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Potassium: 4 Foods That Beat Bananas…Easily!

Hi (Subscriber Name),

Did you know that 98% of people in the world are deficient in potassium, and that this deficiency
can radically increase your risk of cellulite build up, osteoporosis, blood pressure problems,
arthritis, and even depression!
Possibly worse, if you ask 98% of Americans how to eat more potassium they will give you the
WRONG answer: Eat more bananas.
The fact is that there are 4 surprising foods WAY higher in potassium and WAY lower in sugar
than bananas...
And you'll discover them all and more in today's new article...

The 4 Surprising Foods That Reverse Your Painful Potassium Deficiency (NOT bananas)

Knowledge Is Power…Because Your Life Matters!

4 Surprising Sources of Potassium That Are

WAY Better Than Bananas

There are so many reasons you need to make sure you consume an adequate amount of
potassium-rich foods daily. Potassium is an essential nutrient used to maintain fluid and electrolyte
balance in the body. It’s also the third most abundant mineral in the body and a required mineral
for the function of several organs, including the heart, kidneys, brain and muscular tissues.
Potassium also plays an important role in keeping the body hydrated and works with sodium to
support cellular function with your body’s sodium-potassium pump.

Symptoms of low potassium — aka hypokalaemia — are highly undesirable and can include severe
headaches, dehydration, heart palpitations and swelling of glands and tissues. Potassium from
natural food sources, like the list of potassium-rich foods below, is considered to very safe and
very healthy. The current recommended dietary intake for male and female adults is 4,700
milligrams of potassium per day.

If that sounds like a lot, it’s because it is, and many people have trouble getting as much
potassium as they should on a daily basis. Using the potassium-rich foods we'll cover here, you
can learn what kinds of food you need to eat regularly to meet your requirements and avoid a
deficiency. As both an alkaline mineral and an electrolyte, you really don’t want to miss the mark
when it comes to your potassium intake.
Top 4 SANE Super Potassium Foods 
What foods are rich in potassium? There are a lot of foods that contain some potassium... but
there are only a few key super-potassium foods that will help optimize your health and energy,
while lowering your Set point Weight. Be very careful with other "high potassium" food lists you
find online as many contain inSANE foods which happen to contain potassium. Just like putting a
vitamin pill in a Pepsi doesn't make the Pepsi good for you, if an inSANE food contains some
potassium, it's still inSANE and will not get you to your goals.

SANE Super Potassium Selections:

1. Avocado
2. Acorn Squash
3. Spinach
4. Salmon

1) Avocado: 1 whole: 1,067 milligrams (30 per cent DV)

Avocado is definitely one of my favourite potassium-rich foods. A 2013 study published in the
Nutrition Journal revealed epidemiological data from 2001 to 2008 that describes the effects and
benefits of avocado consumption on metabolic disease risk factors. Overall, researchers found that
people who ate avocados tended to have healthier diets overall, as well as an increased nutrient
intake and a decreased likelihood of developing metabolic syndrome.

2) Acorn Squash: 1 cup: 896 milligrams (26 per cent DV)

Acorn squash is a vegetable source of potassium that really should be more popular than it is
because it also contains high levels of antioxidants. Most impressively are the carotenoids
contained in just one serving of acorn squash. This type of antioxidant is well-known for helping
prevent and fight various types of cancer, including skin, breast, lung and prostate cancer.

3) Spinach: 1 cup cooked: 839 milligrams (24 per cent DV)

There’s a reason why spinach was the cartoon character Popeye’s power food of choice. Not only
is spinach a potassium-rich food, but scientific research has shown that spinach contains plant
chloroplast glycoglycerolipids, which are believed to act as cancer-fighting agents.

4) Salmon: ½ filet: 772 milligrams (22 per cent DV)

In addition to potassium as well as other vitamins, minerals and protein, salmon is loaded with
health-promoting omega-3 fatty acids. The benefits of these essential fatty acids include
decreasing the risk of heart disease and stroke while also helping reduce symptoms of depression,
high blood pressure, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, joint pain and chronic skin ailments
like eczema.

Benefits of SANE Super Potassium Foods

1. Boost Heart Health

One thing a healthy heart definitely does is beat as it should. I’m talking about your heart rhythm,
and potassium plays a direct role in making sure that rhythm is healthy and as it should be. If
you’re having trouble with your heart rhythm, a potassium deficiency could easily play a role.

2. Decrease Cramps
One of the main benefits of consuming high-potassium foods is decreased muscle cramping and
improved muscle strength. Muscle weakness, muscle aches and muscle cramps are common side
effects of low potassium levels. This can happen if an athlete becomes dehydrated and doesn’t
consume enough potassium-rich foods before and after exercise.  Potassium is also helpful for
cramps related to premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

3. Reduce Risk of Stroke

Several observational studies have found that those with high potassium levels experience a lower
risk of stroke. The risk of ischemic stroke in particular is lower in high potassium consumers. The
positive relationship between increased potassium intake and decreased stroke risk is believed to
be from dietary sources rather than supplements, which do not appear to provide the same
positive effect.

4. Alleviate High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)

According to a recently updated Harvard Medical School publication, “the average American diet
delivers too much sodium and too little potassium,” this is highly counterproductive when it comes
to discouraging high blood pressure. Studies show that a diet high in potassium, especially
potassium from fruits and vegetables, lowers blood pressure. This is especially true if the increase
in potassium foods is not accompanied by an increase in high-sodium foods. One group that
shouldn’t aim too high with potassium intake is people with kidney problems.

5. Lower Cellulite Appearance

One of the main causative factors of cellulite build up is fluid retention. Most people consume far
too much sodium and not near enough potassium. Sodium brings nutrients into your cells where
potassium helps flush excess waste out of your cells. For this reason, if you reduce sodium intake
and start consuming potassium-rich foods, you may reduce the appearance of cellulite.

6. Osteoporosis Protection

Research has found a direct relationship between increased bone density and increased intake of
dietary potassium. Citrate and bicarbonate are two potassium salts that are naturally found in
potassium-rich fruit and vegetables, and a recent study reveals that these potassium salts can
actually improve the health of your bones and ward off osteoporosis.

This 2015 study out of the University of Surrey published in the journal Osteoporosis International
found that a high consumption of potassium salts significantly decreases the urinary excretion of
both acid and calcium. Why is this significant? Because the potassium salts actually help the bones
not to reabsorb acid and also to maintain vital mineral content. So by consuming potassium-rich
fruits and vegetables, you can actually help preserve your bones and prevent serious bone-related
health issues like osteoporosis.

7. Proper Food Processing and Growth

Your body actually requires potassium in order to process and utilize the carbohydrates you
consume. As a child or an adult, you also require potassium to build protein and muscle. If you’re
younger in age and your body is still growing, then potassium helps ensure that your growth
continues at a normal, healthy rate.

Dangers of Low Potassium

Your body continuously performs a balancing act between two electrolytes: potassium and
sodium. When sodium levels go up, potassium levels go down, and when sodium levels go down,
potassium levels go up. It’s important not to overdo it on dietary sodium while it’s also crucial to
keep your potassium intake up.

A deficiency in potassium can lead to:

  - Fatigue
  - Constipation
  - Irritability
  - Muscle cramps
  - Weight gain
  - Blood pressure problems
  - Heart palpitations
  - Cellulite build up
  - Nausea
  - Arthritis
  - Abdominal cramping, bloating
  - Abnormal psychological behaviour, including depression, confusion or hallucinations

How Much Potassium You Should Be Taking In

According to the Food and Nutrition Centre of the Institute of Medicine, the recommended daily
intake of potassium is:

  - Infants 0–12 months: 400–700 milligrams/day

  - Children 1–8 years: 3,000–3,800 milligrams/day
  - Teens 9–18 years: 4,500–4,700 milligrams/day
  - Adults age 19 and older, men and women: 4,700 milligrams/day
  - Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding: 5,100 milligrams/day
  - Athletes who work out for more than an hour most days may need even more potassium, and
intakes vary based on muscle mass, activity levels, etc.

Final Thoughts on Potassium-Rich Foods

There’s no doubt that potassium is an absolutely essential part of a healthy diet. Not only is it an
essential mineral, but it’s also an electrolyte. With this double identity comes a plethora of
potassium benefits when you consume enough on a regular basis. The opposite is also true — if
you don’t get enough potassium in your diet regularly, then you open yourself up to a lot of
unwanted potassium deficiency symptoms, including renal issues and more.

Hopefully, these key SANE potassium-rich foods will help you to see that bananas aren’t your only
option (or even a set point weight lowering SANE option) when it comes to getting your daily dose
of potassium. There are actually many green vegetables and even fish, that rank even higher than
bananas when it comes to their content of this vital mineral. There are so many delicious
potassium-rich foods that can be eaten alone or in healthy recipes, which makes it easy not to fall
short in the potassium department.

If you have any questions about how to get more potassium into your diet specifically, I'm happy
to help :-) Please text me at me 1-646-606-2738 or email me at 

Hope to hear from you soon!

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