The Indian Ocean Islands of Zanzibar and Pemba Lie Off The East African Coast

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The Indian Ocean islands of Zanzibar and Pemba lie off the east African


The semi-autonomous territory maintains a political union with Tanzania, but

has its own parliament and president.

A former centre of the spice and slave trades, present-day Zanzibar is infused
with African, Arab, European and Indian influences.

Zanzibar's original settlers were Bantu-speaking Africans. From the 10th

century Persians arrived. But it was Arab incomers, particularly Omanis,
whose influence was paramount.

They set up trading colonies and in 1832 the Omani sultan moved his capital
from Muscat to Zanzibar, which had become a major slave-trading centre.
Zanzibar became an independent sultanate.

Zanzibar used to be a
centre for the spice and slave trades

The slave trade was abolished in 1873 and in 1890 the British declared
Zanzibar a protectorate. In 1963 the islands regained independence, but
upheaval was around the corner.

In January 1964 members of the African majority overthrew the established
minority Arab ruling elite. The leftist revolution was swift but bloody; as many
as 17,000 people were killed.

A republic was established and in April the presidents of Zanzibar and

Tanganyika, on the mainland, signed an act of union, forming the United
Republic of Tanzania while giving semi-autonomy to Zanzibar.
Under international pressure, Zanzibar held multi-party elections in 1995,
which were won by the ruling, pro-union Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) party.
The opposition Civic United Front (CUF) rejected the outcome and alleged
vote rigging. Political violence ensued.

The CCM won troubled polls in 2000 and 2005, both characterised by violence
and fraud accusations. In 2000 many CUF supporters fled to Kenya after
deadly clashes with police. Both parties signed a reconciliation agreement in
2001, but political tension persisted.

In protest against the 2005 election result, the CUF boycotted the island's
parliament for four years, rejoining in 2009 in order, it said, to prevent violence
in the run-up to the upcoming fresh elections.

Voters in a July 2010 referendum accepted proposals for rival political parties
to share power. The reform followed a gradual rapprochement between the
CCM and CUF.

The CCM wants Zanzibar to remain part of Tanzania. But the CUF, which has
strong support among the descendants of the deposed Arabs, has called for
greater autonomy. Some CUF members want independence.

Tourism is Zanzibar's newest and biggest industry. But most Zanzibaris have
yet to benefit from it; the average wage is less than $1 per day.

Zanzibar is influenced by African, Arabic, European and Indian cultures

President: Ali Mohamed Shein

Ali Mohamed Shein

Ali Mohamed Shein from the governing CCM (Chama Cha Mapinduzi) party
was voted in as president in elections in November 2010.

He narrowly beat Seif Sharif Hamad of the opposition Civic United Front.

Under a power-sharing deal, Mr Sharif serves as one of Mr Shein's vice-


The power-sharing deal was enshrined in a constitutional amendment adopted

earlier in the year to end perennial election violence.

Born in 1948, Dr Shein holds a PhD in clinical biochemistry and metabolic


He was appointed as vice-president of mainland Tanzania in 2001 and won

the position in the 2005 elections.

Zanzibar has its own cabinet, known as the Revolutionary Council, and a 50-
seat house of representatives. Elections, by popular vote, are held every five

Under the previous winner-takes-all electoral system, the opposition had no

representation in government. But voters in a July 2010 referendum approved
constitutional changes providing for power-sharing between rival parties.

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