Quesionnaire - I Dept

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General Information (Will Not be Published)

Contact No.
Organization / Department / Firm / Company Irrigation Department
Appointment / Designation / Rank
Years of Service

Q.No Question Nil Partially Almost
1 2 3 4
1. Have you finalized emergency preparedness
2. Have you prepared hazard specific contingency
plan and allocate resources for preparedness and
emergency response activities?
3. Do you compile an inventory of heavy machinery
and vehicles that can be used in disasters?
(and a list of suppliers/transporters of
clay/sandbags, bamboos, stones, and
construction material).
4. Do you update and share it with DDMA on six
monthly basis?
5. Have you taken any steps to prevent cutting trees
from both sides of canals and its distributaries?
6. Do you coordinate with forest department for
canal and distributaries site plantation to promote
soil conservation?
7. Have you installed water flow gauge meters,
repair modules and monitor water flow on regular
basis? Share information with farmer
organizations and DDMA?
8. Have you drawn up detailed information of
indigenous canal breach filler?
9. Have you developed joint monitoring system of
water flow and embankment repairs with farmer

1. Do you designate a representative to the DEOC?
2. Do you conduct damage assessment of irrigation
channels, embankments etc and develop
rehabilitation plans?
3. Do you monitor canal water flow?
4. Do you inform DDMA and farmers through
irrigation department’s network and local media
channels etc?
5. Do you assist in evacuation process of marooned
people by providing boats?
6. Do you deploy irrigation staff teams on
embankments in flood season?
7. Have you taken measure to fill canal/distributaries
8. Do you coordinate with farmers organization on
management and maintenance of the water
courses, distributaries and embankments?
9. Have you documented lessons learnt from
response experiences and share it with DDMA
and provincial irrigation department?
10. Have you incorporated lessons learnt in future

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