Recent Concepts in Plaque Formation: Section Two

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J Clin Periodont 2003; 30 (Suppl.

5): 7–9 Copyright Ó Blackwell Munksgaard 2003

Printed in Denmark. All rights reserved

ISSN 1600-2865

Section Two
J.-P. Bernimoulin
Recent concepts in plaque Department of Periodontology and
Synoptic Dentistry, Humboldt University,
Berlin, Germany

Bernimoulin J-P: Recent concepts in plaque formation. J Clin Periodontol 2003;
30 (Suppl. 5): 7–9. Ó Blackwell Munksgaard, 2003.

Dental plaque is an adherent, bacterial film, and is the main pathological agent for
periodontal diseases. The formation of dental plaque can occur both supragin-
givally and subgingivally. The development of plaque is a three-step process.
Following the formation of a pellicle, pioneer micro-organisms will adhere to it,
proliferate and form colonies. The final stage involves the aggregation of fila-
mentous organisms and spirochetes into a cohesive biofilm. Many products of the
plaque bacteria reach the subepithelial tissue, causing inflammatory responses such
as increased vascularity and leukocyte diapedesis. Both supragingival and subgin-
gival plaque may form a hard, mineralized mass called calculus. The surface of
calculus harbours bacteria, which may exacerbate the inflammatory responses. An
effective oral antiseptic must be active against a wide range of Gram-positive and
Gram-negative bacterial species, including streptococci and fusobacteria. Ideally,
an effective agent would also penetrate the plaque biofilm. Data show that essential Key words: biofilm; planktonic bacteria; supra-
oil and chlorhexidine mouthwashes have the broadest antimicrobial effects. gingival; subgingival; essential oil mouthwash

Bacteria found in the saliva can be involved in the development of supra- salivary components and high pro-
observed as planktonic bacteria (i.e. gingival plaque are shown in Fig. 1. portions of exopolysaccharides of
single floating bacteria in a liquid As can be seen from the above, the bacterial origin.
phase). However bacteria found on formation of dental plaque in a According to studies by Löe et al.
the surface of hard structures such as healthy subject first occurs supragin- (1965) and Theilade et al. (1996), if
teeth, restorations, prostheses and givally, which then often progresses this young supragingival plaque is
implants form an adherent gelatinous subgingivally. It is comprised of a allowed to grow without interference
film called dental plaque (Fine 1988). complex mix of bacteria, numbering of any oral hygiene practice, some
Dental plaque, an adherent, bac- at least several hundred species (Fine changes will appear that result in the
terial biofilm that forms on all hard 1988). establishment of gingivitis after
and soft tissue, is the principal aetio- A comprehensive review of dental 2–3 weeks (Löe et al. 1965, Theilade
logic agent in caries and periodontal plaque formation was given by List- et al. 1966). During these 3 weeks the
diseases (Fine 1988). Biofilms are not garten (1999). A freshly cleaned tooth bacterial composition of the plaque
unique to the oral cavity and are surface is soon coated by a film of changes to a more complex flora
found in most liquid or semiliquid saliva. In this acquired organic pel- where Gram-negative anaerobic bac-
environments, spanning biological, licle some salivary components, for teria predominate. Spirochetes and
industrial and environmental systems example glycoproteins, proline-rich flagellated bacteria are observed
(Wilkins 1999). While dental plaque is proteins, statherin and fibronectin, alongside cocci, rods, filaments and
perhaps the best studied biofilm and promote the adherence of bacterial fusiforms. All these bacteria live
serves as a good model for other cells during the subsequent hours. together, taking their nutrients from
biofilm studies, a remarkable amount These bacteria consist primarily of the saliva and from the gingival cre-
remains to be learned. Gram-positive coccoid cells that div- vicular fluid. Moreover, there is
Today dental plaque can be re- ide and form micro colonies. After a interdependence between the different
garded as a specialized example of few days of dental plaque growth, species because some of them produce
microbial biofilms that form on sur- filamentous bacteria coaggregate to what others need for metabolism. This
faces in many environmental aquatic the initial colonizers and become dental plaque is situated at the gingi-
systems (McHugh 1999). The stages embedded in a matrix composed of val margin and in the gingival sulcus.
8 Bernimoulin

by the bacterial products react with

the production and release of inflam-
matory mediators (Page 1991). These
mediators are responsible for the
development of local inflammatory
processes such as increased vascular-
ity and diapedesis of leukocytes
through the capillary vessels, in-
creased rate of gingival crevicular
fluid, loss of connective tissue and
Such histopathological features
characterize among others the
appearance of a plaque-associated
gingivitis. The inflammatory changes
of the marginal gingiva favour the
development of a dental plaque
located subgingivally in which Gram-
negative anaerobic bacteria prevail.
Regarding the large bacterial
population living in the oral cavity,
certain species of Gram-negative
anaerobic bacteria are considered to
be pathogenic to the dental support-
ive tissues.
Among these periodontal patho-
genic bacteria, Tannerella forsythensis
(formerly Bacteroides forsythus) Fig. 2. Progression to gingivitis: (a) slight,
(Sakamoto et al. 2002), Porphyro- (b) moderate and (c) severe.
monas gingivalis and Treponema den-
Fig. 1. Stages of supragingival plaque ticola were found to be more
development. (a) Step 1: the evolution of prevalent in subgingival plaque taken is the hallmark of periodontitis (see
plaque biofilm begins with the formation
of the pellicle, an acellular material on the
from periodontitis patients than from Fig. 2) (DePaola et al. 1989).
tooth surface that is mostly composed of subjects with good periodontal heath Therefore, the prevention of gingi-
glycoproteins. In this electron micro- (Socransky & Haffaje 2002). vitis, the early form of periodontal
graph, the pellicle is seen as a black line. Both supragingival and subgingival disease, is largely governed by limit-
(b) Step 2: pioneer micro-organisms settle plaque can form a hard, mineralized ing the development of the oral/
in the pellicle and form colonies. This and often tenacious mass called cal- dental biofilm.
micrograph shows 2-day-old microbial culus. The surfaces of these deposits Because plaque flora change as the
plaque on the enamel of a human tooth. harbour pathogenic bacteria that biofilm matures, an effective oral
The bacteria adhering to the pellicle have
multiplied and formed colonies that run
further exacerbate the inflammatory antiseptic must be active against a
into each other. They have then grown at process. Putative periodontopathic wide range of species, including
right angles to the tooth surface. The bacteria include Prevotella intermedia, streptococci and other Gram-positive
pellicle is first colonized by Gram-positive Porphyromonas gingivalis, Actinoba- organisms, fusobacteria and other
aerobic bacteria (mainly cocci), and 2–4 cillus actinomycetemcomitans, Tan- Gram-negative organisms, and spiro-
days later it is affected by Gram-positive nerella forsythensis and Eikenella chetes. Additionally, an antiseptic
rods and filaments, Gram-negative corrodons (Wilkins 1999). capable of penetrating the plaque
anaerobic organisms (cocci and fila- As subgingival calculus serves as an biofilm would be expected to be more
ments), and fusiforms (Fine 1988, Wilkins
1999). This shift toward more anaerobic
attachment base for bacteria, it may clinically effective.
organisms greatly increases the patho- contribute to pocket development Essential oil (EO) mouthwashes
genicity of the plaque biofilm (Wilkins and the progression of periodontal have been shown to kill numerous
1999). (c) Step 3: in the final stages of disease. The living bacteria on its micro-organisms involved in plaque
plaque maturation, spiral forms and rough surface are constantly in con- and gingivitis. Specifically, in vitro
spirochetes appear, and the plaque is tact with the gingival tissue, and act studies show that Actinobacillus
composed mostly of filamentous organ- as a biochemical, and possibly phys- actinomycetemcomitans, Actinomyces
isms. These colonies aggregate into ical, source of irritation to the host viscosus, Streptococcus mutans and
a cohesive plaque biofilm (Fine 1988,
Wilkins 1999).
tissue (Wilkins 1999). Bacterial by- S. sanguis are killed within 30 s, as
products induce the host response to are Bacteroides species and Candida
produce inflammation and bleeding, albicans (Ross et al. 1989).
Several bacterial products are cap- which is called gingivitis (Wilkins In both in vitro and in vivo studies,
able of passing through the junctional 1999). If left untreated, gingivitis may EO and chlorhexidine (CHX) mouth-
epithelium and reaching the subepi- lead to the breakdown of the peri- washes have been shown to have broad
thelial tissues. The host cells triggered odontal attachment apparatus, which antimicrobial effects, with CHX
Recent concepts in plaque formation 9

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terations. American Journal of Dentistry 6, Theilade, E., Wright, W. H., Jensen, S. B. &
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Ciancio, Noel Claffey, Jean-Pierre plaque and other oral biofilms. In: New- teriological investigation. Journal of Peri-
Ouhayoun, Marc Quirynen, Antonio man, H., N. &. Wilson, M. (eds): Dental odontal Research 1, 1–13.
Santos and Robin Seymour. Plaque Revisited, pp. 187–210. Cardiff: Wilkins, E. M. (1999) Clinical Practice of the
Bioline. Dental Hygienist, 8th edn. Philadelphia,
Löe, H., Theilade, E. & Jensen, S. B. (1965) PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
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