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Central Philippine Adventist College Score


Fundamentals of Programming
Quiz No. 2 – July 10, 2020

First Name M.I. Last Name Section Remarks

Read the Instructions carefully

Test I: Fill in the blanks. Write your answer on the space provided for you. (10pts.)

1. Is an artificial and informal language that helps programmers develop algorithms. _PSEUDOCODE
2. Modern languages that are designed for people to understand is called._MUTUAL INTELLIGIBILITY
3. Is a collection of programs that perform a variety of tasks or functions. _COMPUTER PROGRAM
4. Is a diagrammatic representation of an algorithm with the help of symbols. _FLOWCHART
5. Is a step by step instructions written in simple language to solve a problem. _ALGORITHM
6. Is a set of commands or instructions for a computer to follow. _ PROGRAM or SOFTWARE PROGRAM.
7. a dialog box that prompts a user to enter their data. _INPUT DIALOG
8. A data type used for whole numbers. _INTEGER DATA TYPE
9. Java, C++ is an example of _PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES
10.One of the characteristic of a variable is _AGE,SEX.
11. Assembly language is type of _LOW LEVEL PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE.
12. The operation used for equal to is _ZERO.
13. It is used to show a JOptionPane dialog with a simple text message. _JAVA JOPTIONPANE.
14. It is code used to import the package swing from Java Development_JAVA SWING TUTORIAL
15. The flowchart symbol for decision is _.ACTION SYMBOL

Test II. Flowchart. (10 pts.)

Design a Flowchart for the Program Algorithm below:

1. Accept two numbers from the user
2. Compute for the Difference
( formula: Diff = num1 -num2)
3. If the sum is greater than 100 print “ More than 100”
4. Else print “ below 100”
5. end

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