User Manual On Examination Application: Visvesvaraya Technological University Belagavi

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Application User Manual
1] The Home page of the application with College / Student Login button is depicted in the
Figure 1 below.

 Click on "Student" button to go to department login page.

Figure 1

2] The Login Page of the application is depicted in Figure 2 below.

 Username is "University Seat Number"

( Ex : 4SH11CS007 for UG , 2VX15SCS01 for PG).
 Enter Password
 Click on "Login" button.

Figure 2
3] The sample filled in form is depicted in Figure 3 below.

 Username : 4SH11CS007 Password : ******** UG Programme.

 Username : 2VX15SCS17 Password : ********** PG Programme.

Figure 3
4] The Dashboard Page of logged in student is shown Figure 4 below.

 Click on the link to go to "Apply Examination Form" to start the examination

application form.
 The Status of the application form is highlighted in alert "Application is Incomplete" in
red color.
 The Status of the Uploading Photo is highlighted in alert "Photo Upload Pending" in red
 The Photo should be in "Passport Format" and size of the Photo should be less
than "40 Kb".
 The Personal information is shown on right side of dashboard with email, mobile and
photo information.
 The General Errors that during applying examination form is listed in the table below

Figure 4
5] The "Application Form" Page is depicted in Figure 5 below.

 The Student Details are shown in the table

 The Regular Subjects are Highlighted in blue color and Electives Subjects are Orange
 The Fees structure shown in separate panel below

Figure 5
 In case student has only arrear subjects the same is depicted in Figure 6 Below

Figure 6
 In case student has regular with arrear subjects the same is depicted in Figure 7 below.

Figure 7
 In case student has Basic Cycle / Specialization the same need to Selected from the
dropdown list depicted in Figure 8 below.
Ex : "B.E / B.Tech" , Physics and Chemistry Cycle for First year students.
Ex : "M.B.A " , (FM,HR,MM & Dual ) Specialization for Final year students.
 Submit the application form , once the selections are done.

Figure 8
9] Once the "Application Form" is submitted, the Change in Status is depicted in Figure 9

 The Status of the application form is highlighted in alert "Application is Completed" in

green color and Photo Upload is still Pending.
 The Application Submitted can be Edited "multiple number of times" for Corrections in
Electives, Open Electives, Basic Cycle, Specialization, Arrears Semesters Before "Final
Submission" as per "Annexure II" Point Number 14
 If in Case "Regular Scheme" or " Regular Semester" is incorrect / Wrong intimate your
respective department of the college to "Raise Ticket" for corrections.
 Any Corrections / Modifications in application form need to be done before "Final
Submission" , further no changes are allowed as per "Annexure II" Point Number 16

Figure 9
10] Once the "Photo Uploaded" , the Change in Status is depicted in Figure 10 below.

Figure 10

 The "Finalize Application" button in the sky blue color is enabled only after successful
completion of "Application Form" and "Uploading Photo" .
 When you click on "Finalize Application" button , it asks for certain confirmation as
depicted in Figure 11, 12 & 13 below

Figure 11

Figure 12

Figure 13

 The Status of the "Finalize Application" is highlighted in alert "Finalize Application For
College Approval" in red color.
10] Once the "Application is Finalized" , the Change in Status is depicted in Figure 14

Figure 14

 Once when you have completed your exam application form, uploaded your photo and
Finalized Application, follow the instruction in Exam Notification "Annexure II" Point
Number 15.
 The Status of the College Approval is highlighted in alert "Application Approval Pending
from the College" in red color.
10] The Printout of the Finalized Application form can be taken by clicking on "View
Application Form" button in blue color , the View application page is depicted in Figure
15 Below.

Figure 15
 To Take a printout , Press "Ctrl"+"P" key on your keyboard.

 At this stage Process of Submission of "Examination Application Form" is Complete.

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