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Friday, Febuary 26, 2016
on iversity / on design 1o1 redux website
Part 3 - My World / Week 01 - My Neighborhood

Greetings from the Lascaux caves, France.

We found ourselves lost in this

fascinating and mysterious world
with prehistoric people and graffitis.
Here, some thousand years ago, people
were busy doing the same things we do now.
They were busy working (their work was to
hunt to get some food), build tools, eat,
have fun, draw stuff, sleep and make love.

“Boyoboy oboyoboyoboyoboyoboyoboyoboyoboy...”
echoes within the cave.

At the other end of the tunnel, Marshall McLuhan

is discussing the Tribal Age. According to him,
it marks the beginning of Media History.
It was a time of community where the ear was
the guiding sense organ.

Hear and believe.

With Marshall McLuhan as our tour-guide,

how could we make this day better?

What is Design 1o1 Redux?

Design 1o1 Redux is a six-month journey into contemporary design.
It consists of 3 online courses on iversity (part 1, part 2,
part 3), one final exhibition (or graduation party) and
a week-long spring camp “offline”, in Milan (Italy).

It is also a community of special people.

People who like to learn (and make) things together.

A big community that started taking shape with Design 101

and that kept on growing with Architecture 101.
In fact, one of the most fascinating things
about Design 1o1 Redux is that it is completely
run by this community of people.

Some students from the past courses joined

the “backstage” team and are now managing
the whole thing by themselves.

Pretty impressive, don’t you think?

Here, you can “meet” us all.


How to get ready? (1)

We start on Monday February 29, 2016.
Are you enrolled?
Do you have an Instagram account?

We shaped this course for a very specific kind of student:

one who owns a smartphone (and/or tablet) and
who has an Instagram account.

Of course, you can follow us via a desktop computer,

make homework at home on your table...

Yet, the way we intended the whole thing is for someone

who follows the course (including doing homework) via a smartphone
(or tablet) and who posts his/her outcomes directly to Instagram
(and communicates with the rest of the community using social

How to get ready? (2)

Design 1o1 Redux uses various social media
for various sorts of communications.

Here you can find the course’s official accounts: Instagram

(@design1o1 for general communications and @design1o1redux
for the daily lessons), Facebook page, Facebook Arena
(our Facebook group), Twitter, YouTube, Google+ and Pinterest!
By the way, these are our (instructors) accounts:

Anna Amalfi on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest

Cristina on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, Pinterest
Miri on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
Chahrazed on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram

Then, you can also follow the official “responsibles” of the

whole Design 1o1 activities (if something goes wrong,
they are the main ones to blame):

Stefano on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

Anne-Sophie on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
Giulia Camedda on Facebook, and Instagram


How to get ready? (3)

How exactly does the whole thing work?

Every day, from Monday to Friday, for a total of 6 weeks, we will
send you an email with a short video to watch (to get you in a
certain mood), and a pdf containing the brief to an assignment
(and a series of references to learn more on the subject at hand).

Then, you will make your assignment.

Once you are done, you will post it to Instagram and check what
the others made (using a daily hashtag).

During the weekend, we will give you some time to relax, catch
up and upload the 5 exercises you made during the week to the
iversity platform, in a special peer-to-peer homework section.

Once this is done, your homework will be sent to 7 other students

who will evaluate it (according to some given criteria). In this
process, you will also receive 7 bundles to grade.

In a different way, posting your work to Instagram

is essential to make the overall experience fun and cool.

However, in order to correctly and officially follow the

course, we would like you to participate in at least
3 of the 6 peer-to-peer sessions on the iversity platform to
get peer-evaluated and evaluate your peers.



By the way, for any question you might have, please

#askDesign1o1 on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter.
Day and night, we’re here to help you!


Design 1o1 Redux Part 3:

My World
Here we are,
Part3: #MyWorld can start!

Starting on Monday, we will start designing

our own worlds in 30 projects.

Are you ready?

As Jean-Jacques Rousseau once said:

“The world of reality has its limits;
the world of imagination is boundless.”


Some inspiration
to get ready...
Lascaux is a mesmerizing place. Read
about these drawings and these people.
There was a day when these things
were the most stunning examples of
contemporary art and contemporary design. Everything done
in the last 15 000 years has once been contemporary.
It was outrageous, it was difficult to understand.
It was like this in Lascaux and it is still like
this today in the global world.

A long run that started thousands of years ago and that still
goes on. With new characters adding their passion, energy and
intelligence along the way.

Designers, intellectuals, thinkers.

People who wake up in the morning
and start inventing new questions.
People like Paul Klee
(can you find his drawings in the cave?),
people like Marshall McLuhan
(the one who famously stated:
“the medium is the message”.

Check Klee’s art. Check McLuhan’s thoughts.

They aren’t designers, but they feed our

“Our ancestors used sections of the caves as palaeolithic

cathedrals, decorated with paint and accompanied by singing.”
says Iegor Reznikoff.

Isn’t this cool?

You can listen to him here.

More about these points of resonance? here, here and here.

Another one:

“Drawing is still basically the same as
it has been since prehistoric times.
It brings together man and the world.
It lives through magic.”
Keith Haring

You should definitely visit and browse this

website dedicated to the graffiti artist.
Don’t forget that after this final part of Design 1o1 Redux,
we will have #zine1o1, the “offline” spring camp,
in Milan, Italy. It will be from april 25 to may 1, 2016.

Mixing digital and analog tools we will create the very first
issue of design1o1 magazine!

If you want to discover more about it,

visit our website and check the event on facebook.

We will be very happy to meet you in the “real world”!

Today’s Postcard References


A sextant
Marshall McLuhan
and Lascaux Caves

Design 1o1 Redux is run by the Design 1o1 crew.

Design 1o1 Redux is on: Instagram (here and here), Twitter, Facebook page, Facebook group,

Google+, Pinterest.

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