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1. Name and address of recipient

2. Date (The date in the case notes, which will be the date
of your OET test)

3. Salutation (Dear Dr Smith….)

4. Name and age of person discharged (e.g. Re: John

Watson, aged 71 years)

5. Introduction. Must be short. It summarises 1. When the

patient will be discharged. 2. The patient’s chief complaint
and recovery status. It often begins with the words: Mr
Watson is being discharged today back into your care after
suffering from pneumonia. He has recovered well…

6. Further information of chief complaint / recovery status

7. Secondary complaint status / Current medical condition

8. Discharge plan / Treatment plan / Medications

9. Concluding sentence (e.g. Please do not hesitate to

contact me… etc.)

10. Sign off (Yours sincerely)

11. Your job title (e.g. Nurse/Dentist/Doctor)

*NOTE: This is only a suggested typical structure. On test day you

must remain flexible and use whatever structure works best for the
case notes in front of you.

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