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IDAS™ Technical Tips

“IP connection requirements for

an IDAS Multi-site System”

IC-F3160/F3260 Series Handheld Radio

IC-F5060 Series Mobile Radio
and IC-FR5000 Series Repeater


You can connect two or more repeater sites through an IP network by using the UC-FR5000 network adapter.
This feature enables communications in remote locations, and dramatically improves the user experience.

However, you have to take care about the quality of the IP lines that connect between the repeater sites. If
the IP line quality is not ideal, it will cause noise and you cannot provide stable service to your customers.

This document explains the requirement guidelines for the IDAS network equipment.


The information in this document has been carefully checked, and is believed to be correct and accurate.
However, Icom assumes no responsibility for inaccuracies or mistakes. Furthermore, Icom reserves the right
to make changes to any of the products described in this document without notice or obligation. The
systems and applications described herein are for information and reference purposes only.

IPR and Copyrights

The Icom products described in this quick guide may include Icom Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and/or
copyrighted Icom computer programs stored in radio memories or other media/devices. Such IPR and
copyrighted computer programs are protected by laws in Japan, the United States and other countries. Any
Icom IPR and/or copyrighted Icom computer programs contained in the Icom products described in this
quick guide may not be copied, reproduced, modified, reverse-engineered, or distributed in any way.
Furthermore, the purchase of Icom products shall not be deemed to grant any license either directly or by
implication, except for the normal non-exclusive license to use the product that is specified by law in the sale
of a product.

Document Copyrights
No duplication or distribution of this document or any portion thereof shall take place without the expressed
written consent of Icom. Reproduction, distribution, or transmission for any purpose in any form or by any
means, electronic or mechanical, shall only be allowed with the expressed written consent of Icom.

Icom, Icom Inc. and the Icom logo are registered trademarks of Icom Incorporated (Japan) in the United
States, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Spain, Russia, Japan and/or other countries. IDAS and IDAS
logo are trademarks of Icom Incorporated.

NXDN is a trademark of Icom Incorporated and JVC KENWOOD Corporation.

dPMR and the dPMR logo are trademarks of the dPMR MoU Association.

All other products or brands are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders.


Table of contents
1 Definition………………….…………………………………………………………………………………….....................… 4

2 Typical failure causes…………………………………………………………………………………………………....…… 5

3 IP connection requirements.……………………………………….……………………………………………………… 5

4 Frequently Asked Questions…………………………………………………………………………………………….…. 6

What type of IP connections are supported?....................................................................................... 6
What are the advantages of using a telecom company’s service?.................................................. 6
Considerations when only a generally available Internet connection can be obtained…….......... 6

This document was prepared based on the following firmware and software revisions:

Hardware Firmware type Revision
IC-F3160 / F3260 / F4160 / F4260series Handheld radios Main 4.8
DSP 3.1

IC-F5060 / IC-F6060 series Mobile radios Main 4.8

DSP 3.1

IC-FR5000 / IC-F6000 series Repeaters Main 2.4

DSP 2.6

UC-FR5000 Network adaptor MCU 3.6

SCU 3.4

RC-FS10A Dispatch software Main 2.9

Programming Software Revision

CS-F3160/F5060 4.7

CS-FR5000 1.8

Hardware Firmware type Revision
IC-F3160 / F3260 / F4160 / F4260series Handheld radios Main 2.0d
DSP 3.1

IC-F5060 / IC-F6060 series Mobile radios Main 2.0d

DSP 3.1

IC-FR5100 / IC-F6100 series Repeaters Main 2.1d

DSP 2.6

UC-FR5000 Network adaptor MCU 4.11

SCU 3.4

Programming Software Revision

CS-F3160 #11 (dPMR) 2.0

CS-FR5000 #11 (dPMR) 2.1


1 Definition
The “IDAS multi-site system” explained in this guideline, refers to the following 3 different systems.







2 Typical failure causes

If the IP connection is cut between the repeater sites, or if the actual performance does not reach the
requirements outlined below, the following failures may occur.

NXDN, dPMRTM Multi-site Conventional system

If you call any radios in other sites, there is no call back from any radio in the other sites.
When you receive an incoming call from a radio in another site, the audio is intermittent. However, there
is no intermittent audio when you talk with other radios in the same repeater site you are using.

NXDN Multi-site Trunked system

If you initiate a group call to other sites, there is no call back from any radio in the other sites.
If you initiate an individual call to a radio in another site, the call fails and “No Reply” is displayed on the
When you receive an incoming call from a radio in another site, the audio is intermittent. However there is
no intermittent audio when you talk with other radios in the same repeater site you are registered to.

In order to minimize the possibility of the above mentioned problems, please obtain an IP connection which
meets the IDAS network requirement guidelines.

3 IP Connection requirements
IDAS network requirements
40kbps x [number of UC-FR5000 and RC-FS10A installed]
Network For example, if the repeater site consists of four UC-FR5000 units and one
Bandwidth RC-FS10A station connected, 5 x 40kbps = 200kbps is required. At least a
100kbps network connection speed is required for any configuration, even
though it is less than for a three UC-FR5000 system.

Less than 300 milliseconds for voice communications generally provides

Network Latency tolerable overall quality.
Less than 80 milliseconds for data communication or firmware updates.

Less than 80 milliseconds is recommended.

Network Jitter Less than 200 milliseconds is tolerable but may result in garbled voice or
affect the voting selection.

Packet Loss Less than 0.1%

NOTE : The network latency is one-way latency (In other words, it is not “Round Trip Time” as measured
by the PING command). These values are for reference purposes only, and subject to change without
NOTE : The failure recovery time is not specified. Communication between sites during a network failure
is not guaranteed. In addition, you may not be able to call radios and/or receive incoming calls from
radios in other sites for approximately 30 minutes after recovery and synchronization between the sites,
due to a registration information mismatch and/or other problems.


In order to have complete control of the bandwidth requirements, a dedicated network for your IDAS
communication system is preferred. Should a dedicated network not be possible, the IDAS system
traffic stream should be isolated with a separate LAN, VLAN or other methods, as recommended by your
IP professional. Non-IDAS traffic can occupy, and possibly infringe on, the required bandwidth for the
IDAS system if it is not kept separate.

We are aware that an inexpensive IP networking service is sometimes used for an IDAS backbone.
They are offered under “best effort” conditions, with no guaranteed minimum effective bandwidth or
availability of service. Unless the network service is a guaranteed type, understand that merely
satisfying the above mentioned figures at particular moments does not mean it will provide long-term
stable satisfactory performance of the system. We highly recommend that you use a stable, guaranteed
type networking service as the IDAS network backbone.
As a supplemental means of network performance understanding and control, use network monitoring
software, such as those listed below, to monitor network performance and device conditions.

PRTG Network Monitor


Many of the network monitoring software can be obtained free for trial/evaluation or with limited

For simple investigation of network stability monitoring, Shunra Network Catcher™ Express
( may be used to record many hours of network conditions to help find the
cause of performance issues.

Note : This is for your reference only; we do not officially endorse or recommend any particular software.
Please consult your IT professional to find the best solution for your particular system.

Important : Icom strongly recommends that all IP connections be created by an IP professional.

Icom is not able to troubleshoot IP connectivity or router settings.

4 Frequently Asked Questions

4-1. What type of IP connections are supported?
IDAS™ may work fine with a generally available Internet connection through DSL or Cable for general
home or small business, without using routers. However, they are not officially supported for permanent
installations because of security, performance, reliability, and stability concerns.
Suggested lines:
1) Telecom company’s leased/private network lines.
2) Telecom company’s Internet VPN services.
3) Internet VPN with a fixed global IP.
4) Internet VPN with a dynamic global IP
(Internet VPN using VPN routers: not the most preferred, but acceptable).
NOTE : VPN routers used for dynamic IP connections must be capable of dynamic DNS capability.


4-2. What are advantages for using a telecom company’s service?

Combined with the stable performance and rock-solid reliability, telecom company’s professionals may
be responsible for setting up and maintaining the IP link, depending on the available service contracts,
and so on.
NOTE : If your IP engineering resources are limited, this is the only practical choice.

4-3. Considerations when only a generally available Internet connection, such as ADSL, can be obtained.
An Internet VPN may be used together with VPN routers. However, communication quality depends on
every piece of equipment involved in the IP linking, not just the features and performance of the VPN
routers. The IP line quality also has a crucial role in the entire system’s performance.
NOTE : Designing and maintaining Internet VPN linking requires skilled IP engineers.

© 2012 Icom Inc. 1-1-32, Kamiminami, Hirano-ku, Osaka 547-0003, Japan

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