Pyramids Built by Ancient To Stabilize Telluric Energies Around The Earth 49 Minutes To 53 Minutes

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PYRAMID CODE Carmen Boulten interviewd by Geoff Brady inothernews20150126 mp3

PYRAMID CODE Carmen Boulten interviewd by Geoff Brady inothernews20150126 mp3

PYRAMID CODE Carmen Boulten inothernews20150126

PYRAMID COMPLEX IN SIBERIA & Microwave Oven WIFI Banned in Russia 12 minutes to 20 minutes

Pyramids built by ancient to stabilize Telluric Energies around the Earth 49 minutes to 53 minutes

GIZA Pyramid are aligned to Star System ORION 32 minutes to 35 minutes

BRILLIANT Pyramid & Galactic connection 32 minutes to 35 minutes

SUN was exactly aligned with Galactic Centre at Sunset GIZA on 21 Dec 2012

Microwave Oven Banned in Russia – 12 minutes to 20 minutes

Russia chose to Ban WIFI – WIFI Causes radiation poisoning

Russian live healthy life, eat Organic Food, GMO is banned in Russia

Microwave Oven Banned in Russia – 12 minutes

Behind Iron Curtain Russia was at cutting edge in Research & Science.

They understood the dangers of Microwave Radiation

Microwave block human connection with TELLURIC Currents along LEYLINES that are running along the

Russia Bans Anonymous Public Wi-Fi

WiFi networks emitted "harmful" electro-magnetic radiation.

Using WIFI & Bluetooth on Plane is taking X-Ray every Nine Minutes

America is Demonising Russia, author was impressed with Russia, Russian people are calm, multilingual,
contended, author consider Russian society as artistic vibration of Intellect

AMERICA is Electromagnetic Prison

Russia built a Pyramid to store Vegetables before being transported to cities.

Pyramid energises the food.

Russia is building complex of Nine Pyramid right in Centre of Siberia along Leylines

(Ley lines are alleged alignments of ancient sites or holy places).

Siberia is no more about GULAG Exiles

Pyramid material consists of crushed Quartz Polymers.

Layout Plan of Pyramid Complex viz Circle a Canal, Circle around Centre Pyramid,

Four Pyramids at N S E W outside Circle.

Another Circle around Four Pyramids.

Another Four Pyramids at N S E W outside Circle.

So Nine Pyramids in all.

In the land around Pyramid they have 12 facilities for 12 different Domains viz Transportation, Health,
Education, Communication, Technology, Education, Horticulture, Orphanage, etc.

Pyramid Complex at Siberia is highly sophisticated, bringing idead of Energy, new paradigm of Energy, &
True Health based on prevention better than American Model.

Pyramid enhances Psychic Powers & Consciousness

GIZA Pyramid has one stone 200 tonnes, pyramid builder utilized Anti Gravity

Ancient Pyramid were refined, we are heavily densified and presently at the bottom of Dark ages.

Bosnian Pyramid 38000 years old

Bosnian Pyramid 38000 years old

ATLANTIS was all over the world, they could predict Asteroid Catasthrope

Atlantis had sense of Preservation

Pyramid sites around the world talk about ancestors and knowledge they had.

Pyramids built by descendants of Atlantians to stabilize Telluric Energies around the Earth.

GIZA Pyramid are aligned to Star System ORION - 32 minutes

SUN & Sirius are Binary System

BRILLIANT Pyramid & Galactic connection

SUN was exactly aligned with Galactic Centre at Sunset GIZA on 21 Dec 2012

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