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[conrctie0 corr] 1873: 2008 sareclier AF wader srt & fare ata — faerie ( eran greterr ) Indian Standard PAVING BITUMEN — SPECIFICATION (Third Revision ) cs 93,080.20, © Bis 2006 BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAH ZAFAR MAR ‘NEW DELI 110002 Price Group? dy 2006 Bitumen, Ta and Their Prodvts Sectional Commie, PCD 6 FOREWORD “This tnin Standard (Third Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards afer the draf ili byte ‘Blumen, erand Thee Produc Sestonl Conmites had been pprovedby the Ptoeun,Coaland Rela Products Divison Coun ‘This standard was fest published in 1950 as “Speciation for asphaltic bitaen and faxed native asp for road ralns purpose" which was revised in 1961 fo change the grades of materi and incorporate the metho of test set {S1a0t wo 1220: 1938" Methods frtestng aan itmen’. Inthe fs evislon, the grads of faxedative spat ‘were deleted and essenly the paving grades were included. ‘used onthe revised methods oftest in 1S 1201 to 1S 1220: 1978 Methods for testing tar en bituminos materials (fostrvson) an the adtonal dts tt ad bore availble, second revision was prepare in 1982. Btaninass “(Ges preparod with binders having high wax content have endacis to become rile in cold wether ant bleedin spencer. in the secur revise sport tbls of requirement of paving gre nen derived from Wany cade {hd mon-winy erode have been prepared. Regimens of performance fests ke penetration ai, parafin wax ‘hron ad viscosity a 60°C and 135% and retained penetration afer ti i oven test have been incorporated ‘pelce si pads oF bitumen derived fom waxy crdehave been unified ito our grades and in the eas often ftom nor-sy evade, a0 additonal grade of S060 penevation has been ntodoced on the basis ofthe das mae Thala tom satay eared out jomly bythe Cental Road Reseach lnstitas and the Indian Oi! Corporation (RAD) Cone, Faridabad In this thd revision grading of bitumens is changed from penetration grade to viscosity rede, The vai in TRafonnance a igh temperatares ean be adiesed by doping a visosiy-eaded bitumen specification (sed on Pent at 60°C) a ev ofthe curentpenetration-graded specication (based on penetration at 25°C) Tender asphalt Tranne, which push and shove under the roller wheels presenting problems during compaction, have also been canada reveatpas Since the visconi-gradd bitumen speciation has arequement of minimum Viscosity {132°C tl also be bef in miimizing the tender mix problems in he Hl ‘Adoption of viscoity-rade paving bitumen spect wil also rede the numberof tot ss to 7, which wl ‘aibe th cot of esting bitumen, This wil result fom eimiating empirical testsparametrs such a penetration ip. parain wax content, and Fras breking point witout compromising the qaliyofbitumen, Also, none tes TRA be invoduced in implementing this specification. Since high penétatin values are desirable for pavement eS seguemene for «minimum peneaton value is edequt und hs ben retained in the visosy-raded eatin, Spetyng a mani vale for pencraton is undesirable ad wil ret some god quay bismens sreasoabl. “This stndard ison of the seis of standards on bitumen. Other specification ofa published in his eis are ISN Tile 217:1988 Speciation for cutback bitumen (second revision) 14541994 Cutbeck bitumen from waxy erase — Speciation (second revision) 702 :1988 Specification for industri bitumen second evison) Forte purpose of deciding whethera particular equrament ofthis slandardis complied with he inal wale, observe eotatedatd expressing the esult of text or analysis, shall be rounded of n accordance with 2: 1960 ‘Res for Sedalng oneal vas (eised)’ The number of signfcant ples retained inthe rounded of vale shouldbe the sae sta ofthe specified valu inthis standard 1873: 2006 Indian Standard PAVING BITUMEN — SPECIFICATION (Third Revision ) 1scorE “Thinsiandardcovers he reuirement fr physicochemical opens of varios grades of paving yade bitumen fr ‘Sets binders ne constveton of pavements related 0 Ntway, exesnays al els, ural reads and other died constuction and maintenance works. {REFERENCES “he flowing standard contin provisions, which rg ‘leenein this text, constnt provisions of istandard ‘etn ofpubistion te edtonsincated were vali ‘Ai stadrde are subject to revision and partes to ‘Grectents based on thir standard are encouraged to FRestgue the possiblity of applying te mst recent ction fhe standards india below: 180 Tite 1334:2002 Glossary of terms tating to bitunen nd (rd revision) Methods for testing ar and beans eis: Sampling (ft revson) Methods of testing tran itiinous ‘materia: Determiation of penettion (rst resion) Methods for testing rae itis aerial: Determination of softening pt (rst von) 1206 Methods of testing tar and bitaminoes material: Determination of iscsi: (a2): 1978 Absolute viscosity an) 1978 Kinet vsosiy 308: 1978 Methods fortestng aan bituminous taterals; Dteralnation of ductility (Gist revision, Methods for testing aan bituminows ‘nse: Determination of ash point {nd ie pint frat revision) Metis for testing tar and bitaninos nsterial Determination of slut in Carbon disulphide or claret (Gest revision, 01-1978 1293 1978 1: 1978 ate: i978 i216: 1978 3 TERMINOLOGY For the purpose of thi standard, the definition given fa 18334 shal app. “A DESCRIPTION ‘itumens sal be prepared by the refining of erude peoleum by sulle methods wing appropriate rae or Ey blending erent ras or erent tn ie Ahieve desired properties of paving grade bitumen ‘Sonfring to peeiSeaos. SGRADES. ‘Bitumen stl te lasifidIato four type, based on ‘ecosiy a given below: 9 VG10 »)vG20 9) ¥G30 a vou4o ‘6REQUIREMENTS. 61. The paving bitumen binde sal be homogeneous ud shal at fa wen heated t 175%. 62 The varios grades of bitmen shall conform tthe ‘ouirements reseed in Table "1 SAMPLINGAND CRITERIA FOR CONFORMITY abt In ay consignment, ll he conuners of paving gre ‘umn binders of same category and grate roth same thtchof manufectie sal be grouped to consti lot. 113 The numberof container tobe selected ot rindom fom the et shall depend pon the size ofthe lt given in ‘Table? 123 From each ofthe conaines selected asin 72 an ‘verage sample representative ofthe materia inthe ‘tamer shall be daw naecordance with the hod reser nS 121, tahingal be precations mentioned {herein Altes samples rom nv! conser shal be stored separately 1873: 2006, “able + Requirements for Paving Bitumen (Clause 62) 2 Pov cee Me i ane o @ 0 ® o Ate too aon 23a) (areca im Kemet ee ee tree ash oe (Govind ep) 8a sta See ee Sitar Penna. om we vi) Sting it « 6 ° 9 snes ‘maa iy Tesora tom in (Soenemror eyo a « wo “ so imran) twee 2) Dac 290m Mm, mate ‘ble Seale of Sampling (Clee 12) an ‘ose Tec Gti “evssoncs o ® o ° pes 3 ry 1s1500 + fy thant te ® 1A Number of Tests +t Alte nivia simples shale tested fr abe dee ay 60 penetration and sofeing Pin Hs 142. Forth remaining characteristics, composite ee prepared by ing together equal guns of ma men saple, asthe cae may be, 0 kn! samples taken fom each sample conse ‘hal be este 1.5 criteria for Conformity “11 The lot shall be considered as conforzing 12 Te Tequrements of this standard i he conditions ‘Rectoned under 752 and 7.83 ae sisi “182 From pe test rept abot cosy at °C, Teecaton and soning point the mean (1 and te Penal be elated. The following comin Shall be sate 3) (F ~ 0.6} shal be grr than or egw the nam apectcaton Li speci in Tole 1, wd 1) LE + 0.6} shall be Tes than or eq 10 the Eun speciation lait pete in Tel sample when tested forthe saad ta 74 bal satis the inTable |B PACKING AND MARKING 81 Packing Penson ade bitumen ofl types salle ual reece ina cnr acd tn Btwn he pach End he spp. 42 Marking ach container of peneution grade bitumen shall be ‘ily and indelibly marked wit the following: 1) Maire name or trademark, fan, 1), Month nd year of maufture; ©) Type ofthe materia and Grade; nd Batch number. 1873: 2006 143 BIS Cersneaion Marking ‘Thecontlner may aoe maiked withthe Sadud Math. 13.1 The use of Standard Mark is governed by the ovisins ofthe Bureau of ndan Standards At, 1986 land the Rules and Regulation made therende. The ‘el of condition under which the Hcene fr the we ofthe Standard Mark may be rated to manufrs oF producers may be obtained tom the Buen of Indian Standards rea of adian Standards ‘iS is 0 statutory insttton established under the Bareaw of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote sae ows development of the actives of tandardzatio, marking and quality ertiication of goods tnd tending to connected mates inthe county. copyright ‘BIS has the copyright fal its publications. No part ofthese publications may be reproduced in any form Abate prot Sermision i writing of BIS. This does not preci the fee us, inthe cours of rani the wandard, of necessary dtl, such as symbols and sizes, type r rade designations nga slain to copyright be adessed othe Director (Publications BIS. Review of Indian Standards ameadments are issed to standards the need ales on the basis of cxmments, Standards ae aso reviewed artical a standard along with amendens seated whe sick reve indeats that no changes re vei he tntow iets that changes seeded ts tken up fr revision, User of Indian Standards seeded if he revi yeh Potscan ce atest ondment eto by oorsng tothe ests of ‘BIS Catalogue’ and Standards Monthly Ads. ‘Tis Indian Standerd has been developed flom Doe: No. PCD 6 (2335). ‘Amendments eed Since Publieaton Tent Alfeed ii ii ‘BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS Headquarters: Mansk Bhavan, 9 Babadr Shah Zafar Marg, New Dei 110002 “Telegrams : Manakenstha ‘elephones 2525 01 31, 23233375, 2323 94 02 (Common al oes) Regional Oces “Telephone Cent: Mansk Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Mare, 29037617 ‘NEW DELHT 110002 ams 3841 em + 1/14 CAT Seme VIEM, V. LP. Ron, Kaskurasch 2397 849, 28378561 KOLKATA 700 054 2337 8626, 23379120 Foster + $00 335-326, Sector 4-A, CHANDIGARH 160 022 fa 3843 20092 85 Southem CT. Campus, 1V Cross Roa, CHENNAT 600113, 2254 12 16,2284 1442 205428 19,228423 15 Westen: Manakalsys,E9 MIDC, Maro, Ander (Es) 283292 95, 2052 78 58 MUMBAL400 093 pei2 7891, 28527892 branches | AHMEDABAD, BANGALORE. BHOPAL. BHUBANESHWAR: COIMBATORE, FARIDABAD. ReeeTABAD, GUWAHATI. HYDERABAD, JAIPUR. KANPUR. LUCKNOW. NAGPUR. SAOAGARHL PATNA. PONE, RAJKOT. THIRUVANANTHAPURAM. VISAKHAPATNAM.

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