Destination Lonely Planet DOMACI

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In 1973

Mellburne, Ausrtalia


She wanted to see the world

16 in your book
Overland across Europe, through
Asia, and onto Australia

For over 30 year

120m million

100 million

His father’s job took him all over the



Three days after arriving

On their kitchen table in Melburne

More then 100

*What do you think about their story and their lifestyle?

Their story is very ,,movable,, and in the same time both of them enyojing in the lot of different coutryes
end journeies, and whrite books about that and earn the mony for next “adventure”.

That is amazing.

*Name 3(or less) places that you would like to visit and state the reasons

1. I woud like to visit Moscow, because I wont to vist Red square. Rusian as a country is a ceter of
Orthodoxy (pravoslavlje) and ther are very beautiful churches and other momuments who I want to
2. Iwould like to visit Grecce, specifically Athens and Sparta, because these citys are very rich of history
and nolage about Greek cilivisation.

3.I would like to visit Japan, baecause meny peple think that Japanese food is very helthy and tasty. Also
the Japanese people live very long because of food who they eat. I wont to taste meny Japonase dishs.

*Where would you like to live in the future? For how I woud like to live hire in my borncity maybe in
Belgrade, but I wasn’t been thinking about thet very mauch yet.

*Write 5-8 sentences about the place that you have already visited and liked the most.

In a summer, one day my family and I decided to visit monastery nemed Vratna. Monastery is very old.
Neart him is very rare nature fenomen, three huge stone bridges. They were atased by erosion. The
brithes were beautiful and incredible. Many different birds live there. It was amazing place for lunch and

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