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SW Road V2

Profile windows.
4. Move Vertex
This tool is used to move or edit the position of the IP. It works on Plan and Profile windows.
5. Erase IP
This tool is used to erase unnecessary IP in Plan and Profile.
6. Switch Active Alignment
This drop-down is used to switch the active alignment.

1.3 Draw Toolbar

Active Layer
Draw Circle
Draw Arc
Draw Ellipse
Write Text
Draw Polygon
Draw 3D-Polyline
Draw 2D-Polyline
Draw line

 While using “Draw Toolbar”, mouse right-click completes the command,

keyboard “Backspace” key undo the inserted vertex.
 “Draw 3D-Polyline” is used to draw the 3d-features that indicate the terrain
undulation such as road edge, steps in terrain, cutting edge, etc.
 All the drawn features are added under active layer. So user has to change the
active layer as per requirement.

1.3.1 Layers Panel

It controls the display of all the designed layers (road width, chainage, extrawidening etc),
drawn terrain layer (Points, features, contours, etc), imported external layers (drawing file
(*.dxf), shape (*.shp), geopackage (*.gpkg), etc) and imported raster layers (satellite imagery,
topographic map, drone images in *.tif or *.mbtiles format).

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