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Cleanliness implies that one is pure and spotless not only in the physical body but also in mind,
action, character, and the speech. Cleanliness can either be internal and external. External
cleanliness involves an individual's body and surroundings, while internal cleanliness involves
one's mind and the soul (Clifford, 702). A pure mind is always free from hatred and hostility.
However, a clean person will ever have a feature of being an OCD, one who performs his/her
activities in an orderly manner and to the perfectionism while keeping attention on the details.
For a period now, I have discovered myself to be a clean and pure person in how I perform my
activities and my interactions with other people and society at large.
I have a pure mind and heart, as since from my young age, I have been helping people by doing
good deeds to them, but I have never expected anything from them. In 2017, I paid University
fees for an orphan boy who had been admitted to the University to pursue a degree in
Engineering. Still, he didn't have any person to sponsor him. I called the boy to my home place,
gave him a piece of advice, and encouraged him to be poor, but he still had a bright future.
Besides, I have over a long time been inspiring people who attempt like giving up in life and
have shown them that they are essential people not only in society but also in the world. For
instance, in early 2016, I met a girl aged 19 years who had been impregnated by her then-
boyfriend and dumped her when she gave birth. The girl had opted to commit suicide because
she had seen no hope in her life as her parents and friends had abandoned her. I talked to the girl
and proved to her that giving birth was not a mistake and that she was such an important person.
As of now, the girl is back at college and has reunited with her family members well, who
support her.
However, when it comes to my physical cleanliness, I have always stressed the importance of
hygiene and healthy lifestyles. First of all, I have always advocated for a smart dress code and
have always been an example. Besides, back at my community, I have set 24th December of each
year as a hygienic day where we gather as youths in the society and work around all the markets
cleaning them. I don't only concentrate on hygiene on that day but have ensured that through the
assistance of the leaders and well-wishers, every market in my society has no less than three
street bins and market cleaners. Also, I have ensured proper education and counseling is done to
young girls who face menstrual periods unknowing to ensure that they are well enlightened about
it and when to use the sanitary pads. Besides, I have also advocated for each family in my society
always to have a toilet, which is aimed at preventing our environment from pollution.
However, I must always give thanks to my parents, who have instilled a clean character in me. In
December 2017, I organized a football tournament in my community where several local clubs
were participating. The players differed on some occasions due to the adolescent features, which
later resulted in fights injuring some players. However, it became a case, and I was held
accountable for the actions. Although the Administrative officer handling the situation was very
harsh, I managed to handle the issue calmly and peacefully until we called all the parties
involved in the fights and resolved everything, and peace was maintained. I had followed the
right channels of the administration to be granted the opportunity to conduct the tournament.
Everything was professional, as I had signed documents from the officials confirming the
In 2015 when I was at the University, we visited an orphanage with a particular group from the
University. We stayed at the orphanage until it was late for us to go back to the University. Since
we had not enough money to rent a house for the night, we sought help from a good Samaritan
who happened to be an Administrator of the orphanage a house to sleep. The good Samaritan by
the name David offered us a room, and we were very thankful. However, the house had just been
constructed soon and had cement and stains of paints on the floor. I offered to clean the house an
action that my colleagues rejected, arguing that we only needed a night's sleep and that the owner
would wash his room later. Besides, I explained to my colleagues that we should always
advocate for leaving a place better than we found it and reminded them that David was kind
enough to grant us a room, and he had only known us for a short time. I washed the room and
explained to my colleagues always helping others because each one still needs some help from
others and that such issues may sometimes encounter us. I also told them that not only helping
David but also ensuring cleanliness is maintained at all times as it is also stated in the Bible that
Cleanliness is next to Godliness. So we should keep ourselves and our surroundings clean.

Works cited
Clifford, Scott. "Linking issue stances and trait inferences: A theory of moral exemplification." The Journal
of Politics 76.3 (2014): 698-710.

Schnall, Simone, Jennifer Benton, and Sophie Harvey. "With a clean conscience: Cleanliness reduces the
severity of moral judgments." Psychological science 19.12 (2008): 1219-1222.

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