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Question Pyruvic acid is reduced to lactic acid anaerobically in

Type multiple_choice
Option muscles correct
Option brain Incorrect
Option liver incorrect
Option skin Incorrect
Solution muscles

Marks 4 1

Question At high altitudes where there is less oxygen, the human body adapts itself by

Type multiple_choice
Option producing more white blood cells incorrect
Option producing more blood platelets incorrect
Option producing more red blood cells correct
Option producing a smaller number of incorrect

Solution producing more red blood cells

Marks 4 1

Question Structure which prevents the entry of food into the wind pipe is

Type multiple_choice
Option pharynx incorrect
Option glottis incorrect
Option epiglottis correct
Option gullet incorrect
Solution epiglottis

Marks 4 1


Question The covering of the lung is called

Type multiple-choice
Option Pleura membrane correct
Option Pericardium incorrect
Option Perichondrion incorrect
Option Peritoneum incorrect
Solution Pleura membrane

Marks 4 1

Question The end products of aerobic respiration are

Type multiple_choice
Option CO2, H2O and energy correct
Option sugar and oxygen incorrect
Option water and energy incorrect
Option none of these incorrect
Solution CO2, H2O and energy

Marks 4 1


Question the blood coming out of lungs is richer than that entering into lungs in

Type multiple_choice
Option CO2 incorrect
Option O2 correct
Option both incorrect
Option none of these incorrect
Solution O2

Marks 4 1


Question When there is an increase of carbon dioxide in the blood

Type multiple_choice
Option breathing rate and heart beat are correct

Option heart beat is increased incorrect

Option heart beat is decreased incorrect
Option breathing rate is decreased and incorrect
heart rate is increased

Solution breathing rate and heart beat are increased

Marks 4 1

Question Which of the following does NOT happen during inspiration?

Type multiple_choice
Option The ribs move upward. incorrect
Option The diaphragm lifts up. correct
Option The tranverse dimensions of incorrect
the thorax are increased.

Option The antero-posterior incorrect

dimensions of the chest are

Solution The diaphragm lifts up.

Marks 4 1


Question The figure given below shows a small part of human lung where exchange
of gases takes place. In which one of the options given below, the one-part
A, B, C or D is correctly identified along with its function?

Type multiple-choice
Option A: alveolar cavity - main site of correct
exchange of respiratory gases
Option B: Red blood cell - transport of incorrect
CO2 mainly
Option C: Arterial capillary - passes incorrect
oxygen to tissues
Option D: Capillary wall - exchange of incorrect
O2 and CO2 takes place here
Solution A: alveolar cavity - main site of exchange of respiratory gases
Marks 4 1


Question During Inhalation process ___________in lungs.

Type multiple-choice
Option High pressure incorrect
Option Low pressure correct
Option Very high pressure incorrect
Option No change incorrect
Solution Low pressure

Marks 4 1


Question The process of respiration in green plants occurs

Type multiple-choice
Option only when stomata are open incorrect
Option only when photosynthesis incorrect
Option only when photosynthesis is in incorrect
Option At all times correct
Solution At all times
Marks 4 1


Question The site of glycolysis in a cell is

Type multiple_choice
Option cytoplasm correct
Option chloroplast incorrect
Option nucleus incorrect
Option mitochondria incorrect
Solution cytoplasm

Marks 4 1


Question During respiration yeast converts glucose to

Type multiple-choice
Option ethanol and water incorrect
Option ethanol and oxygen incorrect
Option ethanol and CO2 correct
Option lactic acid and CO incorrect
Solution ethanol and CO2

Marks 4 1


Question Tick the wrong statement

Type multiple_choice
Option RBC are of red colour and incorrect
WBC of white colour
Option Erythrocytes are called suicidal correct
Option Red colour of RBC is because incorrect
of haemoglobin
Option Iron is necessary for synthesis incorrect
of haemoglobin
Solution Erythrocytes are called suicidal bags

Marks 4 1


Question A vein differs from an artery in having

Type multiple_choice
Option valves to control direction of correct
flow of blood.
Option narrower lumen incorrect
Option strongly muscular wall incorrect
Option pigmented wall to give it a dark incorrect
Solution valves to control direction of flow of blood.
Marks 4 1


Question Persons suffering from high blood pressure should take which of the
following precaution to avoid excessive rise in their blood pressure
Type multiple_choice
Option sleep as much as possible incorrect
Option avoid standing incorrect
Option Should not increase their weight correct
Option avoid emotional disturbances incorrect
and excitement.
Solution Should not increase their weight
Marks 4 1


Question The ultimate cause for the movement of water against the gravity in a tree
Type multiple_choice
Option osmosis incorrect
Option transpiration correct
Option imbibitions incorrect
Option photosynthesis incorrect
Solution transpiration
Marks 4 1


Question Which one of the following is connected with transport of water in plants

Type multiple_choice
Option Phloem incorrect
Option Xylem correct
Option Epidermis incorrect
Option Cambium incorrect
Solution Xylem
Marks 4 1

Question An artery is a vessel that carries blood

Type multiple_choice
Option with high concentration of incorrect
Option with high concentration of CO2 incorrect
Option away from the heart incorrect
Option both A & C correct
Solution both A & C
Marks 4 1


Question One of the difference between blood and lymph is that

Type multiple_choice
Option blood has RBCs and WBCs correct
while lymph has Lymphocytes.
Option blood has RBCs while lymph incorrect
has no WBCs
Option blood has WBCs while lymph incorrect
has RBCs
Option blood has dissolved organic incorrect
salts while lymph has no such
inorganic salt.
Solution blood has RBCs and WBCs while lymph has Lymphocytes
Marks 4 1


Question Blood vessel carrying blood from lung to heart through

Type multiple_choice
Option Pulmonary artery incorrect
Option Pulmonary vein correct
Option Coronary artery incorrect
Option None of these. incorrect
Solution Pulmonary vein
Marks 4 1


Question Tricuspid valve found in between

Type multiple_choice
Option Right auricle and right ventricle correct
Option Left auricle and right ventricle incorrect
Option Left auricle and left ventricle incorrect
Option Right auricle and left ventricle incorrect
Solution Right auricle and right ventricle
Marks 4 1

Question The value of normal blood pressure of human is

Type multiple_choice
Option 120/90 mmhg incorrect
Option 90/120mmhg incorrect
Option 120/80mmhg correct
Option 180/90 mmhg incorrect
Solution 120/80mmhg
Marks 4 1


Question Circulation of blood in between heart and body is called

Type multiple_choice
Option Pulmonary circulation incorrect
Option Systemic circulation correct
Option Both A & B incorrect
Option None incorrect
Solution Systemic circulation
Marks 4 1

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