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1,在下载学习资料之前,请认真检查你的 QQ 群名。据说有 250 多名外国留学生选修


是相当困难的。请务必用“校本部三班+你的学号+你的中文名”的样式命名你的 QQ


QQ 群名。老师可能根本不认识你的母语。


为零)。本 QQ 群是在新冠病毒肆虐期间老师联系你的唯一办法,也是我们在此期间


3,从今天(周三,2 月 26 日)上午 8:30 开始至 11:30,老师一直在 QQ 群陪伴你。

老师上传学习资料,并通过 QQ 群回答你提出的任何与学习内容有关的问题。此后,



学生,老师利用假期把 PPT 和其他教学资料都改写成了“英语”。你可以自己自由

地安排学习时间,但必须在下周一晚上之前完成学习任务并在下周二上课前通过 QQ

本 QQ 群严禁任何违法言行。

6,学习期间会有一些小测验。老师会通过 QQ 群发送试卷,你只需通过教师的 QQ



8,通过 QQ 群发送的所有学习资料仅供本次教学活动使用。挪作他用可能产生法律

Warm Tips(for the Class 3 in the Main Campus)

1. There are more than 250 foreign students attending the class. It's very difficult for a

Chinese teacher to identify every one of you. Please use nickname in the QQ chatting

group (校本部三班+ your student ID + your Chinese name)。This is an easy way in

which I can know you easier. NOT YOUR REAL NAME IN YOUR NATIVE


Check your QQ group name before you download the learning PPT, please!

2. For the above-mentioned reason, don’t leave the QQ chatting group during the

learning period(or your final score may be 0). It's the only way in which we can get

in touch with each other, and it's the only teaching platform we use to exchange the

learning materials before the novel coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19) ends.

3. From now on (Wednesday, February 26), we meet here in the QQ chatting group each

Monday Morning from 8:30 am to 11:30 am (until the end of week 8, or when the

COVID-19 outbreak is over). You can ask me any questions about the lesson, and I

will give my answer as possible as I can. You may send the questions to me at any time

and my replies should be at Tuesday morning.

4. The lesson will be divided into 8 parts. On each Wednesday morning, we finish one

section. Every student who is in the QQ chatting group has to study the learning

materials carefully. You may do it in a flexible time, but you should complete the
learning tasks by the following Tuesday night and report to me through QQ before

the next class begins.

5. Remember that you are studying in China. You should strictly abide by Chinese law

conscientiously. You are not allowed to make any illegal comments in the QQ

chatting group.

6. We will have a few small tests during the study. I will send the test questions to you

through the QQ chatting group, and you should your answer sheets to me through email

(My e-mail: in time.

7. Your performance (what you do in the QQ chatting group; your test papers; your

learning reports, etc.) during the learning process is the basis of your final

evaluation. If you want to get an " excellent ", you should study harder. No pain, no


8, All materials in the QQ group are for teaching and learning only.Using these

materials in other places may be illegally.

Enjoy your study!


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