2nd English Worksheet 9

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Chambone Secondary School

Grade 9 Term-I
English worksheet-2 2 Ficha de exercícios de Inglês

Important Notes:

Dear students,
Hello again!

Fearing (temendo) mass infections for coronavirus, you were told, on the 23 March, to STOP
coming to school physically. Nevertheless, you VIRTUAL contact with school and your teachers
HAS ALWAYS BEEN RECOMMENDED. Following this ruling, 2 weeks later, we (teachers)
designed worksheets and sent to you as an alternative mean to keep our classes in progress. HAVE

We are now in the second month without physical contact. AGAIN (mais uma vez), we designed
the second worksheet hoping to keep you working. Let’s work hard so we can have good results
after the COVID-19.

We strongly recommend you revise all the contents you had at school and the notes we provide
you below before you do any task. Upon done with revision, do the task carefully. Engage
everyone who can help you within home. Remember you are in social distancing, so, DO THE
 We encourage you reading any grade 9 English books for further consultation and
 If possible, we also recommend you listening to radio lessons broadcast from both Radio
Mozambique-national station, and the local radio – Radio Progresso.
 Equally, we encourage you following TV lessons broadcast from Mozambique Public
Television – TVM.

For this work, particularly in grammar section, consider:

 PRESENT SIMPLE: used to express habitual actions.

E.g1: I live in Macupula. E.g2: Sumbi likes crabs (caranguejo).
Note: remember to add (acrescentar) –S to the verb in the present indicative for HE/SHE/IT.

 PAST SIMPLE: used to express actions that started and finished in the past.
E.g1: She cooked delicious food last night. E.g2: We did all exercises.
Note: Don’t forget regular verbs- end in –ED in the past. Cook- cookED
Irregular verbs: have NO rules (regras) to form the past. E.g.: DO-DID

 ADJECTIVES: Used to qualify nouns (substantivos) or pronouns.

E.g1: Tina is Beautiful. E.g2: Kuzi is tall.
Short adjective:
Adjectives with 1 syllable. We add –ER THAN for comparative and THE + adjEST for
E.g: Sumbi is taller than Raci. (comparative) E.g: Mbata is the tallest boy in my class.

Long adjectives:
Adjectives with 2 or more syllables (sílabas): we use MORE + ADJ. + THAN for comparative
and THE + MOST + ADJ. for superlative.

E.g1: Catekile is more beautiful than Tandekile. (Comparative)

E.g2: Dindane is the most beautiful girl in my class. (Superlative)

 CONNECTORS: Used to join two or more sentences.

E.g: Tania is short but her mother is tall.

1. But: used to show opposite ideas. E.g: Tania is short but her mother is tall.

2: And: used to mention ideas. E.g: Maths and English are my favorite subjects.

3. Or: Used to show alternatives.

E.g: When it’s time for breakfast at home, we always have bread OR cassava flour with tea.

4: Because: shows reasons or motives. E.g: I am going to the hospital because I am not fine.

 QUANTIFIERS: used before (antes) a noun to show the amount (quantidade) or quantity
of it.
E.g: There are a lot of members in my family.

1. Many: used before a countable noun - bigger amount (muitos/as).

E.g: There are many female teachers in my school.
2. Few or a few: used before a countable noun – smaller amount (poucos/as).
E.g: Because of Covid-19, there are few people in the street.
3. Much: used before uncountable noun – bigger amount. E.g: there is much salt in this food
4. Little or a little: used before uncountable noun – smaller amount. E.g: Can you add sugar in
my tea, there is little in it (pouco/a).

NOTE: Countable nouns: Things that we can count (contar). E.g: bag, car.Verbs used in plural.
Uncountable nouns: Things that we cannot count. E.g: water, tea. Verbs used in singular.



Section I: Reading and Comprehension Check: Read the following texts and then and then
answer all questions.
Hi, my name is Jorge. I live in Vundi. Vundi is a neighborhood in Moamba district, about 100
km from Maputo. Here we don’t have hospitals, the nearest one is about 40km away, in
Mahuluana. When we get ill, we don’t need to travel all the distance. We see the traditional
healers in our neighborhood.
I see many advantages to visiting local traditional healers. We don’t have to wait in queues, to be
assisted. Generally, we don’t pay for the consultations. The remedies they give us are from
nature: leaves, roots, water, herbs, etc. We just pay a symbolic amount of money, so we fell
Apart from not paying much money, we think that traditional medicine is advantageous because
we use natural remedies. We believe that chemical remedies, like the ones people are given in
the hospitals, are harmful to humans. If you take those remedies, they cure the illness for a
limited period of time. After some years or months, the person gets ill again because of the
effects of Chemical remedies.
Hello my name is Carla. I live in Xai-Xai city, Gaza Province. Well, when I am ill, I go to
hospital because there I will get medical assistance from well-trained health technicians, nurses,
and/or medical doctors. Before they prescribe the medicine I should take, they do a clinical
examination during which they do a physical examination as well as take down my medical
history. This helps them to confirm what I am suffering from. When they give me instructions on
how to take the medicine, they take into account my height, weight, and the kind of diet I should
I don’t like traditional medicine because some traditional healers are charlatans. They don’t cure
what they claim they do. They also don’t worry so much about a person’s background history.
They seem to be focused on money. Traditional medicine generally tastes bitter.
extracted and adapted from Inglês 9a OXFORD
Neighborhood - bairro Traditional healers - médicos tradicionais Queues - filas Remedies –
remédios Advantageous – vantajoso Nurses – enfermeiros Height – altura Weight – peso

1. Do you agree with what Jorge says about traditional healers? Explain your answer._________
2. Where do you think traditional healers are more influential?____________________________
3. What is the advantage of going to medical doctors? __________________________________
4. Describe the type of people who mostly go to hospitals._______________________________
5. In one or two sentences give the overall idea of the text._______________________________

SECTION II: Grammar and Language Use. Choose the word or group of words (A, B, C or D)
that best fills the gap in each of the following sentences.

6. I am the……….. in my family.
A. tall B. tallest C. the tallest D. taller

7. If ___a lot, I will improve my English.

A. I ate B. I drink C. I read D. I sleep

8. If you drink poison, ____

A. you dance B. you are C. you die D. you are health

9. Modern agriculture is____________ than traditional agriculture.

A. expensive B. more expensive C. most expensive D. less expensive

10. I go to church________ Sunday.

A. at B. between C. in D. on

11. João ___________ Maria are siblings.

A. or B. but C. and D. so

12. Many clothes and dishes can be sold in the __________.

A. crescent B. market C. office D. library

13. Speaking English enables people getting better ------------.

A. problems B. trouble C. matter D. jobs

14. The _________ dancer always a man wears a special wooden mask.
A. jazz B. classical music C. romantic music D. mapiko

15. Make sure avoid the common ------------- because can complicate your future.
A. pains B. hardly C. diseases D. healthy

16. This is my pen, ____________

A. doesn’t it? B. Is it? C. Isn’t it? D. Is pens?

17. English is_____ than Guitonga.

A. more easy B. easier C. easy D. easiest
18. If you heat water, it _______________.
A. to boil B. boil C. boiling D. boils

19. I don’t eat meat ____________ I’m vegetarian.

A. and B. but C. because D. or

20. How _________ mangoes are there on the plate?

A. many B. most C. much D. little

SECTION IV: Writing. In about 150 to 200 words write a composition expressing your opinion
about the types of medicine we discussed in the texts above (modern or traditional). Consider the
following aspects: distance people take to access it, urban or rural areas, which do you agree with and
why? Write your composition considering coronavirus effects to people.



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