Workflow For Petrophysical Studies Aberdeen PDF

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The proposed workflow can be used in the interpretation of petrophysical studies.

The main steps are:

1) Data preparation.
2) Calculation and interpretation of petrophysical parameters.
3) Calculation of errors and uncertainties in petrophysical parameters.
4) Reporting.

1- Data preparation:

Consists in the documentation of all data available throng a data base. The data base should
included: Log Header data, well surveys, special core analysis data, cutting description, Gas
chromatography data, geological tops, formation pressure data, etc.
As a part of that step pre-calculation must be done (TVDSS, Temperature and pressure gradient).

2- Calculation and interpretation of petrophysical parameters:

A- Fluid contacts must be determined by apparent formation resistivity (Rwa), calculated

water saturation (Sw) or formation pressure data.
B- Clay volume is mainly determine by more than one method (SP method, gamma-ray and
neutron-density cross-plot).
C- Porosity calculation, the choice of methods vary by well, the main methods are density log
calibrated to compaction core porosity, density-neutron porosity and sonic porosity.
D- Water saturation calculation, it is possible adopt different approaches as Archie, Indonesia
or Waxman-Smits, it depends on reservoir mineralogy.
E- Permeability calculation often is difficult to predict, particularly in carbonates due to there
are not a linear relationship between porosity and permeability. Hence, if core data are not
available, alternative computer methods could be used such as neural nets, cluster
analysis and fuzzy logic.
F- The cut-offs should be examined and fixed to observe the sensitivity of the resulting Net
Reservoir and Net-Pay.
3- Calculation of errors and uncertainties in petrophysical parameters:

The uncertainties estimation should be made in the input parameters and final interpreted
petrophysical parameters. This can help to plan effective data gathering due to it can be used to
identify source of uncertainty.

4- Reporting:
Report should be supported by figures, tables, histograms, cross-plots and reservoir

Workflow for petrophysical studies

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