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Module 3

Session 1:

1. Based on the readings, I have learned that……

2. I have realized that ……

Session 2:

If you will make a # (hashtag) post, what would be your hashtag to encapsulate your greatest
learning in this module?


Complete the following statements….

I can be a more effective teacher when….



I realized that the crucial role I play in the life of my FLO learners …
__________ ______________________________________________________________ I
can be a better teacher when….


Session 3:

1. What were your thoughts or ideas

about Inclusive Education prior to
the discussion of this lesson?

2. What new ideas did you learn after

taking up this lesson?

3. How did you apply your learning

about Inclusive Education in your own

Session 5:

You have accomplished the task with great proficiency and it is commendable. Looking back
at the discussions and activities, write your reflections on the following:

What concepts about special education had a great impact on you?

What is your professional obligation towards these learners with disabilities and giftedness?

What is your personal commitment in helping your learners with special needs?

Session 6:
After understanding the nature, salient feature and the legal bases of Alternative Learning
System, on what particular part of what you have read ignites your enthusiasm to go beyond
your limitations as a beginning teacher? Why? Support your answer.

Session 7:

1. In your Journal Notebook write a reflection on how you can be responsive to the
needs of our Filipino Muslim learners.

2. Post KWL Workshop: Working with your Group, complete the third column of the
KWL chart.

What already KNOW about What do you WANT to know What have you LEARNED in the
DepEd’s MEP? about DepEd’s MEP? Session? (to be filled up at the
end of the session)

Session 8:

1. My knowledge about Special Interest Programs under the K to 12 Program has

become more meaningful after my exchange of ideas with my peers because….

2. As a teacher, it is important to consider individual differences of learners because…

3. I realized that I play an important role as a teacher in the lives of my learners’ by…

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