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Topic Name:

Improvement of jumping skills through plyometric training

of long jumper in female athlete at university level

Submitted By:
Muhammad Usman 10117 Iqra Ijaz 10142

Sidra Mehmood 10139 Ammara Afzal 10128

Zubaria Razaq 10115 Komal Shan 10127

Rida Ghaffar 10116 Tayyba Rani 10143

Submitted To:
Pro.Dr.Abida Naseer

Department of Physical education and

sports sciences Government College
University Faisalabad

(July, 2019)
Sr. No Chapter No: 1

1.1 Background of the study
1.2 Statement of the problem
1.3 Conceptual framework
1.4 Aims and objectives of the study
1.5 Research questions
1.6 Research hypothesis
Chapter No: 2
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Conceptual framework (Dependent Variable & Independent Variable)
2.2.1 Long jump Long jump techniques Long jump styles Plyometric
2.2.2 Training Types of training
2.2.3 Athlete performance
2.2.4. Awareness
2.2.5 Use of modern technology
2.2.6 Facilities
Chapter No: 3
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Definition of research design
3.3 Population
3.4 Sample
3.5 Procedure of data collection
3.6 Data analysis
3.7 Tools of long jump
3.8 Pre-test
3.9 4 Weeks plan to improve the jumping skills of a long jump
3.10 Four week plan day by day
3.11 Post-test

Chapter No: 4
4.1 Level of squat jumping among selected female athletes
4.2 Level of broad jumping among selected female
4.3 Level of push-up among selected female athlete
4.4 Level of skater jumping among selected female athlete
4.5 Level of jumping jack planks among selected female athlete
4.6 Overall jumping level among selected female athlete
4.7 Comparison of jumping skill among pre and post plyometric training of long
jumper in female athlete
Chapter No: 5
5.1 Summary
5.2 Main findings
5.3 Conclusions
5.4 References
Improvement of jumping skills through plyometric training of long
jumping in female athletes at university level
Chapter # 1
1:1Background of the Study
Long jump is known as board jump and one of the important field event s from athletic
events .it is played both standing and running starts, but long jump- is no longer including in
major competition. It was discontinued from the Olympic Games after 1912. The running long
jump was an event in the Olympic games of 708 B.C and in the modern games from 1896. In
1935 Jesse owner of the United States set a record of 8.13 meter that was no broken until 1960.
Similarly, American bob bemoan held the long jump rescored of 8.90 meters from 1968 until
1991, when it was broken by American Mike Powell, who leapt 8.95 meters. Beginning in 1948,
the women’s long jump has been an Olympic event. The current world record for women is
7.52m by Galina chistyakova achieved in Leningrad in 1988. Jackie Joyner made Olympic
record 7.40m in 1988. Fred with a former US Olympic long distance runner, is credited with
coining the team plyometric. He admits that it is not a very good term, but it was the best he
could come with after watching the Russians execute jumps in their warm ups prior to their event
in track and field. He could not understand why Russian were doing all of these jumps while the
Americans were doing multiple static stretches, but the firmly believed it was one of the reason
why there were so successful n many events. From its beginning in the early 1980s, the term
plyometric gained greater popularity and is now well established. When Fred with learned of the
work being done by Michael Yeses in the field of Russian training methods, they quickly teamed
up to help disseminate information on plyometric. The surface sketch for long jump involving a
runway at least 40 meters (131) feet with a standard width of runway 1.22 meter and a sand-
filled landing area at least 2.75 meter and maximum 3 meter .The long jump is a famous event in
Australian .In international competition eight athletes 5take part in the long jump in three
preliminary attempts which make qualify to three final attempts. Good long jumper athletes need
skills, speed, endurance, flexibility and strength. Long jump facility includes a runway, a take-off
board and a landing area. Usually it is placed outside the track along one of the straights with

two adjacent runways with a landing area end. The long jump is all about explosive. The more
power you can generate through your legs, the higher and farther you’ll be able to jump.
Explosive power is a combination of speed, muscular strength, all of which can be developed
through targeted exercises and activities such as running sprints lifting weights and performing
plyometric. Run sprints to improve your cardiovascular fitness. To build an explosive jump that
will propel you higher and longer you need to build your cardiovascular capacity. Long jumpers
need to be able short burst of work with incredible force, and sprints are a great way to train the
body for that work. Start with six rounds of 100-meter sprints with a minute or two of recovery
in between. See if you can maintain or even beat your time on the first round through the sixth
round. Try to improve on your time, and then move up to 200-meter sprints same format.
Practice sprints at least one per week. Plyometric training also known as jump training or ploys,
are exercise in which muscle exert maximum force in short intervals of time, with the goal of
increasing power. It makes perfect sense to use this sort of training to improve both the length
and the height of your long jump. For example, skipping, bounding, jumping rope, hopping,
lunges, jump squats, and clap push-ups are all examples of plyometric exercises.

Benefits of plyometric Exercises:

 Improve muscle speed: plyometric is a high-octane training system that uses an explosive
amount of energy……
 Make your muscles powerful: plyometric exercises work on the muscle myofibrils,
resulting in increased latent power in the body.
 Increased Endurance: Plyometric practices are incredible for structure muscle; however
they help with a competitor’s perseverance also. Power continuance (which is required in
games exercises including high-force developments for longer timeframes) is improved
through ploy developments. Plyometric can show the competitor’s body to deliver more
power while spending less vitality to do as such. This spared vitality can be spent towards
the finish of the action which expands the life span of value execution

1:3 Statement of the problem

The purpose of this study is to investigate the plyometric training so that to improve the
performance of female athlete. The participation of female athlete in long jump is less than the

male athlete. Using the plyometric training method, the performance of female athlete will be
improved so that their participation will be equal to the male athlete. Awareness about the long
jump is less in female athlete so that female athletes should use plyometric training method to
enhance performance, to improve skills and techniques so that female athletes will be brought
equal to the male athletes.

1:4 Conceptual framework


i. Independent Variable
 Training
 Athlete Performance
 Awareness
 Use of Modern Technology
 Facilities
ii. Dependent Variable
 Long Jump

1:5 Aims and Objectives of the Study

 To find out the relationship between training and long jump.

 To find out the relationship between female athletes performance and long jump.
 To find out the relationship between awareness and long jump.
 To find out the relationship between use of modern technology and long jump.
 To find out the relationship between facilities and long jump.

1:6 Research questions

 What is the relationship between training and long jump?

 What is the relationship between Athlete performance and long jump?
 What is the relationship between awareness and long jump?
 What is the relationship between use of modern technology and long jump?
 What is the relationship between facilities and long jump?

1:7 Hypotheses

 There are significant relationship between training and long jump.

 There are significant relationships between Athlete performance and long jump.
 There are significant relationships between awareness and long jump.
 There are significant relationships between use of modern technology and long jump.
 There are significant relationships between facilities and long jump.


Long jump is known as broad jump and one of the important field events from athletic
event. It was discontinued from the Olympic Games after 1912. The running long jump was
an event in the Olympic games of 708 B.C and in the modern Games from 1896.The surface
sketch for long jump involving a runway at least 40 meter (131) feet with a standard width
for runway 1.22 meter and a sand-filled landing area at least 2.75 meter and maximum 3
meter. It makes perfect sense to use this sort of training to improve both the length and the
height of your long jump. For example, skipping, bounding, jumping rope, hopping, lunges,
jump squats and clap push-ups are all examples of plyometric exercises.

Chapter No#2
Literature Review
2.1 Introduction

The long jump (historically called the broad jump in the USA) is a track and field event
in which athletes a speed, associate strength and agility in an accomplishment to increase as far
as possible from a take-off point. Men’s world record in long jump is 8.95m by Mike Powell in
1991 and women’s record is 7.52m by Galina Chistyakova in 1988. The long jump has been part
of modern Olympic competition since the provenance of the games in 1896. In 1914, Dr. Harry
Eaton Stewart recommended the “running broad jump” as a standardized track and field event
for women. Plyometric, also known as jump training or ploy’s, are exercises in which muscles
expend maximum force in short intervals of time, with the goal of expanding power. Long jump
training emphasizing plyometric exercises is more 1 adequate than acceptable long jump
training-a randomized 2 controlled trial. The aim of the study was to appraise the impact of an 8-
week plyometric training program on the sprint and jump performance.

2.2 Conceptual framework (D.V and I.V)

In the conceptual framework, describe the dependent variable (Long jump) and independent
variable (Training, Athlete performance, Awareness, Use of modern technology and Facilities).

2.2.1 Long jump:

A jump track and field that is made for distance rather than height, performed either from a
stationery position or from a moving start. Long jump technique:

The long jump is divided up into 4 phases

 The Approach
 The Take-off
 The Flight
 The Landing

The approach:

Depending on the level of performance, approach convert between:

i. Primary school jumpers: 11-15 strides

ii. High school jumpers: 15-19 strides
iii. Senior athletes: 19-23 strides (35-45m)
 The approach run for woman is commonly 3-4m shorter than men’s due to absence of
muscular strength are. In order to attain maximal horizontal velocity, it is wise to develop
a rhythm on the approach run which contains a speed mold conception to achieve
maximal horizontal velocity at the right time and place in the approach run, as shown
 The run up is stead and progressively speed up and, during the last few strides, there is a
slight lowering of the hips in build up for the take-off as seen below. The long jumpers
prepares for take-off by sagging the hips, then raising the hips into the take-off phase.
 The hips should not say artificially in fact, the athletes should concentrate on high hips
through this phase. The sagging generally results in the next to last stride being longer
than regular and the final stride being up to 25cm shorter than a normal running stride.
 The hips sag and stride adjustment all appears in reaction to the athlete’s postural
adjustment in preparation for the take-off.

The take-off:

When the take-off foot is placed on the board, it is well advance of the center of gravity, which
allows time for maximal vertical velocity to be reveal to the center of gravity. This vertical
suddenly is farther supported by the quick upward acceleration of the “free” limbs, the arms and
the non-take-off leg. The final impulse is admitted by the strenuous straightening of the take-off
leg itself.

The flight:

 On take-off, raise the free leg to a parallel position.

 After take-off, the free leg must trail back for most of the flight.

 After take-off arms must be brought raised shoulder height.
 Keep the stem in an straight position during flight. This will allow more space for the
legs to be raised during the landing phase.
 Maintain hips alignment.
 The take-off must be sagging when brought forward in the latter part of flight, in ready
for the landing. The sag leg will reduce forward stem rotation.
 Keep the thigh of the free leg in a parallel position. Enhance the swing leg forward and
upward to land. This will reduce behind rotation when the trailing leg is brought forward.

The landing:

 During the landing the jump is trying to get the hells as far away from the take-off board
as it is possible
 The technique appeals that the athlete reaches a position where he would normally falling
into the sand in a normal landing.
 The body survives upright, with the head looking forward.
 The arms are effort down and behind to assist the legs in the upward motion.
 They should take the above body upright again before landing by pushing the arms
parallel forward, not upward, to stop the legs from dropping again, and to minimize
forward rotation.
 The arms must remain in this forward position until the landing is entire to deflect
backward rotation.

Improving the long jump techniques:

 The sail technique (also called the stride or bundle technique).

 The sail technique should be energized between younger athletes because it:
 Hearten a good take-off.
 Hearten an upright stem.
 Hearten the striding position of free leg.
 Hearten the sag pull through of take-off leg.
 Hearten both legs to be fixed up together for a superior landing position.

 It is a basic technical to the hang or the hitch kick technique. Long jump styles:

 The hang
 The hitch-kick

The hang:

 No disjointed leg action.

 The thigh of the free leg is hurry raised to the parallel position and then lowered during
 The take-off leg tail behind during most of the flight.
 The arms are raised at the same time upward.
 The complete body is spread and slowly arched.

The hitch-kick:

 Separate leg action.

 The free leg is straight forward and downward and to the rear after take-off.
 At the same time, the take-off leg is drawn forward and upward.
 The athlete presents to be running in midair. Plyometric:

Plyometric, containing running up and lower stairs and hurdles bounding can be
incorporated in to work-outs, commonly twice a week. This allows an athlete to struggle on
agility and explosiveness. Other plyometric exercises that are common for long jumpers are box
jumps. Boxes of different heights are setup spaced equally apart and jumpers can proceed
jumping onto them and off moving in the forward direction. They can displays the jumps from
both legs to alone jumps. Alternatively, they can setup the boxes in front of the high jump mat if
allowed, and jump over a high jump bar onto the mat imitator a landing aspect of the jump.
These plyometric exercises are typically performed at the end of workout.Plyometric exercise
work on the muscle myofibrils, resulting in increased latent power in the body.

2.2.2 Training:

Training constitutes a basic concept in human resource development. It is concerned with

developing a particular skill to a desired standard by instruction and practice. Training is a highly
useful tool that can bring an employee into a position where they can do their job correctly,
effectively, and conscientiously. Types of training

 Power training
 Complex training
 Strength training

Power training:

Power training typically involves exercises which apply the maximum amount of force as fast as
possible, on the basic that strength + speed = power. Jumping with weights or throwing weights
are two examples of power training exercises.

Specific forms of power training

There are various forms of power training which may be used singularly or in compound with
one another.

 Plyometric and loaded plyometric

 Ballistic training
 Complex training

Universal elements of power training:

The body’s core, sometimes referred to as the torso, help all other movements of the body in
power movements this is curiously the case as the core musculature increasingly convert, in
order to provide additional power, for these core strength training is a fundamental part of power
training .

There are two types of universal elements of power training:

 Joint strength
 Proposition of strength

Complex training:

Complex training also known as contrast training or post-activation potentiation training,

involves the integration of strength training and plyometric in a training system designed to
improve explosive power. ( According to JaceDerwin):

Strength training and plyometric are both effective measures are for increasing athletic
performance independent of each other, but a true program designed for power-based athletes
need to incorporate both disciplines.

Strength training:

Strength training is a type of physical exercise specializing in the use of resistance to

induce muscular contraction which builds the strength anaerobic, endurance and size of skeletal
muscles, sports where strength training is central are body building, weightlifting, power lifting,
strongman, highland games, shot put, discus throw, and javelin throw. Many other sports use
strength training as part of their training regimen, notably tennis, American football, wrestling,
track and field, rowing, lacrosse, basketball, pole dancing, hockey professional wrestling rugby
union, rugby league, and soccer. Strength training for other sports and physical activities
becoming increasing popular.

2.2.3 Athlete performance:

Carrying out of specific physical routine or procedures by one who is trained or skilled in
physical activity. Performance is influenced by a combination of physiological and socio-cultural
factors. After the Compellation speed and agility test, athletes where going for long jump
performance. Long jump pit was use to management long jump test with proper marking and
take-off board. For the long jump performance each athletes were permitted to take maximum
40m approach run. The athletes were free to enforce any capability of long jump. The nearest
point of landing was balanced from take-off board, with the help measuring taps in meters and
record as the performance of athletes. The continuous scientific progression in the area of sports

has made sports training more purposive, abject on fact and very unique than ever. Sports
scientist are abrogation nothing to improve in order to find out the performance enlarge and
affecting factor as well as the best conclusion oriented training system for each sport.

Five simple ways to improve your athletic performance

1. Keep fluid intake during exercise between 550-800/ml per hour.

2. Restrict caloric intake to 300 cal/hr during exercise.
3. Avoid simple sugars in your fuels; use complex carbohydrates only.
4. Use soy, not whey, during exercise.

2.2.4 Awareness

A vertical jump or vertical skip is the act of raising one's center of mass higher in the vertical
plane solely with the use of one’s own muscles; it is a measure of how high an especial or athlete
can upraise off the ground (jump) from a stand still.

Types of the vertical jump is divided into two different types

1. Standing vertical jump

2. Running vertical jump.
i. Standing vertical jump
The refers to a vertical jump done from a standstill with no steps being involved at all.
ii. Running vertical jump
This refers to a vertical jump after an access or run to help add energy to the jump in an
effort to improve on the standing vertical jump.

Where vertical jump measurement are used:

Vertical jump measurements are used chiefly in athlete circles to measured performance.
The most common sports in which ones vertical jump is measured are track and field, netball,
basketball, football, but many sports measure their player’s vertical jumping ability during
physical examinations.

Vertical jump and power output:
Vertical jumps are used to both train and test for power output in athlete plyometric are
individually effective in training for power output, and include vertical jumps of different types
in their protocol.Fatigue has been researched in athlete for its effect on vertical jump
performance and found to declining it in basketball players.

Approach runs stage:

This stage is a significant part of the long bouncing that lead to a decent presentation by a
quick and exact run-up. The undertakings of the competitor amid run-up make out of the
increasing speed to close most extreme speed, bring down the body amid practically last advance
and convey to take-off and take-off foot on the take-off board precisely. Run-up speed: Most
long jumpers take around 16-24 percent for striding over a separation of around 35-55 m. At that
point the competitor stretches around 95-99 percent of their most extreme dashing pace. Long
jumpers stay away from run-up every one of the 100 percent of dashing pace.

Run-up precision:

The long hop run-up comprise of two stages which are the quickening stage and the
focusing in stage. Amid the last couple of steps before take-off on the board, the competitors are
altering the length of their steps so as to check how far they are from the board. Around five
walks before the board have been utilized for elite long jumpers. Notwithstanding that, long
jumpers can alter the walk with a little loss of level speed. Fledgling competitors will in general
have mixed up their walk modification and high amassed mistake later than profoundly talented
jumpers. A check mark 4-6 strides has been utilized for some long jumpers before the board.

Run-up to Take-off:

Feed and Nohara (1990) states that talented long jumper arranged around a few walks
before take-off with lower their focal point of mass (COM). A low position into take-off is
fundamental to give a huge vertical scope of movement (ROM). Most long jumpers invest more
energy for rehearsing to bring down their COM while, limiting any decrease in keep running up

Take-off stage:

So as to play out a fitting take-off procedure toward the finish of run-up and take-off foot
well in front of COM at touchdown to deliver low position toward the start of the take-off. Later
an assortment of jumper turns up and over the take-off foot, in the meantime the take-off leg
rapidly flexes just as broadens.

Flight and landing stage:

Most of long jumpers utilize either 'hang' position or execute a 'hitch-kick' development.
The competitor activities are considered to control the forward revolution. It is educated by the
body at take-off and furthermore to achieve a compelling landing position [10]. Linthorne (2008)
portrays the competitor is free trip noticeable all around, so the absolute rakish force of
competitors must be safeguarded. The forward precise energy is delivered by swinging the arms
and legs. The long jumpers select their system.

Flight separate condition:

Equation is the aggregate of bounce remove. Wakai (2005) states that 90 percent of the
complete hops remove are the flight separate. Thus, the biomechanical components of the long
jumpers flight remove are fundamental in long hopping. The impacts of gravity are considerably
more than streamlined powers amid the flight period of the long hopping. Along these lines, the
jumper might be resolved as a shot in feet. The direction of the COM is characterized by the
conditions at take-off just as the flight separate is given via landing takeoff jump.

Long Hop Examination:

Long hop can be recognized into two sections, dashing and hopping. The initial segment
is the run which makes out of two stages, the driving stages when the leg is in contacting the
ground and the recuperation stages. Another part is the bouncing development of the long hop,
which fundamentally the same as dashing and includes the hip knee and lower leg.


Competitor dashes 50 meters, a magnificent time is under 7.6 seconds for a male and under 8.1
seconds for a female. The dash test is a basic segment to execute the appropriate seize rapid. A
decent pointer of speed is ten walk test to screen competitors' capacity and construct proficiently
quicken from a standing begin point. Running 6x20 m from a standing begin point that works for
the individual estimates the time and separation shrouded in ten steps.


The standing long bounce or vertical long hop is the estimation of intensity. The
remarkable outcome is over 2.5 meters for guys, and more than 2 meters for females from
standing long hop test, while amazing vertical bounce test, is more than 65 cm for guys and more
than 58 cm for females. Power is additionally significant in the long bounce. Thus, the
contenders require devoting a most extreme power in the quick time.


The stork stand test is utilized for testing that incredible perusing for the two guys and
females is more than 50 seconds. Parity is incredibly significance in the flight phase of the long
hop. It means to picking up the longest separation conceivably from departure to arriving by
easily float and one ahead way in the air. Muscular Strength: Leg Strength Test in which region
of 25 meters is the estimation test. It is developed by cones in a straight line. The means begin
running ten meters, and after that continue to jump on the prevailing leg until it achieves the
finish of the cone.


Sit and achieve test is an estimation that amazing perusing for guys would be more than
10 cm, and 15 cm for females. Adaptability is essential for helping competitors to protect their
joints, connective tissue and muscle. Also, it is very significance in helping the competitors to
achieve most extreme speed, and power levels in the long hop. Movement: In request to finish an
incredible bounce, the methodology run is crucial to build the most extreme speed that impact to
the hop. In addition, energy is additionally significant particularly rakish force, for example, on

arm and leg revolution. What's more, take-off and flight phases of the bounce which are portions
of energy, are fundamental for a high hop just as convey forward. The higher bounce makes
competitors remain longer noticeable all around, the more extended force can convey forward.
The arms and legs in flight are additionally critical factors by swinging forward, as it produces
further force. Power: is significance in the take-off phase of the long hop. Take-off on the board
with the competitor body can be connected power so as to push off it and increment the stature
and length of bounce. Besides, the power can be consumed by twisting knees, lower legs and
hips when the body land

2.2.5 Use of modern technology

1) BMW velocity measurement system

2) Standing long jump device
3) Space-tech enhanced prosthetic leg

BMW velocity measurement system:

The utilization of innovation is just the same old thing new in the long hop. Enter BMW's
speed estimation framework, which the German auto organization created in the wake of
marking a six-year manage USA Track and Field in 2010.

How its work:

The framework engineers set up a 3-D stereo camera - wired to a PC - beside a track. The
long jumper is then equipped with an extraordinary white cap, which the camera is modified to
track and record while the individual in question jumps. (The head is the most steady piece of the
body amid a bounce.) Uncommon programming on the PC at that point utilizes the pictures
caught by the camera to momentarily decide level speed, vertical speed and hop edge.


Bryan Mud is the 2008 Olympic gold medalist in the decathlon. He says that "After a
bounce, I can take a gander at the screen, see my estimations and realize that if my departure
point was state, 45 degrees and I should have been more like 25, at that point I have to push out
rather than up. Coaches have long used high-speed cameras to capture athletes’ jumps and then

break them down frame by frame to find flaws in form and technique. But immediate
quantitative feedback has been all but nonexistent. Enter BMW’s velocity measurement system,
which the German auto company developed after signing a six-year deal with USA Track &
Field in 2010. The system engineers set up a 3-D stereo camera -- wired to a computer -- next to
a track. The long jumper is then outfitted with a special white hat, which the camera is
programmed to track and record while he or she leaps. (The head is the most stable part of the
body during a jump.) Special software on the computer then uses the images captured by the
camera to instantaneously determine horizontal velocity, vertical velocity and jump angle.

Standing long jump device

What is this?

A standing long hop gadget dependent on infrared examining innovation was proposed
for the point of identifying and breaking down the games accomplishment of a gathering of

How it works?

The gear is making of a standing long hop run discoverer, an infrared examining range
gadget, and a cloud stage for information the board. The yield of the estimation information is
accomplished through changing over electrical sign delivered by the instrument into a
computerized sign. The triangular equation and the base esteem calculation were connected to
manage the separation information estimated by the infrared light gadget. The capacity model of
momentary information procurement can successfully understand the estimation mistakes
brought about by the slight development of analyzer's toes or heels. Likewise, the gadget
additionally has wise cross-line alert capacity. Contrasted and the past rangefinder gear, this
gadget can accomplish an abnormal state of estimation exactness and transfer constant
information to the cloud stage for examination. The program as indicated by the rule of infrared
light blind, programmed estimation of long bounce separate. The competitor is taking off at the
departure. There is a different infrared cylinder at the jumper line to decide if to venture on hold
foul. At the point when the competitors handled, the ground's infrared recognition region was

As indicated by the calculation to ascertain the last long bounce results. At the point
when the bounce is done, the competitor escapes the discovery region. The framework trusts that
the following player will quantify at the departure point. The deliberate information will be
investigated, tallied and transferred to the cloud stage a standing long jump device based on
infrared scanning technology was proposed for the aim of detecting and analyzing the sports
achievement of a group of people. The function model of instantaneous data acquisition can
effectively solve the measurement errors caused by the slight movement of tester’s toes or heels.
In addition, the device also has intelligent cross-line alarm function. Compared with the previous
rangefinder equipment, this device can achieve a high level of measurement accuracy and upload
real-time data to the cloud platform for analysis. The program according to the principle of
infrared light curtain, automatic measurement of long jump distance. The athlete is taking off at
the takeoff. There is a separate infrared tube at the jumper line to determine whether to step on
the line foul. When the athletes landed, the ground's infrared detection area was blocked. The
system records all measured data. According to the algorithm to calculate the final long jump
results. When the jump is finished, the athlete gets out of the detection area. The system waits for
the next player to measure at the takeoff point. The measured data will be analyzed, counted and
uploaded to the cloud platform here Device 1 is a Standing Long Jump Range Finder, and
Device 2 is an Infrared Scanning Range Device, which radiates infrared lights to detect the
distance data of human’s feet.

Spaced-tech enhanced prosthetic leg:

Prosthetic is a fake gadget that replaces a missing body part, which might be lost through
injury, infection, or a condition present during childbirth. Prostheses are planned to reestablish
the typical elements of the missing body part Its also used in sports.


German competitor WojtekCzyz, running with a space-tech upgraded prosthetic leg and
set another world record at the Paralympics 2008 in Beijing, achieving an astounding 6.50 m and
beating the past world record by 27 cm. (October 27, 2008 European Space Agency)

2.2.6 Facilities:

Layout of the Facility for the Long Jump:

The Long Jump office incorporates a runway, a take-off board and an arrival territory.
More often than not, it is set outside the track along one of the straights with two neighboring
runways with an arrival territory at each end, hence permitting challenge in either heading by
two gatherings of competitors at the same time. This is obligatory for Construction Class I and II.

Runway for the Long Jump:

The length accommodated the runway will be 40m min. what's more, is estimated from
the start of the runway to the take-disconnected. The runway will be 1.22m ± 0.01m wide. It will
be set apart by white lines 0.05m wide or broken lines 0.05m wide, 0.10m long what's more,
0.50m separated. The runway is typically secured with a similar surface as the track.

Take-off board for the Long Jump:

The take-off board will be rectangular and will quantify 1.22m ± 0.01m long, 0.20m ±
0.002m wide and not more than 0.10m profound. It will be hued white. The surface of the take-
off board must be flush with the outside of the runway. On account of a runway with a
changeless surface, this requires an implicit establishment plate made of erosion secured metal in
which the take-off board can be accurately situated. Amid game free periods, the take-off board
can be evacuated. On the off chance that it has a track surface on its invert side, it very well may
be turned over and utilized as a component of the runway. This causes it conceivable to
consolidate Long to and Triple Jump with a few take-off sheets (which can be utilized on the two
sides) on a Triple Jump runway.

Landing area for the Long Jump:

The arrival territory must be 7m to 9m long contingent upon the separation between its
closer end and the take-disconnected and will be 2.75m min. wide. For the most part, an arrival
zone length of 8m set 2m from the take-disconnected is suggested. The arrival region will, if
conceivable, be placed to the point that the center of the runway harmonizes with the center of

the arrival zone. On the off chance that two arrival regions are arranged parallel one next to the
other, the separation between them must be in any event 0.30m. On the off chance that two
arrival regions are amazed, the division between the two territories should likewise be in any
event 0.30m. The arrival region ought to have an outskirt at the very least 0.05m wide and 0.30m
high, adjusted off towards within (for example wooden board or solid fringe with delicate
covering) and level with the ground. The arrival zone must have a water porous substructure or a
reasonable seepage framework (depleting admirably or trench association) and be loaded up with
sand to a profundity of at the very least 0.30m at the edges and somewhat more profound at the
middle The top edge of the fringe of the arrival zone, by and large additionally manages the
dimension of the sand, which must be level with the take-off board. Resistances: Landing zone
outskirt level ± 0.02m contrasted and the most elevated piece of the take-off board.

Safety of the facility for the Long Jump:

For the wellbeing of the competitors, the sand must (to abstain from solidifying because
of dampness) comprise of washed stream sand or unadulterated quartz sand, without natural
parts, greatest 2mm granules, of which not over 5% in weight is less than 0.2mm.It is
additionally imperative to guarantee that the top edge of the leading body of the arrival zone is
planned utilizing adaptable material and adjusted off. Take-off sheets introduced for all time in
manufactured runways are regularly the reason for mishaps in light of the fact that the
unevenness which essentially happens in the surface among them and the runway can't be leveled
out. This can be reduced by utilizing flexible take-off sheets stein metal plate. On all events, the
general separations between the take-off board and the fared of the arrival zone must be
conformed to. The zone past end of the arrival region ought to be level and hindrance allowed to
enable competitors to go through the arrival region. On the off chance that the flat bounces
offices are on the infield region, long tosses ought to be booked not to conflict with the
utilization of the bounce offices for warm up and rivalry.

Suitability for Competition and Official Acceptance of the Facility for the
Long Jump:

Long Jump offices must fit in with the determinations. This can be built up while reviewing the
400m Standard Track.


The area chose for a games office relies on the interest as portrayed under Sections 1.6.2
and 1.6.3, the populace thickness inside the catchment region and, most importantly, upon the
accessibility of satisfactorily huge zones of land. It is accurately these generally enormous spaces
required for games offices which settle on the decision of area significantly increasingly
troublesome in perspective on the general deficiency of accessible land in zones with high
populace densities. An early improvement of points inside the structure of zone and provincial
arranging and early verifying of appropriate space is consequently vital. Just along these lines
will it be conceivable to supply sports offices which both satisfy need also, are appropriately

Size of land:

The extent of the land will be in any event twice as huge and, if conceivable, multiple
times as enormous as the required net games territory so as to have the option to oblige
reasonably finished regions between the games spaces. Just along these lines can the ideal
incorporation of the games office into lodging advancements and the encompassing normal
condition be ensure?

Soil conditions:

Essentials for financial development, working and support costs are satisfactory burden
bearing soil conditions with most extreme conceivable porousness and a geography which is as
level as conceivable on account of the requirement for enormous even territories for game. Filled
ground can be pricey to exhume and compact to meet the required establishment conditions for
an office.


A good microclimate free of irksome breeze, mist and temperature boundaries is

especially significant for the ideal utilization of outside offices for games.

Environmental conditions:

The ecological conditions which are of unique significance for open air sports offices will
be adjusted to guarantee either that no inconvenient scents, clamors, vibrations or residue
annoyances will happen or that proportions of insurance can be actualized to avert them.
Neighborhoods delicate with the impacts of lights and 23 Section 1 - General Aspects of
Planning IAAF TRACK AND FIELD FACILITIES MANUAL 2008 commotion (vehicles,
onlookers, sports device, floodlighting) ought to be stayed away from or as it were
acknowledged whether appropriate measures for security are executed. The impedance to, or
pulverization of, characteristic or common components of the scene (counting biotypes) must be
blocked or reasonable estimates must be actualized to make up for this.

Transport network:

A sufficient and financially legitimate transport organize, including fundamental parking

spots, must be practical. Thought must be given to the stopping prerequisites of both private and
open transport, and adequate spaces ought to be assigned to each. The degree of the arrangement
of open transport (for example transports, trains) will decide the zone required for leaving for
private vehicles (for example private transports, vehicles, bikes). Notwithstanding parking spots
for VIPs, press, competitors, rivalry authorities, helper work force and orderlies, there ought to
be 1 vehicle parking spot, (approx. 25m2) for each 4 observer spaces or, on account of an ideal
open transport arrange, 25 onlooker spaces and 1 transport park (approx. 50m2) for each 500
onlooker spaces.

Supply and waste disposal:

Satisfactory and monetarily legitimate frameworks of supply for water, vitality, broadcast
communications and waste transfer must be attainable.


A severe division of the dissemination frameworks for observers and for competitors is of
specific significance to the wellbeing of the competitors. For offices with bigger onlooker limits,
a partition framework between the onlooker and the games regions is fundamental.

Safety margins:

Because of the reconciliation of different offices for games into one huge complex which
is regular today and essential for financial reasons, the arrangement of certain wellbeing edges
between zones for individual controls of games to block any risky exercises, has turned out to be
especially significant. The equivalent additionally applies to the keeping of wellbeing zones free
from checks of various types. Coordinators just as authorities, judges what's more, competitors
must give exceptional consideration to these perspectives.


Men’s world record in long jump is 8.95m by Mike Powell in 1991 and women’s record is
7.52m by Galina Chistyakova in 1988. A long jump is a track and field that is made for distance
rather than height, performed either from a stationery position or from a moving start. Training is
a highly useful tool that can bring an employee into a position where they can do their job
correctly, effectively, and conscientiously. Performance is influenced by a combination of
physiological and socio-cultural factors. After the Compellation speed and agility test, athletes
where going for long jump performance. The Long Jump office incorporates a runway, a take-off
board and an arrival territory. More often than not, it is set outside the track along one of the
straights with two neighboring runways with an arrival territory at each end, hence permitting
challenge in either heading by two gatherings of competitors at the same time.

Chapter # No 3

Research Methodology

3.1 Introduction:

A methodology is a method of data collection, data analysis and manages the training
schedule every research tool is selected according the research purpose. There are many types of
research methodologies such as experiment, interviews, recording and observations etc. The
researcher presents the female athletes skills in long jump through plyometric training. In this
chapter the researcher use the experimental method to draw conclusions. So for this purpose a
small experimental research is being conducted by students of M.Sc. sports sciences, department
of physical education & sports science, Govt. College University Faisalabad.

Definition of research:

 Research is a sample terms attribute to search for knowledge.

 It is workout to pursue truth through the procedures of study estimation, comparison and

3.2 Definition of research design:

A research is the set of methods and procedure used in collecting and analyzing
magnitude of the variables specified in the problem research. The design of a study define the
study type (descriptive, correlation, semi-experimental, experimental, review, meta-analytic) and
sub- type (e.g., descriptive-longitudinal case study), research problem, hypotheses independent
and dependent variable, experimental design, and, if applicable, data collection methods and a
statistical analysis plan. A research design is a framework that has been generated to catch
answers to research questions.

Experimental Research:

An attempt by the researcher to maintain control over all factors that may affect the result of
an experiment. In doing this, the researcher try to control or estimate what may arise.

 Researcher use SPSS software to manage data.

Experimental Design:

A blueprint of the policy that enables the researcher to test his hypothesis by reaching.

Advantage of experimental research:

 Researchers have a powerful hold over variables to attain desired results.

 Subject or industry is not criterion for experimental research due to which any industry
can apparatus in for research purposes.
 Results are most specific.
 Experimental research can be use in affiliation with other research methods.

3.3 Population:

The groups of individual or items which are the primary interest of research are known as
research population. Usually research is done for the welfare of population. The research
population is selected on the basis of same features.

Researcher find out 80 students are as a population from govt. college university

3.4 Sample

Sampling is a process whereby a researcher chooses simple. This might seem pretty in
research researcher terms a sample is a group of people, object, or items that are taken from a
huge population for measurement. The sample should be representative of the population to
ensure that we can generalize the finding from the researcher sample to the population as a

Population of sampling in research:

Purpose of sampling may be many and different depending of the types of research being
organization as well as the personal perceptions of the researcher.

However, we found the following points to be common and being agreed upon by many
as being the reasons why sampling in research.

They are as follows:

 Saves cost.
 Save time.
 Increase chances of accuracy.
 Only way to deal with large populations.
 Studying whole population can be destructive.
 Helpful for populations.

It is an experimental research in which 12 students are selected as a sample size from gcuf.

3.5 Procedure of Data collection:

Researcher conduct pre-test and post-test of long jumper athletes. Researcher collect
quantities data of long jumper athlete and then compare pre-test and post-data and calculate
3result and find what improvement is achieved.

Data management:

Researcher use this software SPSS to manage data.

3.6 Data analysis:

Data analysis is the processes of systematically applying statistical and/or logical approach to
describe and clarify condense and recap and evaluate data. An important component of ensuring
data candor is the careful and appropriate analysis of research finding.

Meaning of data analysis:

The process of appraise data using analytical and logical apriority to check out each
component of the data provided. Data from various sources is accumulating reviewed, and then
analyzed to from some sort of finding or conclusion.

Researcher uses the software t-test to analyze data. Measurement of distance achievement
for long jump. Measurement band of distance, long jump track performance description each
athlete was selected after controlling the approximate distance to the standing board.

Types of data analysis:

Some of them are more basic in nature, such as descriptive exploratory, inferential,
predictive, and causal, some, however, are more specific, such as qualitative analysis, and colors,
and quantitative analysis which focus on numbers.


The most commonly used data analysis methods are content analysis: This is one of the
most common methods to analyze qualitative data. Anecdotal analysis, this method is used to
analyze content from different sources, such as interview of answering, observations from the
field or survey.

3.7 Tools of long jump:

The researcher uses the following tools in long jump,

1. Take-off system
2. Pit Rakes
3. Pit Covers
4. Measuring Equipment
5. Replacement Spikes

3.8 Pre-test

Sr. No Name Roll No Squat Broad Push- Skater Jumping Total

Jump jump up jump Jack Marks

1 NaginaShahzadi 10134 3 2 1 2 2 10

2 Sidra Hanif 10148 2 1 3 1 2 9

3 ZarinaMaqsood 10111 3 2 2 1 2 10

4 Irsha Ashraf 10120 1 2 2 1 2 8

5 Ayesha Ishaq 10227 2 1 3 2 1 9

6 Sidra Nazeer 10234 3 2 1 2 2 10

7 RidaShaheen 10244 3 2 3 1 2 11

8 Sana Irshad 7001 2 3 1 2 2 10

9 Maria 6937 2 3 2 1 3 11

10 Kianat 6939 3 1 2 1 1 8

11 ArmeezaYousaf 10105 3 2 1 2 1 9

12 Attia Sultan 10243 2 2 1 3 2 10

Find out of mean:

Definition of mean is the average of a set of data. To calculate the mean, find the sum of
the data and then divided by the number of data.

Mean = sum of data/Number of data

Mean= 8+8+9+9+9+10+10+10+10+10+11+11=115

= 115/12

= 9.58

Find out median:

Median is the middle number in a set of data when the data numerical orders.

Find out median:

= 8+9+10+11

= 9+10

= 19/2

Median= 9.5

Find out mode:

The mode is the number that occur the most.


The mode is = 10

Find out Range:

Range= largest value – smallest value


11- 8

This range is =3

Find the class width:

We find the class width by dividing the range by number of classes, 6 are arbitrarily chosen.

Width=Range/number of classes



Class limit Mid point Tally Frequency Frequency

8-9 8.5 ǀǀǀǀǀ 5 41.66
1/-11 10.5 ǀǀǀǀǀ ǀǀ 7 58.33

Standard Deviation:

Standard deviation is described by this formula as

(x−x ‾ )2
S¿ ∑ √

∑= sum of data

X= score of data

x‾ =Mean

N= Number of data

Table of Standard Deviation

X M X-M (X-M)2 ∑(X-M)2

1 9.58 8.58 73.61 256.76
2 9.58 7.58 57.45 256.76
3 9.58 6.58 43.29 256.76
4 9.58 5.58 31.13 256.76
5 9.58 4.58 20.97 256.76
6 9.58 3.58 12.81 256.76
7 9.58 2.58 6.65 256.76
8 9.58 1.58 2.49 256.76
9 9.58 0.58 0.33 256.76
10 9.58 -0.42 0.17 256.76
11 9.58 -1.42 2.01 256.76
12 9.58 -2.42 5.85 256.76

S= (256.76/12)



Performance table

Sr. No Performance Marks

1 Very poor 1-5

2 Poor 6-10

3 Good 11-15

4 Very good 16-20

5 Excellent 21-25

3.9 Four weeks plan to improve the jumping skills of a long jumper

Sr. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

1  Warm-up  Warm-up  Warm-up  Warm-up
(walking, (walking, jogging, (walking, (walking, jogging,
jogging, running) jogging, running) running)
running)  15 meter running  Skill work (one  3 times long jump
 20-meter on right leg (3 rep) leg 4-corners. drills
running  15 meter running Squat jump,  Take off drills
 15meter on left leg (3 rep) skater jump)  2 * 50-meter

Sprint (3 rep)  2*2(100m, 50m,  Standing broad sprint
 Jumping rope 100m) jump  Cool down
 Cool down Tempo running  Cool down
 Cool down


Sr. No Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

2nd  Warm-up  Warm-up  Warm-up  Warm-up

Week (walking, (walking, jogging, (walking, (walking,

jogging, running) jogging, running) jogging,
running)  Take off drill  Vertical jump running)
 20-meter  Plyometric drills  Standing broad
running on exercises  3-meter long jump drills
right leg (2 (jumping jack jump drills  Long jump drills
rep) planks)  Take off drills  Cool down
 20-meter  Cool down  Cool down
running on
left leg (2
 Take off drills
 Cool down


Sr. No Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

3rd  Warm-up (walking,  Warm-up  Warm-up  Warm-up

Week jogging, running) (walking, (walking, (walking,
 2*25meter sprint jogging, jogging, jogging,
 Maximum flight in running) running) running)
air  2*25meter  Take off drills  2*30meter
 Long jump drills running on right  Maximum sprint drills
(approach run, take leg sprint drills  20meter
off, flight)  2*25meter  Long jump running on
 Standing broad running on left drills single leg
jump leg  Standing broad  Standing
 Cool down  Standing broad jump broad jump
jump  Cool down  Cool down
 Cool down


Sr. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

4th  Warm-up  Warm-up (walking,  Warm-up  Warm-up

Week (walking, jogging, running) (walking, (walking,

jogging,  2*35meter sprint jogging, jogging,
running)  Pushups (15 rep) running) running)
 3*30meter  Standing broad jump  4 times  40meter
sprints running (15 rep) standing running
 Lungs either  Cool down broad jump  5 time long
hopes, pushups  4 times broad jump drill
and pop ups jump  Cool down
 Take off drills  Long jump
 Cool down  Cool down

Power Leg Checking

Sr. No Students Name Roll. No Power Leg

1 NaginaShahzadi 10134 Right

2 Sidra Hanif 10148 Right

3 ZarinaMaqsood 10111 Left

4 Irsha Ashraf 10120 Right

5 Ayesha Ishaq 10227 Right

6 Sidra Nazeer 10234 Right

7 RidaShaheen 10244 Left

8 Sana Irshad 7001 Right

9 Maria 6937 Left

10 Kianat 6939 Right

11 ArmeezaYousaf 10105 Right

12 Attia Sultan 10243 Right

3.10 Four Weeks Plan Day by Day

1st Week


Jogging and running (10 mints)

Skill related exercises and skills work (20mints)

 20meter tempo running

 15meter sprint (3 rep)
 Jumping jack planks

Dynamic Stretching (5mints)

Skill related specific exercises (10mints)

Cool Down (10mints)

Light jogging and walking (5mints)

Total time of workout (1 hour)



General warm- up (5mints)

Jogging and running (10mints)

Skill related exercises and skills work (15mints)

Improving speed

 15meter running on right leg (3rep)

 15meter running on left leg (3rep)
 2*2(100m, 50m, 100m) tempo running

Skill related specific exercises (10mints)

Dynamic Stretching (5mints)

(Specifically hamstring, quadriceps, calves and lower back muscles)

Cool Down (10mints)

Light jogging and walking (5 mints)

Total time of workout (1 hour)



Jogging and running (10mints)

Skill related exercises and skill work (20mints)

 Skill work (one leg 4- corners, lateral jump

 Standing broad jump

Skill related specific exercises (5mints)

Dynamic stretching (5mints)

(Specifically hamstring, quadriceps, calves and lower back muscles)

Cool Down (10mints)

Light jogging & walking (5mints)

Static stretching (hold up to 10 see) (5mints)

Total time of workout (1 hour)



General warm up (5mints)

Jogging and running

Skill related exercises and skills work (20mints)

 3 time long jump drills

 Take off drills
 2* 50 meter sprint

Skill related specific exercises (5mints)

Dynamic stretching (5mints)

(Specifically hamstring, quadriceps, calves and lower back muscles)

Cool Down

Light jogging & walking (5mints)

Static stretching (hold up to 10 see) (5mints)

Total time of workout (1 hour)

2nd week



General warm up (5mints)

Jogging and running

Skill related exercises and skills work (20mints)

 20 meter running on single leg (3 rep)

 20 meter running on left leg (3 rep)
 Take off drills

Dynamic stretching (5mints)

(Specifically hamstring, quadriceps, calves and lower back muscles)

Skill related specific exercises (5mints)

Cool Down

Light jogging & walking (5mints)

Static stretching (hold up to 10 see) (5mints)

Total time of workout (1 hour)



General warm up (5mints)

Jogging and running

Skill related exercises and skills work (20mints)

 Take off drill

 Toe raises, up-stairs, tuck jump

Skill related specific exercises (5mints)

Dynamic stretching (5mints)

(Specifically hamstring, quadriceps, calves and lower back muscles)

Cool Down

Light jogging & walking (5mints)

Static stretching (hold up to 10 see) (5mints)

Total time of workout (1 hour)


Warm-up (5mints)

General warm up (5mints)

Jogging and running

Skill related exercises and skills work (20mints)

 Vertical jump drills

 3-meter long jump drills
 Take off drills

Skills related specific exercises (5mints)

Dynamic stretching (5mints)

Cool Down (10mints)

Light jogging & walking (5mints)

Static stretching (hold up to 10 see) (5mints)

Total time of workout (1 hour)


Warm-up (5mints)

General warm-up (5mints)

Jogging and running

Skill related exercises and skills work (20mints)

 Standing broad jump drills

 Long jump drills

Skill related specific exercises (5mints)

Dynamic stretching (5mints)

Cool Down (10mints)

Light jogging & walking (5mints)

Static stretching (hold up to 10 see) (5mints)

Total time of workout (1 hour)

3rd Week


Warm-up (5mints)

General warm-up (5mints)

Jogging and running

Skill related exercises and skills work (30mints)

 25-meter sprint
 Maximum flight in air
 Long jump drills (approach run, take off, flight)

Skill related specific exercises (10mints)

Dynamic stretching (10mints)

Cool Down

Light jogging & walking


Static stretching (hold up to 10 see) (10mints)

Total time of workout (1:30 hour)



General warm up (5mints)

Jogging and running

Skill related exercises and skills work (30mints)

 2*25-meter on right leg

 2*25-meter on left leg
 Take-off drills
 Standing broad jump

Skill related specific exercises (10mints)

Dynamic stretching (10mints)

Cool Down

Light jogging & walking


Static stretching (hold up to 10 see) (10mints)

Total time of workout (1:30




General warm up (5mints)

Jogging and running

Skill related exercises and skills work (30mints)

 Take-off drills
 Maximum sprint drill
 Long jump drills
 Standing broad jump

Skill related specific exercises (10mints)

Dynamic stretching (10mints)

Cool Down

Light jogging & walking


Static stretching (hold up to 10 see) (10mints)

Total time of workout (1:30




General warm-up

Jogging and running

Skill related exercises and skills work (30mints)

 3*30 meter sprint drill

 20-meter running on single leg
 Tuck jump
 Approaching drills

Skill related specific exercises (10mints)

Dynamic stretching (10mints)

Cool Down

Light jogging & walking


Static stretching (hold up to 10 see) (10mints)

Total time of workout (1:30


4th Week


General warm-up

Jogging and running

Skill related exercises and skills work (40mints)

 3*30-meter fast running

 Lateral jump, one leg 4-corner
 Take-off drills

Skill related specific exercises (10mints)


Cool Down

Light jogging & walking


Static stretching (hold up to 10 see) (10mints)

Total time of workout (2 hour)



General warm up

Jogging and running (10mints)

Skill related exercises and skills work (40mints)

 2*35-meter sprint
 2*35-meter sprint
 Standing broad jump (15 rep)

Dynamic stretching (10mints)

Cool Down

Light jogging & walking


Static stretching (hold up to 10 see) (10mints)

Total time of workout (2 hour)


Warm-up (10mints)

General warm up (10mints)

Jogging and running

Skill related exercises and skills work (40mints)

 4 times standing
 Broad jump
 4 times vertical jump
 Long jump

Skill related specific exercises (10mints)

Stretching (10mints)

Cool Down (20mints)

Light jogging & walking (10mints)

Static stretching (hold up to 10 see) (10mints)

Total time of workout (2 hour)


Warm-up (10mints)

General warm-up (10mints)

Jogging and running

Skill related exercises and skills work (40mints)

Mid test

5 time long jump drill, with maximum result

Skill related specific exercises (10mints)

Stretching (10mints)

Cool Down (20mints)

Light jogging & walking (10mints)

Static stretching (hold up to 10 see) (10mints)

Total time of workout (2 hour)

Attendance Sheet of female athletes
1st Week

Sr. No Athletes Names Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

22-4-19 23-4-19 24-4-19 25-4-19

1 Nagina Shahzadi P P p A
2 Sidra Hanif P P P P
3 Zarina Maqsood P A P P
4 Irsha Ashraf P P P P
5 Ayesha Ishaq P P P P
6 Sidra Nazeer P P A P
7 Rida Shaheen P P P P
8 Sana Irshad P P P P
9 Maria P A P P
10 Kianat P P P P
11 Armeeza Yousaf P P P P
12 Attia Sultan P P A P
Total present 43

Total Absent 5

Total Attendance 48

2nd Week

Sr. No Athletes Names Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

6-5-19 7-6-19 8-6-19 9-6-19
1 Nagina Shahzadi P P P
2 Sidra Hanif P P P A
3 Zarina Maqsood P P P P
4 Irsha Ashraf A P P P
5 Ayesha Ishaq A A P P
6 Sidra Nazeer P P P P
7 Rida Shaheen P P A P

8 Sana Irshad P P P A
9 Maria P A P P
10 Kianat P P P P
11 Armeeza Yousaf P P A P
12 Attia Sultan P P P P
Total Present 40

Total Absent 8

Total Attendance 48

3rd Week

Sr. No Athletes Names Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

13-6-19 14-6-19 15-6-19 16-6-19
1 Nagina Shahzadi P P P P
2 Sidra Hanif P P A P
3 Zarina Maqsood P P P A
4 Irsha Ashraf P P P A
5 Ayesha Ishaq A P P P
6 Sidra Nazeer P P P P
7 Rida Shaheen P P P P
8 Sana Irshad P P A P
9 Maria P P P p
10 Kianat P P P P
11 Armeeza Yousaf P P A P
12 Attia Sultan P P p P
Total Present 42

Total absent 6

Total Attendance 48

4th Week

Sr. No Athletes Names Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

20-6-19 21-6-19 22-6-19 23-6-19
1 Nagina Shahzadi P P P P
2 Sidra Hanif P P P P
3 Zarina Maqsood P A P P
4 Irsha Ashraf P P A P
5 Ayesha Ishaq P P P P
6 Sidra Nazeer P A P P
7 Rida Shaheen P P P P
8 Sana Irshad A P P P
9 Maria P P P P
10 Kianat P A P P
11 Armeeza Yousaf P P P P
12 Attia Sultan P P P P
Total Present 43

Total Absent 5

Total Attendance 48

3.11 Post Test

Sr. Name Roll. No Squat Broad pushups Skate Jumping Total

No jumps jumps r jack planks Marks

1 NaginaShahzadi 10134 2 3 4 2 3 14

2 Sidra Hanif 10148 4 2 3 3 3 12

3 ZarinaMaqsood 10111 3 2 2 4 3 14

4 Irsha Ashraf 10120 4 2 3 3 1 13

5 Ayesha Ishaq 10227 3 3 2 2 4 14

6 Sidra Nazeer 10234 2 2 2 3 4 13

7 RidaShaheen 3 4 4 3 2 17

8 Sana Irshad 7001 2 2 4 3 3 14

9 Maria 6937 3 1 1 3 3 15

10 Kianat 6939 4 4 3 3 2 16

11 ArmeezaYousaf 10105 3 2 2 3 2 12

12 Attia Sultan 10243 4 2 3 2 4 15

Find out of mean:

Definition of mean is the average of a set of data. To calculate the mean, find the sum of the data
and then divided by the number of data.

Mean = sum of data/Number of data



Find out median:

Median is the middle number in a set of data when the data numerical orders.

Find out median:





Find out mode:

The mode is the number that occur the most.


The mode is = 14

Find out Range:

Range= largest value – smallest value


Rang= 5

Find the class width:

We find the class width by dividing the range by number of classes, 6 are arbitrarily chosen.

Width=Range/number of classes




Class limit Mid-point Tally Frequency frequency%
12-13 12.5 ǀǀǀǀ 4 13.33%
14-15 14.5 ǀǀǀǀǀǀ 6 50%
16-17 16.5 ǀǀ 2 16.66%

Standard Deviation:

Standard deviation is described by this formula as

√ (x−x ‾ )2
S¿ ∑

∑= sum of

X= score of data


N= Number of data

Table of Standard Deviation

X M X-M (X-M)2 ∑(X-M)2

1 14.08 13.08 171.08 832.4

2 14.08 12.08 145.92 832.4
3 14.08 11.08 122.76 832.4
4 14.08 10.08 101.60 832.4
5 14.08 9.08 22.44 832.4
6 14.08 8.08 65.28 832.4
7 14.08 7.08 50.12 832.4
8 14.08 6.08 36.96 832.4
9 14.08 5.08 25.80 832.4
10 14.08 4.08 16.64 832.4
11 14.08 3.08 9.48 832.4
12 14.08 2.08 4.32 832.4

∑( x−m) 2

S= (832.4/12)



Performance table

Sr. No Performance Marks

1 Very poor 1-5

2 Poor 6-10

3 Good 11-15

4 Very good 16-20

5 Excellent 21-25


There are many types of research methodologies such as experiment, interviews, recording and
observations etc. The researcher presents the female athletes skills in long jump through
plyometric training. In this chapter the researcher use the experimental method to draw
conclusions. Track and field long jump workouts reach participant how in improve their skills
specifically for their sport. Researcher conduct pre-test and post-test of long jumper athletes.
Researcher collect quantities data of long jumper athlete and then compare pre-test and post-data
and calculate 3result and find what improvement is achieved. Researcher use this software SPSS
to manage data and use t-test to analysis the data. Researcher find out 80 students are as a
population from govt. college university Faisalabad. It is an experimental research in which 12
students are selected as a sample size from gcuf. The researcher uses the tools in long jump
Take-off system, Pit cover, Pit rakes and Measuring Equipments.



Managing data through SPSS (version 22), to check the effects of jumping skills through
plyometric training of long jumper in female athlete at university level

4.1 Table

Level of squat jumping among selected female athletes

Level of squat Pre-test Post-test
jumping F % f %

Very poor 1 8.3 - -

Poor 5 41.7 3 25.0

Good 6 50.0 5 41.7

Very good - - 4 33.3

Excellent - - - -

Total 12 100.0 12 100.0

Table 1 indicates that one respondent had very poor skill level of squat jumping, and 41.7
percent had poor skill level. However, 50.0 percent female athletes were having good level of
squat jumping before plyometric training of long jumper.

On the other hand, 25 percent respondents had poor skill level of squat jumping.
However, 41.7% and 33.3% female athletes were having good and very good level of squat
jumping after plyometric training of long jumper, respectively.

4.2 Table

Level of broad jumping among selected female athletes

Level of broad Pre-test Post-test

jumping F % f %

Very poor 3 25.0 1 8.3

Poor 7 58.3 7 58.3

Good 2 16.7 2 16.7

Very good - - 2 16.7

Excellent - - - -

Total 12 100.0 12 100.0

Table 2specifies that 25 percent respondents were having very poor skill level of broad
jumping, and 58.3 percent had poor skill level. However, 16.7 percent female athletes were
having good level of broad jumping before plyometric training of long jumper.

On the other hand, 58.3 percent respondents had poor skill level of broad jumping.
However, 16.7% and another 16.7% female athletes were having good and very good level of
broad jumping after plyometric training of long jumper, respectively.

4.3 Table

Level of push-up among selected female athletes

Level of push- Pre-test Post-test

up F % f %

Very poor 5 41.7 1 8.3

Poor 4 33.3 4 33.3

Good 3 25.0 4 33.3

Very good - - 3 25.0

Excellent - - - -

Total 12 100.0 12 100.0

Table 3depicts that 41.7 percent respondents were having very poor skill level of push-
up, and 33.3 percent had poor skill level. However, 25.0 percent female athletes were having
good level of push-up before plyometric training of long jumper.

On the other hand, 8.3 and 33.3 percent respondents had very poor and poor skill level of
push-up, respectively. However, 33.3% and 25.0% female athletes were having good and very
good level of push-up after plyometric training of long jumper, respectively.

4.4 Table

Level of skater jumping among selected female athletes

Level of skater Pre-test Post-test

jumping F % f %

Very poor 6 50.0 - -

Poor 5 41.7 3 25.0

Good 1 8.3 8 66.7

Very good - - 1 8.3

Excellent - - - -

Total 12 100.0 12 100.0

Table 4shows that 50 percent respondents were having very poor skill level of skater
jumping, and 41.7 percent had poor skill level. However, 8.3 percent female athletes were having
good level of skater jumping before plyometric training of long jumper.

On the other hand, 25.0 percent respondents had poor skill level of skater jumping after
training. However, 66.7% and 8.3% female athletes were having good and very good level of
skater jumping after plyometric training of long jumper, respectively.

4.5 Table

Level of jumping jack planks among selected female athletes

Level of Pre-test Post-test

jumping jack F % f %

Very poor 3 25.0 1 8.3

Poor 8 66.7 3 25.0

Good 1 8.3 5 41.7

Very good - - 3 25.0

Excellent - - - -

Total 12 100.0 12 100.0

Table 5shows that 25 percent respondents were having very poor skill level of jumping
jack planks, and 66.7 percent had poor skill level. However, 8.3 percent female athletes were
having good level of jumping jack planks before plyometric training of long jumper.

On the other hand, 25.0 percent respondents had poor skill level of jumping jack planks
after training. However, 41.7% and 25% female athletes were having good and very good level
of jumping jack planks after plyometric training of long jumper, respectively.

4.6 Table

Overall jumping level among selected female athletes

Jumping level Pre-test Post-test

f % f %

Very poor - - - -

Poor 10 83.3 - -

Good 2 16.7 10 83.3

Very good - - 2 16.7

Excellent - - - -

Total 12 100.0 12 100.0

Table 6describes that 83.3 percent respondents were having poor skill level of overall
jumping, and 16.7 percent had poor skill level of jumping before plyometric training of long

On the other hand, 83.3 percent respondents had good skill level of jumping after
training. However, 16.7% female athletes were having very good level of jumping after
plyometric training of long jumper.






Squat jump Broad jump Push-up Skater jump Jumping Jack
Jumping skill

Fig. 1: Graphical presentation of jumping skill among female long jumpers before and after
plyometric training

Graphical presentation clearly shows skill development among female long jumper after
plyometric training.

4.7 Table

Comparison of jumping skill among pre and post plyometric training of long jumper in female

Paired Samples Statistics

Std. Error
Mean N S.D. T-value p-value

Pre-training 2.417 12 .66 .1930

Pair 1 Squat jump 1.876 .087NS
Post-training 3.083 12 .79 .2289

Pre-training 1.917 12 .66 .1930

Pair 2 Broad jump 1.254 .236NS
Post-training 2.417 12 .90 .2599

Pre-training 1.833 12 .83 .2410

Pair 3 Push-up 2.421 .034*
Post-training 2.750 12 .96 .2787

Pre-training 1.583 12 .66 .1930

Pair 4 Skater jump 3.804 .003**
Post-training 2.833 12 .57 .1667

Jumping Pre-training 1.833 12 .57 .1667

Pair 5 3.317 .007**
Jack Planks Post-training 2.833 12 .93 .2706

NS = Non-significant

* = Significant

** = Highly-Significant

T-value (1.876) shows a non-significant (p = .087) difference in squat jumping, before and after
plyometric training. While mean values show that little improvement in squat jumping after
plyometric training.

Similarly, t-value (1.254) also shows a non-significant (p = .236) difference in board jumping,
before and after plyometric training. While mean values show that little improvement in broad
jumping after plyometric training.

T-value (2.421) shows a significant (p = .034) difference in push-up, before and after plyometric
training. Mean values show that female athletes’ performance of push-up is improved after
plyometric training.

T-value (3.804) shows a highly significant (p = .003) difference in Skater jumping, before and
after plyometric training. Mean values show that female athletes’ performance of Skater jumping
is improved after plyometric training.

T-value (3.317) shows a highly significant (p = .007) difference in Jumping Jack Planks, before
and after plyometric training. Mean values show that female athletes’ performance of Jumping
Jack Planks is improved after plyometric training.

It is clear from the research findings that plyometric training had positive impact jumping skill of
long jumper in female athlete.

Managing data through SPSS (version 22), to check the effects of jumping skills through
plyometric training of long jumper in female athlete at university level. After one week, we work
done specific techniques related to research we start work from 22Aapril 2019. In initial of
working fitness level was 40% but after proper physical fitness training it was going to be good
60% -80%. Our supervisor co-operate with us. By the help of supervision, we work efficient on
this research. We hope this research will be helpful for those athletes who want to improve
strength proper training. According the mean value i,e. 14.8 of overall performance of the whole
group has good skill of long jump. It means the workout which was applied on the sample size
has increase the performance from poor group to good performance group in long jump skill.



5.1: Summary

Long jump is known as board jump and one of the important field events from athletic
events. It is played both standing and running starts, but long jump- is no longer including in
major competition. It was discontinued from the Olympic Games after 1912. The running long
jump was an event in the Olympic games of 708 B.C and in the modern games from 1896.
Plyometric training also known as jump training or ploys, are exercise in which muscle exert
maximum force in short intervals of time, with the goal of increasing power. It makes perfect
sense to use this sort of training to improve both the length and the height of your long jump. For
example, skipping, bounding, jumping rope, hopping, lunges, jump squats, and clap push-ups are
all examples of plyometric exercises. The purpose of this study is to investigate the plyometric
training so that to improve the performance of female athlete. The participation of female athlete
in long jump is less than the male athlete. Using the plyometric training method, the performance
of female athlete will be improved so that their participation will be equal to the male athlete.
Awareness about the long jump is less in female athlete so that female athletes should use
plyometric training method to enhance performance, to improve skills and techniques so that
female athletes will be brought equal to the male athletes. It is an experimental research in which
12 female students are selected as a sample size from Government College University,
Faisalabad. Data were collected with the help of a well-designed questionnaire. Descriptive
statistics and t-test were applied for data analysis. Following findings were found.

5.2: Main Findings

 Fifty percent female athletes were having good level of squat jumping before plyometric
training of long jumper. However, 41.7% and 33.3% female athletes were having good
and very good level of squat jumping after plyometric training of long jumper,
 Twenty-five percent respondents were having very poor skill level of broad jumping, and
58.3 percent had poor skill level. However, 16.7% were having good skill and another
16.7% female athletes very good level of broad jumping after plyometric training of long
 Around 42 percent respondents were having very poor skill level of push-up, and 33.3
percent had poor skill level before training. However, 33.3% and 25.0% female athletes

were having good and very good level of push-up after plyometric training of long
jumper, respectively.
 Fifty percent respondents were having very poor skill level of skater jumping, and 41.7
percent had poor skill level of skater jumping before plyometric training of long jumper.
However, 66.7% and 8.3% female athletes were having good and very good level of
skater jumping after plyometric training of long jumper, respectively.
 About 66.7 percent had poor skill level and 8.3 percent female athletes were having good
level of jumping jack planks before plyometric training of long jumper. However, 41.7%
and 25% female athletes were having good and very good level of jumping jack planks
after plyometric training of long jumper, respectively.
 T-value (1.876) shows a non-significant (p = .087) difference in squat jumping, before
and after plyometric training. While mean values show that little improvement in squat
jumping after plyometric training.
 Similarly, t-value (1.254) also shows a non-significant (p = .236) difference in board
jumping, before and after plyometric training. While mean values show that little
improvement in broad jumping after plyometric training.
 T-statistics also confirmed that Push-up, Skater jump and Jumping Jack Planks are
significantly improved after plyometric training.

5.3: Conclusions

It was concluded that the plyometric training had positive impact on jumping skill in
female long jumpers.

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