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B S B M G T 6 1 7 D e v e l o p a n d I m p l e m e n t a B u s i n e s s

Student Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________________

_____________________________Student ID:________________________________________________________
Version control
Version No. Date Dept. Change
1.0 Training Original
2.0 13/06/2019 Training Updated template
2.1 24/7/2019 Training Revised questions & model answers
3.0 25/08/2019 Training New template, revision to questions
4.0 20/11/2019 Training Updated content and templates

Copyright Statement

© Copyright Clinton Institute

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted

in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying,
scanning, recording, or any information storage retrieval system without
permission in writing from Clinton Institute. No patent liability is assumed with
respect to the use of information used herein.

While every effort has been taken in the preparation of this publication, the
publisher and authors assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is
any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of information contained
CONTENTS............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 3
INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
ASSESSMENT PLAN......................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
ASSESSMENT TASK COVER SHEET – ASSESSMENT TASK 1.................................................................................................11
ASSESSMENT TASK 1: WRITTEN QUESTIONS................................................................................................................................ 12
ASSESSMENT TASK COVER SHEET: ASSESSMENT TASK 2........................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
ASSESSMENT TASK 2: CASE STUDY & ROLEPLAY - DEVELOP A BUSINESS PLAN.....................................................21
ASSESSMENT TASK COVER SHEET: ASSESSMENT TASK 3.................................................................................................... 32
ASSESSMENT TASK 3: PROJECT: BUSINESS PERFORMANCE MONITORING...............................................................33
ASSESSMENT TASK COVER SHEET: ASSESSMENT TASK 4........................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
ASSESSMENT TASK 4: COACHING MEETING.................................................................................................................................. 43
OVERALL UNIT – RECORD OF ASSESSMENT OUTCOMES...........................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Unit code Title Training Package

BSBMGT617 Develop and Implement a Business Plan Business Services Training Package

For further information regarding assessment criteria, including:

 application of unit
 elements and performance criteria
 assessment requirements
 modification History
 performance Evidence
 knowledge Evidence
 assessment conditions.

Please refer to:

Understanding assessment terminology

Describe: Give a detailed account by recounting, characterising, outline and relating, in sequence, an event, situation,
theory or point.
Explain: Clarify or elaborate on the facts. Focus on reasons how and why things happen or a why a particular point is
important in the relevant context.
List: Using dot points, list a series of points, steps or stages that relate to the question.
Outline: Leaving out minor details, give an account of thing or a process outlining the main points of a topic.
Review: Provide a summary while analysing and commenting on the evidence, argument or other relevant points.
Summarise: Identify and interpret the most relevant features of a theory, discuss issue or detail, leaving out the finer
Develop: Involves the creation of the materials/activities/procedures to achieve the outcome. This is about designing
and creating.
Implement: After materials/activities/procedures are developed, test all materials/procedures to determine if they are
functional and appropriate for the intended audience.
Evaluate: ensures that the materials/activities/procedures achieve their desired goals and involves a detailed review
including any recommendations for change and reasons.

While cooperative effort and the sharing of information are encouraged, you must ensure your assignments and
assessments are representative of your own effort, knowledge and skills. You must not take the work of others and
present it as your own. Plagiarism may result in the assignment/assessment being deemed to be “not yet competent” by
the assessor.

Students accused more than once of academic misconduct, including plagiarism, may be dismissed or cancelled from
their course at the discretion of the Clinton Institute Director of Studies.

Plagiarism can take several forms.

 Quoting from a book or an article without acknowledging the source
 Handing in someone else’s work as your own
 Stealing and passing off another person’s words or ideas and claiming them as your own
 Giving incorrect information about the source of a quotation or idea
 Downloading information from the internet without acknowledging the source
 Copying a section of a book or article and submitting it as one’s own work
 Presenting something as a new and original idea or producing something which was derived from an existing
Referencing Materials
If you are unfamiliar with how to reference, we recommend that you review
referencing. Two types of citations are included:
 In-text citations are used when directly quoting or paraphrasing a source. They are located in the body of the
work and contain a fragment of the full citation. Depending on the source type, some Harvard Reference in-text
citations may look something like this:
o "After that I lived like a young rajah in all the capitals of Europe…" (Fitzgerald, 2004).
 Reference lists are located at the end of the work and display full citations for sources used in the assignment.
Here is an example of a full citation for a book found in a Harvard Reference list:
o Fitzgerald, F. (2004). The great Gatsby. New York: Scribner.*
 It is preferred that students utilise Harvard Style referencing. Generally, Harvard Reference List citations follow
this format:
o Books: Last name, First Initial. (Year published). Title. City: Publisher, Page(s).
o Journals/publication: Last name, First initial. (Year published). Article title. Journal, Volume (Issue),
o Websites: Website name, (Year published). Page title. [Online] Available at: URL [Accessed Day Mo.

Understanding your results

The great thing with competency-based training is that you are either deemed 'competent' (you can demonstrate the
required skills and knowledge) or 'not yet competent' (at this time, you haven't been able to demonstrate required skills
or knowledge). The key word is "YET”.

Your trainer will provide you with feedback on your assessments so that you know what you have done well in your
assessment and what you need to improve upon or fix. An "NYC" result does not mean that you have failed and that is it.
You have the opportunity to try again. It could be that one question in your assessment was deemed not yet
satisfactory (NS) and this is the only question that will require review.

Assessment outcomes
Each assessment task will be given an outcome of either Satisfactory (S) or Not Yet Satisfactory (NYS). You must complete
all tasks satisfactorily to achieve an overall outcome of Competent (C) for a unit. If one or more of tasks are assessed as
not yet satisfactory, you will be given an overall outcome for the unit of Not Yet Competent (NYC).

You will be allowed up to two (2) reassessments attempts to complete the task and achieve a satisfactory outcome. You
will be given a timeframe for resubmission and advised what you must include in the resubmission.

There is an Assessment Task # - Outcome Record at the end of each discreet assessment activity. Assessors will fill this
out for each assessment activity. The summary of the outcomes will be transferred to the Overall Unit – Record of
Assessment Outcomes located on the last page of this Student Assessment Booklet.
Results legend
C Competent You have successfully completed unit and met the minimum
competency criteria and demonstrated the required skills and knowledge.

NYC Not Yet Competent You have not met minimum competency criteria for the unit. Certain section/s require
review due to not meeting the requirements and, therefore, your work is deemed not
yet satisfactory.

Note: If you have had an initial assessment, a first reassessment and then a final
reassessment, you will no longer have an opportunity to resubmit. You will receive a
“NYC” and have to re-enrol in the unit.

S Satisfactory Individual assessment/question is satisfactory.

NYS Not Satisfactory Individual assessment/question is not a satisfactory result for a specific assessment

Assessment attempts and resubmissions

You will have up to three (3) attempts to achieve a satisfactory outcome for each assessment. If after three (3) attempts
you cannot achieve a satisfactory result for any assessment activity, the overall outcome with be Not Yet Competent
(NYC) for the unit.

You will be given the opportunity to resubmit a Not Yet Satisfactory (NYS) assessment task up to two (2) times. Following
the assessment outcome, you will be given appropriate feedback on previous attempt. This will enable you to have a
total of three (3) attempts.

You will be provided with an appropriate timeframe by your trainer to resubmit your work. For example, you may be
given 14 days to resubmit incorrect responses to written tasks or projects. Should you be required to complete a roleplay
or presentation, your assessor will make an appointment time, which suits both of you.

The Assessment Task # – Outcome Record at the end of each assessment activity, includes a space to record the details
of any reattempts and resubmissions. Assessors must ensure that this is comprehensively detailed so that anybody
reviewing the assessment record can tell exactly what occurred, when it occurred, how it occurred, who was involved
and where any further evidence is located. Assessors must also make reference to ensuring that any reattempt or
resubmission has been assessed in accordance with the model responses and performance descriptors included in the
Assessor’s Marking Guide.

Task Cover Sheet

Assessors must ensure that students have completed the Assessment Task Cover Sheet for each assessment task.

Assessment appeals
You have the right to appeal an assessment decision. To make an appeal about an assessment decision, you must follow
the process outlined in the Student Handbook.

Note that the Overall Unit – Record of Assessment Outcomes located on the last page of this document, contains a
section which says “Does the student wish to appeal the result? □
Assessors must ensure that students tick one of these boxes.

This Student Assessment Booklet includes all your tasks for assessment of BSBMGT617 Develop and Implement a Business Plan.

About your assessments

There are four (4) assessment tasks for this unit. You must satisfactorily complete all tasks to achieve competency for this

Assessment Task About this task

Assessment Task 1: You must correctly answer all seven (7) questions to show that you understand the
Written Questions knowledge required for this unit.

Evidence Required
 All completed questions.

Assessment Task 2: You must conduct research and develop a business plan. Once developed you must present
Case study & Role your business plan in a meeting (roleplay)
Play: Develop a Evidence Required
business plan
 Activity 1: Review information, conduct research and answer all questions.
 Activity 2: Develop a Business Plan in required template
 Activity 3: Conduct a meeting and present your business plan in a roleplay.

Assessment Task 3: You must analyse performance data and write a Monitoring and Evaluation Report
Project: Business Evidence Required
monitoring  Monitoring and Evaluation Report in required template

Assessment Task 4: You must review system processes and procedures and provide coaching to staff, during a
Coaching meeting coaching meeting.

Evidence Required
 Nothing, however your assessor will complete an observation checklist.
How to submit your assessments
 When you have completed each assessment task you will need to submit it to your assessor.
 Instructions about submitting your work can be found at the beginning of each assessment task.
 Make sure you photocopy your written activities before you submit them. Your assessor will put the documents
you submit into your student file. These will not be returned to you.

Assessment task cover sheet

 At the beginning of each task in this booklet, you will find an Assessment Task Cover Sheet. Please fill it in for
each task. Make sure you sign the student declaration.
 Your assessor will give you feedback about how well you went in each task. This will be written on the page
following the Assessment Task Cover Sheet.

Assessment appeals
You can make an appeal about an assessment decision by putting it in writing and sending it to us. Refer to the Clinton
Institute Student Handbook for more information about the appeals process.

The following outlines the requirements of your final assessment for this unit. You are required to satisfactorily complete
all tasks to demonstrate competency for this unit.

Your assessor will provide you with the due dates for each assessment task. Write them in the table below.
Assessment Requirements
Due date
1. Written Questions

2. Case study & Roleplay: Develop a Business Plan

3. Project: Business Performance Monitoring

4. Coaching Meeting



Read through the assessments in this booklet before you fill out and sign the agreement below. Make sure you sign
this before you start each assessment task.

Read through the assessments in this booklet before you fill out and sign the agreement below. Make sure you sign
this before you start each assessment task.
Have you read and understood what is required of you in terms of assessment?
 Yes
 No
Have you read and understood what is required of you in terms of assessment?
 Yes
 No
Do you agree that the assessment process is clear?
 Yes
 No
Do you agree that the assessment process is clear?
 Yes
 No
Do you understand your rights to appeal then decisions made in an assessment?

Do you have any special needs or considerations to be made for this assessment?
 No  Yes

If yes, what are they?

 Yes

 No

 No

Do you have any special needs or considerations to be made for this assessment?
If yes, what are they? ______________________________________________________________________________________

 Yes
 No

Do you understand your rights to appeal the decisions made in an assessment?

 Yes
 No

Student Name: ______________________________________________________________________________________

Student Signature: _______________________________________________________ Date: _______________________

Assessor Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Assessor Signature: ______________________________________________________ Date: _______________________

Assessor Note: If the student ticks ‘NO’ for any item except the reasonable adjustment, the assessor must not commence the
assessment activity until the matter has been resolved and records of the resolution have been entered into the Student Management
System (SMS).

If a student identifies any specific needs or considerations, assessors must provide a detailed record of how the situation was managed
in the assessment outcome record for this assessment.
this page intentionally blank

Student: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately. Make sure you keep a copy of your work.

Student Name:

Student ID:

Qualification: BSB61015 Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management

Date of submission:

Unit BSBMGT617 Develop and implement a business plan

Student declaration

I <Insert your name>________________________________________ declare that these tasks are my own work.

□ None of this work has been completed by any other person.

□ I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.
□ I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.
□ I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be taken against me.

Student Signature: ________________________________________________________________________________________

Assessor feedback
Assessors: Please return this cover sheet to the student with assessment results and feedback. In addition, a copy must
be supplied to the office and kept on the student’s file with the evidence.

Assessor Signature: ………………………………………………………………………………………Date: ………………./…………………/…………….

Assessor Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________________


There are seven (7) questions to answer in this task. You must answer all questions.
You will have one (1) hour to complete this assessment


 Student Learner Guide for this Unit
 Computer
 Access to the Internet

Note: Clinton Institute provides students with access to a computer and internet


This task is to be completed in the classroom. Your assessor will advise on the date and time of the assessment.


What do you need to do? What evidence is required?
Answer all seven (7) questions. You will need to submit your answers to all seven (7) questions.


Assessors will compare student responses/performance with the model responses and performance descriptors
contained in the Assessors Marking Guide. Your responses do not have to be verbatim (unless otherwise specified), but
must convey the same meaning as each component listed. Similarly, you do not have to perform exactly as described in
the marking guide (unless otherwise specified), but you must address each performance component listed.
You must achieve a satisfactory result for every question to achieve a satisfactory result for this assessment task.


 If your assessor marks any of your answers as incorrect, they will talk to you about resubmission. You will need to do
one of the following:
o answer the questions that were incorrect in writing
o answer the questions that were incorrect verbally.

 This is an open book test – you can use your learning materials as reference.
 You need to answer all seven (7) questions correctly.
 You must answer the questions by writing in the space provided.
 If you need more space, you can use extra paper. Make sure you write on each extra piece of paper your name and
the question number/s you are answering.

Assessor will tick either □ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory for each question and sub-questions.

Identify five (5) common components/ sections of a business plan.

1) Executive Summary
Components of It reveals the company’s mission statement, along with a short description of its
a Business Plan products and services.

□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory

2) Business environment:
An analysis of your industry, your marketplace, your customers, your competition,
and how you stack up.

□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory

3) Company description:
The capabilities that give a unique advantage over competitors including
management, technology, operations, distribution, service, finances, and
□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory
4) Company strategy:
Include roadmap to the future (including how you’ll seize opportunities and avoid
threats), growth plans, marketing plan, and even exit strategy.
□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory
5) Financial review:
The state of your finances, including your income statement, balance sheet, cash
flow statement, profit projection, and budget.

□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory

Outcome for Question 1: □ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory

Discuss three (3) areas a business planning process may address.

1 Perception of Opportunities:
Perception of opportunities is not strictly a part of the planning process. But this awareness of

opportunities in the external environment as well as within the organisation is the real starting point

for planning. It is important to take a preliminary look at possible future opportunities and see them

clearly and completely.

□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory

2 Documentation of business:
Investors want to make sure that business is going to make them money. Because of this
expectation, investors want to know everything about business. To help with this process,

document everything like expenses, cash flow and industry projections.

□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory

3 Have a strategic marketing plan in place:
A great business plan will always include a strategic and aggressive marketing plan. This typically

includes achieving marketing objectives such as:

 Introducing new products

 Extending or regaining market for existing products

 Entering new territories for the company

 Cross-selling one product with another

 Entering into long-term contracts with desirable clients

 Raising prices without cutting into sales figures

□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory

Outcome for Question 2: □ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory
Discuss the four (4) key steps in developing a business plan.

1) Know your market:

What are the customers’ demographics? What channels will you have to access them? Will it be
through face-to-face contact, social media, direct or electronic mail or a mix of multiple forms of
One of the key things that the business plan needs to take into account is how are you going to
exercise those channels and most importantly how does your chosen customer segment want to be
communicated with. Understanding your channels is really important and that will determine where
you invest your advertising and marketing spend.

□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory

2) Develop an overarching strategy:
A business plan helps us think about who our customers are, how we’re going to serve them and
what the ramifications are for business. Revisit the strategy you created even before your research
and dig deeper into decisions on appropriate marketing, operations, and hiring for the first five years
of the company’s life. Strategy generally pulls from the best practices of the industry, but uses this only
as a foundation on which to add very different activities that create a competitive advantage.

□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory

3) Plan Your Operations
Determine how you will manufacture or deliver your product or service. Decide where to locate your
business and anticipate how your operations will change as demand grows. Decide how ownership
will be distributed and how investors and employees will be compensated. Begin to build your team.
□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory
4) Determine Your Financial Needs
Calculate how much must be invested to start the business. Providing fund for operations until the
business can sustain itself. Keep in mind that actual sales are usually lower, and expenses higher,
than forecast. Decide which, if any, outside sources of funding your business will utilize, and draft a
plan for securing those funds.
□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory
Outcome for Question 3: □ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory
Identify three (3) key stakeholders who may be involved in business planning.

1) Investors:
Owners, bank or investment company
□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory
2) Business people
In companies working cross-culturally in your business or industry

□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory

3) Customers:
Those likely to be your clients
□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory
Outcome for Question 4: □ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory
Describe three (3) performance objectives of a business plan.

1) Getting and Staying Profitable

Maintaining profitability means making sure that revenue stays ahead of the costs of doing business.
Focus on controlling costs in both production and operations while maintaining the profit margin on
products sold.
□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory
2) Excellent Customer Service
Good customer service helps you retain clients and generate repeat revenue. Keeping your
customers happy should be a primary objective of your organization.
□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory
3) Staying Ahead of the Competition
A comprehensive analysis of the activities of the competition should be an ongoing business
objective for your organization. Understanding where your products rank in the marketplace helps
you to better determine how to improve your standing among consumers and improve your revenue.
□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory
Outcome for Question 5: □ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory

Describe three (3) performance measures that could be used to measure customer satisfaction.

1) Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)

This is the most standard customer satisfaction metric, asking your customer to rate her satisfaction
with your business, product, or service. Your CSAT score is then the average rating of your customer
The scale typically ranges between 1 – 3, 1 – 5, or 1 – 10. A larger range is not always better, due to
cultural differences in how people rate their satisfaction.
□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory
2) Net Promoter Score (NPS)
The Net Promoter Score (NPS) measures the likeliness of a customer referring you to someone, and
it’s probably the most popular way of measuring customer loyalty. Customer are asked how likely
they are to recommend you on a scale from 1 to 10. The strength from NPS is that it's not about an
emotion of satisfaction, but about your intention of referring – which is easier to answer. It cuts down
to the question of whether the product is good enough to put your own reputation on the line.
□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory
3) Social Media Monitoring:
Social media has had an immense impact on the relationship between business and customer.
Where before, a great or poor service experience would maybe be shared with the closest family and
friends, social media offered an outlet and reach to potentially millions of people.
Because of that, it’s the perfect place to hear what your customers are really thinking about you. If you
have the right tools to track this, that is. Facebook and Twitter are of course relevant platforms to
track, but also platforms like Quora, Yelp, TripAdvisor, etc.
□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory
Outcome for Question 6: □ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory
List three (3) benefits of using key performance indicators in the business planning process.

Sales KPIs
 Number of New Contracts Signed Per Period
 Dollar Value for New Contracts Signed Per Period
 Number of Engaged Qualified Leads in Sales Funnel
 Hours of Resources Spent on Sales Follow Up
 Average Time for Conversion
 Net Sales – Dollar or Percentage Growth
□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory
Financial KPIs
 Growth in Revenue
 Net Profit Margin
 Gross Profit Margin
 Operational Cash Flow
 Current Accounts Receivables
 Inventory Turnover
□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory
Customer KPIs
 Number of Customers Retained
 Percentage of Market Share
 Net Promotor Score
 Average Ticket/Support Resolution Time
□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory
Outcome for Question 7: □ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory


What do I need to hand in for this task? Have I completed this?
Your answers to each of the seven (7) questions 
Task requirements Comments Attempt 1 Attempt 2 Attempt 3
Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No
Date:______________ Date:______________ Date:______________
Did the student
Answer all written questions correctly?
(Please note which questions were
answered incorrectly for which attempt, if
If ‘no’ to the above, please detail what
gaps you identified to the student and
detail all reassessment arrangements.
Note that the reassessment arrangements
must clearly detail all aspects of the
reassessment process.
If ‘yes’ to the above, assessor is to insert
N/A in this section.

Assessors are required to provide feedback to the student about this task on the Assessment Cover Sheet. Keep a copy of the completed Assessment Task Cover Sheet. Please also transfer the attempt results and dates
to the Overall Unit - Record of assessment outcome sheet on the last page of this Student Assessment Booklet
Please note any reasonable adjustments for this task below.

Assessment Task 1 Outcome Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory  Date:

Student name Student ID:

Trainer/assessor name

Trainer/assessor signature

Student: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately. Make sure you keep a copy of your work.

Student Name:

Student ID:

Qualification: BSB61015 Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management

Date of submission:

Unit BSBMGT617 Develop and Implement a Business Plan

Student declaration

I <Insert your name>________________________________________ declare that these tasks are my own work.

□ None of this work has been completed by any other person.

□ I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.
□ I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.
□ I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be taken against me.

Student Signature: ________________________________________________________________________________________

Assessor feedback
Assessors: Please return this cover sheet to the student with assessment results and feedback. In addition, a copy must be
supplied to the office and kept on the student’s file with the evidence.

Assessor Signature: ………………………………………………………………………………………Date: ………………./…………………/…………….

Assessor Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________________


For this assessment task you are required to conduct research to develop and present a business plan for Ozhouse Clean.
You will have a total of ten (10) hours to complete this assessment


 Computer and Microsoft Office
 Access to the internet for research
 Space to conduct a meeting
 Roleplay participants (assessor and students)
 BSBMGT617 Handout (a) - Business plan template
 BSBMGT617 Handout (b) – Cleaning services award

Note: Clinton Institute provides students with access to all of the above.


This task is to be completed in the classroom. Your assessor will advise on the dates and times of the assessment.


What do you need to do? What evidence is required?
Review evaluate and research information. Completed six (6) questions
Complete six (6) questions

Develop a Business Plan in the required template Develop a Ozhouse Clean Business plan

Facilitate a meeting where you present your Business Plan Nothing, however your assessor will complete an observation
to attendees. checklist.


Assessors will compare student responses/performance with the model responses and performance descriptors
contained in the Assessors Marking Guide. Your responses do not have to be verbatim (unless otherwise specified), but
must convey the same meaning as each component listed. Similarly, you do not have to perform exactly as described in
the marking guide (unless otherwise specified), but you must address each performance components listed.
You must achieve a satisfactory result for every question and component to achieve a satisfactory result for this
assessment activity.


If your assessor sees that you have not completed all parts of this task satisfactorily, the details of resubmission will be
discussed with you directly. You will only need to redo the parts that are not satisfactory, however you will need to
resubmit the entire assessment.
Assessment Task 2 – Case Study & Roleplay: Develop a business plan

Read the background information and review the following:
1. BSBMGT617 Handout (a) – Business Plan Template
2. BSBMGT617 Handout (b) – Cleaning services award

Case Study Background Information

Ozhouse Clean is based in Melbourne and offers professional, residential cleaning services, including regular home cleans, as
well as spring cleans. The company is a family business established in 2005 by James and Nancy Anderson. James and Nancy
are the Directors of the company. Their daughter, Sarah is employed by the company in the role of Administration Manager;
and you have been employed in the role of Operations Manager.
The company sees its point of difference from competitors as being a small family business with a focus on quality and happy
and content staff and customers. The management team understands this point of difference may need to change as the
business grows. There may a need for more management staff to be employed, for example, while Sarah manages
marketing, she is not skilled in this area and is very busy with the administration side of the business. A skilled marketing
officer may be needed.
Currently target customers are located in the greater Melbourne area. Target customers are people who want a professional,
trustworthy and immaculate cleaning service. Pricing reflects that of competitors.
The company employs 15 cleaners, all of whom are part-time contract staff working between 10 – 15 hours a week. The
company currently has approximately 70 regular clients, based around Melbourne’s inner city. These clients require regular
home cleaning, either weekly or fortnightly for hours ranging from 3 – 6 hours. A standard hourly rate of $40 per hour is
charged. Staff receive an hourly rate of $25 per hour with the cost of the products provided to staff for cleaning, including
equipment and ongoing supplies, works out to be approximately $2 per hour on top. The company is also considering
whether it may be wiser to move to employing a number of full-time, permanent cleaning staff. This is partly because there is
a high turnover of casual staff and little loyalty to the company. Staff costs for employing full-time cleaners are $55,000 per
cleaner per year including all superannuation payments.
All cleaning supplies are currently purchased from Total Cleaning Supplies in Melbourne. However, as this company does not
currently offer environmentally friendly products, a different supplier needs to be identified. It is estimated that purchase of
these products will be an additional $10,000 per month. The products cost double the amount of the non-environmentally
friendly products.
Sales revenue for the company for the last financial year is $360,000.00 with a gross profit margin of $40,000.00. Labour
costs are a significant part of the business representing 70% of total costs. Average debtor days are currently 40 days.
Currently, marketing is via a website but a large proportion of the company’s work comes through word-of-mouth from
existing customers. Social media is not currently used to market the business. The new business plan will need to reflect
different ways of marketing, especially to attract commercial customers.
At a recent meeting of the management team (the Directors, Operations Manager and Administration Manager), it was
decided that a 3-year business plan is needed to ensure the company meets its business goals, for the next 3 years. This will
include diversification into the commercial cleaning market and to offer environmentally friendly cleaning services. Down the
track, the company is also considering offering carpet cleaning services. The Operations Manager has been given the
responsibility of developing the business plan.
The company’s mission, vision, values and objectives as follows:
Ozhouse Clean is committed to providing the highest quality residential and commercial cleaning services available by
exceeding the expectations of our clients.
We are constantly working to establish ourselves as the most respected and sought after contract cleaning and facilities
support service in Melbourne.
 Respect: taking time to understand and value each person and respecting their choices.
 Responsibility: acting with integrity towards our staff, our customers, the community and the environment.
 Caring: a duty of care for our staff, customers and the environment.
 Excellence: to always look to provide the best quality experience with regards to our cleaning and our customer
 Integrity: to act with honesty, openness and do what we say we will do.
 Innovation: to be industry leaders.
Strategic Objectives
Our key objectives which are fundamental to our business in delivering world-class cleaning and customer service, are as
o Provide our customers with a professional and friendly service.
o To increase the number of clients by 20% in the first year of introducing commercial cleaning services and 10%
o Meet or exceed the expectations of customers.
o Implement best practice in cleaning operations, including environmentally sustainable practices.

Complete the following activities based on the case study above.

Activity 1
Executive Summary
Ozhouse Clean is based in Melbourne and offers professional, residential cleaning services, including regular
home cleans, as well as spring cleans. The company was established in 2005 and is a family business
established and operated by James and Nancy Anderson. James and Nancy are the Directors of the
company. Their daughters, Amanda and Sarah, are also employed by the company. Amanda is the
Operations Manager and Sarah is the Administration Manager.
Question 1
Review the case study business information and outline your analysis on each category.

Business Vision Ozhouse are constantly working to establish ourselves as the most
respected and sought-after contract cleaning and facilities support service
in Melbourne. Also, to provide the customer with all residential cleaning
services in an environmentally sound, completely trustworthy, and
professional manner. We exist to attract and maintain customers.

□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory

Business Mission

□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory

Business Values Respect:
Ozhouse cleaning will taking time to understand and value each person
and respecting their choices.
Ozhouse cleaning ensuring integrity towards our staff, our customers, the
community and the environment.
Ozhouse cleaning a symbol of duty of care for our staff, customers and the
To always look to provide the best quality experience with regards to our
cleaning and our customer service.
Ozhouse cleaning to act with honesty, openness and do what we say we
will do.
to be industry leaders.

□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory

Business Objectives and Goals
During the upcoming year we have a range of objectives which focus on
building our brand recognition for providing customers with a professional
and friendly service and to increasing sales.

Thus, objectives are increasing the number of clients by 20% in the first year
of introducing commercial cleaning services and 10% thereafter.

We also want to meet or exceed the expectations of customers and to

implement best practice in cleaning operations, including environmentally
sustainable practices.

□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory

Financial Targets Ozhouse key objectives which are fundamental to our business in
delivering world-class cleaning and customer service, are as follows:

Provide our customers with a professional and friendly service.

To increase the number of clients by 20% in the first year of introducing

commercial cleaning services and 10% thereafter.

Meet or exceed the expectations of customers.

Implement best practice in cleaning operations, including environmentally

sustainable practices.

□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory

Management arrangements The company was established in 2005 and is a family business established
and operated by James and Nancy Anderson. James and Nancy are the
Directors of the company. Their daughters, Amanda and Sarah, are also
employed by the company. Amanda is the Operations Manager and Sarah
is the Administration Manager.

□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory

Marketing approaches and Dealing directly with customers, conveniently in the customers' houses in
strategy Melbourne.  Ozhouse Clean will receive clothes from and return them to
customers' houses. Requests for urgent situation pickups and deliveries will
be accommodated, and a nominal fee charged.

□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory

Operational Plan Ozhouse Clean employs 15 cleaners, all of whom are part-time contract
staff working between 10 – 15 hours a week. The company currently has
approximately 70 regular clients, based around Melbourne's inner city.
These clients require regular home cleaning, either weekly or fortnightly for
hours ranging from 3 – 6 hours. A standard hourly rate of $40 per hour is
charged. Staff receive an hourly rate of $25 per hour with the cost of the
products provided to staff for cleaning, including equipment and ongoing
supplies, works out to be approximately $2 per hour on top. The company is
also considering whether it may be wiser to move to employing a number
of full-time, permanent cleaning staff. This is partly because there is a high
turnover of casual staff and little loyalty to the company. Staff costs for
employing full-time cleaners are $55,000 per cleaner per year including all
superannuation payments.

□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory

Outcome for question 1: □ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory
Question 2
Review market requirements for the product and services offered by Ozhouse Clean, and list below a minimum of two (2)
requirements/ market expectations

Outline market requirements

for product or service

List a minimum of two (2)

□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory

□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory

Source of information:
(reference the source of
information to conduct
research. Eg: name and contact
details of individual, website
address etc.)

Outcome for question 2: □ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory

Question 3
Research and establish profile of customer needs. list below a minimum of two (2)

Outline profile of customers’


List a minimum of two (2)

□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory

□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory

Source of information:
(reference the source of
information to conduct
research. Eg: name and
contact details of individual,
website address etc.)

Outcome for question 3: □ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory

Question 4
Conduct research on four (4) competitors and record appropriate findings below:

Name of Competitors Price/ Pricing Services Offered Source of Information


□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory


□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory


□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory


□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory

Outcome for question 4: □ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory
Question 5
Research and identify any relevant permits or licencing requirements for Ozhouse Clean.

Outcome for question 5: □ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory

Question 6
As Operations Manager of Ozhouse Clean, identify below two (2) legislation or regulation requirements applicable to
Ozhouse Clean and yourself, with you will need to comply with and provide two (2) examples for each, of how Ozhouse
Clean will comply with each.

Legislation/ Regulation How will Ozhouse Clean comply with is legislation/ regulation

□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory

□ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory

Outcome for question 6: □ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory

Activity 2
Develop the business plan.

Using your research findings and the scenario information, develop the business plan using the BSBMGT617 Handout (a)
business plan template.
Your business Plan include each of the following:

1) Description of the business, products and services,

2) Identify permit and licence requirements,
3) Identify marketing activity,
4) Identify financial, human and physical resource requirements for the business
5) Productivity and financial performance targets for key result areas
6) Ensure skilled labour is available to implement plan

Your business plan must be written in clear and concise English, be grammatically correct and free from errors. Submit
your completed business plan to your assessor.

Activity 3
Present business plan at Management Meeting (Roleplay)

For this task, you are required to participate in a business plan presentation meeting with your assessor and classmates
(playing various roles) to discuss the business plan you have developed.
Your assessor will advise you of the date and time of this meeting.

Your assessor will play the role of one of the company Directors and ask other students (not being assessed during this
simulated meeting), to play various roles.

You may also be required to participate in other meetings for other students.
 You are to assume that your Business Plan has already been circulated among relevant personnel.

During the meeting you must:

1) Communicate the proposed Business Plan to meeting participants and ensure understanding of the
performance requirements and timeframes
2) Discuss the performance objectives and measures in Section 5, of your Business Plan, and seek advice. Use the
advice to either:
 develop new performance objectives, with meeting participants; or
 receive approval of the objectives you included in your plan.
3) Use language and features appropriate to audience
4) Participate in discussions using listening and questioning to elicit the views of others and to clarify or confirm
5) Take an active role in facilitating effective group integration, influencing direction and taking a leadership role.
6) Ensure the nominated individual for implementation, has the required skills and is available to implement the

Following the meeting, incorporate any changes identified at the meeting, following feedback received into the business
plan and submit the final plan to your assessor.
Roleplay Observation Checklist
Date of meeting:

Name of student being assessed

Location of meeting:

Name of other student, present at Admin Manager:

the meeting:
Bank Manager:
Potential Client:
Change Management Consultant:
Assessor are to write “S” or “NYS” for each line item (row). If the student gets the item correct on the first attempt, the
second and third attempt columns do not have to be completed. If a student gets the item correct on the second
attempt, there will be a “NYS” on the first attempt, a “S” on the second attempt and the third attempt will be left blank.
Students are allowed a total of three attempts.
Note that to obtain a satisfactory outcome for this assessment activity, students must achieve a satisfactory outcome
for every line item and each sub point.

Did the Student: Attempt 1 Attempt 2 Attempt 3

1 Communicate the proposed Business Plan to meeting participants
and ensure understanding of the performance requirements and

2 Discuss the performance objectives and measures in Section 5, of

your Business Plan, and seek advice. Use the advice to either:
develop new performance objectives, with meeting participants;
receive approval of the objectives you included in your plan.
3 Use language and features appropriate to audience
4 Participate in discussions using listening and questioning to elicit
the views of others and to clarify or confirm understanding

5 Take an active role in facilitating effective group integration,

influencing direction and taking a leadership role.

6 Ensure the nominated individual for implementation, has the

required skills and is available to implement the plan.

Outcome for Task: □ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory

Assessors Comments to explain any instance where a student does not achieve a satisfactory outcome for a specific item).

Student Signature: Date:

Assessors Signature: Date:


What do I need to hand in for this task? Have I completed this?

Activity 1: Completed Six (6) Questions 
Activity 2: Completed Business Plan 
Task requirements Comments Attempt 1 Attempt 2 Attempt 3
Did the student: Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No
Date:______________ Date:______________ Date:______________
Activity 1: Answer all written questions
correctly? (Please note which questions
were answered incorrectly for which
attempt, if applicable.)
Activity 2: Satisfactorily complete all
requirements of the Business Plan.
Activity 3: Satisfactorily complete all
requirements of the meeting roleplay.
(See observation checklist)
If ‘no’ to the above, please detail what
gaps you identified to the student and
detail all reassessment arrangements.
Note that the reassessment arrangements
must clearly detail all aspects of the
reassessment process.
If ‘yes’ to the above, assessor is to insert
N/A in this section.

Assessors are required to provide feedback to the student about this task on the Assessment Cover Sheet. Keep a copy of the completed Assessment Task Cover Sheet. Please also transfer the attempt results and dates
to the Overall Unit - Record of assessment outcome sheet on the last page of this Student Assessment Booklet
Please note any reasonable adjustments for this task below.

Outcome for Assessment

Task 2: Develop a Business Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory  Date

Student name Student ID:

Trainer/assessor name

Trainer/assessor signature
Task requirements Comments Attempt 1 Attempt 2 Attempt 3
Did the student: Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No
Date:______________ Date:______________ Date:______________

this page intentionally blank


Student: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately. Make sure you keep a copy of your work.

Student Name:

Student ID:

Qualification: Bsb61015 Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management

Date of submission:

Unit BSBMGT617 Develop and Implement a Business Plan

Student declaration

I <Insert your name>________________________________________ declare that these tasks are my own work.

□ None of this work has been completed by any other person.

□ I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.
□ I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.
□ I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be taken against me.

Student Signature: ________________________________________________________________________________________

Assessors: Please return this cover sheet to the student with assessment results and feedback.
In addition, a copy must be supplied to the office and kept in the student’s file with the evidence.






Assessor Signature: ………………………………………………………………………………………Date: ………………./…………………/…………….

Assessor Name: _______________________________________________________________________________

This assessment task requires you to monitor and evaluate the performance of the business, review performance
indicators and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the business plan. You will be required to provide a report on
your analysis in the required template.

You will have four (4) hours to complete this assessment


 Student Learner Guide for this Unit
 Computer and Microsoft Office
 Access to the internet for research
 Case study from Assessment Task 2

Note: Clinton Institute provides students with access to a computer and internet


This task is to be completed in the classroom. Your assessor will advise on the date and time of the assessment.


What do you need to do? What evidence is required?
Conduct research, analyses and evaluate business performance  Monitoring and Evaluation Report
and write a monitoring and evaluation report in the required


Assessors will compare student responses/performance with the model responses and performance descriptors
contained in the Assessors Marking Guide. Your responses do not have to be verbatim (unless otherwise specified), but
must convey the same meaning as each component listed. Similarly, you do not have to perform exactly as described in
the marking guide (unless otherwise specified), but you must address each performance components listed.
You must achieve a satisfactory result for every question and component to achieve a satisfactory result for this
assessment activity.


If your assessor sees that you have not completed all parts of this task satisfactorily, the details of resubmission will be
discussed with you directly. You will only need to redo the parts that are not satisfactory, however you will need to
resubmit the entire assessment.

Case Study Part 2: Background Information

It has been one (1) year since the business plan was implemented and as the Operations Manager, you are reviewing
the performance of the business against the performance indicators identified in the plan, testing performance
indicators used and recommending changes to performance indicators as provided.
You have also been asked to provide an overall evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of the business plan.
(This is the Business Plan you developed for Assessment Task 2).

Assume that the performance indicators identified in the business plan are as follows:
 A 20% increase in total sales revenue.
 A gross profit margin of 20%.
 Reduction of 50% in debtor days
 10 new commercial customers in the first year of the business plan.
 Reduction of 10% of workforce turnover based on employing two full-time permanent cleaners, as well as
increasing wages to above award.
 Social media engagement to have 500 followers
 50% of cleaning products used to be eco-friendly
 Implementation of Code of Practice, to be adopted by all staff
 97% customer satisfaction and quality of service
 Introduction to triple bottom-line reporting

Data provided by the accountant for this financial year show the following figures:
- Total sales revenue - $450,000
- Total cost of sales - $320,000
- Debtor days - 30
- 15 new commercial customers

The Administration Manager has advised you that at least 10 of the previous residential customers no longer use the
company’s services, so while sales revenue has increased, the sales revenue attributable to residential sales has

In addition, follow up emails to the customers who no longer used the services indicated the following responses to the
question asked about why they no longer use the services:
o Moved interstate – 1
o Dissatisfied with the quality of cleaning services provided
o (not enough attention to detail, cleaner finishing earlier than time paid for) – 5
o Moved to a competitor as better service and price offered – 4

Regarding staff, two of the current contract cleaners have been appointed as fulltime, permanent employees.
Wages have been increased to above award for all contract cleaners. Of the 15 contract cleaners contracted at the
start of the year, 4 have left and were not needed to be replaced due to the two (2) F-T staff appointed.

Ozhouse clean has started a Facebook page, which currently has 820 followers.
Alternative eco-friendly products have not been source at an affordable price point. Further investigation need to be
conducted in this area. To date only the surface spray has been adopted, equalling 15% of total products used.
Code of Practice was implemented and has been adopted by all staff.
Triple bottom line reporting was not formally being adopted in reports, however the required data on: Finance, Staff &
Sustainability practices is being collected.
Develop a monitoring and evaluation report.
Review the scenario information and develop a report in the below template, ensuring that it includes the following:
1) Overview of the business performance (including: comparison of last financial year performance from
Assessment Task 2)
2) An analysis of business performance to determine if the performance indicators have been achieved.
3) An evaluation of the information gained from the survey and identify the impact on the business.
4) An evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of your developed business plan and at least two recommended
improvements. Research other plans to help you with the evaluation.
5) Provide a summary of recommendations for the upcoming year based on your evaluation as above, as well as
any variations that could be made to the business plan based on this information.

Your report must be in the provided template and written in clear and concise language suitable for the audience
(your assessor), is grammatically correct and error free. Submit the report to your assessor.
Ozhouse Clean
Monitoring and Evaluation of Business Plan Report
(12 months after initial implementation)
Name of Author

Date of Report

Section 1
Overview of Business Performance

Chart outlining

Previous year v’s

This year

Business Performance


Analysis of above Total sales revenue for this

chart year has increased or
decreased by:
Previous year v’s
Total profit margin for this
This year year has increased or
decreased by:

Debtors days for this year

have increased or decreased
Customer numbers for this
year have increased or
decreased by:

Section 2
Analysis of Business Performance Indicators
(have they been achieved)
Performance KPI - last year Actual result last year Achieved or not
indicator achieved?
 or 
Increase Sales

Profit Margin

Reduce debtor


New Commercial


Social Media

Code of Practice
Satisfaction and
quality of service

Triple bottom line


Section 3
Customer Survey Results
Outline of # of clients cancelled # of clients cancelled due # of clients cancelled due to
customer survey due to moving to dissatisfaction with better product/ service
outcomes interstate quality of product/ service provided by a competitor

based on survey

List a minimum of
two (2)

Section 4
Strength and Weaknesses of Business Plan
Strengths of the
Business Plan

List a minimum of
four (4)

Weaknesses of
the Business Plan

List a minimum of
four (4)
System Failures

List a minimum of
two (2)

Product Failures

List a minimum of
two (2)

Section 5
Recommendations for the coming 12 months and variations to Business Plan
for the coming 12

List a minimum of
four (4)

Variation to the
business plan

List a minimum of
four (4)


What do I need to hand in for this task? Have I completed this?
Monitoring and Evaluation Report 
Task requirements Comments Attempt 1 Attempt 2 Attempt 3
Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No
Date:______________ Date:______________ Date:______________
Did the student:
Satisfactorily complete all requirements
of the project.
Completed the Written Report
If ‘no’ to the above, please detail what
gaps you identified to the student and
detail all reassessment arrangements.
Note that the reassessment arrangements
must clearly detail all aspects of the
reassessment process.
If ‘yes’ to the above, assessor is to insert
N/A in this section.

Assessors are required to provide feedback to the student about this task on the Assessment Cover Sheet. Keep a copy of the completed Assessment Task Cover Sheet. Please also transfer the attempt results and dates
to the Overall Unit - Record of assessment outcome sheet on the last page of this Student Assessment Booklet
Please note any reasonable adjustments for this task below.

Outcome for Assessment

Task 3: Project - Business Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory  Date
Performance Monitoring

Student name Student ID:

Trainer/assessor name

Trainer/assessor signature

Student: Please fill out this cover sheet clearly and accurately. Make sure you keep a copy of your work.

Student Name:

Student ID:

Qualification: Bsb61015 Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management

Date of submission:

Unit BSBMGT617 Develop and implement a business plan

Student declaration

I <Insert your name>________________________________________ declare that these tasks are my own work.

□ None of this work has been completed by any other person.

□ I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student/s.
□ I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.
□ I understand that if I am found to be in breach of policy, disciplinary action may be taken against me.

Student Signature: ________________________________________________________________________________________

Assessor feedback
Assessors: Please return this cover sheet to the student with assessment results and feedback. In addition, a copy must
be supplied to the office and kept on the student’s file with the evidence.

Assessor Signature: ………………………………………………………………………………………Date: ………………./…………………/…………….

Assessor Name: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


This assessment task requires you to provide coaching to a group of contract cleaner based on underperformance
identified as part of the review of performance against the business plan objectives.
You will have thirty (30) mins to complete with assessment


 Meeting participants
 Meeting space.

Note: Clinton Institute will provide all required resources and equipment.


This task is to be completed in the classroom. Your assessor will advise on the date and time of the assessment.


What do you need to do? What evidence is required?
Review background information and conduct a coaching Nothing, however your assessor will complete an observation
meeting. checklist.


Assessors will compare student responses/performance with the model responses and performance descriptors
contained in the Assessors Marking Guide. Your responses do not have to be verbatim (unless otherwise specified), but
must convey the same meaning as each component listed. Similarly, you do not have to perform exactly as described in
the marking guide (unless otherwise specified), but you must address each performance components listed.
You must achieve a satisfactory result for every question and component to achieve a satisfactory result for this
assessment activity.


If your assessor sees that you have not completed all parts of this task satisfactorily, the details of resubmission will be discussed with
you directly. You will only need to redo the parts that are not satisfactory, however you will need to resubmit the entire assessment.
Assessment Task 4 – COACHING MEETING

Background Information
A review of the business’s performance against the performance indicators in Assessment Task 3, identified that a
number of domestic customers/clients no longer use the services due to a lack of satisfaction with the quality of the
service provided, specifically the level of cleanliness and attention to detail.
As the Operations Manager, you decide to set up a meeting with each of the contractors to investigate the situation
and to provide coaching on the expected level of performance.

Ozhouse Clean has the following expected level of performance in relation to cleaning services:
 All surfaces, including floors, bench tops and shelves cleaned so that they are free of dust and dirt
 Rubbish bins emptied and cleaned
 Shower screens and mirrors cleaned and free of soap build up and streaks
 Only cleaning products provided are to be used
 All cleaning services must be provided in the allocated time
 In the event cleaning service are complete prior to allocated finishing time, additional cleaning to be conducted.
 These performance standards are included in each person’s contract

Conduct a Coaching Meeting (Roleplay)

For this task, you are required to participate in a coaching meeting with your assessor and classmates (playing the roles
of cleaning contractors) to discuss their lack of quality and service provided to customer who are so dissatisfied they took
their business elsewhere.
Your assessor will advise you of the date and time of this meeting.

Your assessor will play the role of one of cleaning contractors and ask other students (not being assessed during this
simulated meeting), to play the role of other cleaning contractors.

You may also be required to participate in other meetings for other students.

This meeting will also serve the purpose of a coaching session, as well as an attempt to get the staff members to
understand the issues and meet the required performance standards of the business.

During the meeting you must:

1) Explain the purpose of the meeting
2) Explain to the contract cleaners what the problems are
3) Investigate why these issues accrued
4) Discuss the level of performance expected by the company and coach each contractor accordingly
5) Participate in discussions using listening and questioning to elicit the views of others and to clarify or confirm
6) Discuss and agree on solutions for each contractor
Roleplay Observation Checklist

Date of meeting:

Name of student being assessed (Chair):

Location of meeting:

Name of other students, present at the meeting:

Assessor are to write “S” or “NYS” for each line item (row). If the student gets the item correct on the first attempt, the
second and third attempt columns do not have to be completed. If a student gets the item correct on the second
attempt, there will be a “NYS” on the first attempt, a “S” on the second attempt and the third attempt will be left blank.
Students are allowed a total of three attempts.
Note that to obtain a satisfactory outcome for this assessment activity, students must achieve a satisfactory outcome
for every line item and each sub point.


Assessors must observe students correctly demonstrate every item listed in each row to achieve a satisfactory result.

Did the Student: Attempt 1 Attempt 2 Attempt 3

1 Explain the purpose of the meeting.

2 Explain to the contract cleaners what the

problems are.
3 Investigate why these issues accrued.

4 Discuss the level of performance expected by

the company and coach each contractor
5 Participate in discussions using listening and
questioning to elicit the views of others and to
clarify or confirm understanding
6 Discuss and agree on solutions for each
Outcome for Task: □ Satisfactory OR □ Not yet satisfactory
Assessors Comments to explain any instance where a student does not achieve a satisfactory outcome for an item

Student Signature: Date:

Assessors Signature: Date:

****** End of Assessment Task 4 ******

Task requirements Comments Attempt 1 Attempt 2 Attempt 3
Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No
Date:______________ Date:______________ Date:______________
Did the student:
Satisfactorily complete all requirements of
Conduct coaching meeting: (see
observation checklist)
If ‘no’ to the above, please detail what
gaps you identified to the student and
detail all reassessment arrangements.
Note that the reassessment arrangements
must clearly detail all aspects of the
reassessment process.
If ‘yes’ to the above, assessor is to insert
N/A in this section.

Assessors are required to provide feedback to the student about this task on the Assessment Cover Sheet. Keep a copy of the completed Assessment Task Cover Sheet. Please also transfer the attempt results and dates
to the Overall Unit - Record of assessment outcome sheet on the last page of this Student Assessment Booklet
Please note any reasonable adjustments for this task below.

Outcome for Assessment

Task 4: Coaching Meeting Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory  Date

Student name Student ID:

Trainer/assessor name

Trainer/assessor signature
this page intentionally blank
This section records the outcome of each task/assessment requirement so that the final assessment outcome can be
determined for BSBMGT617 Develop and Implement a Business Plan.
Student must achieve a satisfactory outcome in each of the four (4) assessment tasks to be deemed competent in the unit.
There is space to record up to three attempts at each assessment task.
A not satisfactory result for any discreet assessment task (after the student has had three (3) attempts), will result in the
student being deemed not yet competent.

Unit Outcome
Satisfactory (S)
Not satisfactory (NS)
Please note (N/A) where further Assessor
Assessment Tasks attempts are not required Date initials
Assessment Task 1: Written Questions Attempt 1

Attempt 2

Attempt 3

Assessment Task 2: Case Study & Roleplay: Develop a Attempt 1

business plan
Attempt 2

Attempt 3

Assessment Task 3: Project: Business performance Attempt 1

Attempt 2

Attempt 3

Assessment Task 4: Coaching Meeting Attempt 1

Attempt 2

Attempt 3

Final Assessment Results Result (C/NYC)

BSBMGT617 Develop and Implement a Competent □
Business Plan Not Yet Competent □
Student Name:

Student ID:

Does the student wish to appeal the result? □ YES □ NO

Student Signature: Date: / /

Assessor Name:

Assessor Signature: Date: / /

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