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SEEDLING PUBLIC SCHOOL PROSPECTUS MESSAGE Dear Parent/Guardian/Reader, Ye ae Coen ay to each hem hw ake fe Soin’ erendows scree irs pur of high 97 ‘au. A the same ane we hope that fs investment vl evenly ren a productive member of our ‘nvrnment Unless edt Isbated on a strong vale system and ec ackgound, wl nt nd andaienced tee of eer of young people Under Seeing sleing mba rom sey te aerator) eee rivers your child wil bso inex confident nd mature young rey tn carve chee ial Iheslin today shghiy compte werd onstant monorng by acompetent each secure tefuare other cten usualy start early Help them pve wingso thet deans May God be with us al! Regards, THE SEEDLING TORCHBEARERS - VISIONARY LEADERSHIP * When God made hands, he gave us the ability to work. Climbing the ladder of success is ike climbing a mountain, Every peaks a destination, and you climb one peal ata time, Reaching every destination is 3 challenge well met, andthe splendour of i enthrals you on arrival, You ind anew landscape stretched ‘utin frontof you, bestowing itsbeauty on you,and as you stand there, feasting your eyeson it youslowly realise there is another peakoutthere,shiningin thehorizon, challenging you, ‘Andsoyoumoveon, yetagaln,” Principal Director ofthe Seedling group, fs one of the forerunners of pre-primary education in Rajasthan. She spearheaded the Seedling group ints formative years through her visionary Teadership and rich experience of teaching She believes that weal havea duty to shine, and this world ‘would be less ofa place if we choose to play small with our lives. According to era child is much more than thesum total ofhis behaviour, histest scores or the grades on hisreport card. A childisaliving being who has needs, hopes, interests and dreams. In order to help a child grow not only in intellectual capacitiesbut also in other dimensions of his being a good educational institute must draw forth what's ‘nse him and reathim with responsibilty. As isthe ase with Seedling, 0, and Director of the Seedling group and Chancellor of Jaipur National Universityaparfrom beingan administrator par excellence isalsoa proven trouble shooter, a motivated leader and a perfectionist of rae kind. Through his impeccable administration, he has galvanised the faculties into action. Hes a visionary for whom the sky isthe limit Where others see adversity he sees ‘opportunity. He believes strongly that we need to get our priorities right if we are to influence the next generations positively. Education that builds fundamental trats of character, such as honesty, Compassion, courage, persistence, sensitivity and responsibilty is absolutely essential He asserts firmly that the Seedling group, a recognized landmark in its pursuit of excellence in education, holistic evelopment and human excellence is committed tothe geal of reating well rounded individuals witha flobal perspective yet steeped in deep respectfor our rich cultural heritage and value systems. Andso,the deep passion and desireto makea diferencein the ives ofthe children continues. “What sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to the soul.” -Joseph Addison ‘The Seedling group runs under Mahima Shiksha Sami as founded in 1886 by eminent people rom all walk oflife. The’ endeavours to provide quality education keeping in mind the country's rich and varied cultural heritage, The Samith aims at training the students to shed the parochial outlook and to make ‘thom realise that they are members of one family e-humankind. A School curriculum that values questions above answers, creativity above fact regurgitation, individuality above conformity and excellence above standardised performance, WA nag a: weer (We aim at wisdom and the ability to comprehend) saat rar ead ag fr: (Open the doors from all sides so that noble thoughts come in unhindered) Oe east SEEDLING “Ics our dream that students will experience their classrooms as Invigorating even inspiring environments, placesthey look forward to going to and places they hate to leave. It is our dream that they ‘will come to know themselves as masters of various craft. tis our dream that they willcome tolove theprocess of learning.” ‘The Seedling group started its journey with the Seedling Nursery School Encouraged by the steady progress af the Nursery School, the Samiti established Seedling Public School at jawahar Nagar, Jaipur and subsequently Seeding Modern High School at Durgapuratocatayse the holisticdevelopmentofstudentsunderits care Ina succeeding step, the Samii established the Seedling Academy of Design Technology and Management (GADTM) followed by the Seedling Institute for Integrated Learning and Advanced Studies (SILAS) Here Were institutes to groom the future leaders of the country, urturing and moulding them to becom competent professionals inahi-tech, industry focused environment The Samitis next success came with the establishment of Jaipur National Unversity which Isa landmark the history of higher education in Rajasthan. A University witha perceptiblediferenceanddistinctionanda strong esearch zeal Inthe wake ofrapidstridesin Science and Technology, Mass communication, Lawand Governance, Managezent, Social Sciences and Language, Literature and Culture JNU promises to mect the aspirations ofthe youth by providing hema vibrantenvironmentto live, to learn, to workand explorein “The latest feather in the Seeding cp isthe successful esablishmentof Jaipur National Univesity Institute of Medical Selences and Research Centre which has been awarded 150 Seats for MBBS by Medical Council of India, From what was a humble beginning, the Seedling group has traversed a long path to become an educational powertoreckon with. a a nn ‘THE FORMATIVE YEARS CREE “All kids need is a little help, a little hope and somebody who believes in them” ’M Johnson, ‘+ Ithas been felt by Mahima Shiksha Saznti thatthe Pre-Primary education isthe most important part of a child's education. The Formative years ofa child are very important. Therefore, due emphasis i given to the proper development ofthe Chil's personaly talent and creativity. The learning process isestablished ina way that ispleasurable tothe child. The ist step isto generate the child's interest in the various activities of the school, The methods used to establish the learning process are inspiring, innovative and advanced. The teacher= student relationship is given due importance and is based on one-to-one interaction. Each child is paid individual attention and given ull opportunity to develop his hidden talents Due respect is given to diferent religions. All festivals are celebrated with great fervour and thildren are madeto understand the importance behind them. Good moral valuesare ingrainedin children so that they become responsible cizens, + The teaching-learning process atthe Pre-Primary level is based on an educational philosophy, approach and methodology which ensures quality education based on their needs. In lendergarten (Prep), emphasis is laid on the development of positive self concepts fundamental skillsin readingand mathematics are taughtina friendly and safe environment. + Interaction between parents and teachers is considered veryimportantforthe proper assessment ofthe child's capabilities and performance, Therefore regular Parent-Teacher meetings are held Ithelpsallconcerned, to understand the chil’s circumstancesin order tohelp him performbetter imallacivities Pa 2 ee eee eee SCHOOL CONSULTANTS & ADVISORS There isa pane! of eminent persons from the field of education who are on the school's advisory board, helping in monitoring the schoo!’ growth and making constant research towards the improvement ofthe educational system based on the psychology of students “The mission of the Seedling group is to provide a joyful learning environment that empowers students to reach their educational and personal potential while nurturing their Seltconfidence and self-esteem. The group is committed to active, reflective and creative learning thereby developing stadents who are resilient and adaptable, equipped with the Iknowledge, skis and disposition to continue their education and become personally fulfilled, interdependent, socially responsible global citizens, We stress the total Aevelopmentof each child:intellectusl social, moral, spiritual, emotional and physical” Taevision ofthe Seedling groupis hateachchld eaves theschoolwith + A complement of basi skills -Iingulstle, mathematical, scentific, artistic, physleal and socal + Asetof spiritual and ethical values ike honesty righteousness, dignity, integrity faimess, good judgement. Selfreliance, strong slfesteem, sense of sel worth and high personal expectation Tolerance or others and respectforallformsoflif. Anenguiringand discriminating mind andan unending questfor knowledge. fective communication and problem solving sls {sense of understandingand compassion foralland the courageto acton one's beliefs. li =a a a nn POLICY STRUCTURE VALUING THE INDIVIDUAL CELEBRATING LEARNING FACULTY “A teacher's purpose is not to create students in his or her own image but to develop students who can create their own image.” The motivated and knowledgeable teachers at Seedling create a warm and protective environment recognising that each child is unique and that all children need to succeed, The teachers establish 3 rapport and resonance, sensing unspoken needs, conflicts, hopes and fears. The faculty pledges to Understand and love the students, tbe just and courteous to promote aspirisofenquiry,fellowshipand by in them and to set before them a high standard of character, disipiine and ethical conduct. The atmosphere in the classroomsis caring and friendly, yet displ as the most basie need s assiduously pursued, Medium, ‘The medium ofinstruction adopted by the school is primarily English However, due importance given to Hindi, our national language. Sanskrit, German and French ate the other languages taught atthe shoal Co-Education Social and psychological adjustment between boys and gris of prime importancein the contemporary Wworldand hence the schoo! has fostering understanding and co-opeation Between boys and gins Courses of Study The courses of study are designed to bring about the holistic development of students in line wit the CASE directive regarding continuous evaluation from standard { to 10. The ongoing formative assessments evaluate the progres ofthe child ona regular bass wile at the smurturng creativity industry It must however, be noted that St, XIs not the final stage inthe 10+2 Scheme of education followed students of StandardX must apply for admission to Std. Xlafer the Summative Examinations. they donotappy. their rights forfeited. Xmay notbe admitted to Std XI Re-admission isdonein Class xt Pleasereferto the norms for admission to Std. XI given nthe student School Diary. noe AGENDA THE WORLD AT YOUR DOORSTEP . Being an exchange student is 2 very rewarding experience, and often a life changing one. International learning and knowledge propels students towards acceptance and understanding ofan array of different cultural and community perspectives. The experience of Jearninga new language, living with host family and adapting toa now culture goesalong way inboostinga student's confidence, I¢brings about maturity and social poise which fuelled by ‘the necessity oconduct challenges outsides familar support networkandcomfortzone, Inan attempt to broaden the social and cultural horizon ofits students, Seedling has signed an MOU with German Schools fora student exchange programme which alms at strengthening academicand cultural co-operation between the wo countries. An annual programme thathas invited enthusiastic participation, tentallsa 3 week visit by our students, teachers and teacher trainees in the months ofjune and July, while the German exchange partners visit us in September/October. The school is also apart ofthe Global Fducation Initiative ofthe British Councilandis working witha group of ndiaand UX schools on educational projects THE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT are hes fiction and reference material, Our computer labs have the latest branded Pentium Dual Core with ce INTERACTIVE LABORATORIES “Be a Columbus to whole new continents and worlds within you, opening new channels, not of traci, but of thought” -HD Thoreau Focus on Englishspeakingisan important feature ofthe school and Language Labbas been established which actively inculcates spoken Englshamongst the students. In consonance with the recommendations ofthe CBSE, the Mathematics Laboratory also making the learning of Mathematics inter for students In the school. Educational songs, nursery ehymes with ations story narration, display charts, fash cards, puppets, educational toys, erat work arethe interesting lay-way techniques whicharea forte inthe Pre-Primary and Primary school Evaluation Learning and evaluation go hand in hand, grades are awarded to students based on performance. There are two school terms in each session. The I Term from April to September and Il Term from October to March. ach terms includes two formative and one summative evaluation, which assess the students learning, both during the teaching learning process and after the same. Records are kept of the students progress throughouttheyear and reportsaresentiothe Parents. Communication Skills ‘Communication plays a major role i the modern world. All education is futile without the development of proper communication skis, There are numerous opportunites offered at Seedling to develop these Important slils among the students locution, Debates, Group Discussions, Essay Writing, Story Writing. "News Reading and Extempore Speech by the students play a key role in the development of commisncation skis, We develop awareness ofthe sounds and rhythm ofalanguagey reciting nursery rhymesand singing simplemelodious songsinthejuniorsection, Computer Education ‘Computer education begins as soon as the child joins Seedling Public School. The school has two well ‘equipped computer lbs, The staff is highly qualified and spends a great deal of time and effort to motivate thestudentst do their own projects and presentations. Laboratories The laboratories attached to the Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and English departments are well equippedto deal with al the practical aspects ofthese subject Vocational Training ‘The School provides facilites to the students for vocational training keeping in mind the interests of the students in areas like Media Advertising, Music, Dance, Art & Crafy, Photography, Commercial Ar, Computers,Carpentry, Business Administration Management et. SPORTS & GAMES (GLorY ALL THE WAY) “The will to win is important, but the will to prepare is vital” = Joe Patemo Becoming a wel rounded member of socety takes more than just scholastic ability: Organised sports have so much to offer What an absolutely amazing way to instil confidence, team spirit, responsibility, discipline and leadership qualities in a youngster Games at Seeding are played ‘with fervour and passion. The lst decade has witnessed a phenomenal Improvernent i the technique and performance of our students. The students are encouraged to pariipate in school activites atdifferent levels, * Within the schoolamong diferent Houses'into whichthe students are divided ‘Hetweentwo ormoreschoolstthe cisterleve. ‘Hetweenclustersatthereglonal level + Between eglonsarthenatonalleve! “Therangecfactvicesisimmence from the traditional and popular sportsuch as cricket basketball volleyal, badminton, table tennisto new fvourites suchas skating trampolining, martial arts rock climbing and even yoga and aerobics. good core of coaches and experts understand the great responsibilty thats placed upon theirshoulderstoelp shape and prepare these students not only in sportsbut their everyday lives. The school has unfurled its ag highly insports Adventure Training Sudentsare given adequate opportunity fr hiking trekking and mountaineeringin assoclation with the Rajasthan ‘mountaineering Club. Martial Art Koen studentsare trained forse protection through Judo Karate. SocialService Programmes Various social service programmesare organized by the school to inculcate the value of dignity oflabourand compassion for theless fortunate sections of the society, Asa part ofthe socially useful and productive work programme student offer ‘heir services tosuch institutions who take careof these people. Other activities! BeyondtheClassrooms _Varlousativitles regularly held forthe overall development ofthe child are Fancy Dress Competitions Drawingaind PaintingCompetitons, Recitation Contests, Debates, Extempores, Group Discussions, ulturalandVariety Programmes, Nature Care, Educational Visits the Museum, oe, Gardens, Planetarium ce SPLG-MACAY The school isamember of SPIC-MACAY and regularly conducts programmes of artists of International repute forthe students with theaim of enhancingculturalsensitvity and understandingamongst students withspecial reference to Indian Musicand Dance, Band ‘Theschoolalsehasits ownband rained by acompetentband master Educational and ‘Adventure Tours ‘Theschoolorganizesactiviies like mountaineering and nature walk rom tmeto timeto providefesthand knowledge andtrainingtostudents a a nn HEALTH AND MEDICAL CARE “Tt Doesn't matter who you are, where you come from. The ability to truimph begins with you, always.” - Oprah Winfrey The school pays special attention tothe student’ well being. Allstudents are put through an annual sedical examination by specialists Health cardsare prepared and maintained forall students ALUMNI The school has established an alumni association Students passing out of class XIX and leaving the school may become members of this association which aims at developing a long term frultfa relationshipbetween thealumniand management. Annualand Life Membership areboth offered Further details may beobtained from our Website ‘| e-mail OTHERINFORMATION The school philosophy reparding disciplines based on rust and supervision, aiming at promoting self-discipline without diluting the standards. Students are expected to strictly fllow the schoo! rules and regulations inleter and spirit. In order to promote leadership qualities, students are appointed as Head Boy & Head Gin), House Captains, Prefects and Discipline cha They aremade responsible forthe maintenance of dseiplineand the general onductofthe students under them. Major disciplinary decisions aremade bya committee, which comprises of the Director, Prineipaland staff ofthe school The schoolisstritly secularand anattemptismadeto provide the children withastrongmoral code through avaluebased education system, ‘The school i divided into four houses, The house system installs nthe children a sense of loyalty and dedication, The children develop a keen competitive spirit through various Inter House competitions Housesarenamed after thefour super powers ofnature Surya, Soma, Indraand Varun ATTENDENCE Regularity of attendance and punctuality ae importantin the academic programme of ‘the child and his or her character taining. 95% attendance (excluding the period of sickness etc) is compulsory to qualify a student to appear atthe annual examination. ‘Total days are counted from the day of commencement ofthe school and not from the date of admission of student. The names of sich students who keep themselves absent continuously for ten working days would be struck off automatically without any prior notice tothe guardianstothiseffe Half dayleavesare notgraated, Nore-testsareheld fr clas tests orterm exams, Ietakes awhole community toraisea child whoishealthy compassionate and responsible. la school this community starts with the network. formed by parents teachers and administrators who understand that their job isto work together to support and guide the development of cach child. Seedling believes parents can be our most powerful and valuablealies in our pursuit for excellence in education, Since a positive parent-teacher partnership is vital to your child's success in school, Seedling organises parent-teacher mectings frequently from time to tim, Parents are encouraged to keep the lines of communication apen with the school so that the child fees thatthe important people in his Iifeare workingtogether inhisbestin ‘fleet of buses & autos provides a regular service from the school premises to different places. Student's avalling of the school transport facility are properly eared for and ther safety continue to be a prime concern ata ‘The school has a well stocked book store in the premises for day to day requirements of children. In addition to the books and notebooks, all Stationery temsneeded by children areavailablein teste. CODE OF CONDUCT - SCHOOL ay “Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.” = Mother Teresa lets should com to school atleast S minutes before the bell rings forthe Assembly. Any student foundto be reportinglateto school fequenty willhaveto pay fine. ++ Theschoolisnotresponsiblefor theloss ofartile or money belongingtothestudent % -Aetions that disrupt the educational proces such as belitling others and speakngout of tur are nat acceptable behaviou! “Every studont i urged to contribute tothe discipline and high standard ofthe school by his manners and conduct. Courtesy and consideration forall smembersof the school community are expected + Anykind of damage tothe school propersyistobemade good by theparents Students should useappropriatelanguageinschoolandnot meddle withthe affairs of others. + Nostudentisallowed to carry cellphones to schooland the same willbeconfiscatedby the school fitisfoundin the students possession, % Pushing swearing shoving hitting and kicking each other wil be unacceptable, even fits dane in fun. Physical assaul wil be dealt with severly by suspension. 4 lfachildissuffering fromany serious medical coneition aletertothePrincipal/Classteacherat the beginning othe year isessenta ‘Parents must ensure proper turnout oftheir wards, School uniform must be neat and properly ironed and worn onal days. Nofancy hairstyles, streaked nar eyemake up or painted nalsare permitted Students must uphold thedignity of schoo! programmesby actively organising paticipatingand helping + Allpossibiearzangements are made to prevent students rom leaving the school campus without permission. If however a student absconds Le, leaves ‘hecampus without permission, theschool will aot beheld responsible + Theschoolisano-smokingzone, Parents guardians are requested to refrain fom smoking onthe campus, 4+ Tomaintan discipline and to inculcate thehabit of punctuality overstay of leave/absenceisiableto fine. The quantum tobeleviedisdetermined bythe school authorities romtimeto time Students must endeavour to maintain cleanlinessin the campus andalso help in maintaining the school asan ecologically'green' school + Servants who bringlunca arenotallowed 0 enter the classrooms. They should walt near the gatetil tnebell fr recess ings andthen thestudents + should goandfetch heirlunch. ++ Students are not allowed to use the schoo! telephone without permission. For any emergency, due permission may be sought from the Prineipal/Vice Principal tomake call + Nocollectionofmoney/for any purpose whatsoever willbe madein the school without prior permission ofthe Prinipal/Dicector, 4% InciassX1 &: il, Gradingfor thesubjectsofnternal Assessmentisonthebasis of 1 PE:panticipationinsports meet inter-house tournaments, inter school tou General studies: participation in MUN, debate, non-competitive evens, club activities, newsreading, GKtests, Olympiads et. 1 Work Experience: participation in Annual Day cultural events: art, music, dance, theate, service projects; backstage volunteering POSITIVE REINFORCEMENTS FOR STUDENTS studenttalentand abilities are nurtured through 1 Meritertifeate given toall students excelling academically in specifcsubjecs 2. Every achievement ofa Seedite i acknowledged and applauded inthe school assembly by the students, teachers and management 3. Meritorious students are honoured with scholarships which ae given away on the Annual Day by iconleguests 4. Appreciation cortifiates for fll attendance, proficiency, good conduct ae awarded annually to eservingstudents. 5. Children participating in interhouse activities are given apprec Wwinnersandrunnersup receive rophies and prizes 6. The Best House for the year is flictated on the Annual Day with a Champions trophy for cutshiningtheres 7. On Sports Day, all sportstars who have brought laurels to the schoo! atthe District, State and Nationalievelareappreciatedwithcerieates medalsandeashwouhers certificates, while the ADMISSIONS Rateneter eee rn ee ea ce Set eecnrn nt re cote cee ior eens cus Aylin f ee sees rom sirens ncercncteem \ 4 en ea pee eaten alse eae Cece eet urprevions ioe | ‘of ith attested by a FirstClass Magistrate or Notary Public ona Rs. 101- Non Judicial Stamp Paper. In addition, the Parent ofall applicants mastsigan Age Deelration Form’ guaranteeingtha.atnotineandundernecreumstances, je ‘wllany request bemade forachangeinthe date ofbith a a ee a ere aoe No student, who has not completed five years of age by Apri |, willbe admitted to Std. 1, nor will anyone who has ‘completed sx years of age For the other classes also there Isa corresponding sale of minimum and maximum ages respectively The School authorities reserve the right to expel any student already admitted to the School witho assigningany reason aspernorms Fee nce depositedisnotrefundableunder any circumstances, Bene: a WITHDRAWALS ‘The intended withdrawal ofa student from the school must be given to he Pincipal/ Director in writing atleast ‘three montis (90days) in advance along with acopy of therecept ofthe ec ofthe next quarter being paid Those arents/guardians who withdrav children from the schol in prior May and the students oft Xd XIl who ‘wish oascontinue theistudies, must pay fe upto une. The schoo has therightto ask the parent withdraw {hee child IF hisher progress im studies is unsatisfactory, attendance iregula, conduct harmful to other students, fee not paid ln advance or ifthere are other reasons which Jn te opiaion ofthe School authorities render his/her continuance in the school undesirable. Honesty cleanliness, good manners and loyalty are expected from each student and any one not conforming tothe schol’ rules in these matters may be asked to eave, Immoralty or waful damage to property are always reasons fr dismissal. A student who falls a second sSmeln theschool leased toleavethe school + eis expected from ll the parents to read and understand carefully the entire prospectus especially courses of Study; general School Rules ad go through Nth class readmission provisional admision form and may lari Any confusion fthey havea. ‘Parents are requested not to enter class-rooms either to see thelr wards orto seek interviews Interviews Should bearranged trough the Principal Director only. + They ate requested to cooperate with the school in its attempt to help their children progress by paying ‘tention to thei regularity, punctuality and disetpine and by talking interest n their childre's work They ‘Should check the dary everyday the home-work set and any other instructions given, they are advised to check *hebagsoftheir wards to seeifany notice or invitation etc hasbeen issued. + They arerequired to inform theschoolifthereisanychangeintheiraddres/telephone Numbers. + Leave fr half day shouldbe avoided 25 far a posible, for security reasons In emergency, written permission ‘astbe taken rom the Prineipal/Directorandclassteacher andthe businchargeshould be informed. ‘Children, when sic, should notbe senttoschooltoattend classes, + Parents’ attention i drawn tothe fact hat erticism af teacher or the schol in the presence of child causes {hechildt lose hisarerrespectforthe teacher and will rtardhis or her progress. + Any communication made by the parents shouldbe addressed to the Principal Director and not othe class {eacherandall correspondence fromthe school the parents must go through te Principal/Director + Parents should sign the progress report and return Ie tothe school within three days. this reports lst a ‘eplacement willbe made only after paymentoFRs.50/- ST FROM Z STUDENTS | “There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that’s your ownself.” “Aldous Huxley 3 Theystoaldalwaysbe Mendy wim oes inandoatofsdoa, 3 Theyshouldneverbacrul Theysooudasowthatrdysthetraoftheblywhle ndesssthmarkofagenioman, 4 Tyhouldncyer hess tosny"o" when tiedor tempted doa tte michihey now strong 1 Insuadatlamentingorgramblngoverthe lef ens werd hey should ty to conte thersbarelamakng abate 4 Theystoaldbebraveand courageous andsbuldoxpessthmsole oy butt frmpoltenss 4+ rung erachesant plying theca ‘+ Theschool will aotbe lable for any damage/c Uae artinsperts/ ees anda ter Soreytepreguanatbechl 9° 8 9 - ee : on acount nutes, ia or otherwise, wich maybe sustaned bythe student tan ne during his/her stay inthe shoal wae SRE ee. a | | IN CASE OF MISCONDUCT AND MISBEHAVIOUR Seedling expects students to follow the rules and regulations asa matter ofhabit, without H Supervision and misconduct. However, fa student violates acceptable standards of |) behaviou.theschool may haveto take some disciplinary action. ‘Thefollowingactivitiesare considered as misconductand must be avoided «+ Flasfication ofrecords >» Misrepresentation ofthesthoo! + Cominglateand leaving eariy without permission * Continuous allure in followingthe uniform codeandin doing LW. ‘+ Wiful destruction, sabotageand theft of school property + Failure orrefusaltofollow school norms orteacher'sinstructions + disorderiy/indecent behaviour useofinappropriatelanguage * Carrying cellphones/gadgetsto school. + Bunkingschool regular classes, * Vorbal/Physical assault, bullying of peers uniors.

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