist -- AS9000 Audit Summary and Supplier Profile Instructions.

AS9100: Quality Systems -- Aerospace -- Model for Quality Assurance in Design, Development, Production, Installation and Servicing.

Batch-and-queue production: Production system where large lots (numbers) of an item are made through a production run to reduce production
cost and then have to wait in a queue or are moved forward to the next operation before they are actually needed there, thus resulting in excess
inventories that are wasteful.

Business-to-Business: Business-to-business communication of product requirements, engineering drawings, and ordering and delivery of parts
by using electronic data exchange (EDI) and/or the Internet (e.g., Exostar, Commerce One)

Certified suppliers: Preferred subcontractors or suppliers of parts and components that have been designated by a customer company as having
met minimum performance standards based on a formalized evaluation of the suppliers’ processes, capabilities and past quality and delivery
performance. Suppliers are typically accorded “bronze”, “silver” and “gold” certification.

Competitive advantage: Creation of a competitive edge over existing or potential competitors exhibited by higher profitability, market share,
growth or greater benefits to enterprise stakeholders by enhancing the enterprise’s market position, efficiency and capabilities through strategies
driving low cost production and higher productivity, product differentiation, accumulating new assets, building distinctive capabilities and offering
superior value to customers.

Concurrent engineering: A structured approach to simultaneous development of a product and related processes such as tooling, testing,
manufacturing and assembly in order to meet customer expectations involving close coordination and synchronization of all pertinent functions and
lifecycle perspectives within a cooperative, sharing and trust-based environment.

Core competency: The particular set of capabilities, collective learning, skills and technologies of an enterprise that differentiate it from its main
competitors and serve as the basis for its achieving growth, diversification into new lines of business, and value creation for its customers and
other stakeholders.

Customer: A stakeholder who is a recipient of a product or service produced by an enterprise. Customers may be internal or external to an
organization. External customers, those in the marketplace, represent the main reason for the existence of an enterprise. Internal customers
represent the primary reason for the existence of a functional area or a department within an enterprise, as downstream recipients of products or
services in the enterprise value stream.

DOE: Design of Experiments (used, for example, to analyze the implications of various combinations of design variables in order to find
out whether any particular set of specifications is technically feasible.

DSM: Design Structure Matrix (a tool useful for representing and analyzing task dependencies, for instance in designing a product or
system, so that changing the order of tasks by partitioning the matrix can help streamline the tasks in order to minimize cycle time).

e-business: Electronic business; generally refers to electronic transactions among businesses, such as between the prime (system
integrator) and its suppliers.

Enterprise: An economic entity consisting of one or more organizational units engaged in the creation and delivery of value to its multiple

Extended enterprise: All of the entities along an enterprise’s value stream, extending from the customer’s customers to the suppliers’ suppliers,
engaged in the design, development, manufacturing, certification, distribution and after-sales sustainment of a product or a family of products.
organization. External customers, those in the marketplace, represent the main reason for the existence of an enterprise. Internal customers
represent the primary reason for the existence of a functional area or a department within an enterprise, as downstream recipients of products or
services in the enterprise value stream.

DOE: Design of Experiments (used, for example, to analyze the implications of various combinations of design variables in order to find
out whether any particular set of specifications is technically feasible.

DSM: Design Structure Matrix (a tool useful for representing and analyzing task dependencies, for instance in designing a product or
system, so that changing the order of tasks by partitioning the matrix can help streamline the tasks in order to minimize cycle time).

e-business: Electronic business; generally refers to electronic transactions among businesses, such as between the prime (system
integrator) and its suppliers.

Enterprise: An economic entity consisting of one or more organizational units engaged in the creation and delivery of value to its multiple

Extended enterprise: All of the entities along an enterprise’s value stream, extending from the customer’s customers to the suppliers’ suppliers,
engaged in the design, development, manufacturing, certification, distribution and after-sales sustainment of a product or a family of products.

Five Whys: Taichi Ohno's practice of asking "why" five times whenever a problem was faced in order to identify its root causes so that effective
solutions could be defined and implemented to rectify the problem and prevent it from happening again.

FMEA: Failure Modes and Effects Analysis.

Incentive Contracts: These are contractual arrangements where the contract design explicitly includes a variety of incentive provisions designed
to motivate the contractor (agent) to exert the right types and levels of effort that would best serve interests of the customer (principal). Incentives
may include incentive or award fees that would be provided to the contractor conditional upon pre-determined performance targets (cost,
schedule). They may further take the form of greater profits to the contractor if certain pre-determined cost targets are met, through sharing of the
cost savings above and beyond the pre-specified targets.

Integrated product and process development (IPPD): Concurrent development of products and manufacturing processes to ensure design and
development for manufacturability and assembly, by avoiding or substantially reducing costly rework cycles resulting from engineering changes,
redesign and unanticipated production problems.

Integrated Product Team (IPT): A cross-functional team established for product design and development that typically encompasses cross-
functional specialists spanning a number of disciplines or skills, from design and engineering to manufacturing, quality management, procurement
and supply chain management, representatives of key suppliers, as well as customer representatives.

IT/IS: Information Technology/Information System; generally used to refer to the information infrastructure enabled by recent, on-going and
converging developments in information technologies and systems.

Just-in-time (JIT): Producing or conveying only the items that are needed by the next process, when and where they are needed and in the right
quantities needed, as part of a “pull-based” (kanban) production system that stresses continuous flow with minimal inventory throughout the
extended enterprise.

Kaizen: The Japanese term for "continuous improvement"; it related to continuously improving a process in incremental steps, such as by
identifying and removing waste.

Kanban: A container, card or other device used to authorize the production or movement of an item, where all production and movement of parts
and material take place only as required by a downstream operation.

Lead Users: Lead users are those organizations that make use of a novel product, process or service far in advance of the marketplace and, as
result, derive significant early benefits by obtaining a solution to a need, also faced by others, much earlier than others do.

Lean enterprise: An integrated entity that efficiently creates value for its multiple stakeholders by employing lean principles and practices.

Lifecycle: Time period covering the entire lifecycle of a product or system, from concept development to design and development, production,
operations and support phases until the product is retired from service.

Long-term agreements: Purchase agreements between a customer company and its suppliers for three or more years --defining, as appropriate,
both prices and quantities as well as purchasing options, terms and conditions -- generally reflecting a mutual long-term commitment benefiting
both the customer company and its participating suppliers.

Poka-Yoke: Mistake proofing.

QFD: Quality Function Deployment.

Single-piece flow (one-piece flow, continuous flow): Production process wherein items are produced and moved to the next processing step
one piece at a time, such that each process makes only the one piece that the next process needs and the transfer batch size is one. It contrasts
with batch-and-queue production, defined earlier.

Six S (6S): Lean tool for workplace organization to ensure visual order so that orderly and standardized operations become the norm in the
workplace environment (sort, straigthen, shine, standardize, safety, sustain). The term originally stems from five Japanese words (sort, straighten,
Lifecycle: Time period covering the entire lifecycle of a product or system, from concept development to design and development, production,
operations and support phases until the product is retired from service.

Long-term agreements: Purchase agreements between a customer company and its suppliers for three or more years --defining, as appropriate,
both prices and quantities as well as purchasing options, terms and conditions -- generally reflecting a mutual long-term commitment benefiting
both the customer company and its participating suppliers.

Poka-Yoke: Mistake proofing.

QFD: Quality Function Deployment.

Single-piece flow (one-piece flow, continuous flow): Production process wherein items are produced and moved to the next processing step
one piece at a time, such that each process makes only the one piece that the next process needs and the transfer batch size is one. It contrasts
with batch-and-queue production, defined earlier.

Six S (6S): Lean tool for workplace organization to ensure visual order so that orderly and standardized operations become the norm in the
workplace environment (sort, straigthen, shine, standardize, safety, sustain). The term originally stems from five Japanese words (sort, straighten,
shine, systematize, sustain).

SPC: Statistical Process Control.

Stakeholders: Individuals or groups that can affect or are affected by the activities of an entity or organization, including such direct or latent
parties as customers, shareholders, employees and suppliers which typically contribute valuable resources in exchange for expected delivery of
value to them.

Strategic supplier alliances: Close business relationships between a customer company and its participating suppliers with congruent longer-
term goals, designed to enhance their individual and collective competitive advantage by providing for mutually-advantageous sharing of
information, resources, technologies, skills or risk for the purpose of developing new technologies or products, manufacturing, marketing or
delivery of services to customers.

Total Cost of Quality: Total cost related to source and/or incoming inspection for defects or non-conformances, cost of line stoppage in the
manufacturing process due to parts failure, cost of scrap and rework, and cost of repair due to product failure in the field outside design and
engineering specifications (i.e., mean time between failure).

TPM: Toyota Production Model (also known as TPS -- Toyota Production System).

Value: Particular worth, utility, benefit or reward that is expected, created or delivered in exchange for contributions of resources, work,
investment, commitment or other intangible assets required for the performance of a purposeful activity or economic undertaking by an entity or
organization such as an enterprise.

Value stream: The set of all specific end-to-end and linked activities, processes and functions necessary to transform raw materials into a finished
product delivered to the customer, where the end-to-end stream of activities extend from the customer’s customers to the suppliers’ suppliers.

Value stream mapping: Visual representation of all material, information and time flows, throughout a product’s or an enterprise’s value stream,
facilitating a clear understanding of all end-to-end linked activities as well as the flows connecting them in order to identify sources of waste
anywhere along the value stream.

Value stream analysis: Identification and definition of sources of waste in a product’s or enterprise’s value stream and the diagnosis of the
means for eliminating waste, as part of a larger process of defining both the “current state” and the “desired state” of specific value stream for
achieving lean transformation resulting in efficient creation of value for all enterprise stakeholders.


The Lean Aerospace Initiative (LAI) has developed a portfolio of product that may be found helpful in developing a broader enterprise-level
understanding of lean transformation tools and methods, as enterprises get ready to make use of this particular tool. These enterprise-level
LAI products include the following:

· The Lean Enterprise Model (LEM), representing a structured enumeration and description of lean principles and
practices at the enterprise level – the “whats” of lean -- as well as a web-based reference library containing
research-based findings and benchmarking results on lean practices at all levels organized for easy access;

· “Transitioning to a Lean Enterprise: A Guide for Leaders,” generally referred to as the TTL, which provides a structured
framework -- the “how-to” roadmap – for achieving lean transformation at the enterprise level; and,

· The Lean Enterprise Self-Assessment Tool (LESAT), an enterprise-level self-assessment framework for gauging an
enterprise’s progress along its lean journey – current state of “how it performs its business” -- with reference to key
integrative lean processes and practices arrayed in terms of a staircase of different (cumulative) capability levels.

These LAI-developed tools can be accessed from the LAI website noted earlier ( The SELF-ASSESSMENT Tool
presented in this document is linked to LESAT – while LESAT is a self-assessment tool at the total leadership level, the SELF-
ASSESSMENT Tool concentrates on the more specific “domain” of managing supplier networks. For a more detailed discussion of how the
SELF-ASSESSMENT Tool links up with LESAT, please see Appendix C.

Also, the ROADMAP is linked to TTL -- while TTL is a guide for lean transformation at the total enterprise level, the ROADMAP is a guide
for the more specific task of building lean supplier networks. They are both framed as a “guide” in the sense that they respectively suggest
a structured process that firms can follow, not a pre-determined or lock-step process they must follow. That is, companies can tailor their
own path forward in developing lean supplier networks, using the ROADMAP basically as a guide.

Finally, the DESK REFERENCE is loosely linked to the LEM. In addition to providing a structured enumeration of lean principles and
practices at the enterprise level, the LEM serves as an electronic library enabling ready access to LAI-generated and related research
results organized in the form of “data sheets” linked to specific practices. The DESK REFERENCE, on the other hand, provides an
exposition of lean principles and practices related to managing supplier networks, by drawing on a broader, as well as a more up-to-date,
knowledge base from both LAI and other sources.


This supplier-networks-focused self-assessment tool complements the Lean Enterprise Self-Assessment Tool (LESAT), an enterprise-level self-
assessment tool developed by LAI. Version 1.0 of LESAT was released in August 2001.

LESAT divides enterprise-level processes into three main groups: Lean transformation/leadership; lifecycle processes; and enabling infrastructure.
Lean transformation/leadership encompasses: Enterprise strategic planning, adoption of the lean paradigm, focusing on the value stream, developing
lean structure and behavior, creating and refining the transformation plan, implementing lean initiatives, and focusing on continuous improvement.
“Lifecycle processes” include the core enterprise processes employed from product conception to post production support: business acquisition and
program management, requirements definition, product and process development, supply chain management, production, and product distribution and
service support. Enabling infrastructure includes those processes, systems and organizational structures that are required for achieving enterprise
transformation and for performing lifecycle processes (e.g., financial system, common tools and systems, information infrastructure).

The direct “hook” connecting this tool to LESAT is the sub-process within “lifecycle processes,” designated as “II.D. Manage Supply Chain” (See
Appendix A). In Version 1.0 of LESAT, the enterprise-level definition of “II.D. Manage Supply Chain” consists of three high-level lean practices:

II.D.1 – Define and develop supplier network

II.D.2 - Optimize network-wide performance
II.D.3 - Foster innovation and knowledge-sharing throughout the supplier network.

Beyond the “one-to-one” linkup between the tool and the supplier networks sub-process within LESAT, many other links can also be envisioned to
other processes/sub-processes within LESAT. These interfaces remain to be more explicitly and completely defined in the future.

Click Here for the full Lean Enterprise Self-Assesment Tool (LESAT)

II D. Supply Chain Management – Internal enterprise core competencies are aligned with those of
suppliers such that the customer value chain is optimized throughout the extended enterprise.

· Have the number of suppliers been reduced to a level that can be effectively managed?
· Do contractual arrangements enable supplier flexibility and adaptation to both expected and unexpected
· Are in-house capabilities balanced with supplier capabilities to optimize network-wide performance?
Diagnostic Questions · Have opportunities for supply chain development been fully exploited?
· Are constraints and bottlenecks throughout the extended enterprise identified and rapidly resolved to ensure
continuous flow?
· Are supplier partnerships and strategic alliances established to strengthen dynamic competitive advantage?
Capability Levels Scores

Large number of direct The supplier base has Supplier network is defined Strategic outsourcing Supplier network is
suppliers in an hierarchical been rationalized to focus based on strategic analysis and make-buy decisions defined, developed and
H.D.1. Define and Develop structure. There is little on key suppliers with high of value creation processes focus on achieving an integrated to ensure
Supplier Network evidence of a defined impact on strategic internally and across optimal combination of efficient creation of value
supplier strategy and limited objectives. suppliers. core competencies both for enterprise stakeholders
Core competencies aligned knowledge of the within the enterprise and over the entire product
relationships within the across the supplier lifecycle.
across supplier network supplier network. network

· The supplier network is defined and developed in line with the strategic plan to ensure efficient creation of value for all
enterprise stakeholders.
Lean Indicators · Supplier expertise and capabilities complement enterprise core competencies; unnecessary overlap and duplication have
(Examples) been removed.
· Supplier network is flexible and can quickly adapt to changing requirements and unanticipated disruptions.

Supplier relationships are at Formal processes are in Common objectives, roles Strategic alliances with Supplier capabilities are
arm’s-length and adversarial. place for supplier and responsibilities are key suppliers dynamically optimized to
H.D.2. Optimize Network- Purchasing department assessment and approval. established and emphasize a high ensure efficient value
wide Performance manages a large number of Long-term purchase communicated, with a few degree of information- creation and building
short-term, lowest-bid agreements focus on cost supplier partnerships or sharing, risk-sharing & durable competitive
Partnering with key contracts. reduction. Limited visibility strategic alliances in place. benefit sharing. For advantage, creating
into supplier business Early involvement of key others a differentiated flexibility and
suppliers and optimizing processes. suppliers in design and set of strategies and responsiveness to shifts in
processes to achieve development. practices are in place. the marketplace.
customer value customer Production and delivery
value are synchronized across
the supplier network.

· Formal processes are in place for supplier assessment and approval.§ Roles and responsibilities are clearly defined in contractual
Lean Indicators relationships, risk and reward shares are agreed upon.
(Examples) · Production and delivery are synchronized throughout the supplier base to ensure continuous flow, with minimal waste.

Primary focus on internal Internal organizational Technology roadmaps Knowledge transfer Mutually-beneficial
capabilities, with little structures and processes include suppliers in mechanism is created arrangement are
H.D.3. Foster Innovation cognizance of tacit are established to pursuance of common for open and rapid established to foster
and Knowledge- (experience-based) or explicit leverage supplier-based strategic vision. Shared access throughout the innovation across
Sharing throughout (formal) knowledge across knowledge and innovation. metrics for continuous supplier network. suppliers. A process for
the Supplier suppliers. improvement are utilized. on-going communication
of needed changes in
Network vision, strategy, metrics
and implementation is in

· Long-term collaborative relationships are established and maintained where possible.

Lean Indicators · Processes to facilitate sharing and transfer of innovation, knowledge and technology are deployed.
(Examples) · A mutually beneficial continuous improvement process is established throughout the supplier network over the
entire product lifecycle.


2.0 3.0

6.0 4.0
Click Here to access the Roadmap for Building Lean Supplier Networks ("Roadmap Tool")


It is expected that self-assessment will be performed by following a regular schedule, linked to the corporate planning cycle. The results of a
particular self-assessment process should provide guidance to the organization in refining and adjusting its continuous improvement plans.

Participants in the assessment process should include enterprise leaders and delegated representatives from all disciplines responsible for
chain management and related functional areas, including, but not limited to, such specific functional areas as engineering, manufacturing,
procurement, forecasting, scheduling, logistics, external and internal transportation, receiving, inspection, and information

For those who have the responsibility for facilitating the assessment process within the organization, it is important to recognize that the
assessment process can be organized to consist of several steps that need to be carefully planned and executed:

· Guidelines for organizing the self-assessment process and conducting the kickoff meeting
· Instructions for performing the self-assessment
· Collecting the self-assessment results.

A. Guidelines for Organizing the Self-Assessment Process and Conducting the Kickoff Meeting

1. Preparation

· All of the enterprise-wide “stakeholders” should be provided a copy of the Supplier Management Self-Assessment Tool and
they should all be briefed about the purpose and scope of the internal self-assessment process. These “stakeholders” should
include (illustrative): the Supply Chain Management Executive and the appropriate Level I and the Level II managers
representing the cross-section of functional areas identified earlier.
· A core team coordinating the self-assessment process and a team leader (“Facilitator”) should be designated to make
sure that the process is well planned and executed.
· Common ground rules should be defined for performing the self-assessment assessments (e.g., cannot be at Level III - Performer
unless all previous lean attributes have been mastered, stressing, in particular, the need to demonstrate convincing evidence in
justification of the self-scoring results. Also establish rules for resolving internal conflicts or inconsistencies in the self-scoring process.
· Although this is basically designed as an internal self-assessment tool, enterprises might certainly consider retaining the services of
independent third-party evaluators of how the suppliers actually view the enterprise’s supply chain management practices or
Such external data sources might provide potentially useful information that can be blended with the internal self-assessment results.
· Everyone participating in the self-assessment process should be made to understand that the self-assessment process, and the
derived from it, will not be used as a means of measuring the performance of specific organizational units or individuals. To obtain the
results, the self-assessment task should be designed and executed as a self-scoring process on a “no blame or attribution” basis.

2. Kickoff Meeting

· The facilitator should schedule the meeting for at least two (2) hours.
· The facilitator should decide ahead of time with the Lean Director (if the enterprise has such a formally-defined position) the nature
extent of participation of the Level II managers.
· The facilitator should conduct a prior review meeting with Lean Director.
· The facilitator should make sure the Lean Director is informed that all the data to be collected will be provided to him (her). The core
should provide any assistance in this connection, as needed.
Such external data sources might provide potentially useful information that can be blended with the internal self-assessment results.
· Everyone participating in the self-assessment process should be made to understand that the self-assessment process, and the
derived from it, will not be used as a means of measuring the performance of specific organizational units or individuals. To obtain the
results, the self-assessment task should be designed and executed as a self-scoring process on a “no blame or attribution” basis.

2. Kickoff Meeting

· The facilitator should schedule the meeting for at least two (2) hours.
· The facilitator should decide ahead of time with the Lean Director (if the enterprise has such a formally-defined position) the nature
extent of participation of the Level II managers.
· The facilitator should conduct a prior review meeting with Lean Director.
· The facilitator should make sure the Lean Director is informed that all the data to be collected will be provided to him (her). The core
should provide any assistance in this connection, as needed.
· A clear schedule of the self-assessment timeline, with due dates for the completed assessments and the dates of the final meeting,
should be developed. The agreement of the participants to this timeline should be obtained.

3. Running the Kickoff Meeting

At the kickoff meeting the facilitator might use the following agenda (illustrative):
· Opening remarks;
· Slide presentation of what the tool is and why the enterprise should use it;
· Outline score-keeping methods (electronic);
· Review logistics; when and where to send the scores, and related matters.

4. Things to Remember (Illustrative)

· In the opening remarks the facilitator might want to make sure the participants understand that an important by-product of the self-
assessment process might well be inputs they might wish to provide to the preparation of Lean implementation plans across the
enterprise for the next planning cycle and that the resulting plan will be reviewed with the division or enterprise manager at a later
scheduled date.
· During the slide presentation the facilitator might show what outside supplier companies are expected to contribute to the assessment
process, explain the mechanics of the scoring process, and provide any materials that the participants might find particularly useful.
· The agreement of the participants at the meeting to the self-assessment timeline and scheduled due-dates should be obtained
· The meeting should define a “help desk” assistance process to address any questions or issues the participants might face later as
work their way through the self-assessment process.
· The meeting should ensure that the participants agree on the meaning of terms and they share a common “language” in approaching
self-assessment process.

B. Guidelines for Implementing the Self-Assessment Process (Addressed to the Participants)

1. Notes

· Two or more meetings of the core team, along with all of the participants, may be required. Meeting dates should be determined and
communicated. These meetings may require a total of approximately 5-8 hours
· The tool has eight sections , one for each overarching practice. The efforts of more than one organizational or functional unit are likely
be required in completing each overarching practice.
· Refer to the User Guide at the beginning of this document and to the Glossary (Appendix A) for quick help.
· Provide everyone with copies of the latest version of the tool.

2. The Self-Assessment Process:

· Complete the assessment by sections.

· Read the lean definitions, diagnostic questions, lean indicators, potential metrics, and lean attributes at different capability levels.
· Then read the enabling practices and descriptions of Levels 1-5 for each particular enabling practice.
· Discuss the levels among the participants and develop a consensus score.
· Record the score in the appropriate location in the scoring sheets. Be sure to place the actual score in the current level place as
· Complete the scoring for each of the lean practices in each of the eight sections.
· Once the scores are entered for a given section (overarching practice), determine the averages for that section and record them where
indicated on the scoring sheets.
· Develop and record some ideas for suggested actions for making improvements for your business units.
· Continue to work by sections until the entire task has been completed.
· Send the completed data to the facilitator.

It should be noted that even though the process just outlined makes references to self-scoring and scoring results, often the real value of the
· Provide everyone with copies of the latest version of the tool.

2. The Self-Assessment Process:

· Complete the assessment by sections.

· Read the lean definitions, diagnostic questions, lean indicators, potential metrics, and lean attributes at different capability levels.
· Then read the enabling practices and descriptions of Levels 1-5 for each particular enabling practice.
· Discuss the levels among the participants and develop a consensus score.
· Record the score in the appropriate location in the scoring sheets. Be sure to place the actual score in the current level place as
· Complete the scoring for each of the lean practices in each of the eight sections.
· Once the scores are entered for a given section (overarching practice), determine the averages for that section and record them where
indicated on the scoring sheets.
· Develop and record some ideas for suggested actions for making improvements for your business units.
· Continue to work by sections until the entire task has been completed.
· Send the completed data to the facilitator.

It should be noted that even though the process just outlined makes references to self-scoring and scoring results, often the real value of the
self-assessment process is the internal, cross-enterprise dialogue and learning it generates. This should be firmly kept in mind as the
enterprises go through the self-assessment process.

3. Levels of Evidence Required:

In performing the self-assessment, participants should give serious thought to what types of evidence can be demonstrated to substantiate the
scoring results. The following types of evidence should be considered:

· Documentation – documented evidence that can be verified.

· Observation – testimony by the participants based on their personal observation, which can be cross-checked at the point of
(organizational unit, people directly involved).
· Robust evidence – testimonial evidence provided by at least three people other than the participants, at the point of application
(organizational unit, people directly involved).
· “Hard” evidence – quantitative metrics data that can be presented in support of the scoring decision.

C. Collecting the Self-Assessment Results

The self-assessment results are assembled for each section (overarching practice), one enabling practice at a time. The results are then
“rolled-up” to obtain scores at the overarching practices level. When they, in turn, are “rolled-up”, an overall enterprise-level score is obtained,
gauging the capability maturity level of the enterprise’s total supply chain management operations. As pointed out earlier, enterprises may or
may not choose to use a weighting system in their self-assessment process. No weighting means all overarching practices, and all enabling
practices supporting a particular overarching practice, have the same weight. This is certainly simple and straightforward. However, enterprises
have the option of attaching weights to each overarching practice, and to the specific enabling practices supporting that overarching practice.
The use of a weighting system, of course, would suggest that not all overarching practices, or enabling practices supporting a given
overarching practice, are of equal importance. If a weighting system is used, the sum of all weights at the overarching practices level, or at the
enabling practices level, must add up to unity (i.e., 1.00).

A wrap-up meeting should be scheduled to ensure that the overall results of the self-assessment are shared among the participants and that
the group maximizes cross-learning. Lessons learned should be captured and disseminated. Shown below is an illustrative agenda for
organizing and running such a wrap-up meeting, having made the necessary prior arrangements (e.g., logistics, room, food, etc.). Such a wrap-
up meeting could take anywhere up to six (6) hours.

7:30- 7:45 Introductions; overview of the day

7:45- 9:00 Discussion of scoring results and lessons learned for Tables 1-3
9:00- 9:15 Break
9:15-10:30 Discussion of scoring results and lessons learned for Tables 4- 6
10:30-11:00 Discussion of scoring results and lessons learned for Tables 6-8
11:00-12:00 Review and discussion of the total emerging picture from the self-assessment process and implications for the future
12:00-12:45 Working Lunch – Continuing discussion
12:45- 1:30 Review and discussion of future improvement targets and priorities
1:30- 3:00 Review and discussion of programmatic implications of the overall results – roles and responsibilities, “parking lot”
issues requiring further investigation or information, definition of specific “go forward” steps
3:00- 4:30 Align meeting results & actions with enterprise lean implementation plans for the next planning cycle(s).

In running the wrap-up meeting, following types of points should be noted:

· Follow the agenda

· Ensure open and honest discussion
· Obtain consensus
· Make sure the participants understand that they all individually and collectively “own” this tool and the resulting insights, plans and action
steps represent their consensus “product” that will benefit the extended enterprise.
9:00- 9:15 Break
9:15-10:30 Discussion of scoring results and lessons learned for Tables 4- 6
10:30-11:00 Discussion of scoring results and lessons learned for Tables 6-8
11:00-12:00 Review and discussion of the total emerging picture from the self-assessment process and implications for the future
12:00-12:45 Working Lunch – Continuing discussion
12:45- 1:30 Review and discussion of future improvement targets and priorities
1:30- 3:00 Review and discussion of programmatic implications of the overall results – roles and responsibilities, “parking lot”
issues requiring further investigation or information, definition of specific “go forward” steps
3:00- 4:30 Align meeting results & actions with enterprise lean implementation plans for the next planning cycle(s).

In running the wrap-up meeting, following types of points should be noted:

· Follow the agenda

· Ensure open and honest discussion
· Obtain consensus
· Make sure the participants understand that they all individually and collectively “own” this tool and the resulting insights, plans and action
steps represent their consensus “product” that will benefit the extended enterprise.


This tool has been developed by the Lean Aerospace Initiative’s Supplier Networks Working Group, which brings together key
people from industry, government and MIT with professional interest and/or responsibility for various aspects of supply chain
design, development and management. The Working Group represents a continuation of LAI’s Supplier Networks Team (1993-
2002), focusing on research and implementation.

The Supplier Networks Working Group is chaired by three co-leads:

Dr. Kirkor Bozdogan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA

Mr. Hamid Akhbari, US Air Force, C-17 System Program Office, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base (WPAFB), OH
Mr. Kerry Frey, Lockheed Martin Aeronautics, Fort Worth, TX.

Dr. Bozdogan has had principal responsibility for leading and coordinating the Group's efforts. He has authored original and
subsequent versions of the tool, facilitated the Group's meetings, incorporated the Group's feedback, and provided configuration
control for the tool over time. The list of principal contributors includes those members of the Group listed below who have
participated in two or more of the following meetings of the Group directly concentrating on the development of this tool:

• January 30-February 1, 2001 -- Lean Aerospace Initiative Supplier Networks Team Workshop ("Building Internet-Enabled
Integrated Value Networks"), Cambridge, MA, hosted by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

• May 30-June 1, 2001 -- Supplier Networks Working Group Meeting, Cambridge, MA, hosted by the Massachusetts Institute of

• June 27-29, 2001 -- Supplier Networks Working Group Meeting, Irving, TX, hosted by Northrop Grumman Integrated Systems.

• December 10-12, 2001 -- Supplier Networks Working Group Meeting, Fort Worth, TX, hosted by Lockheed Martin Aeronautics

• July 15-17, 2002 -- Supplier Networks Working Group Meeting, Fort Worth, TX, hosted by Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Co.

• October 29-31, 2002 -- Supplier Networks Working Group Meeting, Lakewood, CA, hosted by Boeing Integrated Defense
Systems (formerly Boeing Military Aircraft and Missile Systems), C-17 Program, Long Beach, CA.

• June 3-4, 2003 -- Supplier Networks Working Group Meeting, Renton, WA, hosted by The Boeing Commercial Airplanes Group.

• August 26-28, 2003 -- Supplier Networks Working Group Meeting, Cambridge, MA, hosted by the Massachusetts Institute of

David Abbett, Northrop Grumman Integrated Systems, Irving, TX

Hamid Akhbari, US Air Force, C-17 System Program Office, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base (WPAFB), OH
Charles Ballard, Boeing Integrated Defense Systems, St. Louis, MO
Peggy Berry, Boeing Integrated Defense Systems, C-17 Airlifter, Long Beach, CA
Robert J. Blanchette, US Department of the Navy, Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR), Joint Strike Fighter System Program
Office, Lakehurst, NJ
Kirkor Bozdogan, Lean Aerospace Initiative, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
Kelly Brown, US Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), Materials and Manufacturing Directorate, Manufacturing Technology
Division, WPAFB, OH
John Crabill, US Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), Materials and Manufacturing Directorate, Manufacturing Technology
Division, WPAFB, OH
Tim Christopherson, Raytheon Systems, Tucson, AZ
Christopher Darden, Northrop Grumman Integrated Systems Sector, El Segundo, CA
• June 3-4, 2003 -- Supplier Networks Working Group Meeting, Renton, WA, hosted by The Boeing Commercial Airplanes Group.

• August 26-28, 2003 -- Supplier Networks Working Group Meeting, Cambridge, MA, hosted by the Massachusetts Institute of

David Abbett, Northrop Grumman Integrated Systems, Irving, TX

Hamid Akhbari, US Air Force, C-17 System Program Office, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base (WPAFB), OH
Charles Ballard, Boeing Integrated Defense Systems, St. Louis, MO
Peggy Berry, Boeing Integrated Defense Systems, C-17 Airlifter, Long Beach, CA
Robert J. Blanchette, US Department of the Navy, Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR), Joint Strike Fighter System Program
Office, Lakehurst, NJ
Kirkor Bozdogan, Lean Aerospace Initiative, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
Kelly Brown, US Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), Materials and Manufacturing Directorate, Manufacturing Technology
Division, WPAFB, OH
John Crabill, US Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), Materials and Manufacturing Directorate, Manufacturing Technology
Division, WPAFB, OH
Tim Christopherson, Raytheon Systems, Tucson, AZ
Christopher Darden, Northrop Grumman Integrated Systems Sector, El Segundo, CA
Richard DeLappe, Boeing Commercial Airplanes, Renton, WA
Wendy Engstrom, Boeing Commercial Airplanes, Renton, WA
Kerry Frey, Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Co., Fort Worth, TX
James Gilbert, California Manufacturing Technology Center (CMTC), Gardena, CA
Julia Gissel, Boeing Integrated Defense Systems, C-17 Airlifter, Long Beach, CA
James Hester III, Textron Systems, Wilmington, MA
E. J. Kenworthy, US Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), Materials and Manufacturing Directorate, Manufacturing Technology
Division, WPAFB, OH
Jerry Khoury, California Manufacturing Technology Center (CMTC), Torrance, CA
John Klempay, US Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), Materials and Manufacturing Directorate, Manufacturing Technology
Division, WPAFB, OH
Mary McCullough, Rockwell Collins, Cedar Rapids, IA
Ronald McDonald, Boeing Space and Communications, Canooga Park, CA; Raytheon Aircraft Integration Systems, Waco, TX; L-3
Communications, Waco, TX
John McLauchlin, Rolls-Royce Corp., Indianapolis, IN
Susan Moehring, TechSolve, Inc., Cincinnati, OH
Jeffrey Picard, Textron Systems, Wilmington, MA
Todd Powell, US Air Force, Flight Training System Program Office, Joint Primary Aircraft Training System, WPAFB, OH
Robert Reifenberg, US Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), Materials and Manufacturing Directorate, Manufacturing
Technology Division, WPAFB, OH
Collin Reeves, Raytheon Systems, Plano, TX
Delton Robinson, Rockwell Collins, Cedar Rapids, IA
George Reynolds, Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems, Linthicum, MD
Gregory Staley, US Air Force, F/A-22 System Program Office, WPAFB, OH
Dale Williams, General Electric Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH
Leland Williams, Boeing Aerospace Support, San Antonio, TX
Ken Willingham, Raytheon Systems, Plano, TX

Finally, the technical assistance provided by The Boeing Company, Integrated Defense Systems Division, C-17 Airlifter Program
(Long Beach) in presenting this tool in an Excel format is gratefully acknowledged. In particular, special thanks are owed to Renee
Kortum for accomplishing this important task and to Julie Gissel for making this happen. Further thanks are extended to
Christopher Glazner, Graduate Student Research Assistant with the Lean Aerospace Initiative at MIT, for introducing last minute
programming and editing improvements.

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