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Psychology assignment essay

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Impact of pubertal timing

Pubertal timing is critical to both genders, and if the puberty timing is wrong, there is a

likelihood of the individuals suffering be negative. At adolescence, the individuals are mostly at

a stage with a lot of anxiety and identity crisis. The individuals at this stage are poor mentally

and cannot make the sound judgment; hence need to be guided in their actions and steps they

take. At this stage, the individuals, especially at the adolescent is always anxious and curious and

will want to discover many things and the happenings, especially in their physical change and

sexual activities (Hayward, 2003). There is a significant change in their behavioral activities;

hence they may start showing negative and positive changes in their behaviors and ways of

conducting themselves. Boys tend to have many risks Healthwise during this stage as they will

engage in most of the irresponsible behaviors and succumb to peer pressure. There can be a lot of

high levels of intoxication of alcohol; hence they there is importance if pubertal timing and it has

a lot of impacts.

Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa

Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder that is characterized by very low and unusual body

weight, and the individual dies not to wish to add weight and does not usually eat. Some of the

risk factors include a desire to decrease or lose weight: mental disorder and incidences of nausea.

Gender is also a risk factor since it is most common to the US females. Binge eating disorder is

also a risk factor. Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder associated with some incidences eating

and purging. A person may feel guilty after eating a large amount of food, and he will try to

puke. This disorder may need toa person exercising excessively so as not to gain weight. A

person has a feeling that he is overweight even if his weight is normal. Some of the risk factors

of bulimia nervosa include age, gender where females are more at risk and also peer pressure.

Treatment of Bulimia involves the use of anti-depressants. At times a psychotherapist can be

involved, Team approach is necessary and also making use if dietitian. The treatment is different

from the treatment of anorexia, which involves the use of a psychological counselor, which

involves behavioral modification and support from a nutritional perspective.

Criticism of Piaget

One of the major criticism is the research method. The sample he used was from a well

off family and his own three children who were the inspirational source to support his theory.

How discriminated his sample size to be encompassed by children from a high and social-

economic status hence posed a big challenge in generalizing his outcome toa larger population.

There is limited information on how his sample of the [participants was selected; hence the

methodology was a problem itself (Hayward, 2003). There is less convincing statistical evidence

to support the theory and managing to hit the conclusion. There are no clear operational variables

in his work. It is essential to show how one variable changes in another to offer an objective

measure.IT is challenging for researchers to replicate his work due to the absence of operational


Identity development

Factors that promote identity development include a person’s age. The gender of the

person, whether he is a male or a female. Another important factor for consideration and plays a

vital role is the physical health of the person and his appearance. The factors include individuals'

social skills, level of intelligence, which are vital to a person's identity and the real person.

ideal reciprocity on moral development


Moral development is hugely dependent on ideal reciprocity. It assists the children in

who to look up to when they want to make a moral judgment or moral decision. They usually

base their argument on how they would want to be treated by others; hence they will act

accordingly. Children make moral decisions based on what they are likely to gain to benefit

themselves. It is also important to note that ideal reciprocity helps in giving out moral rules

which serve as moral guidelines and various dints by society(Hayward, 2003). At times what is

stated by the society as dints should never be broken hence helps in shaping a person’s behavior

and dictating moral development.

Kohlberg’s Stages 3 and 4 morally mature constructions

Kohlberg’s 3rd and 4th stages are considered morally mature constructions since various

behaviors portrayed at these levels are determined by the approval of the society. A person at the

third stage will do his level best to gain affection and be approved by many and be viewed as the

right person hence making the morally and more mature constructions (Miller, Vandome, &

McBrewster, 2010). At the 4th stage, the social rules are, and the governing laws are responsible

for behavior determination. Decision making morally becomes an essential thing compared to

close ties with friends. Maintaining law and order is worth being preserved at this stage.

Positive functions of friendship, clique, and crowds in adolescent

The three have a positive function in that adolescents tend to develop a stronger bond and

close friendship. They help one another in developing their interests, especially if they share the

same interest. A crowd helps an adolescent learn other social identities depending on the crowd

categorization, and the identities are readily available to them (Rubin, Bukowski, & Laursen,

2011). An adolescent crowd will always influence a person and be ready to spend a lot of time

with the crowd. Finally, the three helps in shaping their member's relations interpersonally.

What factors lead some friendships and peer-group ties to be harmful?

Availability of cigarettes, alcohol, and others and incidences of succumbing to the

pressure of the same. Some peer members may succumb to pressures if engaging in other risky

behaviors. It is also possible to suffer from school (Rubin, Bukowski, & Laursen, 2011). There

can be a drastic change in individuals' behavior and the people's attitude and finally, the distance

that exists between the existing friends and the family.

Why are adolescent girls at greater risk for depression and adolescent boys at

greater risk for suicide?

Women are at greater risk of depression due to the influence of hormones. Hormonal

balance is responsible and directly affects neurotransmitters. There exists a difference in the way

people socialize, and the females tend to be more affected since they Socialize in a more

sensitive and nurturing way and cares about the opinion of others. In contrast, boys tend to be

independent. Other factors include social riles and stressful past events.

B.Reasons for suicides in males

Boys tend to be affected by traditional gender roles, which defines males as strong and

independent. There is a tendency of the boys engaging in various risky activities, and they will

never look for help or assistance when feeling suicidal and be depressed (Rubin, Bukowski, &

Laursen, 2011). Boys don't share their experiences and feeling readily like their female

counterparts, which helps the girls to counter depression orf which the males shun to avoid being

seen as weak and inferior.



Hayward, C. (2003). Gender differences at puberty. Cambridge University Press.

Miller, F. P., Vandome, A. F., & McBrewster, J. (2010). undefined.

Rubin, K. H., Bukowski, W. M., & Laursen, B. (2011). Handbook of peer interactions,

relationships, and groups. Guilford Press.

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