Make $35 Per Hour On PayPal NO Investment PDF

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Table of Contents

Disclaimer (The Boring Legal Stuff) ..................................................... 3

Introduction ..................................................................................... 4
Step #1 – NECESSARY PREPARATIONS ............................................... 6
Step #2 – CHOOSE YOUR TOPIC ...................................................... 10
Step #3 – PRE-WRITING RESEARCH ................................................. 16
Step #4 – ON TO THE WRITING ....................................................... 25
Step #5 – SALES THREAD: Most Important Resource!......................... 29
Step #6 – THE REAL PROMOTION ..................................................... 46
Step #7 – TAKE CARE OF YOUR CUSTOMERS ..................................... 56
Conclusion ..................................................................................... 61
Disclaimer (The Boring Legal Stuff)

This e-book is provided as-is with no representations or warranties,

either express or implied, including, but not limited to, implied
warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and
noninfringement. You assume complete responsibility and risk for
use of any of the information made available in this book and any
and all related or advertised services.

Some juristictions do not allow the exclusions of implied warranties,

so the above exlusion may not apply to you.

The author of this book, its agents, representatives and employees

are neither responsible nor liable for any direct, indirect, incidental,
consequential, special, exemplary, punitive, or other damages
arising out of or relating in any way to this book and/or its content
or information contained within it.

By using the information made available in this book you agree to

take full responsibility of your actions. You also agree to use the
forementioned information according to the laws and regulations of
your juristiction.

This book, including any part of its content, must not be produced,
reproduced, copied or passed on without the prior written consent of
the author. The book ships with absolutely no Private Label Rights
or Master Reless Rights and is licensed for personal use by the
person whose name appears on the receipt.


First of all, let me say that I’m really glad you decided to buy this
exclusive report.

If you know me or have bought (or reviewed) any of my products

before then you already know that what you’re about to read isn’t
even close to the usual garbage sold at DigitalPoint :-) I’m going to
tech you how YOU can make at least $70 but possibly A LOT more
by replicating what I do!

That’s right. I won’t give you any methods that I THINK might work.
What I’ll do is I literally walk you through the complete process of
how I PERSONALLY made over $100 straight into my PayPal in
the last couple of days by having to work not more than 2.5 hours!

Cutting to the chace, I will show you how to create your own $7
reports and successfully sell them on DigitalPoint marketplace! To
prove that my strategy really works, I created one of those reports
earlier this week just for the purpose of this book, and I will give
you a backstage view on how exactly did I do it!

The beauty of it is that while most of the people think that creating
your own quality e-book takes weeks if not months and therefore
never get to actually doing it, they couldn’t be more wrong as you
can EASILY create a fantastic report in 2 hours! (Ok, ok – your very
first report will probably take as much as a whole day to create, but
once you get the hang of it – 2 hours is a very realistic goal!)
During the course of the report you will follow my footprints from
the very moment I came up with the idea up until the second I
started profiting from it. I have formed this report as a Step by
Step guide, and in order to replicate me, you need to follow each
and every step to the very detail.

The report I created for the purpose of this Case Study is called
Ultimate PayPal Domination. Till date, it has sold 16 copies,
profiting me more than $100. You can see the sales thread and
reviews of this report over there:

Without further ado, let’s get started and MAKE SOME MONEY!

To your success!

Since you will be selling your product on DigitalPoint Forums, the

very first thing you need to do is open yourself a DigitalPoint
account. Chances are that you’ve already done this so I won’t walk
you through this process.

But just having the account isn’t enough – there are a few more
things you need to take care of.

Firstly, in order to be able to post in the Buy/Sell/Trade (or BST)

section of DigitalPoint, your account needs to be at least 14 days
old and you need to have made at least 25 posts.

If your account is less than 14 days old then the only thing (other
than asking a freind to post your infoproduct for you ☺) you can do
is wait a little. The cure to get your postcount higher, is much
simpler though. Simply browse around the forums and comment a
little – getting 25 quality posts made shouldn’t be a problem for
anybody and won’t take more than 45 minutes of your time.

Insider’s Tip: Click on the „New Posts“ link under „Quick Links“ to
immediately get a list of the latest posts made on the forum. It’s
always a lot easier to reply to brand new posts, compared to the
ones that tens of people have already replied to.
Once you’re done with your 25 posts and have been a member of
DigitalPoint for at least 14 days, you are basically done.

The are just a few more things you may want to consider regarding
your DigitalPoint account:

• You should definitely look into doing some quality posting.

When buying your products, your post count and iTrader score
(discussed below) matter a lot and I have noticed that my
sales increased RAPIDLY once I crossed the 100 posts mark
and have kept increasing further, together with my post count.

• It’s GREAT to have a positive iTrader score before listing your

first product up for sale. iTrader (image below) is a numeric
score displayed next to your DP username, and simply put – it
tells your prospective buyers how trustworthy you are.
Unfortunately, there’s no easy way to improve your iTrader
score – other than buying and selling products and services as
you will receive a positive iTrader only after an actual sale or
Now that your DigitalPoint account is all honky dory, it’s time to
close DP down for a while and consider on other areas of
preparation. Don’t worry – there’s nothing too complicated that
needs to be done, but in order to make your product creation and
sales as smooth as possible, there are a couple of things you need
to focus on.

Prepare Your Product Creation Tools

When talking about product creation tools I mean tools needed to

get your e-book written and published – simply put, you need a
Word Processor and a PDF Converter.

Chances are that you already have either Microsoft Word or an

alternative word processing program (such as OpenOffice) installed
on your computer – and either of those will do you just fine so I
won’t go into detail here.

But one thing you NEVER want to do is distribute your e-book in a

.DOC file format – firstly, because it makes you look extremely
unprofessional, and secondly because a Microsoft Word document is
editable by each and every one of your buyers, making it very easy
for them to delete all references to you from the product and start
reselling it!

Luckily, creating PDF files is incredibly easy.

You can either opt in for a free computer program that let’s you do
it on your own computer (one of such programs is CutePDF –, or alternatively you can use an online
The one that I like the most is called Doc2PDF Online. You can
find it at and it’s extremely
simple (and free) to use:

You simply need to type

the above web address
into your browser’s
address bar and fill in the
three blanks as shown on
the left:

In Step 1 you need to hit

the „Browse“ button and
select the Microsoft Word
file of your product.

In Step 2 you have to

name the final version of
your product (this isn’t
very important though as
you can rename it later)

.. and in Step 3 the only

thing you need to do is
enter your e-mail

Now hit the Convert to

PDF button and your
product is in your
Now that you know how to prepare your product, you have one
more quick step of preparation to take care of – you need to take
care of getting paid.

Set Up a Payment Solution

While there are many different ways of organizing payments for

information products, I have completely fallen in love with one of
them and it’s called E-Junkie.

While the vast majority of people selling information products on

DigitalPoint simply ask the buyers to manually send the money to
their PayPal accounts – mark my words when I say that this is the
stupidest possible thing for you to do!

And that’s for several reasons:

1. I am assuming that you won’t be in front of your computer for

24 hours a day – and this means that all the customers who
want to order your product while your asleep will have to wait
for hours to be able to do so. This is a MAJOR turnoff and
will kill A LOT of potential sales – simply because most people
hate having to wait!

2. One of the golden truths of Internet Marketing is the „3 Click

Rule“ – simply put, your customer MUST BE ABLE TO
50% of them will not purchase. This really is true (I know from
my own experience) and asking customers to make an extra
effort (log in to PayPal, enter your e-mail address and the
amount) is one of the unwisest things you can do!
3. If you ask your customers send you money straight from their
PayPal account then odds are (ESPECIALLY when selling your
products at DigitalPoint) that you will encounter more than one
scammer who sends you the money as if it was for „Goods“
and files a dispute against you after you will have sent them
your product. This is a widely known scam and there is almost
no way for you to win those disputes!

While a free an seemingly easy solution against the above is to

simply generate PayPal’s „Buy Now“ button and make it redirect to a
webpage where the customer can download your product – this,
too, has its major downsides:

1. Firstly, you need to have a website and you need to set up the
download page. Even though many of us can do it in a matter
of minutes, our main goal is to make the production and setup
phase of our product as quick and easy as possible, so that
we can move on to creating a new product and maximizing our
profits as soon as we can.

2. More importantly, download pages that are not properly

configured (and setting up a proper one takes far more time
than we want to spend!) are extremely unsecure and I think
I’m speaking for all product creators out there when I say that
having our money making products leaked to torrent networks
and download sites is one of the worst things that can happen.

Luckily, there’s a service called E-Junkie that helps us solve all of

the above problems. I have been using E-Junkie for all my sales
(including sales of this very report you're reading right now) for
around 1 year and it’s absolutely fantastic.
What E-Junkie does is actually pretty simple – it manages your
product delivery (generates a unique download link for each one of
your customers – and deletes the link as soon as it expires) and
relays your payments.

NOTE: You will still get paid directly to your PayPal account.
As opposed to online market places (such as ClickBank and
some others) that pay you monthly – eJunkie does NOT
handle your money.

In addition, E-Junkie can also manage affiliate programs for your

products and do some other pretty neat stuff but we’ll skip this for
now as we have a product to launch! :-)

The downside to E-Junkie is that the service costs $5 per month –

BUT – luckily they offer a 14+30-day free trial (you don’t even
need to enter your credit card details or any other sensitive
information), which means that you can use the service for 1.5
months for free, after which you can either simply sign up with a
new e-mail address (which obviously isn’t a very nice thing to do ☺)
or pay up the $5 because by this time, your products have made
you WAY more than $5.

Getting started with E-Junkie is pretty easy:

What you’ll need to do is open up, click

on the „Register“ button on the top bit of the website, enter your e-
mail address and choose a password (yep, that’s all the info they
need) and you’re done!

Inside’s Tip: If you Google around a little, you will come across
many E-Junkie promo codes that give you a free 180-day account ☺

Now that all the necessary preparations have been made, it’s time
to get our hands dirty, so to say.

Before we can start with creating our first product, we need to do

what many consider to be the most complicated part of product
creation (but they’re all wrong!) and choose the topic we’re going to
write about.

Since it’s DigitalPoint we’re going to sell our product through, it’s
pretty obvious that we need to write about Internet Marketing or
something that connects to it. But we need to be more specific.

What you’re going to do is open up the Buy/Sell/Trade > eBooks

section of DigitalPoint forums and look at other products that are
being sold there.

But you’re going to be far more clever than to just surf around,
hoping to find e-book topics that MIGHT sell – you’re going to find
the topics that YOU KNOW WILL SELL!

DigitalPoint forums have a nice little feature called Thread Sorting.

This allows you to line up the sales threads not based on the
creation time of the threads (the default option), but based on some
very important factors, such as the number of views each thread
has had and the number of replies that have been posted!
In order to do that, open up the eBook sales section of the forum
and then scroll to the very bottom of the page, until you see
something that looks like this:

Make the same selections that I have on the above image and hit
the „Show Threads“ button, after which you’ll notice a significant
change in the order of the sales threads.

If you haven’t figured it out by now – you’re doing all that to find
out which products have been the most popular over time. Since
it’s impossible to find out how many copies of each product have
been sold, you have to rely on indirect factors such as the one
mentioned above (number of views), as well as the number of
replies in the thread. Even though this information may be
misleading (a sales thread can become very popular for different
reasons – such as the product being very controversial or even
stolen!), chances are that if 5 of the top 40 products are on the
same topic then that’s your winner!

Another important thing to note here is that I’ve only selected the
filter to show me threads that have been posted during the last 45
days. There’s a very good reason for doing it and it’s pretty simple –
things that were popular 2 years ago are likely to be not popular at
all today!
A fine example here is Craigslist related products. Even as little as 6
months ago, Craigslist methods sold like hot sandwiches – but try
selling one today and a few sales is all you will get – and even this
only if you’re lucky! (Believe me – I’ve tried ☺)

I generally tend to choose 45 days as my time frame because 1

month is too little time (odds are that a topic that was hot a month
ago is still hot today) but 2 months already seems a little too long –
but go with your gut instinct here!

Now that you’ve sorted the threads based on the number of views,
you need to open the top ones (top 20 or 30 to get the best
overview) in separate tabs, have a quick glance at all of them and
close down the ones that seem to be obviously popular because of
other factors than good sales (such as two people constantly
arguing in the thread, the owner of the thread being banned etc.)

Having done this, you should be left with around 10 threads – take
a VERY GOOD LOOK at those 10 threads and most importantly,
make a note of the topic those e-books are about.

Before making your final decision, repeat the whole process from
the beginning, but now sort the threads based on the number of
replies, not the number of views – once you have 10 winning
threads open from this search as well, it’s time to make your
decision by choosing the exact topic you’re going to write about.

But I must say one thing before we continue – even though you
don’t need to be very experienced in the field you’re going to write
about (keep reading ☺), it helps you a lot if you at least know the
basics of the topic that you choose.


You’re almost half way through the product creation process!

Seriously, while it may seem to you that the hardest part is ahead,
it’s actually not. By now you have all the tools necessary to make a
killing DP product launch and most importantly, you have chosen
your topic, which means that you have a VISION. From here on, it
can only get easier :-)

Before we can dive into writing the actual report, we need to

complete one final preparation step and do our research to find out
what we will write about!

While it may seem as a pretty daunting task, in reality is as easy as

taking a candy from a child!

On the few following pages, I’m going to give you four methods to
gather every little piece of information you need to put together
your very own product.

Your main goal in this stage is to end up with a „draft document“

that has A LOT of bullet points on the topic you’re going to write
about – and you’re going to get those bullet points by reading what
other people have written about this topic!

In order not to come out as a thief and get your products quickly
labeled as ’rehash’ – I strongly suggest you to use at least 4-6 other
e-books / articles for your initial research. Though it may seem that
reading a whole e-book takes hours, it doesn’t actually take longer
than 10 or 20 minutes (once again, the first ones may take longer
than that but once you get the hang of it you’ll be able to do it on
the speed of light!) so going through 6 e-books shouldn’t be an
issue at all.

But the main question is where to get those e-books without

going broke, right?

And that’s where I come in handy, bringing you four ways for
getting it done!

Method 1 – DigitalPoint Review Copies

Let me start off by saying that this method is by far not the easiest
one (it’s actually pretty time consuming to find quality products that
are on the same topic as yours and need a review – and also you
need to be at least somewhat established forum member to do it)
but it’s definitely the best (legal) free option of getting commercial
products for free.

The method itself is rather simple. If you’ve been around looking

around at DigitalPoint marketplace then you have definitely noticed
that almost each and every product sold over there has what they
call Review Copies up on offer.

Simply put, it means that every person who is about to market their
product on DigitalPoint will first offer a few (usually anywhere
between 1 and 3) copies of their product for free, in exchange for a
review in their sales thread. And this is exactly where you will join
the picture.

What you’ll need to do is keep an eye on the eBooks section of DP,

and take notice as soon as someone posts a new product which is
on the topic that you’re interested in writing about.
Right after they do it, you send them a Personal Message, asking
them if they would let you review your book.

But don’t jump right on it because there are still a couple of things
you have to know and take into consideration. First and foremost,
eBook authors usually recieve A LOT of review requests so you
have to do everything you can to distinguish yourself from all the
other potential reviewers. Luckily, there’s quite a few ways of
getting this done and I’m going to briefly discuss the best of them.

Be fast!

This is the very first thing you have to always bear in mind. The
vast majority of publishers tend to send their review copies out to
the people who act FASTEST, not to the ones who they like the
most. And it’s pretty reasonable because the faster you get your
reviews done, the sooner you make your first sale. Use this to your
advantage and have a look at the eBooks section VERY often –
being the first one to act as soon as a product that you like is

Take the time to write a personalized message!

This is another very important thing you should do. Keep in mind
that most of the reviewers are exactly what I just called them –
reviewers. They’re not serious marketers but instead just people
who spend their time reviewing other people’s products, never
putting the information to any use.

The main characteristic of those people is their superficiality – since

they review a lot of products constantly, they can’t be bothered with
writing a personalized messages to each author but instead send a
one-sentence Private Message, saying something in lines of „review
copy plz“. As an author, I completely despise such people and would
rather give the review copy of my product to a guy with 25 posts
and 0 iTraders, taking the time to write me a nice message, than to
a 1,000 posts / 200 iTrader review-whore, wasting my time with
„review copy plz“-type messages in my PM box or even worse – on
my sales thread!

Tell the author why YOU should review their product!

Another crucial thing to do is letting the author know why exactly

are YOU the best person to review their book. Don’t worry though –
nobody wants to read a novel or see your CV – but a sentence or
two will take you very far. Consider something like this:

Hey Bryan,

I noticed your new product on Christmas Widgets and would love to

provide a review for it.

Having been in the Christmas Widget industry myself for years so I’m
pretty sure I have the right mindset to appreciate the information your
product provides and give it an accurate review.

I have a couple of hours of free time right now so if you’re up for it – I

can get on to reading your report instantly and leave you a detailed reply
very soon.

John Smith

Note that in addition to providing a REASON why I should be the

one reviewing the product, I also made it look urgent („I have a
couple of hours of free time right now“) – in hopes of getting the
author to send me my review copy even before they see any other
requests come in!
Offer the author something in return!

You should definitely consider this as it’s a weapon that is rarely

used, yet very powerful.

What if you had five review requests – four of those from people
who simply promise to provide you with a good and accurate review
– and fifth from someone who will provide you with a review and as
an appreciation, send you one of his own products for free! It’s
pretty much a no-brainer in my opinion :)

Given that you already have a product or two launched, you should
definitely give this technique a try. After all, it doesn’t cost you
anything! And even if you don’t have any products yet, you can ask
the author whether he/she would be interested in reviewing your
product once it comes out in a few days! The last bit is even more
powerful than it initially seems – given that you will leave the author
a positive review about his product, you can almost definitely expect
a positive review from him in return! (Of course you have to first
make sure that you don’t „borrow“ too much detailed information
from this particular author’s book ☺)

Insider’s Tip: Always, always, always exchange iTraders after

doing a review for somebody or getting a review from somebody.
This is a VERY lucrative way to get your iTrader count up FAST
without investing a penny!

Method 2 – Free eBook Directories

This method is the easiest to get started with, but by far the hardest
to determine whether the information you’re going to get is high-
quality or not (unless you know a lot about the topic yourself, that
It is, however, very powerful and finding free information is
becoming easier and easier every day – considering the amount of
people who use free eBooks to either gain traffic to their website or
to promote their affiliate links.

What you need to do to get started is open up what’s called a „Free

eBook directory“.

There are a lot of directories to choose from, but from my own

experience I strongly suggest you to stick with the top ones. Here’s
a few for you that will get you started easily:





Simply open up any (or all) of the above directories, enter a word
describing your topic (such as „Adsense“ or „Craigslist“ or
„Youtube“) into the search box and you will get free access to a
huge list of reports published on your topic.

After this, all you have to do is take a quick glance on the top 20 or
30 reports, quickly determining which ones are worth giving further
attention and which ones aren’t (note: if an eBook was published 3
years ago then odds are that the information it contains is
EXTREMELY oversaturated), pick the top 5 or 6 and write down your
bullet points. As easy as A-B-C! :-)
Method 3 – Purchasing other eBooks

While not free, opting for this method will definitely save you a lot of
time (and therefore greatly improve your hourly rate) – but only if
you do it the right way!

If you go ahead and buy every product you can find then the only
thing you will achieve is going bankrupt. Period. These days, there
is so much rubbish sold on the Internet that before spenging a
penny of your money, you need to make sure that the product is
actually worth it!

Luckily, if you stick with DigitalPoint, there’s quite a few ways to

eliminate the vast majority of products that provide no or little
value. Here’s my personal checklist that I go through each and
every time I buy a DigitalPoint product:

Has the seller sold anything before? (Check the threads)

How does the seller’s iTrader score look like? (*IMPORTANT*

When checking iTrader, always click on the iTrader score to see
detailed information. The seller may have a score of +150 but if
there are many negative iTraders left to him then I don’t want to
have anything to do with him!

Are the reviews provided in the thread positive and what’s the
reputation of the reviewers?

Are there any other posts in the sales thread, indicating that
somebody else has bought the product? (If there have been people
buying the product and you can’t find any negative comments in the
thread then this is a strong indication that the product can’t be

How many pages does the eBook contain? (While this isn’t an
important factor to determine the quality of the product, it becomes
extremely important when using the product for research purposes.
This is simply because the more information the product contains,
the more chances you have to get your bullet points done. A 10-
page product can provide information that is of extremely high
quality, but if you can’t use this information to benefit your own
product creation then to you, it’s essentially worthless.)

Once I’ve gone through the checklist, I will make my final decision
whether I should purchase the product or not.

And keep in mind – if you do purchase a product from another

DigitalPoint member then always send them a Private Message
afterwards, proposing to exchange iTrader. On DigitalPoint, iTrader
is an extremely valuable asset and you should use each and every
opportunity to get your iTrader score up.

Method 4 – Utilizing Google’s Blog Search

Nowadays, there is heaps of very valuable information published via

several blogs – and this makes blogs an extremely useful resource
for your product research.

The problem, however, is finding the blogs – simply because there

are millions of them around the net.

But luckily there’s a great resource out there that (for some very
bizarre reason) many people don’t know about:
It’s Google’s Blog Search.

In order to use it, you have to open

in your web browser and you’re done!

Obviously, you can use Google’s main search when doing your
research – but having used both a lot, I’m telling you from my very
own experience that it’s so much easier to find quality articles and
information using the blog search.

Fortunatelty or unfortunately – there are not many tips to share

with regarding the usage of Google’s Blog Search – you simply type
one (or many) of your keywords into the search box, hit the „Search
Blogs“ button and you’ll be presented with millions of blogs,
containing the content that you’re looking for.

The one and only tip I give you here is to pay great attention to the
„Related Blogs“ bit:

Often enough, it gives you exactly what you’re looking for, i.e. blogs
where ALL articles are on your topic, not just the one displayed in
the search results.

But we’ve had quite enough of preparations so get your bullet points
written down and let’s move on to ............

And finally ... it’s time to pick up the pen (well, erm, the Keyboard I
mean) and put together our very first infoproduct!

Though you may have expected this part to be the longest and the
most detailed one, it’s actually quite the opposite! And that’s
because – (drumroll please) – WRITING THE REPORT IS THE

Seriously, it’s easy! It’s damn easy!

By now, you should have quite a few bullet points written down, and
odds are that by reading the research material, you have also
gathered a whole bunch of ideas on what and how to write.

Now – all you need to do is put the bullet points into logical order,
make them the chapter names of your report, and write anything
you recall from your research material as the content of the

But there is one very important thing you have to keep in mind all
the time when writing the actual report:

You need to remember that your report is going to be SHORT and

TO THE POINT – people are paying $7 for it so they don’t expect
to get a 100-page e-book. Quite frankly, they don’t even expect to
get any unique information so by delivering them this, you have
already won!

Talking about the actual lenght of your book - depending on how

quickly you write and how good is the information you provide,
somewhere between 8 and 15 pages works fanstastically well. Keep
in mind that you want to spend the maximum of 1 hour of your
time on writing the report.

BUT – page count does matter, simply because this is the very first
thing reviewers tend to mention in their reviews. For this very
reason, I’m going to give you a few nice tips on how to increase the
page count of your report without having to spend any extra

Use Screenshots

This is perhaps the very best element to boost the page count of
your book. And the best part of it is that screenshots also make
your book more friendly and easier to follow!

And in case you didn’t know – taking (and inserting) screenshots is

EASY AS HELL! If you want to insert a screenshot of a whole window
(such as your browser window) into your report that you’re
preparing using Microsoft Word then all you need to do is open up
the window, hold the ALT key and press the PrtScr (Print Screen)
button on your keyboard at the same time, then return to Microsoft
Word and press the CTRL key and „V“ at the same time – and voila!
– the screenshot is in your book!

Alternatively, you can do a quick Google search on a „Free

Screenshot Tool“ and you’ll come up with plenty of free products
that make taking screenshots a party.

Insider’s Tip: Windows Paint is an extremely powerful little tool to

help you out with modifying your screenshots – and you can copy-
paste from Paint straight to MS Word without even saving the image
on your hard drive first!
Get your font right

This is one of the biggest mistake beginners in the field of product

creation tend to make.

The vast majority of them uses the default font (and the default font
size) of Microsoft Word, which is a failure in two different ways:

First of all, using a font size of 11 or 12 packs your text pretty much
together, making your e-book look short. Instead, try going with
either 13 or even 13.5 (don’t go higher though!) and you’ll notice
that the number of pages increases instantly!

Secondly, contrary to what some believe – it is far easier to read

text that is larger (13 is once again a very good size!) The main
reason why most Microsoft Word documents use font sizes of 10 to
12 is that the vast majority of documents ends up being printed out.
But since you’re writing an E-book, odds are that it will be read only
on the computer screen, which means that it’s your job to make it
easy to read on the screen and not easy to read while printed

By the way – this very report uses a font size of 13 – is it annoying?

Use decent line spacing

This is yet another extremely simple thing that not many people
who are in the product creation business know.

Apart from playing around with the font size, Microsoft Word lets
you play around with what they call Line Spacing.

Line Spacing is the amount of empty space left between every two
lines – and note that I’m not talking about Paragraph Spacing,
which is an entirely different thing. I’m talking about the space that
is between each line.

The optimal line spacing for eBooks, in on my opinion 1.5 pixels.

Microsoft Word’s default being 1 pixel, this will bump the lenght of
your book up quite a bit!

In order to configure the line spacing, you need to first select all of
the text in your report (press CTRL + A), then click on the line
spacing icon on your Ribbon and select 1.5 from the drowdown list:

And similarly to a larger font size, a line spacing of 1.5 actually

makes your book easier to read – it’s what some authors call
„letting the text breath“.

And this is it for this section!

Insider’s Tip: Now, this is probably equal to committing a suicide

but here’s the deal: if you have any trouble with the actual writing
process then hit me an email at and I’ll help
you out! (I simply didn’t feel comfortable not putting this in here ☺)
Step #5 – SALES THREAD: Most Important Resource!

As the title of this step suggests – the Sales Thread is by far the
MOST IMPORTANT part of your product – and I’m not joking when I
say that!

Of course it matters a lot what you write about, what feedback your
product gets, so on and so forth but what matters the most is
getting somebody to buy your product in the first place – and your
sales thread is the very reason people decide to buy or not to buy!
This is why I have put a lot of emphasis on teaching to how to write
a GREAT sales thread – and this is also where the Case Study part
(remember the PayPal Domination product?) comes into the picture.

But before we start putting together your sales thread itself, there is
one more extremely important thing we need to talk about – and
this is the HEADLINE of your sales thread.

Similarly to the sales thread being the most important aspect of

your product, the headline is the most important aspect of your
sales thread – and I say it with the utmost confidence.

Headline is the king. Some people say that the headline can either
kill your sales completely or boost them through the roof – and
they’re absolutely, 100% correct! In order to start creating
awesome headlines, I strongly suggest you to do a lot of reading on
the subject. There are even blogs out there dedicated solely to
headline creation, but some resources that I’ve found to be the
most useful are:

>> - A wonderful resource for every

>> - Talks about a lot more than copywriting;
very useful tips

>> - An old but very useful

article on headlines

But I’ve promised to guide you to your first sale quickly so I can’t
possibly expect you to go through those resources right now.
Instead, I’ll give you a way of making a killer headline much faster.

Without further fluff, here’s what I need you to do:

Go back to Step 2 of this report (this is where you did the research
to find the topic to write about) and do the exact same things you
did back then (sort the sales threads by both the view count and by
the reply count). But this time around, don’t open the threads but
instead open a Notepad window right next to your browser window
and copy-paste the titles of those popular threads there!
Once you have done it, go through the list (it should be anywhere
between 10 and 30 titles) and identify the common elements of the
successful headlines.

When talking about common elements, there are two main

categories I have in mind. Common elements can be any piece of
text the headlines include, such as:

• Make $x,xxx
• Exclusive
• Money Back Guarantee
• PayPal
• Instantly

But they can also be the general idea of the headline, for example:

• A headline that asks a question (“Do you want to make $20

per day?”
• A headline that provides a quick fix for a problem (“Here’s how
to earn $20 per day!”
• A headline that calls to an action (“Click here NOW and start
making $20 per day!”
• You get the point ...

Once you have done this, your job then is to evaluate the elements
that you have written down and see which ones apply to your
eBook. For instance, my test product was about PayPal Limitation
and how to deal with it – so obviously, I can’t use anything even
remotely close to “Make $20 a day”. What I can do, however, is use
the general idea (“Here’s how to earn $20 per day NOW”) and
modify it so that it would fit my product (“Here’s how to get rid of
PayPal Limitation NOW”). Get it? :)
By the way – the final headline of the sales thread of my PayPal
product was:

“[EXCLUSIVE] Ultimate PayPal Domination - Getting Limited is


This headline was carefully evaluated based on both my previous

experience and some research similar to what I’ve described above
– and it worked wonders!

By using the tactics discussed above, you should be able to come up

with the PERFECT headline in no time so let’s move on to writing the
actual sales thread.

I have sold a lot of products on DigitalPoint and other marketplaces,

failed a lot and succeeded a lot, but by now, I am confident that I
know almost exactly what works and what doesn’t.

The first and the most important concept I need you to understand
is that a sales page (or a sales thread) is NOT an article.

For a sales page to work, it has to be VERY CAREFULLY planned –

each and every bit of my sales threads serves a distinct purpose of
its own. To give you the best idea on how to write your sales thread
and do it exactly like I do, I invite you to give me a visit in the
backstage of the preparation of my PayPal Domination product.

What we’re going to do is cut the sales thread of this product

(which you can find at, by the
way) into tiny pieces and examine each and every piece on its own.
We have already discussed the importance of the three bits shown

• Your post count

• Your iTrader score
• The headline

So I won’t repeat myself here. I just wanted to start from the very
beginning so that you would have the whole picture :)

This is the first paragraph of my sales thread. It may or may not

come as a surprise to you that this paragraph actually serves three
different purposes:

Firstly, I establish myself as an authority and imply that I can be

trusted (by listing the products that I’ve successfully sold on
DigitalPoint before, it’s obvious that I’m not just a one-time gold
digger, trying to sell a stolen product and getting banned shortly

Secondly, I imply that my previous products have actually helped

people make money – while they indeed have, the important part
here is to relay the correct mindset. And the beauty of it is that you
can use the exact same techniques as soon as you’re out with your
second or third product! (two days ☺).
And thirdly, while this may not seem obvious at all, this sales page
actually did a darn great job promoting my three previous
products! All of the three products that I linked to sold exceptionally
well – but since it had been a while since I listed the products, the
sales had almost died.

BUT – as soon as I posted the PayPal product, I got two sales for
“Killer Blackhat Secrets” and three sales for my “Unlimited Craigslist
PVAs” within 4 hours!

But let’s move on:

This paragraph, similarly to the first one, serves quite a few

purposes – some of which can, at first, be hard to distinct but they
play a major psychological role (by the way – I did my bachelor’s
degree in psychology ☺).

Working from the beginning toward the end, here are the elements
of this paragraph:

• “Extremely Powerful” implies that the techniques are desirable

and provide extreme results. Nobody wants to read a dull book
or get methods that MAY produce results.
• “I’ve used for a while” delivers the message that I’m not
selling something that I’ve recently found on the Internet, but
instead I’m sharing my own knowledge.
• “To manage the funds I have online” implies that I have
money in my PayPal account and reassures the fact that I
shall be taken as an authority figure in this business.
• “How easy it is to get your PayPal account limited”, along with
the bolded and caplitalised “It can happen to anyone” project
the (correct) image that you need this information even if
everything is OK at the moment.
• “and the access to your money blocked for either 180 days or
FOREVER” injects FEAR (which happens to be one of the most
effective marketing “clicks” ☺) – making people with money in
their PayPal accounts AFRAID that they might lose it if they
don’t do anything about it!

And here I am, providing the long-awaited solution to your problem!

Once again, a very well known (and very powerful) marketing tactic.
In short, the longer paragraph above successfully made our
prospects realize that they are in fact facing a problem. Once this
has been done, it’s our job to tell them that they’re in luck and we
are the ones who are able to solve their problem!

This short sentence has it’s own purpose, too. By telling the above
to our prospect, we imply that buy coughing out $7 and getting the
report – they will literally join the club of “highly successful
marketers” – who wouldn’t want to possess information that only
the successful people have so far had? ☺

Furthermore, using the word “SECRET” is an extremely important

element here. Just think about it – EVERYBODY WANTS TO HEAR
While not as important as the top two paragraphs, this one plays a
major role as well.

By saying that this is my very first $7 report (which, by the way, is

true) and that all my other products have sold at $47 or more I
effectively achieve two things:

• I make the $7 seem like a total pocket change, because

compared to $47 – it really is!
• I assure that the information that the report provides is far
more valuable than $7 – avoiding customers who would
otherwise not buy the report simply because they think they
can’t get anything of value for only 7 bucks (and there’s a lot
of people who think just that!)

Furthermore, the “click my threads that I linked above” thread is of

huge importance here because firstly – I provide an actual proof to
my claim (ANY kind of proof is a good thing!!), I also get more
clicks to the sales threads of my other products ;)

This is an EXTREMELY IMPORTANT sentence!

What this sentence does is it challenges the prospects. I’m telling

the prospect that if he can’t afford to pay the $7 and get the report
then he’s lower than low, and that I don’t even want to sell it to
This is an extremely powerful psychological trigger – simply put,
NOBODY wants to feel poor or low (well, there are some but let’s
call this force majeure ☺) and for some bizarre reason, people
respond extremely well to challenges. I feel that an example is
appropriate here:

Let’s say that I were to tell you that I could drink a pint of beer in
40 seconds and try to imply that this is impressive in some way.
You respond me saying that it’s nothing and any kid could drink a
pint in 40 seconds. I proceed by telling you:

“Haha, you’re full of shit. I bet that you could NEVER drink a pint
even in less than a minute!”

And what happens next? Yep, you’ll drink the pint (and perhaps
even buy it for your own money) simply to show me that you were
right and that I was off by trying to undervalue you!

See the similarities? ;)

This is simply a reassurance of the fact that the information that the
report provides is FAR more valuable than the $7 that it costs.

Even though it had already been said before, it was very important
to reconfirm it – simply because the above challenge (“if you can’t
afford $7 then you have more serious problems to deal with than
this report can help you solve”) might have somewhat reduced the
preserved value for a second.
I chose to discuss the sub-heading and the bullet points separately
from each other – this is because the red sub-heading itself is an
element on its own.

Because the sub-heading is red, bold and written in a relatively

larger font than the rest of the text, it is sure to attract attention –
and this is its purpose.

Simply put, not all people have enough time to go through the
whole page full of text, which is why we want to attract those
people straight to the list of benefits the product provides them.

This short sentence implies two things:

• The report costs only $7 – which is a benefit on its own!

• The report contains step by step information – an UTMOST
powerful trigger as people tend to ADORE step by step

But let’s move on to the bullet points, each of which, one again,
serves a purpose of its own:

The goal of this bullet point is to attract the attention to those who
we successfully made believe that they fear a true chance of their
PayPal account(s) getting limited in the future. By saying “NEVER”
in bold and caps, we once again project the image that our report is
the FULL SOLUTION and that it’s all they need – EVER!
Since people who already have their account(s) limited may now
believe that we only talk about precautions on how to avoid
limitation, we need to tell them that the report is actually relevant
to them as well – and by spending the lousy $7, they will get their
account UN-limited!

This one has to be further chopped into two parts:

„A 100% fool-proof way“

Since many potential buyers are concerned that the methods

they’re going to buy won’t work for one reason or another, this bit
of the sentence reassures them that this method is actually fool-
proof and working.

„of getting your ’dirty funds’ out quickly“

By this, we again address a different demographic. Since there are

people, among the prospective buyers, who already have some
money distributed among various PayPal accounts, we need to
provide them a solution to quickly get their funds out and buy that
car they’ve been wanting! ☺

Yet another catch for a distinct demographic – mainly people who

sell infoproducts. Since I’ve done my research (and, well, because
I’m in the information product business myself) I knew pretty well
that disputes and chargebacks are a major problem in this line of
work. Another thing I knew was that many sellers are almost never
able to win PayPal disputes. Since my research showed me some
tricky ways on how to win disputes and almost never have to refund
anything (unless the refund is justified, of course), I needed to
address this part separately.

Notice that in the second part of this sentence I’m giving an

example by saying that my charback rate was reduced from 13% to
0.7% - giving live examples is another powerful tactic – as one of
the things your prospective buyers want the most is to know (and
see) that what they’re about to buy has worked for others!

Simply because I have done my quick research (spent about an

hour on it), I knew that there’s a lot of reports telling people to send
money from their fake accounts to the real ones. I found some
controversial information about this (and my Google search showed
that many people have gotten their accounts blocked this way),
which is why I decided to directly say that this is NOT the
information they will get.

Chances are that people who are after books about PayPal limitation
have already read a few free reports – and they may assume that
this $7 report won’t provide any better information – which is why
we need to confirm them that it indeed does – and by eliminating
what the prospects think that the book may contain, we
effectively bump the preserved value of the book through the roof!
This is another tactic that is powerful as hell – in sales psychology,
it’s called the ’scarcity trigger’.

It’s a known fact that most buyers DO NOT make the purchase
when they see the ad (in our case, the sales thread) the first time.
And to us, this is very bad news, simply because chances of them
stumbling on the thread again in the future, are slim at best.

This is why we need to play on their emotions and do all in our

power to make them make the purchase NOW – without leaving the

By selling only a limited number of copies (and by telling it out

loud), we imply that the next time they return to the thread – they
might be left out! Now, if the prospective buyer truly feels that the
report will help him solve him problems, he WILL NOT TAKE THE
RISK and will place the order immediately.

Notice that I have placed the ORDER NOW link right next to this
sentence, taking the further step of making it extremely easy to
place the order!

A bonus tip worth mentioning here is the „(click here)“ bit. I have
tested with this A LOT and my experience has shown me that
adding „click here“ next to your links has a MAJOR impact on your
click-through rate! Once again, it all happens deep down in the
subconsciousness – people need to be TOLD what we expect them
to do!
We’re coming to the end of the sales page but there are still a few
important bits left.

The paragraph above further eliminates any possible doubts our

prospects might have, by presenting them with the following facts:

• The guide is newbie-friendly (an INCREDIBLE amount of

people on DigitalPoint fair buying infoproducts simply because
they think that the information is too advanced for them)
• Even if it’s not newbie friendly enough, it’s still for them! A
super selling trick that I use where-ever I can. Not only does it
eliminate ANY fear the information being too advanced, it
creates a personal connection between the buyer and the
seller and it assures them that I am an actual person, willing
to deal with them – not just being after their money and then
disappearing. But mark my words – if you do make similar
promises then KEEP THEM! Or otherwise you’re no better
than the scammers ripping off other people’s products and
reselling them without the copyright ownership.

Now we’re really coming toward the end and it’s time to, once
again, call our readers to action and present them with the
download (order) link.

Notice the wording, though. There are only 5 words in this sentence
bot four of them serve a MAJOR purpose.
Let me explain:

• CLICK HERE – Discussed above. People need a call for


• INSTANT – People who are after infoproducts (especially on

DigitalPoint where many products are sold with a delay) need
to know that they will get access to the product INSTANTLY,
without having to wait.

• DOWNLOAD – This simply reassures the fact that they will get
their hands on the product without a delay. The word
„Download“ is known to everybody and is a psychological
trigger on its own!

Notice how I don’t mention the words „Buy“, „Purchase“, „Order“ or

„Pay“ here – those words (apart from „Order“ which is justified in
some cases) are what I like to call the ’bad words’.

By telling our prospects to „download now“ – all they have in mind

is the report and the fact that they can download it. But by telling
them „purchase now“ they will immediately start thinking about
the money and may not click on the link!

Not only is this bit my own benefit (as I told you above, maximizing
your iTrader score is one of the most important things you can do
on DigitalPoint!), but it’s also a hidden benefit. How? Simple!
Chances are that quite a few prospects are new members who are
desperately looking for ways to increase their iTrader. By telling
them that this purchase will give them exactly that – we once again
bump up the chances of them making the puchase!

I am going to tell you more about review copies in the next chapter,
so let’s skip this bit for now.

And the signature.

Not important? Wrong! ☺

Even though I would like to think that my cheesy „To your success!“
line helps my sales every now and then, this isn’t what I want to tell
you about.

Instead, I want to tell you about the usage of your real name. Let
me be blunt – if you want to fail miserably, then go ahead and use
your screenname of habbababba473. But if you want to succeed
and come off as an authority who customers trust and are willing
to buy from, then do yourself a HUGE favour and present yourself
by your real name!

Now that you’ve learn what to do, I also want to tell you about one
thing what NOT to do.

DO NOT use the ridiculous price lowering method (first five copies
go for $7, next 5 for $17, others for $27 etc.)

The reason for this is simple – while the first 5 buyers may indeed
be happy, all the further ones will be PISSED OFF at you and you’ll
lose sales! I hear you saying: „But what if I don’t update the
nuymber and sell all the 30-40 copies at $7?“ Well, in this case I
don’t buy your product because I see that the thread has been up
for 2 days already but you either haven’t even made 5 sales or
you’re a liar! Just – DON’T DO IT! Comprende? ☺

That’s it! Following the above walkthrough, it should be easy

enough for you to put together your own sales page that utilizes the
same psychological triggers that mine did, but works for your own

For your reference, here’s my sales page with all the bits glued up:

Now THIS is where the real fun begins! :-)

If you thought that simply listing the sales thread is getting your
product enough visibility to make serious money then you were
completely wrong!

Check out this:

Notice how my product is among the TOP 3 on the page based on
the view count?

Is it because of the headline? Party ...

Is it because I’m a premium member? Partly ...

But mostly – it’s because unlike the most sellers (who, quite frankl,
have no idea what they’re doing), I’m actually promoting my
product outside the sales section! (and I’m not talking about any
kind of spamming, thank you very much.)

The main promotion method I use (and I suggest you to use) is

signature links. You may think that I’m stating the obvious, but in
fact there are SO many people out there using their signature links
to promote their products – and yet they are doing it ALL WRONG!

There are two important aspects to signature link promotion.

Firstly, you need to make your signature link ATTRACTIVE. In

order to do this, scroll back up to where we discussed the headlines
and use the very same tactics! Further to this, ALWAYS, and I say
ALWAYS, use the „Click here!“ tactic that I told you when talking
about the sales thread. It’s amazing how much the click-through
rate increases based on this, seriously!

Another great thing to do with your signature links is to FORMAT

THEM RIGHT. I tend to make all my signature links red and bold –
and I’ve noticed that this seems to work the best. But you’re always
free to experiment with different colours and different layouts – hell,
even use some weird characters ( such as ~~~~~~ ) to draw
attention to your link!
Apart from wording and designing your signature link, it’s also very
important to pay attention to how exactly do you present the link.

The key to correct presentation can be put into one sentence:

„Make QUALITY posts in the RIGHT sections!“

Ever noticed how on one day I make 50 posts altogether, 40 of

which are in the Payment Processing section and on the following
day I make 50 posts once again but 40 of them are in the Affiliate
Networks section? Do my interests change that quickly? Hardly. I
simply post in whichever section the people that my products should
appeal to hang out in!

Luckily, there’s a lot of different sections on DigitalPoint so you can

almost always find the correct one for your audience.

If your product is about Adsense, post in the Adsense section.

If your product is about CPA, post in the Affiliate Marketing and

General Business sections.

If your product is about traffic, post in the Google and Link Building

And so on ...

Another thing to always keep in mind that the QUALITY of your

posts determines the amount of people who click on your link. And
this is what MOST people tend to forget.

DO NOT, and I repeat, DO NOT make lousy posts thinking that

people will click on your link – furthermore, thinking that they would
actually buy your product. If you make a nonsense post (or even
worse, ask a question on the topic you have just written about!)
then nobody is going to buy from you, and I mean it!

Pay HUGE attention on the quality of your posts, try to make

yourself USEFUL to others and I can guarantee you that you’ll get a
huge number of clicks and an incredible amount of sales.

To give you some further motivation, take a quick look at this:

Needless to say, Killer Blackhat Secrets is my product.

If you can’t see the above picture clearly then let me elaborate:

While Killer Blackhat Secrets has 306 views, the second-best

thread on the page has 115 views and the average is around 60!


Another fun thing you can do with signature links (which I very
often do nowadays) is to buy other people’s signature links.

But before you jump into posting your „[WTB] Signature Link“ thead
in the Link Sales section, giving away your hard-earned cash,
there’s a couple of pointers I have for you. And these pointers often
enough determine whether your link buy will be successful or not.

1. ALWAYS do your research about the member before

buying their link.

A good and quick way of doing it is opening the member’s profile,

then clicking on the „Statistics“ tab, navigating to the „Find all posts
by [member]“ bit and taking a look at their posts to determine
whether they tend to make quality posts or not.
2. ALWAYS buy a link with a guaranteed number of new

This is another major mistake many link buyers to. Even though the
seller may have thousands of old posts on their name, chances are
that those threads and posts are long buried in the deep pages of
the forum, meaning that nobody will actually notice the signature.

In order to fight with this, you need to arrange that the member
you’re about to buy your link from is going to make an X number of
new quality posts with your signature attached to them.

But since you also need to check whether they keep their promise
or not (HINT: Most DO NOT!), take a look at the next hint.

3. ALWAYS pay them afterwards.

Yep, that’s right. Whether you buy the signature link for 48 hours or
for a week, pay them after the period. Given that you have at
least some sort of reputation on DigitalPoint, many will happily
accept your terms.

But keep in mind – tell them specifically that you’re going to check
their post count when arranging the deal, and do it again when the
deal is over. Also make sure that they know that they will not get
paid in case the post criteria isn’t met or in case the majority of
their posts have been useless one-sentence rubbish.

Then, after the period is over, DO CHECK their new post count and
only pay them when the difference between their new and old post
count matches the criteria you have set.
4. NEVER overpay for the signature link

Once you start dealing with buying links, you’ll notice plenty of
people throwing all kinds of justifications toward you why you
should pay them more than the others. Here’s a surprise: they’re all
full of shit!

There is no reason why you should overpay for your signature links,
especially because it is INCREDIBLY EASY to find people willing to
sell their signatures on DigitalPoint.

I generally tend to buy links for 48 hours / 25 new posts and I pay
maximum $3 for such a job! Furthermore, at this rate I even get to
choose who I want to buy the link for! The amount of PMs I get
daily from willing link sellers is simply outrageous!

5. ALWAYS ask them to post in your sections

Remember how I told you to post in a section related to your

product? Well, this applies to the people you’re buying your links
from, too.

While you can’t make it a rule to them (this would already be an

overkill), always ask them nicely to pay attention to the section
you’re interested in and chances are that they’ll do just that!

This is something I always do and I’ve had some major success with
it. Asking nicely for a favour is sometimes really very beneficial ☺

6. Get people from different time zones

As the last hint, it’s always good to aim for people from different
parts of the world – simply because this way one guy will cover the
new threads of the forum while the other one is sleeping! ;)
That’s it about signature links.

Before moving on to the final section of this step – the review copies
– I want to quickly let you in on a little secret that you might want
to start using when you’ve already made some money with your
initial products.

It’s Pay Per Click (PPC) ads – think Google Adwords.

I think I’m currently the only moron promoting DigitalPoint threads

on Google Adwords – but I’m also a moron who makes heaps of
money because of this ;)

It’s really no different than promoting anything else via Adwords,

but for some bizarre reason most people are incapable of thinking
outside the box and automatically assume that they have to have a
proper website, a sales page and whatnot in order to drive traffic
from Adwords. Newsflash: it’s bullshit!

Simply point you Adwords ad to your DigitalPoint thread, and on the

Display URL write - so what that it
displays „forums“ – most people who click on ads have no idea what
DigitalPoint is and they simply stumble upon your sales text and if
you’re lucky – you’ll make quite a few sales!

Here’s a tip, though – since you’re indeed promoting a forum

thread, and not a standard sales page, your conversion rate will be
lower than usual so I suggest you to limit yourself strictly to paying
maximum $0.15 per click!

That’s it about this. The guide is mainly about getting started for
FREE so let’s continue and talk about the last topic of this step – the
review copies!
On DigitalPoint, you need to be extremely careful and selective
with who you’ll have reviewing your products.

This is mainly because you NEED to have great reviews in order for
your sales to succeed (many people pay more attention to your
reviews than to your sales text!), but also because fraud is VERY
common on DigitalPoint and many reviewers simply go ahead and
either proceed straight to selling your product as if it was theirs or
even worse – start sending messages to people who have expressed
interest toward your product, offering them the product for a
discounted price!

Unfortunately, there’s not many things you can do here (other than
having people you already know review your products) but there’s
still a few precautions to be taken:

1. Pay attention to the location of the reviewer

Ok, don’t get me wrong here. In no way am I racist and I’ve done
some very successful business with plenty of Indians, who I
completely trust and know that they are good people. But the
statistics speak for themselves – based on my experience, people
based in India, Pakistan and other South-Asian countries are far
more likely to do not-so-nice things with your products – just telling
you to count this fact, nothing else. Once again, don’t slap me in the
face for this – as I said, I know some Indians and Pakistanis who
are GREAT but telling you this I’m simply relying on my past
experience on getting my products leaked, pirated and resold.

2. Pay attention to the past reviews

If a person sends you a message, asking for a review copy, then

odds are that they’ve reviewed a product or two before.
Similarly to as I previously described how to research your signature
partners, do a little research on them and find out how their past
reviews have looked like.

If 9 reviews out of 10 they have posted have been entirely postive,

then you’ve got yourself a winner! Call me an unethical cheater, but
having a good review far outweighst having an utterly honest review
– so if I have to make the choice whether I get a review from a
person who always writes positive stuff or from one that tends to
stay „sceptical“, it should be pretty much a no-brainer which one I

Of course you should do your best for the positive reviews being
justified – but let’s say that by arranging to get reviews from
positive-minded people you will simply benefit to your chances of
succeeding a little bit ☺

3. Get reviews from HIGHLY reputable members

Note that this one DOES NOT outweight the first two points. But as
long as you’re not afraid of scamming and you’ve made sure that
the reviewer tends to leave positive reviews, it’s always great to get
reviews from people with a lot of posts and a very high iTrader
count. With most of my products, I even set a minimum of 500
posts / 20+ iTrader!

This is simply because the more posts/iTrader the reviewer has, the
more believable and trustworthy their review seems – it’s as simple
as that!

But enough about reviews and promotions – let’s move on to the

very last bit of this report!

Honestly speaking, the title of this step is a little bit off.

Instead of „Take Care of Your Customers“, it should be something

like: „Take Fantastic Perfect Unmatchable Awesome
Bottomless Care of Your Customers“.

And I’m pretty serious when saying that because in this business,
customer relations matter more than ANYTHING ELSE.

Remember – you’re not selling bread – you’re selling information

and contrary to what many product creators (well, they call
themselves that – I tend to call them Harcore Failure Case-Studies)
believe, the sale process does not end with the money
deposited into your PayPal account!

When doing business on DigitalPoint, your reputation is of the

utmost importance and one bad stain on it has the capability of
ruining your sales!

Get this – each and every product I sell is more successful than the
previous one! (with a few exceptions but those have been failures
on my part.) This should be a clear example of how important your
reputation and keeping good relations with your customers exactly

But there’s way more than the above to taking great care of your
customers and going far beyond the usual with your customer
service. Here’s just a few pointers that I want to share with you:
iTrader and other Reputation Benefits

Making your customers happy after the purchase has some direct
benefits to your reputation. Not only can you exchange iTrader with
your buyers (important already discussed above several times), but
some of them choose to voluntarily leave positive comments about
your products (just look at some of my sales threads and you’ll see
what I’m talking about!!) in the thread, and some of them are even
willing to go as far as to add you a reputation point for the sales
post of your product!

This should never be underestimated as reputation really IS

everything on DigitalPoint.

Follow-Up Sales

But getting on to direct benefits – nowadays I make as much money

from repeat sales (selling to customers who have bought from me
before) as I make from new leads. And this is MAJOR!

Simply put, it means that if I come up with a new product then I

can already count on a certain number of proven sales – without
even posting my thread!

This clearly shows the benefit of keeping your customers happy at

all times, and complying even with their strangest requests!

By the way – if you oped to use E-Junkie as I suggested you earlier,

you’ll find that it has a really nice feature that lets you e-mail all of
your previous customers at one go! You can even set filters to only
email customers who have bought a specific product or 2 of yours!

I’m using this feature A LOT and it’s truly awesome!

Getting Valuable Contacts

A concept you need to understand is that your customers are not

just suckers who have decided to pay $7 for your product because
they’re not smart enough to gather the information themselves.

Many of them are actually VERY decent people – and some are even
already highly successful in the Internet Marketing field and making
far more money than you and I do.

For this very reason, providing exceptional customer support can

end up in finding a serious gold mine – and it has for me!

I’m currently involved in three profitable Joint Venture products, all

of which are together with people who I know ONLY because they
have bought one of my books at one point or another!

They have made the purchase, had a question or two, hit me up via
MSN or e-mail and from there on we have gotten to know each
other – and now those ventures are making us both the money that
we couldn’t have made without getting to know each other!

As a matter of fact, this very eBook you’re reading is a Joint Venture

as well ;)

So, understanding the power of fantastic support, how exactly

should you do it? It’s actually not even clsoe to the rocket science.
Here’s what I tend to always do:
Quick and Easy Email Support

When it comes to e-mails, I have a very simple personal rule (and

it’s written on a piece of paper, glued to my bathroom mirror!)

„Each and Every Email Gets Answered Within 2 Days!“

And I pride myself by never breaking this rule! Even when I’m on a
holiday or if it’s the weekend – I still take my time to at least reply
to the customer on my Blackberry, telling them when will I be able
to look into their issue and have a longer chat with them.

NOTHING will put your customers off more than leaving their emails
unanswered for days!

By the way – starting out, your target should be rather 8 hours than
2 days! When I started in this business, I answered all my e-mails
almost instantly – the maximum waiting time was between 4 and 8
hours, i.e. the time I was asleep!

Nowadays, I’ve unfortunately had to bump it up to 2 days, simply

because I’m getting literally hundreds of emails (ok, ok – some of it
is spam so let’s say tens, not hundreds) every day and if I were to
answer all of them immediately then this report would’ve been
released not today but on the 6th December 2032! ☺

But seriously, answer your customers’ emails as quickly as you

can and you’ve already done a lot to win them over to your side!

Insider’s Tip: When getting an e-mail from your customer, take

the time to add a quick question about what they thought about
your product in general and how they think you could improve. They
may tell you a lot of things you’ve never even though about!
AIM/MSN/ICQ/Skype Contact

Instant Messaging is something that I have a love/hate relationship

with, so to say ☺

I love it because it makes communication extremely easy and allows

me to develop personal relations with my customers.

I hate it because I now have over 200 contacts on MSN alone and in
order to get ANY work done, I had to set up a rule that every day I
take at least 4-6 hours during which I completely ignore my MSN.
And this pisses some of my customers off, which is completely
against all my principles.

But in any case, the positive sides of allowing your customers to

contact you via Instant Messaging outfit the negative sides by far.

In my opinion, being able to communicate to them directly is a

fantastic opportunity, because not only do your chances of
developing some successful ventures, or even finding friends,
increase – but very often the questions and problems your
customers have get resolved by far faster than they would if you
were to send e-mails back and forth!

Aside of this, offering Instant Messaging support is something that

only very few are doing and it certainly helps your sales if you
mention it on your sales threads!

Insider’s Tip: Always categorise your customers into groups so

that you would know which product(s) they have bought! Most IM
programs have features for this and believe me – it will come in
VERY handy once you have as many customers as I currently do!

I hope, from the bottom of my heart, that you’ve enjoyed this

report, that you’ve had fun reading it, that you had loads of those
„a-ha!“ moments and most importantly, that you’ll make a KILLING
by putting the information into practice.

I want to see you emailing me in 6 months, telling me the titles of

the 25 infoproducts you’ve released by then and saying how
wonderful your sales number have been! And I’m confident that this
will happen if you’ve followed my lead! (Well, I’m not sure about the
part of you e-mailing me but on the wonderful sales numbers I have
no doubt.)

But before jumping ahead of ourselves, it’s now time you make your
first $100!

Dive in there, take action, make your first sale (by the way – the
first sales produces almost as good of a feeling as the first kiss – it’s
truly awesome and will keep you going for a long time!) and you’ll
have your own little Internet Marketing Publishing empire ready and
profitable in no time!

And remember – I’m here to help you so whenever you have a

question, shoot me an e-mail or hit me up on MSN and let’s discuss!

To your success!
Now go and make that CASH! :-)

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