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PAPER 1: Reading PAPER 2: Writing

PART 1 PART 1: Model Answer

1. C Hi, Claire. So you are finally coming to the USA! I

2. A think Florida would be a good place to visit. You
3. A can fly into Orlando International Airport. It isn’t far
from Disney World. Your students will love visiting
4. D there and there are great hotels at the resort where
5. D you can stay.
6. C After Disney World, I would take your students to
7. D Cape Canaveral, the home of the NASA space
programme. You could then continue to the city of
8. B Miami. It’s a large city and there are many things to
do. Finally, I wouldn’t miss a trip to the Everglades
PART 2 National Park, the largest sub-tropical wilderness in
the USA.
9. H There is quite a lot to see, so it’s probably a good
10. B idea to rent a bus. I would love to come with you
and show you around. Could you tell me exactly
11. E when you will arrive and how long you will stay?
12. A Looking forward to seeing you soon.
13. F Yours,
14. G Emily.
15. C
PART 2: Model Answer
PART 3 Question 3
16. C My favourite programme is House. House is a medical
17. B drama from the USA. I love this programme because
18. C of its main character, a medical genius called House.
The creator of the show is a Sherlock Holmes fan, and
19. B House’s character is similar to the character of
20. A Sherlock Holmes. Both are anti-social, love music and
21. D have got an amazing ability to solve mysteries that no
one else can solve. In fact, House and his medical
22. C team at the Princeton Plainsboro Teaching Hospital in
23. D New Jersey only treat difficult to diagnose cases, and
24. A House rejects cases that aren’t interesting to him.
Once he has accepted a patient, his brilliant reasoning
25. B and unconventional methods help him discover the
26. A mysterious cause of that person’s illness.
27. D House’s personality and his problem-solving methods
28. C make him one of the most interesting characters on
television. Anyone who loves a good mystery and
29. B wants to be entertained and challenged will love this
30. D programme. It isn’t suitable for young children, but I
would definitely recommend it to secondary school
students and adults.

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PAPER 3: Use of English PAPER 4: Listening


1. B 7. C 1. B
2. C 8. A 2. C
3. D 9. B 3. B
4. B 10. A 4. A
5. A 11. D 5. C
6. D 12. C 6. B
7. A
PART 2 8. B
13. Although
14. by
15. from 9. 25
16. in 10. Sahara desert
17. those 11. tents and water
18. well 12. snowstorm
19. had 13. death march
20. instead 14. sand
21. could 15. foot injury
22. that 16. challenge
23. up 17. landscape
24. were 18. earthquake


25. worldwide 19. C

26. exception 20. E
27. popularity 21. A
28. handful 22. F
29. beginners 23. D
30. essentially
31. inexperienced PART 4
32. depth 24. A
33. instructor 25. C
34. capabilities 26. B
27. A
28. B
35. been interested in art since 29. B
36. I could have come 30. C
37. who advised me to
38. prevented us from getting
39. no matter how
40. is supposed to be
41. a great deal of patience
42. had not dropped out

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