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Modeling of Coplanar Waveguide Meander-Line


Kevin Ming-Jiang Ho, Grant Andrew Ellis, Ban-Leong Ooi, Mook-Seng Leong
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore, Block E4,
Level 5, Room 48, 4 Engineering Drive 3, Singapore 117576
Received 8 October 2001; accepted 5 March 2002

ABSTRACT: A unique and simple method of modeling a coplanar waveguide meander-line

inductor is presented. Using only the lower frequency response of electrically smaller induc-
tors, their higher frequency response is predicted. In addition, the responses of physically
larger inductors can also be made using circuit models synthesized directly from the unit cell
layout of the inductors. The modeling and prediction results for an ideal metal and lossless
substrate is presented, together with comparisons made for various lossy parameters.
© 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J RF and Microwave CAE 12: 520 –529, 2002. Published online in Wiley
InterScience ( DOI 10.1002/mmce.10052

Keywords: coplanar waveguide; meander-line inductors; circuit modeling; computer-aided design

environment; nonlinear optimization methods

I. INTRODUCTION higher frequency responses. Similarly, by using the

frequency response of the physically smaller induc-
Despite being frequently considered over the past few tors, the frequency response of the physically larger
decades, coplanar waveguides (CPWs) have not been inductors can be predicted with reasonable accu-
as widespread in microwave integrated circuit (MIC) racy.
implementations as their microstrip-line counterpart. The computational requirements of commercial
The main reason for this could be the difficulty in its electromagnetic simulators typically involve a factor
implementation in computer-aided engineering envi- of N2–N3 iterations, where N is typically the number
ronments. Similarly, simple planar reactive circuit of subsections or cells into which a circuit is divided,
components like the meander-line inductors and com- thus being proportional to both the electrical and
plimentary interdigital capacitors have been investi- physical size of the structure. Therefore, the motiva-
gated but are not widely considered, especially for tion here is the significant time saved in performing
CPW implementation. The motivation is to derive such simulations for larger structures, hence being
models for these planar passive circuit components so useful for first-cut circuit design applications.
as to allow ease in first-cut computer-aided design of All electromagnetic simulated data for the fre-
uniplanar passive structures in MICs. quency response of the CPW meander-line inductors
A method of using a simple circuit topology to used in this research were obtained using the Sonnet威
model CPW meander-line inductors is implemented em威 Simulator (Sonnet Software, Inc.). Sonnet em
in this research. With this circuit model of the mean- uses the method of moments with a fast Fourier trans-
der-line inductor, data for the lower frequency re- form algorithm to perform 3-dimensional analysis on
sponse of the inductors can be used to predict their planar multilayered dielectric structures with both an
underlying fixed grid and the surface meshed tech-
Correspondence to: K.M.-J. Ho; e-mail: nique [1].

© 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

Modeling of CPW Meander-Line Inductors 521

The modeling and optimization of circuit models

were performed with an HP 85150 microwave and RF
design system (MDS/RFDS, Agilent EEsof EDA).



The modeled CPW meander-line inductors are shown

in Figure 1. The line spacing to ground is 10 mil, the
line width is 45 mil, and the inductor line width and
line spacing are 5 mil. The figure shows 2-, 3-, 6-, and Figure 2. The synthesis of the circuit topology from the
10-turn inductors. Besides the number of turns, all physical layout of a two-turn inductor.
other physical dimensions for the inductors in this
research are kept constant. Many different configura-
tions for CPWs exist, and the case being considered in series inductance and resistance. Shunt capacitance to
this presentation is that of a grounded coplanar as ground is being included to synthesize ground capac-
described in [2], which essentially has a bottom itance to both the bottom ground plane and the side
ground plane and the potential of the two side ground ground planes. The electric and magnetic coupling
strips being electrically shorted to the bottom ground between adjacent arms of the inductors is being in-
plane. Ensuring that the side coplanar ground strips cluded, and any higher order coupling effects are
are electrically shorted to the bottom ground plane is omitted. The electric coupling is modeled with a ca-
essential to prevent the occurrence of multimode pacitor between the arms. Instead of using the mutual
propagation, which is highly undesirable because the inductance library component found in MDS/RFDS, a
bottom ground plane can provide for a ground current different approach is considered that uses the two
return for a microstrip mode that is independent of the adjacent series inductance and a parallel inductance to
coplanar mode of propagation if they are not electri- form a T-network, as shown in Figure 3(a). This
cally shorted. circuit arrangement allows for faster convergence in
The first step involves the derivation of a suitable the optimization process. The implementation of this
circuit model for the inductors. Optimization with T-network, together with the ground capacitance as
MDS/RFDS with the electromagnetic simulated data shown in Figure 3(b), will allow the shunt capacitance
is then used in obtaining suitable parameters for the to ground to act as a DC block and hence prevent the
circuit elements of the derived model. Figure 2 shows potential at the junction between the two adjacent
the synthesis of the circuit model for a two-turn in- series inductors to drop to ground potential at DC. As
ductor. Each arm is basically being modeled as a such, the circuit topology is derived, and Figure 3(c)
shows the circuit model used in the modeling of a
two-turn inductor.
Not explicitly shown in Figure 3(c) is the imple-
mentation of the frequency-dependent terms in the
series resistance, which needs to be included to model
skin effects. The lumped series inductor in Figure 3(c)
is replaced with an ideal inductor in series with a
two-port Y-parameter model, and the following Y-
parameters are used.

Y 11 ⫽ Y 22 ⫽ ⫺Y21 ⫽ ⫺Y12 ⫽ . (1)
␣0 ⫹ ␣1 冑2␲f

Note that a two-port Z-parameter would not be appli-

cable in this case, because of the definition of two-
port networks, which renders it inappropriate for
modeling a single series passive element. The ␣0 in
Figure 1. The physical layout of the modeled inductors. eq. (1) can be associated with the DC resistance of the
LS, line spacing to ground; LW, line width; IW, inductor conductor, although it is not to be directly interpreted
line width; IS, inductor line spacing. as the actual DC resistance of the conductor. Simi-
522 Ho et al.

Figure 3. A T-model for mutual inductance, (b) implementation of the T-model, and (c) the circuit
model used for modeling the two-turn inductor. L, self-inductance; M, mutual inductance.

larly, ␣1 will be of the magnitude of the conductivity derstanding of the two circuit parameters (␣0 and ␣1).
of the conductor. More discussion on the modeling of Also, the two-port Y-parameter will allow us to easily
series resistance is presented in Section IV. A series include any other frequency-dependent terms, like
connection of a ideal lumped resistor with an inductor dielectric losses, without extensively modifying the
with a Q library component in MDS/RFDS yields the whole circuit, which will be further touched upon in
same response as the implementation of eq. (1) in a Section IV.
two-port Y-parameter with an ideal lumped inductor, Using the physical repetitive nature of the mean-
but the latter method of implementation will allow the der-line inductors, the circuit models for any number
optimization process to have a better convergence of turns are easily derived using the method described
faster, in addition to providing a better intuitive un- above. With this modeling method, we can have two
Modeling of CPW Meander-Line Inductors 523

Figure 4. The magnitude (dB), phase (degrees), and Smith chart response for a two-turn inductor.

approaches to predict the frequency response. The With appropriate values used in setting the limits
first approach is to use the simulated data for the for the circuit parameters prior to performing the
lower frequency response of an inductor to predict its optimization, modeling and prediction in scale can be
higher frequency response. This means that the circuit achieved for both the physical and electrical aspects.
model is being optimized using the data of the lower This is shown for the ideal case of having a perfect
frequency response and the values of the circuit pa- electric conductor (PEC) on an ideal lossless sub-
rameters are thus derived accordingly, which is then strate, which is shown in the following section. Fur-
used with the circuit model to predict the higher ther considerations required for various lossy cases
frequency response of the inductor. This approach can are briefly touched upon next.
be considered as modeling and predicting in scale
electrically. The second approach is to use the simu-
lated data for the frequency response of inductors with III. MODELING RESPONSE AND
fewer turns (i.e., a physically similar but smaller in- PREDICTION ACCURACY
ductor) to predict the frequency response of inductors
with more turns (i.e., a physically similar but larger The ideal case of having a PEC on an ideal lossless
inductor). Besides the number of turns, all the other substrate is illustrated. Using only the simulated data
physical aspects of the inductors, like the line lengths for the frequency response from 0.3 to 2 GHz of both
and widths per arm, are kept unchanged, which means two-turn and three-turn inductors, suitable circuit pa-
that the circuit model for a physically smaller inductor rameters are obtained from the optimization of their
is being used to optimize against its frequency re- respective circuit models. As such modeling attempts
sponse to obtain suitable values for the circuit param- can easily derive nonunique circuit parameter values,
eters. The circuit parameters are then applied to the steps to ensure the validity of the values have to be
circuit models of the inductors with more turns to taken, which includes the setting of the limits to
predict their frequency response. This approach can within a reasonable range and using both two-turn and
be considered as modeling and predicting in scale three-turn inductors to obtain the parameters rather
physically. than just one inductor alone in the optimization pro-
524 Ho et al.

Figure 5. The magnitude (dB), phase (degrees), and Smith chart response for a three-turn inductor.

cess. As far as possible, the variables are made de- Using the simulated data for ideal considerations in
pendent on each other’s fluctuations, like the mutual first-cut design applications has its advantages, par-
inductance term being a fraction of the series induc- ticularly for cases when a design using such structures
tance term, the end element series inductance being a would require several design or optimization itera-
fraction of the series inductance of every arm, and so tions. Such simulated data for ideal cases would usu-
forth. This will ensure faster convergence in the op- ally be within reasonable accuracy from most non-
timization process. ideal cases and is further discussed in the following
These circuit parameters, together with their circuit section. Moreover, motivation for considering the
models, are then used to predict the frequency re- ideal case includes less computational time required
sponse till 20 GHz, shown in Figure 4 for the 2-turn with commercial electromagnetic simulators like Son-
inductor and in Figure 5 for the 3-turn inductor. net em [3]; hence, more time can be saved for first-cut
Similarly, the same values for the circuit parameters design processes in computer-aided design environ-
are used in the relevant circuit models for 6-turn and ments, in addition to less time being required for
10-turn inductors, and the predicted responses ob- computing both electrically and physically smaller
tained by the models till beyond the third resonance structures.
are shown in Figures 6 and 7, respectively, together
with the electromagnetic simulated responses. Table I
shows the values of the various circuit parameters IV. NONIDEAL CASES
obtained for this ideal case consideration. Resonance
in this context refers to the crossing of the real axis for The validity of the optimization method shown above
the input impedance with the imaginary component of will be subjected to the extent that the nonideal con-
the input impedance being at zero. siderations deviate from the ideal case. As such, the
The high accuracy obtained in Figures 4 –7 shows tan ␦ of 0.0035, finite conductivity of 5.8 ⫻ 107 S/m,
the suitability of this method as a prediction tool. and metal thickness of 1.4 mil are considered [4] for
Using the simulated data for the ideal case of a PEC typical substrate (C␧r-10 substrate, Taconic Advanced
on an ideal lossless substrate, prediction in scale elec- Dielectric Division, Taconic) values, and their elec-
trically and physically is shown to be possible. tromagnetic simulated response of the reflection co-
Modeling of CPW Meander-Line Inductors 525

Figure 6. The magnitude (dB), phase (degrees), and Smith chart response for a six-turn inductor.

Figure 7. The magnitude (dB), phase (degrees), and Smith chart response for a 10-turn inductor.
526 Ho et al.

TABLE I. Values for Circuit Parameters Obtained first-cut design process, ensuring that they do not need
for Ideal Case to run repetitive iterations if the need for different
Acryonyms inductors with different turns are involved.
in Figure In considering how different and more extreme
Components/Arm 3(c) Values Units nonideal parameters may affect the accuracy of the
Series inductance SInd 0.4200 nH circuit models, several Sonnet em simulations were
Shunt capacitance to ground GCap 0.0515 pF performed using different loss parameters; the differ-
Mutual inductance MInd 0.0042 nH ences for a three-turn inductor are shown in Figures 9
Coupling capacitance TCap 0.0299 pF and 10 for the more extreme cases of a very lossy
End element substrate with tan ␦ at 0.01 (case A), a metal of finite
Series inductance ESInd 0.1554 nH conductivity with thickness of 1.4 mil (case B), and a
Shunt capacitance to thin metal of finite conductivity with thickness at 0.5
ground EGCap 0.0102 pF
␮m (case C).
Note: The total number of iterations required before conver- As shown in Figure 9, not considering the phase
gence in MDS/RFDS gradient optimization is approximately 40. deviations around the second resonance and the lower
frequency response, the difference in the magnitudes
efficients are shown in Figure 8. Ignoring the response of the reflection coefficients between the ideal mod-
near the dip, the figure shows the close proximity of eled case and the various lossy cases is less than 10%.
the lossy cases with the ideal case to well within 2% In fact, not considering the lossy thin metal, this
for the midfrequency range and within 5% for the difference is within 5 and 10% for the lower fre-
lower frequency range. Hence, the claim of this opti- quency response. Lossy thin metal has a much higher
mization method to be well within 5% for most typ- DC resistance, and so the simple circuit model’s se-
ical MIC design applications using typical substrates ries real impedance is insufficient in this case to
can be made at this stage. This thus provides a unique model it accurately for the whole frequency span.
and useful method for circuit design engineers in their Further detailed descriptions for considering resis-

Figure 8. Reflection coefficients for a three-turn inductor with loss parameters from Taconic’s
C␧r-10 substrate.
Modeling of CPW Meander-Line Inductors 527

tances of thin metal can be found in [5] and [6] and is

not discussed in further detail here. Alternatively,
using two circuit models simultaneously, with one
having constant real series impedance for the lower
frequency considerations and the other for the square
root of the frequency dependence for the higher fre-
quency response, we can still model the inductors to
within 5% of accuracy.
Also from Figure 10, the differences in the trans-
mission coefficients are less than 7% for all cases.
Based on these differences, we found our method of
using only the simulated data of the lower frequency
response for physically smaller inductors with a PEC
on an ideal lossless substrate to be quite accurate.
Moreover, it will lead to within a 10% deviation for
most lossy considerations, which is a reasonable ac-
curacy for first-cut design applications, and results in
nearly 2–3% accuracy for typical MIC applications up
to and including X-band.
The success of modeling and predicting in scale
electrically using data from measurements or electro-
magnetic simulations with the metal having finite
conductivity and substrate losses will not be as suc-
cessful as the simulation with the PEC on an ideal
lossless substrate shown in Section III unless more
elaborate considerations are taken into account. Mod- Figure 10. Transmission coefficients for various lossy
cases for magnitudes (dB) (top) and differences in percent-
ages (bottom).

eling of the substrate losses includes either the addi-

tion of a shunt resistance to ground or alternatively
changing the series resistance of eq. (1) to

Y 11 ⫽ Y 22 ⫽ ⫺Y21 ⫽ ⫺Y12 ⫽ ,
␣0 ⫹ ␣1 冑2␲f ⫹ ␣2 f

where ␣2 can be associated with the substrate losses,

which is similar to that used in [7]. As mentioned
above, modeling of the resistance of metal with finite
conductivity is more tedious, especially for thin metal,
and it requires two separate models. Appropriate
boundaries for the variations of the circuit values are
needed prior to performing the optimization, and suit-
able values can be obtained from [8]. If required,
more elaborate expressions for the series impedance
terms can be obtained from [9]. Together all these
considerations will help enable the success of model-
ing and predicting in scale electrically, which will be
presented at a later stage.
Nevertheless, success in modeling and predicting
in scale physically has been definite, when using data
Figure 9. Reflection coefficients for various lossy cases for from measurements or electromagnetic simulations
magnitudes (dB) (top) and differences in percentages (bottom). with a metal having finite conductivity and substrate
528 Ho et al.

losses. We have successful predictions (not shown) of subject of future research. Nevertheless, by using the
physically large inductors with the circuit values ob- nonideal data for a wider frequency range to beyond
tained from the modeling of the smaller inductors the first resonance of the physically smaller inductors,
(two- and three-turn inductors) using the same circuit accurate prediction of the response for the physically
models and method as described in Section III. Al- larger inductors is also possible. This would be appli-
though it is not as ideal in CAD environments as cable for all lossy cases.
being able to predict in scale both physically and Similarly, the method of extending this modeling
electrically, prediction in scale physically will also method to inductors of different dimensions would be
enable considerable time saved in circuit optimiza- feasible and can be further considered. The possibility
tions with repetitive iterations. of extending this method of modeling and prediction
to the complementary interdigital capacitors or for
such uniplanar structures in multilayer environments
V. CONCLUSION can also be further considered.

A simple method is shown for predicting the fre- REFERENCES

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on the ideal case of a PEC on an ideal lossless sub- (CPW) in Sonnet,” Sonnet Software knowledge base,
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predict the actual response to within to 10% accuracy⫽62.
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or even better. For typical cases of MIC applications
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on substrates with typical loss parameters, this devi- April 1999, Vol. 1, pp. 237–243.
ation can be well within 3–5%. The motivation for 4. Taconic Advanced Dielectric Division, Product data
this implementation on computer-aided circuit design sheet for Taconic C␧r-10 substrate, Taconic Advanced
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putational efforts and time in obtaining the simulation 5. J.C. Rautio, An investigation of microstrip conductor
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However, if data for cases of nonideal consider- 49, No. 1, January 2001, pp. 104 –110.
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then more considerations would be required if the
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Kevin Ming-Jiang Ho obtained his B.Eng. Grant Andrew Ellis was born in Portland,
(Hon.) from the National University of Sin- OR, on December 5, 1960. He received the
gapore in 2000. Since then he has been work- B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical engineer-
ing toward his postgraduate degree. His cur- ing from Washington State University, Pull-
rent research interests include microwave man, WA, in 1983 and 1986, respectively,
and monolithic MIC design and passive de- and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineer-
vice modeling. ing from the University of Washington, Se-
attle, in 1995. From 1983 to 1985 he was a
staff engineer with the Boeing Aerospace
Modeling of CPW Meander-Line Inductors 529

Company, and from 1987 to 1998 he was with the Boeing Defense Professor Mook-Seng Leong Prof M.S. Le-
and Space Group. He was an Assistant Professor of electrical ong obtained his BSc (Eng) 1st Class Hons.
engineering with the National University of Singapore from 1998 to in 1968 and PhD (Microwave Engineering)
2001. His current research interests are in microwave circuit design in 1971, both from the University of London.
including monolithic MIC design, active antenna design, and prop- From 1971 to 1973, he worked as a postdoc-
agation analysis. Dr. Ellis is a member of Tau Beta Pi, Eta Kappa toral research fellow at Queen Mary College,
Nu, and the IEEE. London, investigating antenna problems in
collaboration with Andrew Antennas, Scot-
Ban-Leong Ooi received his B.Eng. and land, and Microwave Associates, Luton, En-
Ph.D. degrees from the National University gland. Prof. Leong joined the National University of Singapore in
of Singapore in 1992 and 1997, respectively. 1973, and is currently a professor in the Department of Electrical
He is currently an Assistant Professor of Engineering. His current research interests include electromagnetic
electrical and computer engineering at the wave scattering, finite-difference-time-domain analysis, device pa-
National University of Singapore. Dr. Ooi rameter extraction and antenna boundary-value problems. He has
served in the Singapore IEEE MTT/ been involved in consultancy work with SIA, RSAF, CAAS, and
EMC/AP as the Chapter Secretary in 2000 Agilis Communications. The areas covered include EMI/EMC,
and 2001. He was also actively involved in radar reflection and scattering, and microstrip circuit designs. Prof
organizing the 1999 Asia Pacific Microwave Conference in Singa- Leong is a member of the Electromagnetics Academy in the Insti-
pore and served as the publication chairman in the 1999 Asia tute for Systems and Components, Massachusetts Institute of Tech-
Pacific Microwave Conference in Singapore, Westin Stamford, nology, a Chartered Engineer registered with the Engineering
Singapore. His main research interests include active antennas Council, UK, and a Fellow member of the Institution of Electrical
microwave semiconductor device modeling and characterization, Engineers of London. He is also the founding Chairman of the
microwave and millimeter wave circuits, and electromagnetic nu- Microwave Theory and Techniques/Antennas and Propagation/
merical methods. He was the recipient of the URSI Young Scientist Electromagnetic Compatibility Joint-Chapter, Singapore IEEE Sec-
Award in 1993. tion.

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