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Contact number | Email address

University / College Country, City
Degree / Masters Year-Year
 Current / relevant modules: e.g. Corporate Finance, Mergers & Acquisitions, Advance Accounting,
International Finance, Economics of Growth, Financial Securities Analysis
 Predicted / Achieves grade: e.g. 4.0 GPA / 2:1 Honors Degree
High School / College Country, City
Type of qualification /A-levels/ BAC/….: Year-Year
 Mathematics (A*), Economics (A), Chemistry (A), Further Mathematics (A in AS)
Company Name
Country, City
Position Type
Month /Year
 Task & Responsibility
 Activities done and the result of such activities
 Task & Responsibility
 Activities done and the result of such activities
 Task & Responsibility
 Activities done and the result of such activities
 Skills gained (OPTIONAL) as a result of this experience and highlight major personal and
professional achievements

Example : Citi Group Bank

UK, London
Example Investment Banking Summer Analyst in EMEA Oil & Gas Group
Jun-Sep 2019
 Supported a team of 3 on a follow-up meeting with a leading European energy supplier
- Aggregating a list of comparable for a fairness opinion report and analyzing valuation metrics,
potential industry outlook and evaluating current assets and proposed new acquisition targets
 Worked on marketing materials for 3 sell side M&A deals from different deal teams
- Research data and creating charts and graphs for multiple confidential information memorandums
- Worked towards very tight client deadlines and managed multiple projects from different teams
simultaneously with very little supervision and trusted to take lead on drafting teasers for clients
 Supported a team of 4 on a follow-up meeting concerning a proposed acquisition new mega acquisition
- Preparation of discussion materials, research and analysis of industry dynamics, performed
leveragability analysis based on vessels under debt security
 Worked independently on a daily preparation of news run updating CEEMEA team on potential M&A
activity within the region and suggesting potential action points


 IT skills: Microsoft Office, Advance Excel, FactSet, Bloomberg,
 Languages: English & French Bilingual
 Personal Accomplishment: Visited 66 countries in 7 continents and managed to try every street food available
 On-Going Charity: Provides support to local charities which focuses on young disabilities
 Teamwork: Vice President of the Economics Society - responsible for organizing IBD Panels
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