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Fibroadenoma is a rather common nodular benign tumour of the breast. A giant fibroadenoma,
defined as a fibroadenoma larger than 5 cm or with a weight 500 g or more, constitutes just 0.5% -
2% of all fibroadenomas. The fibroadenoma is a mixed fibroepithelial benign tumor, often with a
considerable cystic component, and is usually incapsuled, sometimes lobulated, and most often

Rose, M. and Svensson, H. (2014) The Concept of Oncoplastic Breast Surgery Applied in Surgery for a
Giant Fibroadenoma. Case Reports in Clinical Medicine, 3, 207-210


Fibroadenomas are the most common surgically treated breast masses in adolescents, accounting
for 44 to 94% of biopsied breast lesions. Fibroadenomas present as firm, nontender, clearly
demarcated masses usually 2 to 3 cm in size, though they may range from < 1 cm to greater than 10.
They are most commonly found in the upper-outer quadrant of the breast. These benign masses
may enlarge slowly without associated pain or nipple and skin changes, but fluctuations in size may
occur with the menstrual cycle; when symptoms are present, they last an average of 5
months. Patients may also have associated breast asymmetry. Multiple fibroadenomas occur in 10 to
25% of cases. In adolescents, the mass regresses completely between 10 and 40% of the time

(Cerrato F. 2013. Diagnosis and Management of Fibroadenoma in Adolescent Breast . National

Library of Medicine)
The exact etiology of fibroadenoma is unknown. However, several studies show that estrogen
influences the development of fibroadenomas.In a large population study of 265,402 women, risk
factors for development of fibroadenoma include young age (<35 years old), self-breast
examination, and prior history of benign breast disease. Exposure to an estrogen-progesterone oral
contraceptive before menopause and increasing number of live births decreases the risk of
fibroadenoma.There is also a correlation between body mass index and incidence of fibroadenoma.
In a study of 1,717 patients, the incidence of fibroadenoma peaked in the body mass index group of
25–29.9 kg/m2.Fibroadenomas can also be associated with syndromes such as Beckwith-Wiedemann
syndrome, Maffucci syndrome, and Cowden syndrome.

(Lee M , Soltanian H T. 2015. Breast fibroadenomas in adolescents: current perspectives. US

National Library of Medicine)

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