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Northern English fettle

break, damage
6‘James fixed it for his parents to watch the show from the wings’
arrange, organize, contrive, sort out, see to, see about
manage, engineer, orchestrate, find a way
informal swing, wangle, pull strings
7‘Laura was fixing her hair’
neaten, arrange, put in order, adjust
style, groom, comb, brush, preen, primp, dress
informal do
8‘Chris will fix supper’
prepare, cook, make, make ready, put together, get
informal rustle up, knock up
9‘the committee will fix a date for a special meeting’
decide on, select, choose, resolve on
determine, arrive at, settle, set, finalize, arrange, prearrange, establish, allot,
designate, define, name, ordain, appoint, specify, stipulate
10‘chemicals must be used to fix the dye’
make permanent, make fast, set
11‘the fight was fixed’
rig, arrange fraudulently, prearrange the result of, predetermine the result of
tamper with, manipulate, manoeuvre, twist, influence
informal fiddle, set up
12‘don't tell anybody what I said, or I'll fix you!’
revenge oneself on, get one's revenge on, be revenged on, avenge oneself on,
wreak vengeance on, take retribution on, get even with, give someone their just
deserts, hit back at, get back at, settle a score with, settle the score with, settle
accounts with, take reprisals against, punish, deal with
informal get one's own back on, pay someone back, pay someone out, give
someone their comeuppance, sort someone out, settle someone's hash, cook
someone's goose
13‘two junkies looking for a place where they could fix’
inject drugs, take drugs
informal shoot up, mainline, get one's fix
14‘the cat has been taken to the vet to be fixed’
castrate, neuter, geld, cut, emasculate
desex, sterilize
North American, Australian alter
informal doctor
rare evirate, caponize, eunuchize

1‘they got themselves into a bit of a fix’
predicament, plight, difficulty, difficult situation, awkward situation, spot of trouble,
bit of bother, corner, ticklish situation, tricky situation, tight spot
muddle, mess, mare's nest
quandary, dilemma
dire straits
informal pickle, jam, hole, spot, scrape, bind, pinch, sticky situation, hot water, the
2‘he needed his fix’
informal hit, rush
3‘I don't believe that there is a quick fix for the coal industry’
solution, answer, resolution, way out
remedy, antidote, cure, nostrum, panacea
informal magic bullet
4‘the quiz was a complete fix’
fraud, swindle, pretence, hoax, trick, charade, sham
informal set-up, scam, con trick, fiddle, sting

fix someone up

‘we need to get Dolly fixed up with a job’

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