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The approach we have developed in this article, as well existing literature reviews carried out and
explained earlier clearly show that transformational leadership is widely researched with aspect to all its
components and in relevance with many variables assessing performance of employees. Through
idealized influence, individualized consideration, intellectual stimulation and inspirational motivation,
transformational leaders have quiet a high possibility to elevate performance of employees beyond
expectations and to effect enormous changes within individuals their thought process and over all in
organizations. Hence, transformational leaders may be very well suited and desirable particularly in
today’s time of fierce competition and non-stop change.

Precilia, Nyu & Yazdanifard, Assc. Prof. Dr. Rashad. (2013). How the Roles of Transformational
Leadership Amplify Employees' Performance in Organizations?.

This study highlights the existence of a significant positive relationship between transformational
leadership, workplace social relationships and followers’ creativity. And creativity is of course a
reflection of independent thought process invoked in the employee, it may be a result of the leaders
individualized consideration and also could be that the positive relationships formed in the workplace
resulted in higher motivation among all employees. The results also show that transformational
leadership has significant positive relationships with workplace social relationships. Previously, a positive
relationship had been found between transformational leadership and the employees’ attitudes and
behavior as well (Judge and Piccolo, 2004). In the literature, few studies have examined
transformational leadership as a mediating path that links leadership style to performance (Bass et al.,
2003). The findings of this study support the notion that the effect of transformational leadership on its
employee’s creativity will differ according to how the co-workers’ relationship are within that workplace.

On an academic level, this study contributes to the literature by conducting empirical research which
highlights the connection between transformational leadership and both organizational innovation on
the whole and employees’ individual creativity. Based on previous research in this field, this study
explores how transformational leadership can enrich organizational innovation in two ways: first,
through a direct link between transformational leadership and innovation which in the back hand is
spurred by two factors the employees independent thought process and motivation, and second,
through an indirect relationship between them as a result of the connection between employees’
creativity and organizational innovation. This study was also conducted at a large scale, to increase the
vigor of the findings.

Harbi, Jaithen & Alarifi, Saud & Mosbah, Aissa. (2019). Transformation leadership and creativity:
Effects of employees pyschological empowerment and intrinsic motivation. Personnel Review.
This was the first study to inspect the circumstances in which transformational leadership can nurture
innovative work behavior in employees with high levels of intrinsic motivation and psychological
empowerment. Now the mediator of Psychological empowerment here very well enough shows that the
employee developed that sense that he or she can think independently for themselves and in turn be
able to innovate and create or contribute towards something out of the box.

We found that transformational leadership was most effective at increasing innovative work behavior
for employees when they were already intrinsically motivated also psychologically empowered to have
their own independent thoughts which will help to create and implement their new ideas. However, this
specific study also shows how transformational leadership was shown not to be very effective for other
arrangements of psychological empowerment and intrinsic motivation e.g., when employees had high
psychological empowerment but low levels of intrinsic motivation in them, or when they had low level
of psychological empowerment and high levels of intrinsic motivation.

This specific study found an interesting result which could be attributed to the fact that the extent to
which employees experience delight and interest when performing their work or task, without being
controlled by any external incidents, such as rewards and punishments, is regarded as more important
in leading to more independence In their thought process and creativity overall.

Bin Saeed, B., Afsar, B., Shahjeha, A., & Imad Shah, S. (2019). Does transformational leadership foster
innovative work behavior? The roles of psychological empowerment, intrinsic motivation, and
creative process engagement. Economic research-Ekonomska istraživanja, 32(1), 254-281.

Transformational leadership has many advantages and how this mechanism applies to neuroscience in
improving the competences of employees in every aspect. If the intervention of applied neuroscience in
this aspect can target transformational leadership competences to translate well into the ultimate goals
the organizational effectiveness can be maximized. The proper decision making with minimum bias
results in the effectiveness of decision itself, the ability to make decisions can be enhanced by using
mindfulness meditation. The bias mitigation and mindfulness meditation enhance positive emotions
(joy/excitement), then encourage the brain to produce dopamine and serotonin. Hence the negative
emotions (fear) reduce in the brain. This situation will impact creativity and decision making skill. It
increases decision making skill.

Social intelligence plays an essential role in leadership process aswell according to this study. By
understanding the situation and activating the right part of the brain to face various situations, the
leader will be able to cooperate and accomplish organizational goals effectively.

1. (S. M.Juhro & Aulia) Transformational Leadership through Applied Neuroscience: Transmission
Mechanism of the Thinking Process (2018)

(David R. Kolzow,2014)
Results of another study confirm the proposed theoretical extension of strategic thinking and
transformational leadership to support new product idea generation potential of industrial teams. The
subject matter in this study attempts to offer transformational leadership at the core of the
management style at work utilizing the approach of strategic thinking to bind new product team
dynamics in line with the organizational innovative inventiveness. The reason to mix transformational
leadership with the above paradigms are the how numerous research studies previously also confirm
the positive role of that leadership style plays across various samples and cultures (e.g., Birasnav,
Rangnekar and Dalpati; 2010, Menguc, Auh and Shih, 2007; Bycio, Hackett, and Allen, 1995; Howell and
Avolio, 1993; Koh, steers and Terborg, 1995; Wofford, Goodwin, and Whittington, 1998) are exmaples of
studies that established that leadership style’s universal theoretical support. Likewise, a study directed
on 13 innovative companies by Zein and Buckler (1997), also found that these companies valued their
employees independent thinking styles and gave them positive appraisal for thinking diffenrtly and had
an environment that was conducive to high personal motivation.

Kazmi, S. A. Z., Naaranoja, M., & Kytölä, J. (2016). Integrating strategic thinking and transformational
leadership for NPD idea support process.

Case study to support the link between transformational leadership and independent thought process

Scott Uknes and Eric Ward believed the science behind agricultural biotech was extremely fruitful if
applied properly. However, many large agribusiness companies had been shown little or no innovation
over he years. This lack of advancement, Uknes and Ward believed, created a gap in the market. So they
founded AgBiome in 2012 to be “the most successful agricultural innovator ever.” To achieve their goal,
Uknes and Ward were inclined to form a company with a radically different structure from most
companies. The two founders were fanatics of self-managed organizations and culture, their approach
was that AgiBiome’s organizational structure and process would be one to encouraged openness and
collaboration. Therefore, Uknes and Ward built AgBiome to operate without any supervisory
relationships, job titles, formal performance evaluations, and individual performance bonuses. Instead,
AgBiome relies on a committee structure that encourages employees with the greatest expertise in that
particular area to make decisions on those matters. Training, leadership development, and feedback and
mediation mechanisms had to be developed from scratch, as there were few off-the-shelf programs to
support this kind of organization. But till date AgiBiome is successful it has had to face some issues but
it has manages to stay innovative due to its leaderships transformational style develop such an
organization which enables all of its employees to think independently and contribute towards the
betterment of AgiBiome.

Two hypotheses predicted that transformational relationship would have a positive effect on ethical
judgment and intention. Findings of this paper also demonstrate how transformational leadership has
significant effects on ethical judgment in scenario 1 (bribery), scenario 2 (nepotism) and scenario 4
(political favouritism), and on ethical intention in scenario 1 (bribery), scenario 2 (nepotism) and
scenario 3 (padding up of expenses’ account). transformational leadership styles, significantly
influencing ethical judgment and intention of Mauritian managers. However some responses in this
paper also show how in some cases the cultural effects had stronger impact then the style of leadership
however generally the findings of tis paper were fit to the overall literature.

(Ah-Kion, J. & Bhowon, U. (2017). Leadership and Ethical Decision Making among Mauritian
Managers. EJBO Electronic Journal of Business Ethics and Organization Studies)

 In addition, both transformational and transactional were found to be strongly correlated with implicit
forms of ethics institutionalization. Thus, this study supports research by Judge and Piccolo (2004) that
found both transformational and contingent reward transactional relationship had a positive
relationship with employee job satisfaction, motivation, and organizational performance. In addition,
Bass (1985) suggested that transactional leadership may work as well as transformational leadership in
certain contexts if the leader provides appropriate feedback and clarification of what corrective action is
needed. This relationship is important because it suggests that certain types of transactional leadership
can be as effective as transformational leadership in supporting implicit forms of ethics
institutionalization initiatives that can lead to the development of an ethical work climate.

(Floyd, K. S. (2010). Leadership styles, ethics institutionalization, ethical work, climate, and employee
attitudes toward information technology misuse in higher education: A correlational study.)

The positive values that are associated with the positive aspects of transformational leadership
demonstrate the type of values that support the three ethical theories of egoism, teleology and
deontology. Although egoism is often associated with selfserving interests, it could be argued that
values such as honesty with oneself, and aiming for personal happiness, dignity and pride although self-
centered are not undesirable endstates. It is when negative values are associated with self-serving
interests to the exclusion of others’ rights and interests that egoism is undesirable. Positive values of
truthfulness, tolerance, politeness, equity, justice and respect for life reportedly held by
transformational leaders substantiate a link between transformational leadership and teleology.
Similarly, the relationship of transformational leadership to deontological theory is supported by the
respondents’ beliefs that instrumental values such as caring, commitment to ethical behaviour and
terminal values such as love, understanding and respect for life underpin transformation leadership.

(Armstrong, A., & Muenjohn, N. (2008). The ethical dimension in transformational leadership. Journal of
Law and Governance, 3(3).)

Transformational leadership was strongly associated with leader deontological values, suggesting that
such leaders' strong beliefs in altruism, universal rights, and principles lay the groundwork for enacting
the key motivational and inspirational behaviors that drive impressive leadership outcomes in
organizations. (Judge and Piccolo, 2004; Lowe et al., 1996; Yukl, 2006). Transformational leaders' ability
to demonstrate idealized attributes and behaviors, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and
individualized consideration behaviors may well rest on a strong deontological ethical foundation. The
results suggest that a leader's beliefs in selflessness, treating followers, and teammates as ends rather
than means, and viewing leadership practices as having ethical significance regardless of their
consequences, facilitates an authentic demonstration of transformational behaviors that engender a
belief in the stakeholder view of CSR.
Groves, K. S., & LaRocca, M. A. (2011). An empirical study of leader ethical values, transformational and
transactional leadership, and follower attitudes toward corporate social responsibility. Journal of
business ethics, 103(4), 511-528.

The finding showed that all dimensions of transformational leadership were positively related to caring,
law and code, rules ethical climate types. The highest relationship was found between all dimensions of
transformational leadership and caring ethical climate type. Th ese results are in support of theoretical
explanations and research results pertaining to transformational leadership in a few aspects. Firstly, it
confi rms the assertion that transformational leadership is based on deontological ethical basis
(Aranson, 2001; Kanungo, 2001; Mendonca & Kanungo, 2007) at organizational (rules), and
cosmopolitan (law and code) levels while it partially confi rms at individual level (independence).
Secondly, it is consistent with the opinion that transformational leadership is altruism-oriented
(Mendonca & Kanungo, 2007), goes beyond the self-interest and focuses on the good of the
organization and that of the community (Bass, 1999) and is a human-oriented process (Celep, 2004)

(Sagnak, M. (2010). The relationship between transformational school leadership and ethical
climate. Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, 10(2), 1135-1152.)

Case study to support the link between ethical workplace environment and transformational leadership

After the heartbreaking events in December 2015, where two attackers killed 14 people in San
Bernardino, California, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) requested Apple to help them in
unlocking an iPhone used by one of the attackers (Lichtblau & Benner, 2016). This request generated a
blazing debate which got even worse when on February 16, 2016 the Federal Magistrate Judge, Sheri
Pym, ordered Apple to assist the FBI in unlocking one of the attacker’s iPhone 5c (Weise, 2016). That
very same day, Tim Cook circulated a 1,100- word response regarding this request on Apple’s website.
The response handed out by Tim was not a simple refusal to comply with the court order but actually a
vocal call out of his transformational leadership competencies at Apple.

Because he claimed that it is not just a single iPhone at stake, but the precedence that the government
can have access to any of yours encrypted data; Cook’s reply stated, “This moment calls for public
discussion, and we want our customers and people around the country to understand what is at stake”
(Cook, 2016). Cook further argued that customers of Apple “…carry so much personal information on
our phones today, and there are new data breaches every week affecting individuals, companies, and
governments…if we lose control of our data, we put both our privacy and our safety at risk” (Cook,
2016). Cook pointed out that the government such form of access over encrypted data would set a
future legal precedent which other firms would have to comply with as well in future. This power he
mentioned in the hands of the government to give them control of everyone’s personal and private data
without it being in the knowledge of the customers could really go out of the hand and used adversely if
hacked into and such events rather uncommon and that would put all civilians in a compromising
position and lead to many issues. Also he mentions it would be entirely un ethical to do so without
taking the customers approval first he would not take any further step regarding this judgement.
The Apple vs FBI battle ended on March 29, 2016, when Federal Magistrate Judge, Sheri Pym, rescinded
her original order for Apple to assist the FBI in unlocking the iPhone 5c. Tim Cook’s idealized influence in
becoming a role model and a leader for the advocacy of privacy, Apple won this battle. Sensitive data
will continue to be created by individuals and companies likewise; such data must be safeguard with
encryption at rest and in transit. Leaders such as Tim Cook will need to continue to come forward to
protect the data, rationale, and ideals behind protecting that data. And that is how a transformational
leader shows his moral ethics and what his organization stands for.


After looking at the conclusive evidences provided by various studies pertaining to different sectors and
countries we have been able to come to the same result that transformational leadership definitely does
have a strong and positive influence on not only how ethical the workplace environment is, but also how
a leader uses his/her individualized consideration to mold his/her leading style to match the personality
of the subordinate but also to suit the situation at hand. Leaders can also use intellectual stimulation to
make the subordinates think creatively and follow their imagination to create something unique yet
extraordinarily effective and efficient as well. By using individualized consideration leaders are also able
to create a workplace environment that induces motivation and brotherhood between employees.
Where there is trust now this kind of environment makes followers of the leader indulge in independent
thought process which is ultimately the key to any creativity and innovation at all levels of the

Also if most of the employees are empowered enough and have that intrinsic motivation in them to
independently think something different on their own than the level of creativity and innovation of the
whole organization increases. Thus the outcome of this paper is also that firms in today’s fierce
competition need independent thinkers to help them reach new levels of success and develop core
competencies and competitive advantage over their rivals. Another very important aspect touched by
these papers s how ethical work environment creates a more supportive atmosphere at the workplace
and further gives the followers to be able to share their work with each other without the fear of t being
stolen or corrupted. Also no competitive advantage can be sustainable or long lasting if its not ethical as
it will save costs today maybe but will cost the firm more in years to come. But all his starts from the
right leaders leading its followers towards the right path of being ethical and yet smart independent

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