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Introduction to Applied Economics Economics as Study of Allocation

Consistent with the process of wealth-getting

Why is economics being taught in school? and wealth-using and the process of making choices is
the process of allocation especially of scarce resources
In any society where we live, a number of
things are undertaken for ourselves, our family, our to answer the unlimited human wants.
community, and our country for various reasons
including among others material survival, stability, and 5 elements in the definition of economics:
development. For example, we get our food from 1. social science
various sources and through different means. There 2. resources
are families that secure their food grains and 3. human wants
vegetables from their farms and gardens. But majority
4. scarcity
of the families purchase their food in various markets.
Similarly, many of us purchase our clothes and wear 5. and allocation
them not only to cover our bodies but also to show
our comfort, and express our tastes and prosperity. Economics as a Social Science
Meanwhile, when a family constructs a nipa hut or Economics is primarily a social science. As a
rents a room or acquires a condominium, or purchases social science, the systematic or scientific method is
a house its intention is not only to have a place where being used in the study of society and its components.
they can be protected from the harsh elements of the
Thus, a social science can be described as the study of
environment but more so to enhance their level of
enjoyment. the various modes and aspects of human interactions
All these activities that are intended for the in a group as these people aspire to preserve their
material survival of people and its community as well group as a social unit, to make it stable, and to
as in strengthening and developing its material promote its growth, expansion and development. As a
capacity are the purview of economics. Since social science, economics pertains to the study on how
economics covers many aspects of human life we
society creates its material wealth, how it makes this
cannot escape the economic implications of human
wealth available to its people with minimum
actions, behaviour, and decisions from the time we are
born until death. It is in this light that economics is difficulties, and how it expands its wealth.
being taught in schools to prepare our young citizens As a social science economics is related to the
on their roles as members of a society in responding other social sciences that study other dimensions of a
toward the goal of material survival, stability, and society. For example, in political science the creation
growth and utilization of power is being studied for the
preservation, stability, and growth of a society as a
Revisiting Economics as a Social Science
political unit.
3 strands in the development of the definition of
economics: Resources and the Study of Economics
1. wealth (as a science of wealth-getting and The second dimension in the definition of
wealth-using) economics is resources. As mentioned earlier
2. decision-making process (as a science of economics is about resources or wealth. Resources or
making choices)
wealth can be defined as products of nature, qualities
3. allocation process (as a social science that
deals with the allocation of scarce resources to of individuals, and man-made things which are used in
meet the unlimited human wants) producing goods or services.
Included in the coverage of resources are
Economics as Study of Wealth natural resources like marine resources, timber
Although the focus is on wealth, this initial obtained from forest resources, agricultural lands, and
definition pertains to activities answering the two mineral resources. These various forms of natural
major economic problems in any society-production
resources can directly provide goods for current
and consumption.
consumption. On the other hand, most of the yields of
Economics as Study of Making Choices natural resources are used as raw materials or
In the study of economics, when we make a intermediate inputs for the production of other goods.
choice from among alternatives, it implies that we are Human resources, on the other hand, are
foregoing or sacrificing the benefits that would have qualities of human beings that may include labor,
been derived from alternatives that were not selected. intelligence, creativity, health education, talents and
Thus, in making a decision, we have to consider a many more. These various characteristics of people
major concept in the study of economics-opportunity give them the capacity to create value directly through
cost. the provision of services and indirectly by becoming
factors of production.
Lastly, we have physical resources or man-
made resources that include various types of Allocation and the Act of Economizing
buildings, equipment, technology, bridges, airports, The fifth element in the definition of
factory plants and other physical infrastructure that economics is the concept of allocation. Allocation can
can be used to provide present and future satisfaction. be defined as a social mechanism to respond to the
Housing facilities, office spaces, airports, and other economic problem of a society.
port facilities, for example, can directly provide 3 major mechanism of allocation:
current value to their users. 1. market system
One of the key characteristics of resources is 2. command
that they are limited. The limitation of resources 3. and tradition
stems from two major factors. First, it pertains to the
length of time as well as the difficulties in producing Market System as a Mechanism for Allocation
these resources. Several natural resources, for The normal process of allocation utilized in
example, are non-renewable since it took several many societies today is through the market system.
millions of years to produce them including crude oil We normally see a market as a physical place like a
and mineral resources. public market or supermarket or the stock market. But
Second, more than the difficulties of sometimes transactions can be done via telephone or
producing these resources, the limitation is further now the Internet or what they call e-commerce or
intensified by the competing uses for these electronic commerce. Thus, an appropriate description
resources. of a market is a state when buyers and sellers transact
Because of these physical limitations and on the purchase or sale of a good or service. The
alternative uses of resources, the concept of agreement among the players is to set the amount of
opportunity cost becomes prominent in the study of good or service to be rendered and most importantly,
economics. the price that the output is going to be sold and
Human Wants and Economic Analysis The price of a commodity is both an index of
The third dimension of economics pertains to cost or sacrifice (for producers) and benefit or
human wants. Human wants can be described as satisfaction (for buyers). To the consumer, it reflects
differentiated or expanded human needs. For the cost or expense that the producer has to pay to
example, food can be differentiated by the level of acquire the good or service being sold in the market.
income and the environment. Families with high levels At the same time, the consumer considers the price as
of income can have different tastes for food compared an indicator of his satisfaction or benefit or utility in
with poor families. the purchase of a particular good and service.
Another factor that may differentiate food Similarly, to the seller, the price can signal
consumption is the environment in the locality where costs and benefits. It is a cost since the price is a
the consumers reside. Diet rich in starch and summary of the unit cost of producing the good or
carbohydrates may be due to the availability of root service. On the other side of the coin, the price is also
crops in the area. Places near river banks and oceans an indicator of benefit to the seller. The price indicates
may influence the intake of fish and other seafood the amount of money that the seller will receive as
among consumers. payment from the consumer that bought the good or
Scarcity as a Source of Economic Problem Because of this information that the price
Why then is scarcity considered a key signals to the consumers and producers, the price can
economic problem? Members of a society has to be an instrument for the allocation of resources
survive materially but because resources are limited in through the mechanism of the market system. The
the light of several alternative uses, this limitation problem of scarcity is addressed through the changes
implies that society has to devise a mechanism of in price and the corresponding response of the buyers
utilizing these limited resources to answer human and sellers.
wants of the people that will result in the highest level For example, in the case of a shortage, the
of social welfare. Since the economic goals of a society elimination of the excess demand can be done by
are material survival, stability and growth, a society decreasing demand or increasing supply or both. In
has to achieve these goals through the proper use of this case the adjustment made by the market system
these resources. is to increase the price of the commodity to signal
that there is a relative scarcity of the product. When
the price the increases, the demand would decline as
consumers reduce their consumption in the light of natural calamity. Since the production may take a
the relative scarcity of the commodity and because of while, the immediate solution of the government is to
the high opportunity cost of consuming the good. This temper wants of people by rationing the commodity
reduction can partially reduce the shortage. The other which is short in supply. In addition, the government
portion of the shortage can be addressed by an can also impose price control to prevent rapid increase
increase in the amount supplied by producers. A price in prices. In times of national emergencies like war,
increase will encourage sellers to increase the amount the government can even confiscate resources to be
they will supply since a higher price means higher used for the immediate needs of the state.
revenue and probably higher profit.
Similarly, the mechanism of the market Tradition in the Process of Allocation
system can also address the problem of a surplus or The third alternative allocation mechanism is
relative abundance. This wastage can be eliminated done through tradition. The use of tradition may be
by reducing the supply of the commodity and useful in situations where the operation of the market
increasing the demand. Under this situation, the may not be appropriate, or the power of an organized
market system adjusts by lowering the price. A decline state has no control over a certain community. For
in the price is an indicator of relative abundance and instance, in 2013 the devastation of Typhoon Yolanda
as a consequence, consumers will increase their (Haiyan) brought havoc in the province of Leyte
consumption. On the other hand, given the relative destroying properties, business establishments,
abundance of a commodity, suppliers will decide to government buildings, and agricultural crops. As a
reduce their production. In addition, a lower price also consequence, the normal operations of the market
means lower returns and lower revenues thus were not available while the local government
discouraging them to produce. In both cases, the agencies were also temporarily immobilized to provide
relative abundance of a commodity as indicated by a public service because of the massive destruction.
decrease in price creates adjustments among When the mechanisms of the market and command
consumers and sellers to eliminate the excess supply. systems were not functioning, the basic needs of the
people have to be answered by the mechanism of
3 basic economic questions: tradition. Motivated by empathy and the need to
1. what to produce assist those who were hungry, unclothed, and
2. how to produce homeless, nongovernmental organizations, citizens
3. for whom to produce from the rest of the country, and foreigners came in to
their rescue. In solidarity with our people, citizens
Command as an Allocation Mechanism outside the country assisted in the construction of
In a command system, the state or an agency temporary shelters, performed medical treatments
of the government may be in charge in the allocation and operations in make shift hospitals, and in helped
of resources by, using its political power in answering rebuilding the province.
the basic economic problems of production and
distribution. In times of natural calamities, disasters or ECONOMICS AS AN APPLIED SCIENCE
national emergencies, the command system in a
We have been introduced to several concepts
certain region may be more orderly than the market
in economics including scarcity, opportunity costs and
allocation among other things. These concepts will be
Let’s take the case of a strong typhoon
useful in the application of economics in various fields
destroying crops and damaging houses as well as
particularly in understanding economic, business, and
business establishments in a region. The normal
social issues confronting our country today.
operations of a market may not be present under such
abnormal circumstances but the basic needs of the As a social science economics deals with
citizens have to be addressed. The incentive system of people and how they interact with one another to
the price changes may not be enough to temper sustain, stabilize, and develop the material dimension
individuals in their consumption or encourage of a society. In addition, economics has been
producers to sell more when shortages of basic described as the allocation of resources to meet
commodities occur. Because of the imperatives of a human wants. Thus, economics is a science of
meeting the needs of the members of society, the choosing an activity from alternative options that will
power of the state is used to allocate resources. In yield the highest benefits to society in the context of
cases of shortages, the government can ration basic competing uses and opportunity costs.
commodities to those in need and to those whose
capacity to buy has been severely hampered by the
Many of the principles, laws and theories
developed in economics can be applied in a number of
fields. For instance, it has several applications in
commercial sciences. In the field of accountancy, the
information generated in the recording and analysis of
transactions on the state of assets of any
establishment can be useful in making business,
pertaining to wealth accumulation and wealth
utilization. In finance, the formation of excess funds
for investment purposes can be understood through
the concept of saving which is rooted on the
opportunity cost of present consumption.

Beyond commercial sciences, economic

theories and principles can also find several
applications in education, international trade, labor,
health, transportation, analysis of environmental
problems including pollution and overfishing in
understanding crimes and other social ills.




 Spatial Dimensions in the Issue of
 Temporal Dimension in the Issue of
Basic economic problems confronting the Introduction
development of the Philippines in the 21st century: The analysis of supply and demand is a
simplified version of the analysis of benefits and costs.
1. Poverty and unequal distribution of income This simple model of demand and supply analysis is
2. Demographic changes and its economic also a persuasive tool in understanding economic and
implications business realities, issues, and problems.
3. Low investment in human resource
The economic problem of scarcity calls for an
allocation mechanism in light of limited resources and
4. Weak Infrastructure
expanding human wants. A popular mechanism for
5. Pursuing food security
allocation being utilized by many economies today is
6. Slow Adoption of modern technology
the market system. The market system is based on the
7. Environmental sustainability and the country’s
interactions of buyers and sellers of a commodity to
development thrust
determine the price and level of output of a good or
Absolute poverty- is the lack of income to buy the
basic food and necessities for subsistence living. The market system is a powerful tool for
allocation because the changes in price from market
Poverty threshold-is the income needed to purchase transactions create incentives and disincentives on
these minimum nutritional requirements and other buyers and sellers to address disparities between
basic necessities for daily survival. demand and supply. The instrument of allocation is
the market price which is determined by the
Poverty incidence-is the proportion of households in interactions of the buyers and sellers in an market.
the country with family income lower than the poverty These interactions of the market players are
threshold or poverty line. summarized in the analysis of demand and supply.

Relative poverty-refers to the structure on how the ANALYSIS OF DEMAND AND SUPPLY
national income is being distributed among
households in an economy. The demand curve is a schedule that shows
-is measured by the Lorenz curve and the level of consumption at alternative prices at a
the Gini coefficient. given point in time. The demand curve of a commodity
summarizes the benefits derive by the consumers
Lorenz curve shows the share of the various household from the purchase of a good or service. On the other
groups on the total national income. hand, the supply curve shows the amount of output
producers are willing to sell at alternative prices at a
Gini coefficient on the other hand, is a measure of given point in time. The supply curve incorporates the
income inequality derived from the Lorenz curve. sacrifices and costs incurred by the seller in producing
a commodity.
Knowledge capital is formed through heavy
investments in higher education, science and
technology and research and development.
The first major actor in a market is the
consumer is the consumer whose primary objective is
Technology – is the manner of processing raw
to purchase a commodity because it can give him/her
materials or intermediate inputs into transformed
benefits. His/Her inclination to purchase is indicated
outputs through the use of factor inputs.
by the demand curve.

Labor-intensive technology A demand curve is a schedule of the

a technology that is biased in the use of labor. willingness and capacity of a consumer to buy a
commodity at alternative prices at a given point in
Capital-intensive technology time other thing held constant. In the construction of
refers to the use of more capital relative to the demand curve it is important to consider not only
labor in the production process. the willingness to buy but also the capacity to buy.
Everyone wants or willing to buy a good but not all is
able to buy because some do not have the capacity to
APPLICATION OF SUPPLY AND DEMAND ANALYSIS buy the good. The demand curve is derived from the
the demand of a commodity since it only reflects the
relationship between quantity demand and the price fruits at their fruit plate to attract good luck).
of the commodity. When we say other things held Another example, advertising that shows that
cigarette is bad for your health has to some extent
constant or ceteris paribus, the other factors that may decreased the demand for cigarette.
affect the demand f0r the commodity are not
changing. The only factor that influences the level of 5) Market
The size and characteristic of the market
demand or consumption is the price of the commodity
can also influence the demand for a commodity. An
itself. increasing population can contribute to the
See Graph 1 for the illustration. expansion of existing markets for various
commodities. (Remember our example: a lower
Graph 1 shows the indirect relationship birth rate coupled with an ageing population).
between price of the commodity and the quantity
bought in a demand curve. At the horizontal axis we
put the quantity demand and on the vertical axis, the As mentioned earlier, the demand curve
price of the commodity. Along the demand curve D, at focuses on the relationship between the quantity
price P1 the quantity demand is denoted by Q 1. If the demand and the price of the commodity at a given
price is increased to P 2, the quantity demand is point in time other things held constant. The demand
reduced to Q2. Thus, a negatively sloped demand curve curve shows a negative relationship between the price
D implies an indirect relationship between price of the of the goods and the quantity demand. Specifically, as
commodity and quantity demand. the price of a commodity declines, the quantity
increases and when the price increases, the quantity
Substitution and Income Effects
To be more realistic, there is a need to
consider other factors aside from its own price that The inverse or negative relationship between
may influence individuals in the purchase of a the price of the commodity and the quantity demand
commodity. shown in the demand curve can be explained through
the substitution effect and income effect of a price
change. The substitution effect describes the decision
1) Income
of a consumer to substitute an expensive good with
The capacity to purchase is influenced by
the income of the consumer. A higher level of income will cheaper goods when there is a price change. Thus, as a
give him higher capacity to consume while a lower income price of the mangoes increases, the consumer will
will give him limited purchasing power. make a choice of consuming cheaper papayas and
2) Prices of Other Commodities
bananas to substitute for mangoes which have
For example, if the other good is a become more expensive. As a consequence of the
substitute, the increase in the price of the substitute good substitution effect, there will be a decrease in the
may increase the demand for the commodity at hand. Thus, consumption of mangoes as the price of mangoes
when the price of beef increases, the demand for chicken
will increase since beef and chicken may be considered as increases.
substitute goods. On the other hand, if the other good is
complementary good, a decrease in its price will impact On the other hand, income effect refers to the
positively on the demand of the good being investigated. modification of the consumption of a commodity due
For instance, when the price of bread decreases the to the change in the purchasing power of the
demand for butter may increase since butter and bread may
consumer resulting from a price change. An increase in
be considered as complementary goods.
the purchasing power will enable the consumer to buy
3) Expectation more of the good while a reduction in purchasing
The expectation or prospect on what is power will reduce its capacity to purchase.
going to happen to the price can also influence the
demand for the commodity. (Remember our
Suppose a consumer has an income of PHP
example: the price of the US dollar). Another
example, if you believe the price of gasoline will 500 while the price of mangoes is set at PHP 20per
increase tomorrow, there is a tendency for piece. He can buy up to 25 pieces of mangoes from his
consumers to increase their consumption today. given income. However, if the price of mangoes
increases to PHP 25 per piece he can only buy up to 20
4) Taste
The formation of taste is influenced by pieces. Thus, an increase in the price of the good will
several factors. Some of them can be shaped by reduce quantity demand because the capacity of the
cultural values, others through peer pressure or consumer to purchase is reduced with a price increase.
the power of advertising. (Remember our example:
on the celebration of New Year’s Eve to have round
This confirms the negative relationship between the the commodity decreases the amount of quantity
price of the commodity and quantity demanded. demand increases as shown by the movement along
the demand curve D from point a to b.
Principle of diminishing marginal utility
Shift in the demand curve, on the other hand, are
A more interesting but theoretical explanation changes in demand curve caused by any of the other
on the downward sloping demand curve is derived factors beside the price of the commodity. Taste, price
from the principle of diminishing marginal utility. of other goods, income and other factor may affect
According this major economic principle as a buyer the demand of a commodity positively or negatively.
continues to consume a good his total satisfaction or
utility increases; however, the additional or marginal The positive or negative impacts of these
satisfaction decreases as a buyer consumes additional other factors do not alter the negative relationship
unit of good. This reduction in marginal satisfaction is between the price of the commodity and the quantity
attributed to the fact that consumers can have a demand.
feeling of satiation when they continuously increase See Graph 3 for the illustration.
the consumption of a particular commodity.
Diminishing marginal utility implies that the additional
satisfaction provided by an additional commodity The second major actor in a market is the
consumed is lower that the additional satisfaction supplier whose primary purpose in selling is to
given by the previous level. maximize profit. This inclination to sell is summarized
in the shape of the supply curve.
For example, if the price of the good is PHP 8
per unit, and the monetary value of marginal utility of The supply curve is defined as a schedule
a certain level of consumption is PHP 10, that level of showing a direct or positive relationship between the
consumption is lower than the optimal since the price of a commodity and level of output that the
marginal benefit derived is still higher than the seller is willing to supply at a given point in time other
marginal cost. This means that the net total thing held constant. The direct relationship means that
satisfaction can still be increased since the net as the price of the commodity increases there will be
marginal satisfaction of PHP 2 is positive. The optimal more sellers that will be induced to supply the good. In
level of consumption can be reached by increasing the same light, as the price of the commodity
consumption whose marginal utility will decline until it decreases, there will be lesser sellers that are willing
reaches PHP 8 which is now equal to the price of the to supply the good in the market.
See Graph 4 for the illustration.

As discussed earlier there are several factors

that may affect the demand for a commodity. As a OTHER FACTORS AFFECTING SUPPLY OF A
consequence, changes in these factors can alter the COMMODITY
demand curve depending on their impact on the
1. Price of Production inputs
demandfor a commodity. There are two major
2. Taxes
categories of changes in demand curve-movement
3. Technology
along the demand curve and shift in the demand
4. Expectation

Movement along the demand curve refers to

the change in quantity demand resulting from the
change in the price of the commodity. The supply curve shows a positive or direct
relationship between the price of the commodity and
See Graph 2 for the illustration.
the quantity supplied in the market. The main
Graph 2 shows a movement along the demand motivation to supply goods is to gain profit which is
curve when a change in the price of a commodity based on the costs of production of a firm and the
results in a change in quantity demand. At price P 1 the price of the commodity. There are several
coordinate a along the demand curve D will give us the interpretations on the reasons why suppliers respond
quantity demand which is denoted by Q 1. If the price positively with price changes.
decreases to P2 (coordinate b along the demand curve)
quantity demand increases to Q2. Thus, as the price of
Variation in the Unit Cost of Production The movement on the supply curve is brought
about by changes in the price of a commodity.
The simplest reason for the direct relationship
between price and quantity supplied is due to See Graph 5 for the illustration.
variation of the costs of production among producers.
The shift in the supply curve is caused by
Let take an example of five producers A, B, C, D, & E
with different unit costs of production. Producer A is changes in the other factors affecting supply except
the price of the commodity.
the most efficient with the least cost of PHP 5 per unit
cost. Producer B has PHP 7 unit cost, producer C has See Graph 6 for the illustration.
PHP 10 unit cost, while producer D incurs PHP 15 13
per unit. Lastly, producer E is the most inefficient with
PHP 15 unit cost.
Suppose the market price is set at PHP 6 per
unit, at this price only producer A can supply the good
in the market while the rest of the producers are When buyers and sellers transact in a market
inefficient or not competitive. On the other hand if the they agree on the price of the commodity and the
price is increased and set at PHP 12 per unit, the amount to be sold and bought. This agreed price is
number of producers that can supply the market has called the equilibrium price. From a graphical
also increased. Producers A, B, and C can now supply perspective, the equilibrium price implies that buyers
the market. Because of the price increase, formerly and sellers are I agreement to buy and sell the same
inefficient producers B & C have become competitive amount of commodity at the equilibrium price.
since their unit cost of production are now lower that
the current market price. Producers D & E remain See Graph 7 for the illustration.
uncompetitive at the current market price.
However, there are cases when there are
Meanwhile, as the price increases to PHP 16 per unit,
disagreements among buyers and sellers on the price
the number of producers is also increased to five. All
and quantity. In such cases disequilibrium situations
of them are competitive and earning some profit at
can occur. An example of a disequilibrium condition is
the current market price because their unit costs are
when the amount buyers are willing to buy is not the
lower than the current market price.
same as the amount the produces are willing to sell at
Principle of diminishing marginal productivity and a given price.
increasing marginal costs
Because disequilibrium situations create
If the price of a commodity or the marginal differences in the amount of commodity being bought
revenue is higher than marginal costs, the marginal and sold, the market price is not stable and can bring
profit is positive. This implies that the total profit can economic problem. If the market is efficient, these
still be increased by increasing production. This is differences create pressures though price changes to
because the additional revenue brought about by remove the disequilibrium. Remember our example
additional production is higher than the additional cost re: shortage and surplus.
which results in a positive contribution to total profit.
On the other hand, if the price of a good or the
marginal revenue is lower than marginal cost, the  Shift in the Demand Curve to the Right
marginal profit is negative. This implies that the total  Shift in the Demand Curve to the Left
profit will decline with additional production. Thus, as  Shift in the Supply Curve to the Right
long as the marginal profit is positive there is  Shift in the Supply Curve to the Left
motivation to increase production because this will
increase profit. When marginal profit reaches zero, he SIMULTANEOUS CHANGES IN DEMAND AND SUPPLY
firm has attained the maximum level of profit. This
 Shift of the Demand Curve to the Right
means that when marginal profit is zero, price or
and Shift of the Supply Curve to the
marginal revenue is equal to marginal cost.
Right (Equal Proportion)
CHANGES IN THE DEMAND CURVE  Shift of the Demand Curve to the Right
and Shift of the Supply Curve to the
There are two major categories in the changes Left (Unequal Proportion)
in the supply curve- movement along the supply curve
and shift in the supply curve.

1. Price Ceiling
2. Price Floor
3. Application in the Labor Market (see
discussion and graphic illustration in the last
three pages)
4. Minimum Wage as Price Floor (see discussion
and graphic illustration in the last three pages)
5. Application in the Foreign Exchange Market
6. Labor Migration and the Overseas Filipino
Workers (OFW’s)
7. Determination of Rent



 Market Structures
1. Perfect Competition
2. Monopoly
3. Oligopoly
4. Monopolistic Competition
 Market Structures and Implications for
1. Investment and Interest Rate
2. Rentals and the Cost of
Business Operations
3. Minimum Wage
4. Taxes (business permits, real
estate taxes, sales taxes, value
added taxes, income taxes and
taxes on traded goods and

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